import {useReducer} from 'react'; import {reactHooks} from 'sentry-test/reactTestingLibrary'; import {makeCombinedReducers} from 'sentry/utils/useCombinedReducer'; import { makeUndoableReducer, UndoableNode, useUndoableReducer, } from 'sentry/utils/useUndoableReducer'; describe('makeUndoableReducer', () => { it('does not overflow undo/redo', () => { const mockFirstReducer = jest.fn().mockImplementation(v => ++v); const reducer = makeUndoableReducer(mockFirstReducer); expect(() => reducer({previous: undefined, current: 0, next: undefined}, {type: 'undo'}) ).not.toThrow(); expect(() => reducer({previous: undefined, current: 0, next: undefined}, {type: 'redo'}) ).not.toThrow(); }); it('calls undo/redo if action matches', () => { const mockFirstReducer = jest.fn().mockImplementation(v => { return ++v; }); const reducer = makeUndoableReducer(mockFirstReducer); const first: UndoableNode<number> = { previous: undefined, current: 0, next: undefined, }; const current = { previous: first, current: 1, next: undefined, }; = current; expect(reducer(first, {type: 'redo'})).toEqual(current); expect(reducer(current, {type: 'undo'})).toEqual(first); expect(mockFirstReducer).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(reducer(current, 'add')).toEqual({ previous: current, current: 2, next: undefined, }); expect(mockFirstReducer).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith(current.current, 'add'); }); describe('useUndoableReducer', () => { it('initializes with init state', () => { const reducer = jest .fn() .mockImplementation((state: number, action: 'add' | 'subtract') => action === 'add' ? state + 1 : state - 1 ); const {result} = reactHooks.renderHook( (args: Parameters<typeof useUndoableReducer>) => useUndoableReducer(args[0], args[1]), { initialProps: [reducer, 100], } ); expect(reducer).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(result.current[0]).toEqual(100); }); it('updates state', () => { const reducer = jest .fn() .mockImplementation((state: number, action: 'add' | 'subtract') => action === 'add' ? state + 1 : state - 1 ); const {result} = reactHooks.renderHook( (args: Parameters<typeof useUndoableReducer>) => useUndoableReducer(args[0], args[1]), {initialProps: [reducer, 0]} ); reactHooks.act(() => result.current[1]('add')); expect(result.current[0]).toEqual(1); expect(reducer).toHaveBeenNthCalledWith(1, 0, 'add'); reactHooks.act(() => result.current[1]('add')); expect(result.current[0]).toEqual(2); expect(reducer).toHaveBeenNthCalledWith(2, 0, 'add'); }); it('can undo state', () => { const {result} = reactHooks.renderHook( (args: Parameters<typeof useUndoableReducer>) => useUndoableReducer(args[0], args[1]), {initialProps: [jest.fn().mockImplementation(s => s + 1), 0]} ); reactHooks.act(() => result.current[1](0)); expect(result.current[0]).toEqual(1); reactHooks.act(() => result.current[1]({type: 'undo'})); expect(result.current[0]).toEqual(0); }); it('can redo state', () => { const {result} = reactHooks.renderHook( (args: Parameters<typeof useUndoableReducer>) => useUndoableReducer(args[0], args[1]), {initialProps: [jest.fn().mockImplementation(s => s + 1), 0]} ); reactHooks.act(() => result.current[1](0)); // 0 + 1 reactHooks.act(() => result.current[1](1)); // 1 + 1 reactHooks.act(() => result.current[1]({type: 'undo'})); // 2 -> 1 reactHooks.act(() => result.current[1]({type: 'undo'})); // 1 -> 0 expect(result.current[0]).toEqual(0); reactHooks.act(() => result.current[1]({type: 'redo'})); // 0 -> 1 reactHooks.act(() => result.current[1]({type: 'redo'})); // 1 -> 2 expect(result.current[0]).toEqual(2); reactHooks.act(() => result.current[1]({type: 'redo'})); // 2 -> undefined expect(result.current[0]).toEqual(2); }); }); it('can peek previous and next state', () => { const simpleReducer = (state, action) => action.type === 'add' ? state + 1 : state - 1; const {result} = reactHooks.renderHook( (args: Parameters<typeof useUndoableReducer>) => useUndoableReducer(args[0], args[1]), { initialProps: [simpleReducer, 0], } ); reactHooks.act(() => result.current[1]({type: 'add'})); expect(result.current?.[2].previousState).toEqual(0); reactHooks.act(() => result.current[1]({type: 'undo'})); expect(result.current?.[2].nextState).toEqual(1); }); it('can work with primitives', () => { const simpleReducer = (state: number, action: {type: 'add'} | {type: 'subtract'}) => action.type === 'add' ? state + 1 : state - 1; const {result} = reactHooks.renderHook( (args: Parameters<typeof useReducer>) => useReducer(args[0], args[1]), { initialProps: [ makeUndoableReducer(makeCombinedReducers({simple: simpleReducer})), { previous: undefined, current: { simple: 0, }, next: undefined, }, ], } ); reactHooks.act(() => result.current[1]({type: 'add'})); expect(result.current[0].current.simple).toBe(1); reactHooks.act(() => result.current[1]({type: 'undo'})); expect(result.current[0].current.simple).toBe(0); reactHooks.act(() => result.current[1]({type: 'redo'})); expect(result.current[0].current.simple).toBe(1); }); it('can work with objects', () => { const combinedReducers = makeCombinedReducers({ math: (state: number, action: {type: 'add'} | {type: 'subtract'}) => action.type === 'add' ? state + 1 : state - 1, }); const {result} = reactHooks.renderHook( (args: Parameters<typeof useReducer>) => useReducer(args[0], args[1]), { initialProps: [ makeUndoableReducer(combinedReducers), { previous: undefined, current: { math: 0, }, next: undefined, }, ], } ); reactHooks.act(() => result.current[1]({type: 'add'})); expect(result.current[0].current.math).toBe(1); reactHooks.act(() => result.current[1]({type: 'undo'})); expect(result.current[0].current.math).toBe(0); reactHooks.act(() => result.current[1]({type: 'redo'})); expect(result.current[0].current.math).toBe(1); }); });