import * as React from 'react'; import styled from '@emotion/styled'; import uniq from 'lodash/uniq'; import {bulkDelete, bulkUpdate, mergeGroups} from 'app/actionCreators/group'; import {addLoadingMessage, clearIndicators} from 'app/actionCreators/indicator'; import {Client} from 'app/api'; import Checkbox from 'app/components/checkbox'; import {t, tct, tn} from 'app/locale'; import GroupStore from 'app/stores/groupStore'; import SelectedGroupStore from 'app/stores/selectedGroupStore'; import space from 'app/styles/space'; import {GlobalSelection, Group, Organization} from 'app/types'; import {callIfFunction} from 'app/utils/callIfFunction'; import withApi from 'app/utils/withApi'; import ActionSet from './actionSet'; import Headers from './headers'; import {BULK_LIMIT, BULK_LIMIT_STR, ConfirmAction} from './utils'; type Props = { api: Client; allResultsVisible: boolean; organization: Organization; selection: GlobalSelection; groupIds: string[]; onDelete: () => void; onRealtimeChange: (realtime: boolean) => void; onSelectStatsPeriod: (period: string) => void; realtimeActive: boolean; statsPeriod: string; query: string; queryCount: number; displayCount: React.ReactElement; displayReprocessingActions: boolean; hasInbox?: boolean; onMarkReviewed?: (itemIds: string[]) => void; }; type State = { datePickerActive: boolean; anySelected: boolean; multiSelected: boolean; pageSelected: boolean; allInQuerySelected: boolean; selectedIds: Set; selectedProjectSlug?: string; }; class IssueListActions extends React.Component { state: State = { datePickerActive: false, anySelected: false, multiSelected: false, // more than one selected pageSelected: false, // all on current page selected (e.g. 25) allInQuerySelected: false, // all in current search query selected (e.g. 1000+) selectedIds: new Set(), }; componentDidMount() { this.handleSelectedGroupChange(); } componentWillUnmount() { callIfFunction(this.listener); } listener = SelectedGroupStore.listen(() => this.handleSelectedGroupChange(), undefined); actionSelectedGroups(callback: (itemIds: string[] | undefined) => void) { let selectedIds: string[] | undefined; if (this.state.allInQuerySelected) { selectedIds = undefined; // undefined means "all" } else { const itemIdSet = SelectedGroupStore.getSelectedIds(); selectedIds = this.props.groupIds.filter(itemId => itemIdSet.has(itemId)); } callback(selectedIds); this.deselectAll(); } deselectAll() { SelectedGroupStore.deselectAll(); this.setState({allInQuerySelected: false}); } // Handler for when `SelectedGroupStore` changes handleSelectedGroupChange() { const selected = SelectedGroupStore.getSelectedIds(); const projects = [...selected] .map(id => GroupStore.get(id)) .filter((group): group is Group => !!(group && group.project)) .map(group => group.project.slug); const uniqProjects = uniq(projects); // we only want selectedProjectSlug set if there is 1 project // more or fewer should result in a null so that the action toolbar // can behave correctly. const selectedProjectSlug = uniqProjects.length === 1 ? uniqProjects[0] : undefined; this.setState({ pageSelected: SelectedGroupStore.allSelected(), multiSelected: SelectedGroupStore.multiSelected(), anySelected: SelectedGroupStore.anySelected(), allInQuerySelected: false, // any change resets selectedIds: SelectedGroupStore.getSelectedIds(), selectedProjectSlug, }); } handleSelectStatsPeriod = (period: string) => { return this.props.onSelectStatsPeriod(period); }; handleApplyToAll = () => { this.setState({allInQuerySelected: true}); }; handleUpdate = (data?: any) => { const {selection, api, organization, query, onMarkReviewed} = this.props; const orgId = organization.slug; this.actionSelectedGroups(itemIds => { addLoadingMessage(t('Saving changes\u2026')); if (data?.inbox === false) { onMarkReviewed?.