import {render, screen, userEvent} from 'sentry-test/reactTestingLibrary'; import ConfigStore from 'sentry/stores/configStore'; import ProjectOwnershipModal from './modal'; describe('Project Ownership', () => { const org = TestStubs.Organization(); const project = TestStubs.Project(); const issueId = '1234'; const stacktrace = TestStubs.EventEntryStacktrace(); const event = TestStubs.Event({ entries: [stacktrace], }); const user = TestStubs.User(); beforeEach(() => { ConfigStore.set('user', user); MockApiClient.addMockResponse({ url: `/issues/${issueId}/tags/url/`, body: { key: 'url', name: 'URL', uniqueValues: 1, totalValues: 1, topValues: [ { key: 'url', name: '', value: '', count: 1, lastSeen: '2022-08-27T03:24:53Z', firstSeen: '2022-08-27T03:24:53Z', }, ], }, }); MockApiClient.addMockResponse({ url: `/projects/${org.slug}/${project.slug}/ownership/`, body: { fallthrough: false, autoAssignment: 'Auto Assign to Suspect Commits', codeownersAutoSync: false, raw: null, }, }); // Set one frame to in-app[0].inApp = true; MockApiClient.addMockResponse({ url: `/organizations/${org.slug}/members/`, body: TestStubs.Members(), }); }); afterEach(() => { MockApiClient.clearMockResponses(); }); it('renders stacktrace suggestions', () => { render( {}} /> ); // Rule builder expect(screen.getByLabelText('Rule pattern')).toBeInTheDocument(); expect(screen.getByText(/Match against Issue Data/)).toBeInTheDocument(); // First in-app (default reverse order) frame is suggested expect(screen.getByText('raven/')).toBeInTheDocument(); expect(screen.getByText('')).toBeInTheDocument(); }); it('renders streamline-targeting-context suggestions', () => { render( {}} /> ); // Description expect(screen.getByText(/Assign issues based on custom rules/)).toBeInTheDocument(); // Suggestions expect( screen.getByText(/Here’s some suggestions based on this issue/) ).toBeInTheDocument(); expect( screen.getByText(`path:raven/ ${}`, {exact: false}) ).toBeInTheDocument(); expect( screen.getByText(`url:*/path ${}`, {exact: false}) ).toBeInTheDocument(); // Rule builder hidden TODO: remove when streamline-targeting-context is GA expect(screen.queryByLabelText('Rule pattern')).not.toBeInTheDocument(); }); it('can cancel', async () => { const onCancel = jest.fn(); render( ); // Cancel await'Cancel')); expect(onCancel).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); });