import {useCallback, useMemo, useRef} from 'react'; import {ALL_ACCESS_PROJECTS} from 'sentry/constants/pageFilters'; import useFetchParallelPages from 'sentry/utils/api/useFetchParallelPages'; import useFetchSequentialPages from 'sentry/utils/api/useFetchSequentialPages'; import {DiscoverDatasets} from 'sentry/utils/discover/types'; import parseLinkHeader from 'sentry/utils/parseLinkHeader'; import type {ApiQueryKey} from 'sentry/utils/queryClient'; import {useApiQuery, useQueryClient} from 'sentry/utils/queryClient'; import {mapResponseToReplayRecord} from 'sentry/utils/replays/replayDataUtils'; import type RequestError from 'sentry/utils/requestError/requestError'; import useProjects from 'sentry/utils/useProjects'; import type {ReplayError, ReplayRecord} from 'sentry/views/replays/types'; type Options = { /** * The organization slug */ orgSlug: string; /** * The replayId */ replayId: string; /** * Default: 50 * You can override this for testing */ errorsPerPage?: number; /** * Default: 100 * You can override this for testing */ segmentsPerPage?: number; }; interface Result { attachments: unknown[]; errors: ReplayError[]; fetchError: undefined | RequestError; fetching: boolean; onRetry: () => void; projectSlug: string | null; replayRecord: ReplayRecord | undefined; } /** * A react hook to load core replay data over the network. * * Core replay data includes: * 1. The root replay EventTransaction object * - This includes `startTimestamp`, and `tags` * 2. RRWeb, Breadcrumb, and Span attachment data * - We make an API call to get a list of segments, each segment contains a * list of attachments * - There may be a few large segments, or many small segments. It depends! * ie: If the replay has many events/errors then there will be many small segments, * or if the page changes rapidly across each pageload, then there will be * larger segments, but potentially fewer of them. * 3. Related Event data * - Event details are not part of the attachments payload, so we have to * request them separately * * This function should stay focused on loading data over the network. * Front-end processing, filtering and re-mixing of the different data streams * must be delegated to the `ReplayReader` class. * * @param {orgSlug, replayId} Where to find the root replay event * @returns An object representing a unified result of the network requests. Either a single `ReplayReader` data object or fetch errors. */ function useReplayData({ replayId, orgSlug, errorsPerPage = 50, segmentsPerPage = 100, }: Options): Result { const hasFetchedAttachments = useRef(false); const projects = useProjects(); const queryClient = useQueryClient(); // Fetch every field of the replay. The TS type definition lists every field // that's available. It's easier to ask for them all and not have to deal with // partial types or nullable fields. // We're overfetching for sure. const { data: replayData, isFetching: isFetchingReplay, error: fetchReplayError, } = useApiQuery<{data: unknown}>([`/organizations/${orgSlug}/replays/${replayId}/`], { staleTime: Infinity, retry: false, }); const replayRecord = useMemo( () => (replayData?.data ? mapResponseToReplayRecord( : undefined), [replayData?.data] ); const projectSlug = useMemo(() => { if (!replayRecord) { return null; } return projects.projects.find(p => === replayRecord.project_id)?.slug ?? null; }, [replayRecord, projects.projects]); const getAttachmentsQueryKey = useCallback( ({cursor, per_page}): ApiQueryKey => { return [ `/projects/${orgSlug}/${projectSlug}/replays/${replayId}/recording-segments/`, { query: { download: true, per_page, cursor, }, }, ]; }, [orgSlug, projectSlug, replayId] ); const { pages: attachmentPages, isFetching: isFetchingAttachments, error: fetchAttachmentsError, } = useFetchParallelPages({ enabled: !fetchReplayError && Boolean(projectSlug) && Boolean(replayRecord), hits: replayRecord?.count_segments ?? 