import type {Theme} from '@emotion/react'; import * as Sentry from '@sentry/react'; import type {Client} from 'sentry/api'; import type {RawSpanType} from 'sentry/components/events/interfaces/spans/types'; import {pickBarColor} from 'sentry/components/performance/waterfall/utils'; import type {Event, EventTransaction, Measurement} from 'sentry/types/event'; import type {Organization} from 'sentry/types/organization'; import {MobileVital, WebVital} from 'sentry/utils/fields'; import type { TraceError as TraceErrorType, TraceFullDetailed, TracePerformanceIssue, TraceSplitResults, } from 'sentry/utils/performance/quickTrace/types'; import { isTraceError, isTraceTransaction, } from 'sentry/utils/performance/quickTrace/utils'; import { MOBILE_VITAL_DETAILS, WEB_VITAL_DETAILS, } from 'sentry/utils/performance/vitals/constants'; import type {Vital} from 'sentry/utils/performance/vitals/types'; import {TraceType} from '../../traceDetails/newTraceDetailsContent'; import {isRootTransaction} from '../../traceDetails/utils'; import { isAutogroupedNode, isMissingInstrumentationNode, isNoDataNode, isParentAutogroupedNode, isRootNode, isSiblingAutogroupedNode, isSpanNode, isTraceErrorNode, isTraceNode, isTransactionNode, shouldAddMissingInstrumentationSpan, } from '../guards'; /** * * This file implements the tree data structure that is used to represent a trace. We do * this both for performance reasons as well as flexibility. The requirement for a tree * is to support incremental patching and updates. This is important because we want to * be able to fetch more data as the user interacts with the tree, and we want to be able * efficiently update the tree as we receive more data. * * The trace is represented as a tree with different node value types (transaction or span) * Each tree node contains a reference to its parent and a list of references to its children, * as well as a reference to the value that the node holds. Each node also contains * some meta data and state about the node, such as if it is expanded or zoomed in. The benefit * of abstracting parts of the UI state is that the tree will persist user actions such as expanding * or collapsing nodes which would have otherwise been lost when individual nodes are remounted in the tree. * * Each tree holds a list reference, which is a live reference to a flattened representation * of the tree (used to render the tree in the UI). Since the list is mutable (and we want to keep it that way for performance * reasons as we want to support mutations on traces with ~100k+ nodes), callers need to manage reactivity themselves. * * An alternative, but not recommended approach is to call build() on the tree after each mutation, * which will iterate over all of the children and build a fresh list reference. * * In most cases, the initial tree is a list of transactions containing other transactions. Each transaction can * then be expanded into a list of spans which can also in some cases be expanded. * * - trace - trace * |- parent transaction --> when expanding |- parent transaction * |- child transaction |- span * |- span this used to be a transaction, * |- child transaction span <- but is now be a list of spans * |- span belonging to the transaction * this results in child txns to be lost, * which is a confusing user experience * * The tree supports autogrouping of spans vertically or as siblings. When that happens, a autogrouped node of either a vertical or * sibling type is inserted as an intermediary node. In the vertical case, the autogrouped node * holds the reference to the head and tail of the autogrouped sequence. In the sibling case, the autogrouped node * holds a reference to the children that are part of the autogrouped sequence. When expanding and collapsing these nodes, * the tree perform a reference swap to either point to the head (when expanded) or tail (when collapsed) of the autogrouped sequence. * * In vertical grouping case, the following happens: * * - root - root * - trace - trace * |- transaction |- transaction * |- span 1 <-| these become autogrouped |- autogrouped (head=span1, tail=span3, children points to children of tail) * |- span 2 |- as they are inserted into |- other span (parent points to autogrouped node) * |- span 3 <-| the tree. * |- other span * * When the autogrouped node is expanded the UI needs to show the entire collapsed chain, so we swap the tail children to point * back to the tail, and have autogrouped node point to it's head as the children. * * - root - root * - trace - trace * |- transaction |- transaction * |- autogrouped (head=span1, tail=span3) <- when expanding |- autogrouped (head=span1, tail=span3, children points to head) * | other span (paren points to autogrouped) |- span 1 (head) * |- span 2 * |- span 3 (tail) * |- other span (children of tail, parent points to tail) * * Notes and improvements: * - the notion of expanded and zoomed is confusing, they stand for the same idea from a UI pov * - there is an annoying thing wrt span and transaction nodes where we either store data on _children or _spanChildren * this is because we want to be able to store both transaction and span nodes in the same tree, but it makes for an * annoying API. A better design would have been to create an invisible meta node that just points to the correct children * - instead of storing span children separately, we should have meta tree nodes that handle pointing to the correct children */ export declare namespace TraceTree { type Transaction = TraceFullDetailed; interface Span extends RawSpanType { childTransactions: TraceTreeNode[]; event: EventTransaction; } type Trace = TraceSplitResults; type TraceError = TraceErrorType; type Profile = {profile_id: string; space: [number, number]}; interface MissingInstrumentationSpan { start_timestamp: number; timestamp: number; type: 'missing_instrumentation'; } interface SiblingAutogroup extends RawSpanType { autogrouped_by: { description: string; op: string; }; } interface ChildrenAutogroup extends RawSpanType { autogrouped_by: { op: string; }; } type NodeValue = | Trace | Transaction | TraceError | Span | MissingInstrumentationSpan | SiblingAutogroup | ChildrenAutogroup | null; type Node = | TraceTreeNode | ParentAutogroupNode | SiblingAutogroupNode | MissingInstrumentationNode; type NodePath = `${'txn' | 'span' | 'ag' | 'trace' | 'ms' | 'error' | 'empty'}-${string}`; type Metadata = { event_id: string | undefined; project_slug: string | undefined; }; type Indicator = { duration: number; label: string; measurement: Measurement; poor: boolean; start: number; type: 'cls' | 'fcp' | 'fp' | 'lcp' | 'ttfb'; }; type CollectedVital = {key: string; measurement: Measurement}; } export type ViewManagerScrollToOptions = { api: Client; organization: Organization; }; function cacheKey(organization: Organization, project_slug: string, event_id: string) { return organization.slug + ':' + project_slug + ':' + event_id; } function