(itemIds ?? []); } // If `itemIds` is undefined then it means we expect to bulk update all items // that match the query. // // We need to always respect the projects selected in the global selection header: // * users with no global views requires a project to be specified // * users with global views need to be explicit about what projects the query will run against const projectConstraints = {project: selection.projects}; bulkUpdate( api, { orgId, itemIds, data, query, environment: selection.environments, ...projectConstraints, ...selection.datetime, }, { complete: () => { clearIndicators(); }, } ); }); }; handleDelete = () => { const {selection, api, organization, query, onDelete} = this.props; const orgId = organization.slug; addLoadingMessage(t('Removing events\u2026')); this.actionSelectedGroups(itemIds => { bulkDelete( api, { orgId, itemIds, query, project: selection.projects, environment: selection.environments, ...selection.datetime, }, { complete: () => { clearIndicators(); onDelete(); }, } ); }); }; handleMerge = () => { const {selection, api, organization, query} = this.props; const orgId = organization.slug; addLoadingMessage(t('Merging events\u2026')); this.actionSelectedGroups(itemIds => { mergeGroups( api, { orgId, itemIds, query, project: selection.projects, environment: selection.environments, ...selection.datetime, }, { complete: () => { clearIndicators(); }, } ); }); }; handleSelectAll() { SelectedGroupStore.toggleSelectAll(); } handleRealtimeChange = () => { this.props.onRealtimeChange(!this.props.realtimeActive); }; shouldConfirm = (action: ConfirmAction) => { const selectedItems = SelectedGroupStore.getSelectedIds(); switch (action) { case ConfirmAction.RESOLVE: case ConfirmAction.UNRESOLVE: case ConfirmAction.IGNORE: case ConfirmAction.UNBOOKMARK: { const {pageSelected} = this.state; return pageSelected && selectedItems.size > 1; } case ConfirmAction.BOOKMARK: return selectedItems.size > 1; case ConfirmAction.MERGE: case ConfirmAction.DELETE: default: return true; // By default, should confirm ... } }; render() { const { allResultsVisible, queryCount, hasInbox, query, realtimeActive, statsPeriod, selection, organization, displayReprocessingActions, } = this.props; const { allInQuerySelected, anySelected, pageSelected, selectedIds: issues, multiSelected, selectedProjectSlug, } = this.state; const numIssues = issues.size; return ( {!displayReprocessingActions && ( )} {!allResultsVisible && pageSelected && ( {allInQuerySelected ? ( queryCount >= BULK_LIMIT ? ( tct( 'Selected up to the first [count] issues that match this search query.', { count: BULK_LIMIT_STR, } ) ) : ( tct('Selected all [count] issues that match this search query.', { count: queryCount, }) ) ) : ( {tn( '%s issue on this page selected.', '%s issues on this page selected.', numIssues )} {queryCount >= BULK_LIMIT ? tct( 'Select the first [count] issues that match this search query.', { count: BULK_LIMIT_STR, } ) : tct('Select all [count] issues that match this search query.', { count: queryCount, })} )} )} ); } } const Sticky = styled('div')` position: sticky; z-index: ${p => p.theme.zIndex.header}; top: -1px; `; const StyledFlex = styled('div')` display: flex; box-sizing: border-box; min-height: 45px; padding-top: ${space(1)}; padding-bottom: ${space(1)}; align-items: center; background: ${p => p.theme.backgroundSecondary}; border: 1px solid ${p => p.theme.border}; border-top: none; border-radius: ${p => p.theme.borderRadius} ${p => p.theme.borderRadius} 0 0; margin: 0 -1px -1px; `; const ActionsCheckbox = styled('div')` padding-left: ${space(2)}; margin-bottom: 1px; & input[type='checkbox'] { margin: 0; display: block; } `; const SelectAllNotice = styled('div')` background-color: ${p => p.theme.yellow100}; border-top: 1px solid ${p => p.theme.yellow300}; border-bottom: 1px solid ${p => p.theme.yellow300}; color: ${p =>}; font-size: ${p => p.theme.fontSizeMedium}; text-align: center; padding: ${space(0.5)} ${space(1.5)}; `; const SelectAllLink = styled('a')` margin-left: ${space(1)}; `; export {IssueListActions}; export default withApi(IssueListActions);