import { ExternalIssueComponent, IntegrationComponent, PluginActionComponent, PluginIssueComponent, SentryAppIssueComponent, } from 'sentry/components/group/externalIssuesList/types'; import useExternalIssueData from 'sentry/components/group/externalIssuesList/useExternalIssueData'; import {Tooltip} from 'sentry/components/tooltip'; import {IconLink} from 'sentry/icons'; import {t} from 'sentry/locale'; import {Event, Group} from 'sentry/types'; import {getIntegrationIcon} from 'sentry/utils/integrationUtil'; interface Props { group: Group; } function filterLinkedPlugins(actions: ExternalIssueComponent[]) { // Plugins: need to do some extra logic to detect if the issue is linked, // by checking if there exists an issue object const plugins = actions.filter( a => (a.type === 'plugin-issue' || a.type === 'plugin-action') && 'issue' in a.props.plugin ); // Non plugins: can read directly from the `hasLinkedIssue` property const nonPlugins = actions.filter( a => a.hasLinkedIssue && !(a.type === 'plugin-issue' || a.type === 'plugin-action') ); return plugins.concat(nonPlugins); } function getPluginNames(pluginIssue: PluginIssueComponent | PluginActionComponent) { return { name: ?? '', icon: pluginIssue.props.plugin.slug ?? '', }; } function getIntegrationNames(integrationIssue: IntegrationComponent) { if (!integrationIssue.props.configurations.length) { return {name: '', icon: ''}; } return { name: integrationIssue.props.configurations[0] ?? '', icon: integrationIssue.key ?? '', }; } function getAppIntegrationNames(integrationIssue: SentryAppIssueComponent) { return { name:, icon: integrationIssue.key ?? '', }; } export default function IssueTrackingSignals({group}: Props) { const {actions} = useExternalIssueData({ group, event: {} as Event, project: group.project, }); const linkedIssues = filterLinkedPlugins(actions); if (!linkedIssues.length) { return null; } if (linkedIssues.length > 1) { return ( ); } const issue = linkedIssues[0]; const {name, icon} = { 'plugin-issue': getPluginNames, 'plugin-actions': getPluginNames, 'integration-issue': getIntegrationNames, 'sentry-app-issue': getAppIntegrationNames, }[issue.type](issue) ?? {name: '', icon: undefined}; return ( {getIntegrationIcon(icon, 'xs')} ); }