import {browserHistory} from 'react-router'; import {initializeOrg} from 'sentry-test/initializeOrg'; import {render, screen, userEvent} from 'sentry-test/reactTestingLibrary'; import OrganizationsStore from 'sentry/stores/organizationsStore'; import {OrganizationCrumb} from 'sentry/views/settings/components/settingsBreadcrumb/organizationCrumb'; jest.unmock('sentry/utils/recreateRoute'); describe('OrganizationCrumb', function () { let initialData; const {organization, project, routerContext} = initializeOrg(); const organizations = [ organization, TestStubs.Organization({ id: '234', slug: 'org-slug2', }), ]; beforeEach(() => { OrganizationsStore.init(); OrganizationsStore.load(organizations); }); const switchOrganization = async () => { await userEvent.hover(screen.getByRole('link')); await'option')[1]); }; const renderComponent = props => render(, { context: routerContext, organization, }); beforeEach(function () { initialData = window.__initialData; browserHistory.push.mockReset(); window.location.assign.mockReset(); }); afterEach(function () { window.__initalData = initialData; }); it('switches organizations on settings index', async function () { const routes = [ {path: '/', childRoutes: []}, {childRoutes: []}, {path: '/foo/', childRoutes: []}, {childRoutes: []}, {path: ':bar', childRoutes: []}, {path: '/settings/', name: 'Settings'}, {name: 'Organizations', path: ':orgId/', childRoutes: []}, ]; const route = routes[6]; renderComponent({routes, route}); await switchOrganization(); expect(browserHistory.push).toHaveBeenCalledWith('/settings/org-slug2/'); }); it('switches organizations while on API Keys Details route', async function () { const routes = [ {path: '/', childRoutes: []}, {childRoutes: []}, {path: '/foo/', childRoutes: []}, {childRoutes: []}, {path: ':bar', childRoutes: []}, {path: '/settings/', name: 'Settings'}, {name: 'Organizations', path: ':orgId/', childRoutes: []}, {childRoutes: []}, {path: 'api-keys/', name: 'API Key'}, {path: ':apiKey/', name: 'API Key Details'}, ]; const route = routes[6]; renderComponent({routes, route}); await switchOrganization(); expect(browserHistory.push).toHaveBeenCalledWith('/settings/org-slug2/api-keys/'); }); it('switches organizations while on API Keys List route', async function () { const routes = [ {path: '/', childRoutes: []}, {childRoutes: []}, {path: '/foo/', childRoutes: []}, {childRoutes: []}, {path: ':bar', childRoutes: []}, {path: '/settings/', name: 'Settings'}, {name: 'Organizations', path: ':orgId/', childRoutes: []}, {childRoutes: []}, {path: 'api-keys/', name: 'API Key'}, ]; const route = routes[6]; renderComponent({routes, route}); await switchOrganization(); expect(browserHistory.push).toHaveBeenCalledWith('/settings/org-slug2/api-keys/'); }); it('switches organizations while in Project Client Keys Details route', async function () { const routes = [ {path: '/', childRoutes: []}, {path: '/settings/', name: 'Settings', childRoutes: []}, {name: 'Organization', path: ':orgId/', childRoutes: []}, {name: 'Project', path: 'projects/:projectId/', childRoutes: []}, {path: 'keys/', name: 'Client Keys'}, {path: ':keyId/', name: 'Details'}, ]; const route = routes[2]; renderComponent({ params: { orgId: organization.slug, projectId: project.slug, }, routes, route, }); await switchOrganization(); expect(browserHistory.push).toHaveBeenCalledWith('/settings/org-slug2/'); }); it('switches organizations for child route with customer domains', async function () { window.__initialData = { customerDomain: { subdomain: 'albertos-apples', organizationUrl: '', sentryUrl: '', }, }; const routes = [ {path: '/', childRoutes: []}, {childRoutes: []}, {path: '/foo/', childRoutes: []}, {childRoutes: []}, {path: ':bar', childRoutes: []}, {path: '/settings/', name: 'Settings'}, {name: 'Organizations', path: ':orgId/', childRoutes: []}, {childRoutes: []}, {path: 'api-keys/', name: 'API Key'}, ]; const route = routes[6]; const orgs = [ organization, TestStubs.Organization({ id: '234', slug: 'acme', features: ['customer-domains'], links: { organizationUrl: '', }, }), ]; OrganizationsStore.load(orgs); renderComponent({routes, route}); await switchOrganization(); // The double slug doesn't actually show up as we have more routing context present. expect(window.location.assign).toHaveBeenCalledWith( '' ); }); });