/* eslint-env node */ /* eslint import/no-nodejs-modules:0 */ import path from 'path'; import webpack from 'webpack'; import appConfig from '../webpack.config'; const staticPath = path.resolve(__dirname, '..', 'static', 'app'); /** * Default the config parameter that storybook passes into our webpack config * to an empty object specifically for eslint, since it will load this config * without passing in a config object. */ const emptyConfig: webpack.Configuration = { module: {rules: []}, resolve: {alias: {}, extensions: []}, plugins: [], }; type Opts = { config: webpack.Configuration; }; const configBuilder = ({config}: Opts = {config: emptyConfig}) => { const [firstRule, ...rules] = (config.module?.rules ?? []) as webpack.RuleSetRule[]; const filteredRules = rules.filter(rule => { const isFileLoader = !!rule?.loader?.includes('file-loader'); const isPostCssLoader = Array.isArray(rule.use) && rule.use.find( use => typeof use === 'object' && use?.loader?.includes('postcss-loader') ); return !isFileLoader && !isPostCssLoader; }); const extensions = new Set([ ...(config.resolve?.extensions ?? []), ...(appConfig.resolve?.extensions ?? []), ]); const newConfig: webpack.Configuration = { ...config, module: { ...config.module, rules: [ { ...firstRule, test: /\.(mjs|[tj]sx?)$/, include: [path.join(__dirname), staticPath, path.join(__dirname, '../docs-ui')], }, { test: /\.less$/, use: ['style-loader', 'css-loader', 'less-loader'], }, { test: /\.pegjs/, use: {loader: 'pegjs-loader'}, }, { test: /\.(woff|woff2|ttf|eot|svg|png|gif|ico|jpg)($|\?)/, type: 'asset/resource', }, { test: /\.po$/, use: { loader: 'po-catalog-loader', options: { referenceExtensions: ['.js', '.jsx'], domain: 'sentry', }, }, }, ...filteredRules, ], }, plugins: [ ...(config.plugins ?? []), new webpack.ProvidePlugin({jQuery: 'jquery'}), new webpack.DefinePlugin({'process.env.FIXED_DYNAMIC_CONTENT': true}), ], resolve: { ...config.resolve, extensions: Array.from(extensions), alias: { ...config.resolve?.alias, ...appConfig.resolve?.alias, app: staticPath, }, fallback: { ...appConfig.resolve?.fallback, // XXX(epurkhiser): As per [0] assert is required for // @storybook/addons-docs, but seems we can just noop the pollyfill. // // [0]: https://gist.github.com/shilman/8856ea1786dcd247139b47b270912324#gistcomment-3681971 assert: false, }, }, }; return newConfig; }; export default configBuilder;