import {Fragment, useCallback, useMemo} from 'react'; import styled from '@emotion/styled'; import SelectControl from 'sentry/components/forms/controls/selectControl'; import {Tooltip} from 'sentry/components/tooltip'; import {t} from 'sentry/locale'; import type { MetricAggregation, MetricsExtractionCondition, MetricsExtractionRule, MRI, } from 'sentry/types/metrics'; import type {Project} from 'sentry/types/project'; import {isCounterMetric} from 'sentry/utils/metrics'; import {aggregationToMetricType} from 'sentry/utils/metrics/extractionRules'; import {MRIToField, parseField} from 'sentry/utils/metrics/mri'; import useOrganization from 'sentry/utils/useOrganization'; import {useMetricsExtractionRules} from 'sentry/views/settings/projectMetrics/utils/useMetricsExtractionRules'; interface Props { field: string; onChange: (value: string, meta: Record) => void; project: Project; } function findMriForAggregate( condition: MetricsExtractionCondition | undefined, aggregate: MetricAggregation ) { const requestedType = aggregationToMetricType[aggregate]; return condition?.mris.find(mri => mri.startsWith(requestedType)); } function SpanMetricField({field, project, onChange}: Props) { const organization = useOrganization(); const {data: extractionRules, isLoading} = useMetricsExtractionRules({ orgId: organization.slug, projectId:, }); const parsedField = useMemo(() => parseField(field), [field]); const selectedAggregate = // Internally we use `sum` for counter metrics but expose `count` to the user parsedField?.aggregation === 'sum' ? 'count' : parsedField?.aggregation; const [selectedRule, selectedCondition] = useMemo(() => { if (!extractionRules || !parsedField) { return [null, null]; } let rule: MetricsExtractionRule | null = null; let condition: MetricsExtractionCondition | null = null; for (const currentRule of extractionRules || []) { for (const currentCondition of currentRule.conditions) { if (currentCondition.mris.includes(parsedField.mri)) { rule = currentRule; condition = currentCondition; break; } } if (rule) { break; } } return [rule, condition]; }, [extractionRules, parsedField]); const attributeOptions = useMemo(() => { return ( extractionRules ?.map(rule => ({ label: rule.spanAttribute, value: rule.spanAttribute, })) .sort((a, b) => a.label.localeCompare(b.label)) ?? [] ); }, [extractionRules]); const aggregateOptions = useMemo(() => { return ( selectedRule? => ({ label: agg, value: agg, })) ?? [] ); }, [selectedRule]); const conditionOptions = useMemo(() => { return selectedRule? => ({ label: condition.value ? ( {condition.value} ) : ( t('All spans') ), value:, })); }, [selectedRule]); const handleChange = useCallback( (newMRI: MRI, newAggregate: MetricAggregation) => { if (isCounterMetric({mri: newMRI})) { // We expose `count` to the user but the internal aggregation for a counter metric is `sum` onChange(MRIToField(newMRI, 'sum'), {}); return; } onChange(MRIToField(newMRI, newAggregate), {}); }, [onChange] ); const handleMriChange = useCallback( option => { const newRule = extractionRules?.find(rule => rule.spanAttribute === option.value); if (!newRule) { return; } const newAggregate = newRule.aggregates[0]; if (!newAggregate) { // Encoutered invalid extraction rule return; } const newMRI = findMriForAggregate(newRule.conditions[0], newAggregate); if (!newMRI) { // Encoutered invalid extraction rule return; } handleChange(newMRI, newAggregate); }, [extractionRules, handleChange] ); const handleConditionChange = useCallback( option => { if (!selectedRule || !selectedAggregate) { return; } const newCondition = selectedRule.conditions.find( condition => === option.value ); if (!newCondition) { return; } // Find an MRI for the currently selected aggregate const newMRI = findMriForAggregate(newCondition, selectedAggregate); if (!newMRI) { // Encoutered invalid extraction rule return; } handleChange(newMRI, selectedAggregate); }, [handleChange, selectedAggregate, selectedRule] ); const handleAggregateChange = useCallback( option => { if (!selectedCondition) { return; } const newMRI = findMriForAggregate(selectedCondition, option.value); if (!newMRI) { return; } handleChange(newMRI, option.value); }, [handleChange, selectedCondition] ); return ( attributeOptions.length === 0 ? t('No span metrics in this project') : t('No options') } options={attributeOptions} filterOption={() => true} value={selectedRule?.spanAttribute} onChange={handleMriChange} /> ); } export default SpanMetricField; const ConditionLabel = styled('code')` padding-left: 0; max-width: 350px; ${p => p.theme.overflowEllipsis} `;