fetchTransactionSpans( api: Client, organization: Organization, project_slug: string, event_id: string ): Promise { return api.requestPromise( `/organizations/${organization.slug}/events/${project_slug}:${event_id}/?averageColumn=span.self_time&averageColumn=span.duration` ); } function measurementToTimestamp( start_timestamp: number, measurement: number, unit: string ) { if (unit === 'second') { return start_timestamp + measurement; } if (unit === 'millisecond') { return start_timestamp + measurement / 1e3; } if (unit === 'nanosecond') { return start_timestamp + measurement / 1e9; } throw new TypeError(`Unsupported measurement unit', ${unit}`); } function maybeInsertMissingInstrumentationSpan( parent: TraceTreeNode, node: TraceTreeNode ) { const previousSpan = parent.spanChildren[parent.spanChildren.length - 1]; if (!previousSpan || !isSpanNode(previousSpan)) { return; } if (node.value.start_timestamp - previousSpan.value.timestamp < 0.1) { return; } const missingInstrumentationSpan = new MissingInstrumentationNode( parent, { type: 'missing_instrumentation', start_timestamp: previousSpan.value.timestamp, timestamp: node.value.start_timestamp, }, { event_id: undefined, project_slug: undefined, }, previousSpan, node ); parent.spanChildren.push(missingInstrumentationSpan); } export function makeTraceNodeBarColor( theme: Theme, node: TraceTreeNode ): string { if (isTransactionNode(node)) { return pickBarColor(node.value['transaction.op']); } if (isSpanNode(node)) { return pickBarColor(node.value.op); } if (isAutogroupedNode(node)) { return theme.blue300; } if (isMissingInstrumentationNode(node)) { return theme.gray300; } if (isNoDataNode(node)) { return theme.yellow300; } if (isTraceErrorNode(node)) { // Theme defines this as orange, yet everywhere in our product we show red for errors if (node.value.level === 'error' || node.value.level === 'fatal') { return theme.red300; } if (node.value.level) { return theme.level[node.value.level] ?? theme.red300; } return theme.red300; } return pickBarColor('default'); } function shouldCollapseNodeByDefault(node: TraceTreeNode) { if (isSpanNode(node)) { // Android creates TCP connection spans which are noisy and not useful in most cases. // Unless the span has a child txn which would indicate a continuaton of the trace, we collapse it. if ( node.value.op === 'http.client' && node.value.origin === 'auto.http.okhttp' && !node.value.childTransactions.length ) { return true; } } return false; } // cls is not included as it is a cumulative layout shift and not a single point in time const RENDERABLE_MEASUREMENTS = [ WebVital.TTFB, WebVital.FP, WebVital.FCP, WebVital.LCP, MobileVital.TIME_TO_FULL_DISPLAY, MobileVital.TIME_TO_INITIAL_DISPLAY, ] .map(n => n.replace('measurements.', '')) .reduce((acc, curr) => { acc[curr] = true; return acc; }, {}); const WEB_VITALS = [ WebVital.TTFB, WebVital.FP, WebVital.FCP, WebVital.LCP, WebVital.CLS, WebVital.FID, WebVital.INP, WebVital.REQUEST_TIME, ].map(n => n.replace('measurements.', '')); const MOBILE_VITALS = [ MobileVital.APP_START_COLD, MobileVital.APP_START_WARM, MobileVital.TIME_TO_INITIAL_DISPLAY, MobileVital.TIME_TO_FULL_DISPLAY, MobileVital.FRAMES_TOTAL, MobileVital.FRAMES_SLOW, MobileVital.FRAMES_FROZEN, MobileVital.FRAMES_SLOW_RATE, MobileVital.FRAMES_FROZEN_RATE, MobileVital.STALL_COUNT, MobileVital.STALL_TOTAL_TIME, MobileVital.STALL_LONGEST_TIME, MobileVital.STALL_PERCENTAGE, ].map(n => n.replace('measurements.', '')); const WEB_VITALS_LOOKUP = new Set(WEB_VITALS); const MOBILE_VITALS_LOOKUP = new Set(MOBILE_VITALS); const COLLECTABLE_MEASUREMENTS = [...WEB_VITALS, ...MOBILE_VITALS].map(n => n.replace('measurements.', '') ); const MEASUREMENT_ACRONYM_MAPPING = { [MobileVital.TIME_TO_FULL_DISPLAY.replace('measurements.', '')]: 'TTFD', [MobileVital.TIME_TO_INITIAL_DISPLAY.replace('measurements.', '')]: 'TTID', }; const MEASUREMENT_THRESHOLDS = { [WebVital.TTFB.replace('measurements.', '')]: 600, [WebVital.FP.replace('measurements.', '')]: 3000, [WebVital.FCP.replace('measurements.', '')]: 3000, [WebVital.LCP.replace('measurements.', '')]: 4000, [MobileVital.TIME_TO_INITIAL_DISPLAY.replace('measurements.', '')]: 2000, }; export const TRACE_MEASUREMENT_LOOKUP: Record = {}; for (const key in {...MOBILE_VITAL_DETAILS, ...WEB_VITAL_DETAILS}) { TRACE_MEASUREMENT_LOOKUP[key.replace('measurements.', '')] = { ...MOBILE_VITAL_DETAILS[key], ...WEB_VITAL_DETAILS[key], }; } export class TraceTree { type: 'loading' | 'empty' | 'error' | 'trace' = 'trace'; root: TraceTreeNode = TraceTreeNode.Root(); indicators: TraceTree.Indicator[] = []; vitals: Map, TraceTree.CollectedVital[]> = new Map(); vital_types: Set<'web' | 'mobile'> = new Set(); eventsCount: number = 0; private _spanPromises: Map> = new Map(); private _list: TraceTreeNode[] = []; static Empty() { const tree = new TraceTree().build(); tree.type = 'empty'; return tree; } static Loading(metadata: TraceTree.Metadata, tree?: TraceTree | null): TraceTree { const t = tree ? TraceTree.FromTree(tree) : makeExampleTrace(metadata); t.type = 'loading'; return t; } static Error(metadata: TraceTree.Metadata, tree?: TraceTree | null): TraceTree { const t = tree ? TraceTree.FromTree(tree) : makeExampleTrace(metadata); t.type = 'error'; return t; } static FromTree(tree: TraceTree): TraceTree { const newTree = new TraceTree(); newTree.root = tree.root.cloneDeep() as TraceTreeNode; newTree.indicators = tree.indicators; newTree._list = tree._list; return newTree; } static FromTrace(trace: TraceTree.Trace): TraceTree { const tree = new TraceTree(); let traceStart = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY; let traceEnd = Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; const traceNode = new TraceTreeNode(tree.root, trace, { event_id: undefined, project_slug: undefined, }); // Trace is always expanded by default tree.root.children.push(traceNode); function visit( parent: TraceTreeNode, value: TraceFullDetailed | TraceTree.TraceError ) { const node = new TraceTreeNode(parent, value, { project_slug: value && 'project_slug' in value ? value.project_slug : undefined, event_id: value && 'event_id' in value ? value.event_id : undefined, }); node.canFetch = true; tree.eventsCount += 1; if (isTraceTransaction(value)) { for (const error of value.errors) { traceNode.errors.add(error); } for (const performanceIssue of value.performance_issues) { traceNode.performance_issues.add(performanceIssue); } } else { traceNode.errors.add(value); } if (parent) { parent.children.push(node as TraceTreeNode); } if ('start_timestamp' in value && value.start_timestamp < traceStart) { traceStart = value.start_timestamp; } if ('timestamp' in value && typeof value.timestamp === 'number') { // Errors don't have 'start_timestamp', so we adjust traceStart // with an errors 'timestamp' if (isTraceError(value)) { traceStart = Math.min(value.timestamp, traceStart); } traceEnd = Math.max(value.timestamp, traceEnd); } if (value && 'measurements' in value) { tree.collectMeasurements( node, traceStart, value.measurements as Record, tree.vitals, tree.vital_types, tree.indicators ); } if (value && 'children' in value) { for (const child of value.children) { visit(node, child); } } return node; } const transactionQueue = trace.transactions ?? []; const orphanErrorsQueue = trace.orphan_errors ?? []; let tIdx = 0; let oIdx = 0; const tLen = transactionQueue.length; const oLen = orphanErrorsQueue.length; while (tIdx < tLen || oIdx < oLen) { const transaction = transactionQueue[tIdx]; const orphan = orphanErrorsQueue[oIdx]; if (transaction && orphan) { if ( typeof orphan.timestamp === 'number' && transaction.start_timestamp <= orphan.timestamp ) { visit(traceNode, transaction); tIdx++; } else { visit(traceNode, orphan); oIdx++; } } else if (transaction) { visit(traceNode, transaction); tIdx++; } else if (orphan) { visit(traceNode, orphan); oIdx++; } } if (tree.indicators.length > 0) { tree.indicators.sort((a, b) => a.start - b.start); for (const indicator of tree.indicators) { if (indicator.start > traceEnd) { traceEnd = indicator.start; } indicator.start *= traceNode.multiplier; } } = [ traceStart * traceNode.multiplier, (traceEnd - traceStart) * traceNode.multiplier, ]; = [ traceStart * traceNode.multiplier, (traceEnd - traceStart) * traceNode.multiplier, ]; return; } get shape(): TraceType { const trace = this.root.children[0]; if (!trace) { return TraceType.EMPTY_TRACE; } if (!isTraceNode(trace)) { throw new TypeError('Not trace node'); } const {transactions, orphan_errors} = trace.value; const {roots, orphans} = (transactions ?? []).reduce( (counts, transaction) => { if (isRootTransaction(transaction)) { counts.roots++; } else { counts.orphans++; } return counts; }, {roots: 0, orphans: 0} ); if (roots === 0) { if (orphans > 0) { return TraceType.NO_ROOT; } if (orphan_errors && orphan_errors.length > 0) { return TraceType.ONLY_ERRORS; } return TraceType.EMPTY_TRACE; } if (roots === 1) { if (orphans > 0) { return TraceType.BROKEN_SUBTRACES; } return TraceType.ONE_ROOT; } if (roots > 1) { return TraceType.MULTIPLE_ROOTS; } throw new Error('Unknown trace type'); } static FromSpans( parent: TraceTreeNode, data: Event, spans: RawSpanType[], options: {sdk: string | undefined} | undefined ): TraceTreeNode { parent.invalidate(parent); const platformHasMissingSpans = shouldAddMissingInstrumentationSpan(options?.sdk); const parentIsSpan = isSpanNode(parent); const lookuptable: Record< RawSpanType['span_id'], TraceTreeNode > = {}; // If we've already fetched children, the tree is already assembled if (parent.spanChildren.length > 0) { parent.zoomedIn = true; return parent; } // If we have no spans, insert an empty node to indicate that there is no data if (!spans.length && !parent.children.length) { parent.zoomedIn = true; parent.spanChildren.push(new NoDataNode(parent)); return parent; } if (parentIsSpan) { if (parent.value && 'span_id' in parent.value) { lookuptable[parent.value.span_id] = parent as TraceTreeNode; } } const transactionsToSpanMap = new Map< string, TraceTreeNode[] >(); for (const child of parent.children) { if (isTransactionNode(child)) { // keep track of the transaction nodes that should be reparented under the newly fetched spans. const key = 'parent_span_id' in child.value && typeof child.value.parent_span_id === 'string' ? child.value.parent_span_id : // This should be unique, but unreachable at lookup time. `unreachable-${child.value.event_id}`; const list = transactionsToSpanMap.get(key) ?? []; list.push(child); transactionsToSpanMap.set(key, list); } } for (const span of spans) { const childTransactions = transactionsToSpanMap.get(span.span_id) ?? []; const spanNodeValue: TraceTree.Span = { ...span, event: data as EventTransaction, childTransactions, }; const node: TraceTreeNode = new TraceTreeNode(null, spanNodeValue, { event_id: undefined, project_slug: undefined, }); for (const error of getRelatedSpanErrorsFromTransaction(span, parent)) { node.errors.add(error); } for (const performanceIssue of getRelatedPerformanceIssuesFromTransaction( span, parent )) { node.performance_issues.add(performanceIssue); } // This is the case where the current span is the parent of a transaction. // When zooming into the parent of the txn, we want to place a copy // of the txn as a child of the parenting span. if (childTransactions) { for (const childTransaction of childTransactions) { const clonedChildTxn = childTransaction.cloneDeep(); node.spanChildren.push(clonedChildTxn); clonedChildTxn.parent = node; // Delete the transaction from the lookup table so that we don't // duplicate the transaction in the tree. } transactionsToSpanMap.delete(span.span_id); } lookuptable[span.span_id] = node; if (span.parent_span_id) { const spanParentNode = lookuptable[span.parent_span_id]; if (spanParentNode) { node.parent = spanParentNode; if (platformHasMissingSpans) { maybeInsertMissingInstrumentationSpan(spanParentNode, node); } spanParentNode.spanChildren.push(node); continue; } } if (platformHasMissingSpans) { maybeInsertMissingInstrumentationSpan(parent, node); } parent.spanChildren.push(node); node.parent = parent; } // Whatever remains is transaction nodes that we failed to reparent under the spans. for (const [_, transactions] of transactionsToSpanMap) { for (const transaction of transactions) { if ('parent_span_id' in transaction.value && !!transaction.value.parent_span_id) { Sentry.withScope(scope => { scope.setFingerprint(['trace-view-reparenting']); scope.captureMessage( 'Failed to reparent transaction under span. None of the spans we fetched had a span_id matching the parent_span_id of the transaction.' ); }); } const cloned = transaction.cloneDeep(); parent.spanChildren.push(cloned); cloned.parent = parent; } } parent.zoomedIn = true; TraceTree.AutogroupSiblingSpanNodes(parent); TraceTree.AutogroupDirectChildrenSpanNodes(parent); return parent; } static AutogroupDirectChildrenSpanNodes( root: TraceTreeNode ): void { const queue = [root]; while (queue.length > 0) { const node = queue.pop()!; if (node.children.length > 1 || !isSpanNode(node)) { for (const child of node.children) { queue.push(child); } continue; } const head = node; let tail = node; let groupMatchCount = 0; const errors: TraceErrorType[] = []; const performance_issues: TracePerformanceIssue[] = []; let start = head.value.start_timestamp; let end = head.value.timestamp; while ( tail && tail.children.length === 1 && isSpanNode(tail.children[0]) && tail.children[0].value.op === head.value.op ) { if ((tail?.errors?.size ?? 0) > 0) { errors.push(...tail?.errors); } if ((tail?.performance_issues?.size ?? 