import ExternalLink from 'sentry/components/links/externalLink'; import Link from 'sentry/components/links/link'; import {tct} from 'sentry/locale'; import {type ProcessingError, ProcessingErrorType} from 'sentry/views/monitors/types'; interface Props { checkinTooltip: React.ReactNode; error: ProcessingError; } export function ProcessingErrorItem({error, checkinTooltip}: Props) { switch (error.type) { case ProcessingErrorType.CHECKIN_ENVIRONMENT_MISMATCH: return tct( 'The environment of the second [checkinTooltip:check-in] does not match the original "[env]" environment. Ensure both check-ins have the same environment.', {checkinTooltip, env: error.existingEnvironment} ); case ProcessingErrorType.CHECKIN_FINISHED: return tct( 'A [checkinTooltip:check-in] update was sent to a check-in that has already succeeded or failed. Only in-progress check-ins can be updated.', {checkinTooltip} ); case ProcessingErrorType.CHECKIN_GUID_PROJECT_MISMATCH: return tct( 'The [checkinTooltip:check-in] GUID provided matched to an existing check-in for a project that is different than the associated project DSN. Use the correct DSN to successfully update your check-in.', {checkinTooltip} ); case ProcessingErrorType.CHECKIN_INVALID_DURATION: return tct( 'A [checkinTooltip:check-in] was sent with an invalid duration of "[duration]".', { checkinTooltip, duration: error.duration, } ); case ProcessingErrorType.CHECKIN_INVALID_GUID: return tct('A [checkinTooltip:check-in] was sent with an invalid GUID.', { checkinTooltip, }); case ProcessingErrorType.CHECKIN_VALIDATION_FAILED: return tct( 'A [checkinTooltip:check-in] was sent with an invalid payload. Learn more about the check-in payload in our [link:documentation]', { checkinTooltip, link: ( <ExternalLink href="" /> ), } ); case ProcessingErrorType.MONITOR_DISABLED: return tct( 'A [checkinTooltip:check-in] was sent but was discarded because the monitor is disabled.', {checkinTooltip} ); case ProcessingErrorType.MONITOR_DISABLED_NO_QUOTA: return tct( 'A [checkinTooltip:check-in] upsert was sent, but due to insufficient quota a new monitor could not be enabled. Increase your Crons on-demand budget in your [link: subscription settings], and then enable this monitor.', {checkinTooltip, link: <Link to="/settings/billing/overview/" />} ); case ProcessingErrorType.MONITOR_INVALID_CONFIG: return tct( 'A monitor failed to upsert due to an invalid [checkinTooltip:check-in] payload provided. Learn more about the check-in payload in our [link:documentation].', { checkinTooltip, link: ( <ExternalLink href="" /> ), } ); case ProcessingErrorType.MONITOR_INVALID_ENVIRONMENT: return tct( 'A [checkinTooltip:check-in] was sent with an invalid environment due to: [reason].', { checkinTooltip, reason: error.reason, } ); case ProcessingErrorType.MONITOR_LIMIT_EXCEEDED: return tct( 'The maximum monitor limit for this project has been reached. Please reach out to our [link:sales team] to create additional monitors.', {link: <ExternalLink href="" />} ); case ProcessingErrorType.MONITOR_NOT_FOUND: return tct( 'A [checkinTooltip:check-in] was sent for a monitor that does not exist. If you meant to create a new monitor via upsert, please provide a valid monitor configuration in the check-in payload.', {checkinTooltip} ); case ProcessingErrorType.MONITOR_OVER_QUOTA: return tct( 'A [checkinTooltip:check-in] was sent but dropped due to the monitor being disabled. Please increase your on-demand budget if needed in your [link:subscription settings]. Then, enable this monitor to resume processing check-ins.', { checkinTooltip, link: <Link to="/settings/billing/overview/" />, } ); case ProcessingErrorType.MONITOR_ENVIRONMENT_LIMIT_EXCEEDED: return tct( 'A [checkinTooltip:check-in] was sent but dropped because the monitor has already reached the limit of allowed environments. Remove an existing environment to create new ones.', {checkinTooltip} ); case ProcessingErrorType.MONITOR_ENVIRONMENT_RATELIMITED: return tct( 'A sent [checkinTooltip:check-in] was dropped due to being rate limited. Reivew our rate limits for more information.', {checkinTooltip} ); case ProcessingErrorType.ORGANIZATION_KILLSWITCH_ENABLED: return tct( 'We have detected a problem with your organization and disabled check-in ingestion. Contact [link:support] for details.', {link: <ExternalLink href="" />} ); default: return tct( 'Unknown problem occurred while processing this [checkinTooltip:check-in]', {checkinTooltip} ); } }