0, getQueryKey: getAttachmentsQueryKey, perPage: segmentsPerPage, }); const getErrorsQueryKey = useCallback( ({cursor, per_page}): ApiQueryKey => { // Clone the `finished_at` time and bump it up one second because finishedAt // has the `ms` portion truncated, while replays-events-meta operates on // timestamps with `ms` attached. So finishedAt could be at time `12:00:00.000Z` // while the event is saved with `12:00:00.450Z`. const finishedAtClone = new Date(replayRecord?.finished_at ?? ''); finishedAtClone.setSeconds(finishedAtClone.getSeconds() + 1); return [ `/organizations/${orgSlug}/replays-events-meta/`, { query: { dataset: DiscoverDatasets.DISCOVER, start: replayRecord?.started_at.toISOString(), end: finishedAtClone.toISOString(), project: ALL_ACCESS_PROJECTS, query: `replayId:[${replayRecord?.id}]`, per_page, cursor, }, }, ]; }, [orgSlug, replayRecord] ); const getPlatformErrorsQueryKey = useCallback( ({cursor, per_page}): ApiQueryKey => { // Clone the `finished_at` time and bump it up one second because finishedAt // has the `ms` portion truncated, while replays-events-meta operates on // timestamps with `ms` attached. So finishedAt could be at time `12:00:00.000Z` // while the event is saved with `12:00:00.450Z`. const finishedAtClone = new Date(replayRecord?.finished_at ?? ''); finishedAtClone.setSeconds(finishedAtClone.getSeconds() + 1); return [ `/organizations/${orgSlug}/replays-events-meta/`, { query: { dataset: DiscoverDatasets.ISSUE_PLATFORM, start: replayRecord?.started_at.toISOString(), end: finishedAtClone.toISOString(), project: ALL_ACCESS_PROJECTS, query: `replayId:[${replayRecord?.id}]`, per_page, cursor, }, }, ]; }, [orgSlug, replayRecord] ); const { pages: errorPages, isFetching: isFetchingErrors, getLastResponseHeader: lastErrorsResponseHeader, } = useFetchParallelPages<{data: ReplayError[]}>({ enabled: !fetchReplayError && Boolean(projectSlug) && Boolean(replayRecord), hits: replayRecord?.count_errors ?? 0, getQueryKey: getErrorsQueryKey, perPage: errorsPerPage, }); const linkHeader = lastErrorsResponseHeader?.('Link') ?? null; const links = parseLinkHeader(linkHeader); const {pages: extraErrorPages, isFetching: isFetchingExtraErrors} = useFetchSequentialPages<{data: ReplayError[]}>({ enabled: !fetchReplayError && !isFetchingErrors && (!replayRecord?.count_errors || Boolean(, initialCursor:, getQueryKey: getErrorsQueryKey, perPage: errorsPerPage, }); const {pages: platformErrorPages, isFetching: isFetchingPlatformErrors} = useFetchSequentialPages<{data: ReplayError[]}>({ enabled: true, getQueryKey: getPlatformErrorsQueryKey, perPage: errorsPerPage, }); const clearQueryCache = useCallback(() => { queryClient.invalidateQueries({ queryKey: [`/organizations/${orgSlug}/replays/${replayId}/`], }); queryClient.invalidateQueries({ queryKey: [ `/projects/${orgSlug}/${projectSlug}/replays/${replayId}/recording-segments/`, ], }); // The next one isn't optimized // This statement will invalidate the cache of fetched error events for all replayIds queryClient.invalidateQueries({ queryKey: [`/organizations/${orgSlug}/replays-events-meta/`], }); }, [orgSlug, replayId, projectSlug, queryClient]); return useMemo(() => { // This hook can enter a state where `fetching` below is false // before it is entirely ready (i.e. it has not fetched // attachemnts yet). This can cause downstream components to // think it is no longer fetching and will display an error // because there are no attachments. The below will require // that we have attempted to fetch an attachment once (or it // errors) before we toggle fetching state to false. hasFetchedAttachments.current = hasFetchedAttachments.current || isFetchingAttachments; const fetching = isFetchingReplay || isFetchingAttachments || isFetchingErrors || isFetchingExtraErrors || isFetchingPlatformErrors || (!hasFetchedAttachments.current && !fetchAttachmentsError && Boolean(replayRecord?.count_segments)); const allErrors = errorPages .concat(extraErrorPages) .concat(platformErrorPages) .flatMap(page =>; return { attachments: attachmentPages.flat(2), errors: allErrors, fetchError: fetchReplayError ?? undefined, fetching, onRetry: clearQueryCache, projectSlug, replayRecord, }; }, [ attachmentPages, clearQueryCache, errorPages, extraErrorPages, fetchReplayError, fetchAttachmentsError, isFetchingAttachments, isFetchingErrors, isFetchingExtraErrors, isFetchingPlatformErrors, isFetchingReplay, platformErrorPages, projectSlug, replayRecord, ]); } export default useReplayData;