0) > 0) { performance_issues.push(...tail.performance_issues); } // Collect start/end of all nodes in the list // so that we can properly render a autogrouped bar that // encapsulates all the nodes in the list if (tail.value.start_timestamp < start) { start = tail.value.start_timestamp; } if (tail.value.timestamp > end) { end = tail.value.timestamp; } groupMatchCount++; tail = tail.children[0]; } // Checking the tail node for errors as it is not included in the grouping // while loop, but is hidden when the autogrouped node is collapsed if ((tail?.errors?.size ?? 0) > 0) { errors.push(...tail?.errors); } if ((tail?.performance_issues?.size ?? 0) > 0) { performance_issues.push(...tail.performance_issues); } if (groupMatchCount < 1) { for (const child of head.children) { queue.push(child); } continue; } const autoGroupedNode = new ParentAutogroupNode( node.parent, { ...head.value, start_timestamp: start, timestamp: end, autogrouped_by: { op: head.value && 'op' in head.value ? head.value.op ?? '' : '', }, }, { event_id: undefined, project_slug: undefined, }, head, tail ); if (!node.parent) { throw new Error('Parent node is missing, this should be unreachable code'); } const index = node.parent.children.indexOf(node); node.parent.children[index] = autoGroupedNode; autoGroupedNode.head.parent = autoGroupedNode; autoGroupedNode.groupCount = groupMatchCount + 1; = [ start * autoGroupedNode.multiplier, (end - start) * autoGroupedNode.multiplier, ]; for (const error of errors) { autoGroupedNode.errors.add(error); } for (const performanceIssue of performance_issues) { autoGroupedNode.performance_issues.add(performanceIssue); } for (const c of tail.children) { c.parent = autoGroupedNode; queue.push(c); } } } static AutogroupSiblingSpanNodes(root: TraceTreeNode): void { const queue = [root]; while (queue.length > 0) { const node = queue.pop()!; for (const child of node.children) { queue.push(child); } if (isAutogroupedNode(node)) { continue; } if (node.children.length < 5) { continue; } let index = 0; let matchCount = 0; while (index < node.children.length) { if (!isSpanNode(node.children[index])) { index++; matchCount = 0; continue; } const current = node.children[index] as TraceTreeNode; const next = node.children[index + 1] as TraceTreeNode; if ( next && isSpanNode(next) && next.children.length === 0 && current.children.length === 0 && next.value.op === current.value.op && next.value.description === current.value.description ) { matchCount++; // If the next node is the last node in the list, we keep iterating if (index + 1 < node.children.length) { index++; continue; } } if (matchCount >= 4) { const autoGroupedNode = new SiblingAutogroupNode( node, { ...current.value, autogrouped_by: { op: current.value.op ?? '', description: current.value.description ?? '', }, }, { event_id: undefined, project_slug: undefined, } ); autoGroupedNode.groupCount = matchCount + 1; const start = index - matchCount; let start_timestamp = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER; let timestamp = Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER; for (let j = start; j < start + matchCount + 1; j++) { const child = node.children[j]; if ( child.value && 'timestamp' in child.value && typeof child.value.timestamp === 'number' && child.value.timestamp > timestamp ) { timestamp = child.value.timestamp; } if ( child.value && 'start_timestamp' in child.value && typeof child.value.start_timestamp === 'number' && child.value.start_timestamp < start_timestamp ) { start_timestamp = child.value.start_timestamp; } if (child.has_errors) { for (const error of child.errors) { autoGroupedNode.errors.add(error); } for (const performanceIssue of child.performance_issues) { autoGroupedNode.performance_issues.add(performanceIssue); } } autoGroupedNode.children.push(node.children[j]); autoGroupedNode.children[autoGroupedNode.children.length - 1].parent = autoGroupedNode; } = [ start_timestamp * autoGroupedNode.multiplier, (timestamp - start_timestamp) * autoGroupedNode.multiplier, ]; node.children.splice(start, matchCount + 1, autoGroupedNode); index = start + 1; matchCount = 0; } else { index++; matchCount = 0; } } } } collectMeasurements( node: TraceTreeNode, start_timestamp: number, measurements: Record, vitals: Map, TraceTree.CollectedVital[]>, vital_types: Set<'web' | 'mobile'>, indicators: TraceTree.Indicator[] ): void { for (const measurement of COLLECTABLE_MEASUREMENTS) { const value = measurements[measurement]; if (!value || typeof value.value !== 'number') { continue; } if (!vitals.has(node)) { vitals.set(node, []); } WEB_VITALS_LOOKUP.has(measurement) && vital_types.add('web'); MOBILE_VITALS_LOOKUP.has(measurement) && vital_types.add('mobile'); const vital = vitals.get(node)!; vital.push({ key: measurement, measurement: value, }); if (!RENDERABLE_MEASUREMENTS[measurement]) { continue; } const timestamp = measurementToTimestamp( start_timestamp, value.value, value.unit ?? 'millisecond' ); indicators.push({ start: timestamp, duration: 0, measurement: value, poor: MEASUREMENT_THRESHOLDS[measurement] ? value.value > MEASUREMENT_THRESHOLDS[measurement] : false, type: measurement as TraceTree.Indicator['type'], label: (MEASUREMENT_ACRONYM_MAPPING[measurement] ?? measurement).toUpperCase(), }); } } // Returns boolean to indicate if node was updated expand(node: TraceTreeNode, expanded: boolean): boolean { if (expanded === node.expanded) { return false; } // Expanding is not allowed for zoomed in nodes if (node.zoomedIn) { return false; } if (node instanceof ParentAutogroupNode) { // In parent autogrouping, we perform a node swap and either point the // head or tails of the autogrouped sequence to the autogrouped node if (node.expanded) { const index = this._list.indexOf(node); const autogroupedChildren = node.getVisibleChildren(); this._list.splice(index + 1, autogroupedChildren.length); const newChildren = node.tail.getVisibleChildren(); for (const c of node.tail.children) { c.parent = node; } this._list.splice(index + 1, 0, ...newChildren); } else { node.head.parent = node; const index = this._list.indexOf(node); const childrenCount = node.getVisibleChildrenCount(); this._list.splice(index + 1, childrenCount); const newChildren = [node.head].concat( node.head.getVisibleChildren() as TraceTreeNode[] ); for (const c of node.children) { c.parent = node.tail; } this._list.splice(index + 1, 0, ...newChildren); } node.invalidate(node); node.expanded = expanded; return true; } if (node.expanded) { const index = this._list.indexOf(node); this._list.splice(index + 1, node.getVisibleChildrenCount()); // Flip expanded after collecting visible children node.expanded = expanded; } else { const index = this._list.indexOf(node); // Flip expanded so that we can collect visible children node.expanded = expanded; this._list.splice(index + 1, 0, ...node.getVisibleChildren()); } node.expanded = expanded; return true; } static ExpandToEventID( eventId: string, tree: TraceTree, rerender: () => void, options: ViewManagerScrollToOptions ): Promise<{index: number; node: TraceTreeNode} | null | null> { const node = findInTreeByEventId(tree.root, eventId); if (!node) { return Promise.resolve(null); } return TraceTree.ExpandToPath(tree, node.path, rerender, options).then( async result => { // When users are coming off an eventID link, we want to fetch the children // of the node that the eventID points to. This is because the eventID link // only points to the transaction, but we want to fetch the children of the // transaction to show the user the list of spans in that transaction if (result?.node?.canFetch) { await tree.zoomIn(result.node, true, options).catch(_e => { Sentry.captureMessage('Failed to fetch children of eventId on mount'); }); return result; } return null; } ); } static ExpandToPath( tree: TraceTree, scrollQueue: TraceTree.NodePath[], rerender: () => void, options: ViewManagerScrollToOptions ): Promise<{index: number; node: TraceTreeNode} | null | null> { const segments = [...scrollQueue]; const list = tree.list; if (!list) { return Promise.resolve(null); } if (segments.length === 1 && segments[0] === 'trace-root') { rerender(); return Promise.resolve({index: 0, node: tree.root.children[0]}); } // Keep parent reference as we traverse the tree so that we can only // perform searching in the current level and not the entire tree let parent: TraceTreeNode = tree.root; const recurseToRow = async (): Promise<{ index: number; node: TraceTreeNode; } | null | null> => { const path = segments.pop(); let current = findInTreeFromSegment(parent, path!); if (!current) { // Some parts of the codebase link to span:span_id, txn:event_id, where span_id is // actally stored on the txn:event_id node. Since we cant tell from the link itself // that this is happening, we will perform a final check to see if we've actually already // arrived to the node in the previous search call. if (path) { const [type, id] = path.split('-'); if ( type === 'span' && isTransactionNode(parent) && parent.value.span_id === id ) { current = parent; } } if (!current) { Sentry.captureMessage('Failed to scroll to node in trace tree'); return null; } } // Reassing the parent to the current node so that // searching narrows down to the current level // and we dont need to search the entire tree each time parent = current; if (isTransactionNode(current)) { const nextSegment = segments[segments.length - 1]; if ( nextSegment?.startsWith('span-') || nextSegment?.startsWith('empty-') || nextSegment?.startsWith('ag-') || nextSegment?.startsWith('ms-') ) { await tree.zoomIn(current, true, options); return recurseToRow(); } } if (isAutogroupedNode(current) && segments.length > 0) { tree.expand(current, true); return recurseToRow(); } if (segments.length > 0) { return recurseToRow(); } // We are at the last path segment (the node that the user clicked on) // and we should scroll the view to this node. let index = current ? tree.list.findIndex(node => node === current) : -1; // We have found the node, yet it is somehow not in the visible tree. // This means that the path we were given did not match the current tree. // This sometimes happens when we receive external links like span-x, txn-y // however the resulting tree looks like span-x, autogroup, txn-y. In this case, // we should expand the autogroup node and try to find the node again. if (current && index === -1) { let parent_node = current.parent; while (parent_node) { // Transactions break autogrouping chains, so we can stop here if (isTransactionNode(parent_node)) { break; } if (isAutogroupedNode(parent_node)) { tree.expand(parent_node, true); index = current ? tree.list.findIndex(node => node === current) : -1; // This is very wasteful as it performs O(n^2) search each time we expand a node... // In most cases though, we should be operating on a tree with sub 10k elements and hopefully // a low autogrouped node count. if (index !== -1) { break; } } parent_node = parent_node.parent; } } if (index === -1) { throw new Error(`Couldn't find node in list ${scrollQueue.join(',')}`); } rerender(); return {index, node: current}; }; return recurseToRow(); } zoomIn( node: TraceTreeNode, zoomedIn: boolean, options: { api: Client; organization: Organization; } ): Promise { if (zoomedIn === node.zoomedIn) { return Promise.resolve(null); } if (!zoomedIn) { const index = this._list.indexOf(node); const childrenCount = node.getVisibleChildrenCount(); this._list.splice(index + 1, childrenCount); node.zoomedIn = zoomedIn; node.invalidate(node); if (node.expanded) { this._list.splice(index + 1, 0, ...node.getVisibleChildren()); } return Promise.resolve(null); } const key = cacheKey( options.organization, node.metadata.project_slug!, node.metadata.event_id! ); const promise = this._spanPromises.get(key) ?? fetchTransactionSpans( options.api, options.organization, node.metadata.project_slug!, node.metadata.event_id! ); node.fetchStatus = 'loading'; promise .then(data => { // The user may have collapsed the node before the promise resolved. When that // happens, dont update the tree with the resolved data. Alternatively, we could implement // a cancellable promise and avoid this cumbersome heuristic. node.fetchStatus = 'resolved'; if (!node.expanded) { return data; } const spans = data.entries.find(s => s.type === 'spans') ?? {data: []}; // Remove existing entries from the list const index = this._list.indexOf(node); if (node.expanded) { const childrenCount = node.getVisibleChildrenCount(); if (childrenCount > 0) { this._list.splice(index + 1, childrenCount); } } // Api response is not sorted, b) => a.start_timestamp - b.start_timestamp); TraceTree.FromSpans(node, data,, {sdk: data.sdk?.name}); const spanChildren = node.getVisibleChildren(); this._list.splice(index + 1, 0, ...spanChildren); return data; }) .catch(_e => { node.fetchStatus = 'error'; }); this._spanPromises.set(key, promise); return promise; } toList(): TraceTreeNode[] { const list: TraceTreeNode[] = []; function visit(node: TraceTreeNode) { list.push(node); if (!node.expanded) { return; } for (const child of node.children) { visit(child); } } for (const child of this.root.children) { visit(child); } return list; } get list(): ReadonlyArray> { return this._list; } /** * Prints the tree in a human readable format, useful for debugging and testing */ print() { // root nodes are -1 indexed, so we add 1 to the depth so .repeat doesnt throw const print = this.list .map(t => printNode(t, 0)) .filter(Boolean) .join('\n'); // eslint-disable-next-line no-console console.log(print); } build() { this._list = this.toList(); return this; } } export class TraceTreeNode { canFetch: boolean = false; fetchStatus: 'resolved' | 'error' | 'idle' | 'loading' = 'idle'; parent: TraceTreeNode | null = null; value: T; expanded: boolean = false; zoomedIn: boolean = false; metadata: TraceTree.Metadata = { project_slug: undefined, event_id: undefined, }; errors: Set = new Set(); performance_issues: Set = new Set(); multiplier: number; space: [number, number] | null = null; profiles: TraceTree.Profile[] = []; private unit = 'milliseconds' as const; private _depth: number | undefined; private _children: TraceTreeNode[] = []; private _spanChildren: TraceTreeNode[] = []; private _connectors: number[] | undefined = undefined; constructor(parent: TraceTreeNode | null, value: T, metadata: TraceTree.Metadata) { this.parent = parent ?? null; this.value = value; this.metadata = metadata; this.multiplier = this.unit === 'milliseconds' ? 1e3 : 1; if (value && 'timestamp' in value && 'start_timestamp' in value) { = [ value.start_timestamp * this.multiplier, (value.timestamp - value.start_timestamp) * this.multiplier, ]; } else if (value && 'timestamp' in value && typeof value.timestamp === 'number') { = [value.timestamp * this.multiplier, 0]; } if ( isTraceErrorNode(this) && 'timestamp' in this.value && typeof this.value.timestamp === 'number' ) { = [this.value.timestamp * this.multiplier, 0]; } if (value && 'profile_id' in value && typeof value.profile_id === 'string') { this.profiles.push({profile_id: value.profile_id, space: ?? [0, 0]}); } if (isTransactionNode(this)) { this.canFetch = true; } if (isTransactionNode(this) || isTraceNode(this) || isSpanNode(this)) { this.expanded = true; } if (shouldCollapseNodeByDefault(this)) { this.expanded = false; } if (isTransactionNode(this)) { this.errors = new Set(this.value.errors); this.performance_issues = new Set(this.value.performance_issues); } // For error nodes, its value is the only associated issue. if (isTraceErrorNode(this)) { this.errors = new Set([this.value]); } } cloneDeep(): | TraceTreeNode | ParentAutogroupNode | SiblingAutogroupNode | NoDataNode | MissingInstrumentationNode { let clone: | TraceTreeNode | ParentAutogroupNode | SiblingAutogroupNode | NoDataNode | MissingInstrumentationNode; if (isParentAutogroupedNode(this)) { clone = new ParentAutogroupNode( this.parent, this.value, this.metadata, this.head, this.tail ); clone.groupCount = this.groupCount; } else if (isSiblingAutogroupedNode(this)) { clone = new SiblingAutogroupNode(this.parent, this.value, this.metadata); clone.groupCount = this.groupCount; } else if (isNoDataNode(this)) { clone = new NoDataNode(this.parent); } else if (isMissingInstrumentationNode(this)) { clone = new MissingInstrumentationNode( this.parent!, this.value, this.metadata, this.previous, ); } else { clone = new TraceTreeNode(this.parent, this.value, this.metadata); } if (!clone) { throw new Error('CloneDeep is not implemented'); } clone.expanded = this.expanded; clone.zoomedIn = this.zoomedIn; clone.canFetch = this.canFetch; =; clone.metadata = this.metadata; if (isParentAutogroupedNode(clone)) { clone.head = clone.head.cloneDeep() as TraceTreeNode; clone.tail = clone.tail.cloneDeep() as TraceTreeNode; clone.head.parent = clone; // If the node is not expanded, the parent of the tail points to the // autogrouped clone. If the node is expanded, the parent of the children // of the tail points to the autogrouped clone. if (!clone.expanded) { for (const c of clone.tail.children) { c.parent = clone; } } else { for (const c of clone.children) { c.parent = clone.tail; } } clone.head.parent = clone; clone.tail.parent = clone; } else if (isSiblingAutogroupedNode(clone)) { for (const child of this.children) { const childClone = child.cloneDeep() as TraceTreeNode; clone.children.push(childClone); childClone.parent = clone; } } else { for (const child of this.children) { const childClone = child.cloneDeep() as TraceTreeNode; clone.children.push(childClone); childClone.parent = clone; } } return clone; } get isOrphaned() { return this.parent?.value && 'orphan_errors' in this.parent.value; } get isLastChild() { if (!this.parent || this.parent.children.length === 0) { return true; } return this.parent.children[this.parent.children.length - 1] === this; } /** * Return a lazily calculated depth of the node in the tree. * Root node has a value of -1 as it is abstract. */ get depth(): number { if (typeof this._depth === 'number') { return this._depth; } let depth = -2; let node: TraceTreeNode | null = this; while (node) { if (typeof node.parent?.depth === 'number') { this._depth = node.parent.depth + 1; return this._depth; } depth++; node = node.parent; } this._depth = depth; return this._depth; } get has_errors(): boolean { return this.errors.size > 0 || this.performance_issues.size > 0; } get parent_transaction(): TraceTreeNode | null { let node: TraceTreeNode | null = this.parent; while (node) { if (isTransactionNode(node)) { return node; } node = node.parent; } return null; } /** * Returns the depth levels at which the row should draw vertical connectors * negative values mean connector points to an orphaned node */ get connectors(): number[] { if (this._connectors !== undefined) { return this._connectors!; } this._connectors = []; if (!this.parent) { return this._connectors; } if (this.parent?.connectors !== undefined) { this._connectors = [...this.parent.connectors]; if (this.isLastChild || this.value === null) { return this._connectors; } this.connectors.push(this.isOrphaned ? -this.depth : this.depth); return this._connectors; } let node: TraceTreeNode | TraceTreeNode | null = this.parent; while (node) { if (node.value === null) { break; } if (node.isLastChild) { node = node.parent; continue; } this._connectors.push(node.isOrphaned ? -node.depth : node.depth); node = node.parent; } return this._connectors; } /** * Returns the children that the node currently points to. * The logic here is a consequence of the tree design, where we want to be able to store * both transaction and span nodes in the same tree. This results in an annoying API where * we either store span children separately or transaction children separately. A better design * would have been to create an invisible meta node that always points to the correct children. */ get children(): TraceTreeNode[] { if (isAutogroupedNode(this)) { return this._children; } if (isSpanNode(this)) { return this.canFetch && !this.zoomedIn ? [] : this.spanChildren; } if (isTransactionNode(this)) { return this.zoomedIn ? this._spanChildren : this._children; } return this._children; } set children(children: TraceTreeNode[]) { this._children = children; } get spanChildren(): (TraceTreeNode | NoDataNode)[] { return this._spanChildren; } private _max_severity: keyof Theme['level'] | undefined; get max_severity(): keyof Theme['level'] { if (this._max_severity) { return this._max_severity; } for (const error of this.errors) { if (error.level === 'error' || error.level === 'fatal') { this._max_severity = error.level; return this.max_severity; } } return 'default'; } /** * Invalidate the visual data used to render the tree, forcing it * to be recalculated on the next render. This is useful when for example * the tree is expanded or collapsed, or when the tree is mutated and * the visual data is no longer valid as the indentation changes */ invalidate(root?: TraceTreeNode) { this._connectors = undefined; this._depth = undefined; if (root) { const queue = [...this.children]; if (isParentAutogroupedNode(this)) { queue.push(this.head); } while (queue.length > 0) { const next = queue.pop()!; next.invalidate(); if (isParentAutogroupedNode(next)) { queue.push(next.head); } for (let i = 0; i < next.children.length; i++) { queue.push(next.children[i]); } } } } getVisibleChildrenCount(): number { const stack: TraceTreeNode[] = []; let count = 0; if (isParentAutogroupedNode(this)) { if (this.expanded) { return this.head.getVisibleChildrenCount(); } return this.tail.getVisibleChildrenCount(); } if (this.expanded || isMissingInstrumentationNode(this)) { for (let i = this.children.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { stack.push(this.children[i]); } } while (stack.length > 0) { const node = stack.pop()!; count++; // Since we're using a stack and it's LIFO, reverse the children before pushing them // to ensure they are processed in the original left-to-right order. if (node.expanded || isParentAutogroupedNode(node)) { for (let i = node.children.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { stack.push(node.children[i]); } } } return count; } getVisibleChildren(): TraceTreeNode[] { const stack: TraceTreeNode[] = []; const children: TraceTreeNode[] = []; if ( this.expanded || isParentAutogroupedNode(this) || isMissingInstrumentationNode(this) ) { for (let i = this.children.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { stack.push(this.children[i]); } } while (stack.length > 0) { const node = stack.pop()!; children.push(node); // Since we're using a stack and it's LIFO, reverse the children before pushing them // to ensure they are processed in the original left-to-right order. if (node.expanded || isParentAutogroupedNode(node)) { for (let i = node.children.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { stack.push(node.children[i]); } } } return children; } // Returns the min path required to reach the node from the root. // @TODO: skip nodes that do not require fetching get path(): TraceTree.NodePath[] { const nodes: TraceTreeNode[] = [this]; let current: TraceTreeNode | null = this.parent; if (isSpanNode(this) || isAutogroupedNode(this)) { while ( current && (isSpanNode(current) || (isAutogroupedNode(current) && !current.expanded)) ) { current = current.parent; } } while (current) { if (isTransactionNode(current)) { nodes.push(current); } if (isSpanNode(current)) { nodes.push(current); while (current.parent) { if (isTransactionNode(current.parent)) { break; } if (isAutogroupedNode(current.parent) && current.parent.expanded) { break; } current = current.parent; } } if (isAutogroupedNode(current)) { nodes.push(current); } current = current.parent; } return; } print() { // root nodes are -1 indexed, so we add 1 to the depth so .repeat doesnt throw const offset = this.depth === -1 ? 1 : 0; const nodes = [this, ...this.getVisibleChildren()]; const print = nodes .map(t => printNode(t, offset)) .filter(Boolean) .join('\n'); // eslint-disable-next-line no-console console.log(print); } static Find( root: TraceTreeNode, predicate: (node: TraceTreeNode) => boolean ): TraceTreeNode | null { const queue = [root]; while (queue.length > 0) { const next = queue.pop()!; if (predicate(next)) { return next; } if (isParentAutogroupedNode(next)) { queue.push(next.head); } else { for (const child of next.children) { queue.push(child); } } } return null; } static Root() { return new TraceTreeNode(null, null, { event_id: undefined, project_slug: undefined, }); } } export class MissingInstrumentationNode extends TraceTreeNode { next: TraceTreeNode; previous: TraceTreeNode; constructor( parent: TraceTreeNode, node: TraceTree.MissingInstrumentationSpan, metadata: TraceTree.Metadata, previous: TraceTreeNode, next: TraceTreeNode ) { super(parent, node, metadata); = next; this.previous = previous; } } export class ParentAutogroupNode extends TraceTreeNode { head: TraceTreeNode; tail: TraceTreeNode; groupCount: number = 0; profiles: TraceTree.Profile[] = []; private _autogroupedSegments: [number, number][] | undefined; constructor( parent: TraceTreeNode | null, node: TraceTree.ChildrenAutogroup, metadata: TraceTree.Metadata, head: TraceTreeNode, tail: TraceTreeNode ) { super(parent, node, metadata); this.expanded = false; this.head = head; this.tail = tail; } get children() { if (this.expanded) { return [this.head]; } return this.tail.children; } get has_errors(): boolean { return this.errors.size > 0 || this.performance_issues.size > 0; } get autogroupedSegments(): [number, number][] { if (this._autogroupedSegments) { return this._autogroupedSegments; } const children: TraceTreeNode[] = []; let start: TraceTreeNode | undefined = this.head; while (start && start !== this.tail) { children.push(start); start = start.children[0]; } children.push(this.tail); this._autogroupedSegments = computeAutogroupedBarSegments(children); return this._autogroupedSegments; } } export class SiblingAutogroupNode extends TraceTreeNode { groupCount: number = 0; profiles: TraceTree.Profile[] = []; private _autogroupedSegments: [number, number][] | undefined; constructor( parent: TraceTreeNode | null, node: TraceTree.SiblingAutogroup, metadata: TraceTree.Metadata ) { super(parent, node, metadata); this.expanded = false; } get has_errors(): boolean { return this.errors.size > 0 || this.performance_issues.size > 0; } get autogroupedSegments(): [number, number][] { if (this._autogroupedSegments) { return this._autogroupedSegments; } this._autogroupedSegments = computeAutogroupedBarSegments(this.children); return this._autogroupedSegments; } } export class NoDataNode extends TraceTreeNode { constructor(parent: TraceTreeNode | null) { super(parent, null, { event_id: undefined, project_slug: undefined, }); } } // Generates a ID of the tree node based on its type function nodeToId(n: TraceTreeNode): TraceTree.NodePath { if (isAutogroupedNode(n)) { if (isParentAutogroupedNode(n)) { return `ag-${n.head.value.span_id}`; } if (isSiblingAutogroupedNode(n)) { const child = n.children[0]; if (isSpanNode(child)) { return `ag-${child.value.span_id}`; } } } if (isTransactionNode(n)) { return `txn-${n.value.event_id}`; } if (isSpanNode(n)) { return `span-${n.value.span_id}`; } if (isTraceNode(n)) { return `trace-root`; } if (isTraceErrorNode(n)) { return `error-${n.value.event_id}`; } if (isNoDataNode(n)) { return `empty-node`; } if (isRootNode(n)) { throw new Error('A path to root node does not exist as the node is virtual'); } if (isMissingInstrumentationNode(n)) { if (n.previous) { return `ms-${n.previous.value.span_id}`; } if ( { return `ms-${}`; } throw new Error('Missing instrumentation node must have a previous or next node'); } throw new Error('Not implemented'); } // Returns a list of segments from a grouping sequence that can be used to render a span bar chart // It looks for gaps between spans and creates a segment for each gap. If there are no gaps, it // merges the n and n+1 segments. export function computeAutogroupedBarSegments( nodes: TraceTreeNode[] ): [number, number][] { if (nodes.length === 0) { return []; } if (nodes.length === 1) { const space = nodes[0].space; if (!space) { throw new Error( 'Autogrouped node child has no defined space. This should not happen.' ); } return [space]; } const first = nodes[0]; const multiplier = first.multiplier; if (!isSpanNode(first)) { throw new Error('Autogrouped node must have span children'); } const segments: [number, number][] = []; let start = first.value.start_timestamp; let end = first.value.timestamp; let i = 1; while (i < nodes.length) { const next = nodes[i]; if (!isSpanNode(next)) { throw new Error('Autogrouped node must have span children'); } if (next.value.start_timestamp > end) { segments.push([start * multiplier, (end - start) * multiplier]); start = next.value.start_timestamp; end = next.value.timestamp; i++; } else { end = next.value.timestamp; i++; } } segments.push([start * multiplier, (end - start) * multiplier]); return segments; } // Returns a list of errors related to the txn with ids matching the span id function getRelatedSpanErrorsFromTransaction( span: RawSpanType, node?: TraceTreeNode ): TraceErrorType[] { if (!node || !node.value || !isTransactionNode(node)) { return []; } if (!node?.value?.errors?.length) { return []; } const errors: TraceErrorType[] = []; for (const error of node.value.errors) { if (error.span === span.span_id) { errors.push(error); } } return errors; } // Returns a list of performance errors related to the txn with ids matching the span id function getRelatedPerformanceIssuesFromTransaction( span: RawSpanType, node?: TraceTreeNode ): TracePerformanceIssue[] { if (!node || !node.value || !isTransactionNode(node)) { return []; } if (!node?.value?.performance_issues?.length && !node?.value?.errors?.length) { return []; } const performanceIssues: TracePerformanceIssue[] = []; for (const perfIssue of node.value.performance_issues) { for (const s of perfIssue.span) { if (s === span.span_id) { performanceIssues.push(perfIssue); } } for (const suspect of perfIssue.suspect_spans) { if (suspect === span.span_id) { performanceIssues.push(perfIssue); } } } return performanceIssues; } function hasEventWithEventId( node: TraceTreeNode, eventId: string ): boolean { // Skip trace nodes since they accumulate all errors and performance issues // in the trace and is not an event. if (isTraceNode(node)) { return false; } // Search in errors if (node.errors.size > 0) { for (const e of node.errors) { if (e.event_id === eventId) { return true; } } } // Search in performance issues if (node.performance_issues.size > 0) { for (const p of node.performance_issues) { if (p.event_id === eventId) { return true; } } } // Check if we are maybe looking for the profile_id if (node.value && 'profile_id' in node.value && node.value.profile_id === eventId) { return true; } return false; } function findInTreeByEventId(start: TraceTreeNode, eventId: string) { return TraceTreeNode.Find(start, node => { if (isTransactionNode(node)) { if (node.value.event_id === eventId) { return true; } } else if (isSpanNode(node)) { return node.value.span_id === eventId; } else if (isTraceErrorNode(node)) { return node.value.event_id === eventId; } return hasEventWithEventId(node, eventId); }); } function findInTreeFromSegment( start: TraceTreeNode, segment: TraceTree.NodePath ): TraceTreeNode | null { const [type, id] = segment.split('-'); if (!type || !id) { throw new TypeError('Node path must be in the format of `type-id`'); } return TraceTreeNode.Find(start, node => { if (type === 'txn' && isTransactionNode(node)) { return node.value.event_id === id; } if (type === 'span' && isSpanNode(node)) { return node.value.span_id === id; } if (type === 'ag' && isAutogroupedNode(node)) { if (isParentAutogroupedNode(node)) { return node.head.value.span_id === id || node.tail.value.span_id === id; } if (isSiblingAutogroupedNode(node)) { const child = node.children[0]; if (isSpanNode(child)) { return child.value.span_id === id; } } } if (type === 'ms' && isMissingInstrumentationNode(node)) { return node.previous.value.span_id === id || === id; } if (type === 'error' && isTraceErrorNode(node)) { return node.value.event_id === id; } if (type === 'empty' && isNoDataNode(node)) { return true; } return false; }); } function printNode(t: TraceTreeNode, offset: number): string { // +1 because we may be printing from the root which is -1 indexed const padding = ' '.repeat(t.depth + offset); if (isAutogroupedNode(t)) { if (isParentAutogroupedNode(t)) { return padding + `parent autogroup (${t.groupCount})`; } if (isSiblingAutogroupedNode(t)) { return padding + `sibling autogroup (${t.groupCount})`; } return padding + 'autogroup'; } if (isSpanNode(t)) { return padding + (t.value.op || t.value.span_id || 'unknown span'); } if (isTransactionNode(t)) { return padding + (t.value.transaction || 'unknown transaction'); } if (isMissingInstrumentationNode(t)) { return padding + 'missing_instrumentation'; } if (isRootNode(t)) { return padding + 'Root'; } if (isTraceNode(t)) { return padding + 'Trace'; } if (isNoDataNode(t)) { return padding + 'No Data'; } if (isTraceErrorNode(t)) { return padding + (t.value.event_id || t.value.level) || 'unknown trace error'; } return 'unknown node'; } // Creates an example trace response that we use to render the loading placeholder function partialTransaction( partial: Partial ): TraceTree.Transaction { return { start_timestamp: 0, timestamp: 0, errors: [], performance_issues: [], parent_span_id: '', span_id: '', parent_event_id: '', project_id: 0, 'transaction.duration': 0, 'transaction.op': 'loading-transaction', 'transaction.status': 'loading-status', generation: 0, project_slug: '', event_id: `event_id`, transaction: `transaction`, children: [], ...partial, }; } export function makeExampleTrace(metadata: TraceTree.Metadata): TraceTree { const trace: TraceTree.Trace = { transactions: [], orphan_errors: [], }; function randomBetween(min: number, max: number) { return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1) + min); } let start = new Date().getTime(); const root = partialTransaction({ ...metadata, generation: 0, start_timestamp: start, transaction: 'root transaction', timestamp: start + randomBetween(100, 200), }); trace.transactions.push(root); for (let i = 0; i < 50; i++) { const end = start + randomBetween(100, 200); const nest = i > 0 && Math.random() > 0.33; if (nest) { const parent = root.children[root.children.length - 1]; parent.children.push( partialTransaction({ ...metadata, generation: 0, start_timestamp: start, transaction: `parent transaction ${i}`, timestamp: end, }) ); parent.timestamp = end; } else { root.children.push( partialTransaction({ ...metadata, generation: 0, start_timestamp: start, transaction: 'loading...', ['transaction.op']: 'loading', timestamp: end, }) ); } start = end; } const tree = TraceTree.FromTrace(trace); return tree; }