import {useCallback, useEffect, useMemo, useState} from 'react'; import * as Sentry from '@sentry/react'; import chunk from 'lodash/chunk'; import parseLinkHeader, {ParsedHeader} from 'sentry/utils/parseLinkHeader'; import {mapResponseToReplayRecord} from 'sentry/utils/replays/replayDataUtils'; import ReplayReader from 'sentry/utils/replays/replayReader'; import RequestError from 'sentry/utils/requestError/requestError'; import useApi from 'sentry/utils/useApi'; import type {ReplayError, ReplayRecord} from 'sentry/views/replays/types'; const SEGMENTS_PER_PAGE = 50; // p95 is 44 segments const ERRORS_PER_PAGE = 50; // Need to make sure the url is not too large type State = { attachments: undefined | unknown[]; /** * List of errors that occurred during replay */ errors: undefined | ReplayError[]; /** * If any request returned an error then nothing is being returned */ fetchError: undefined | RequestError; /** * If a fetch is underway for the requested root reply. * This includes fetched all the sub-resources like attachments and `sentry-replay-event` */ fetching: boolean; /** * The root replay event */ replayRecord: undefined | ReplayRecord; }; type Options = { /** * The organization slug */ orgSlug: string; /** * The projectSlug and replayId concatenated together */ replaySlug: string; }; interface Result extends Pick { onRetry: () => void; replay: ReplayReader | null; replayRecord: ReplayRecord | undefined; } const INITIAL_STATE: State = Object.freeze({ attachments: undefined, errors: undefined, fetchError: undefined, fetching: true, replayRecord: undefined, }); /** * A react hook to load core replay data over the network. * * Core replay data includes: * 1. The root replay EventTransaction object * - This includes `startTimestamp` and `tags` data * 2. Breadcrumb and Span data from all the related Event objects * - Data is merged for consumption * 3. RRWeb payloads for the replayer video stream * - TODO(replay): incrementally load the stream to speedup pageload * * This function should stay focused on loading data over the network. * Front-end processing, filtering and re-mixing of the different data streams * must be delegated to the `ReplayReader` class. * * @param {orgSlug, replaySlug} Where to find the root replay event * @returns An object representing a unified result of the network requests. Either a single `ReplayReader` data object or fetch errors. */ function useReplayData({replaySlug, orgSlug}: Options): Result { const [projectSlug, replayId] = replaySlug.split(':'); const api = useApi(); const [state, setState] = useState(INITIAL_STATE); // Fetch every field of the replay. We're overfetching, not every field is needed const fetchReplay = useCallback(async () => { const response = await api.requestPromise( `/projects/${orgSlug}/${projectSlug}/replays/${replayId}/` ); return; }, [api, orgSlug, projectSlug, replayId]); const fetchAllAttachments = useCallback(async () => { const rootUrl = `/projects/${orgSlug}/${projectSlug}/replays/${replayId}/recording-segments/?download&per_page=${SEGMENTS_PER_PAGE}`; const firstFourCursors = [ `${SEGMENTS_PER_PAGE}:0:1`, `${SEGMENTS_PER_PAGE}:1:0`, `${SEGMENTS_PER_PAGE}:2:0`, `${SEGMENTS_PER_PAGE}:3:0`, ]; const firstFourUrls = => `${rootUrl}&cursor=${cursor}`); const parallelResponses = await Promise.allSettled( => api.requestPromise(url, { includeAllArgs: true, }) ) ); const responses: any = => resp.status === 'fulfilled' ? resp.value[0] : [] ); const lastResponse = parallelResponses[firstFourCursors.length - 1]; const [_lastData, _lastTextStatus, lastResp] = lastResponse.status === 'fulfilled' ? lastResponse.value : []; let next: ParsedHeader = lastResp ? parseLinkHeader(lastResp.getResponseHeader('Link') ?? '').next : {href: rootUrl, results: true, cursor: ''}; // TODO(replay): It would be good to load the first page of results then // start to render the UI while the next N pages continue to get fetched in // the background. while (next.results) { const url = `${rootUrl}&cursor=${next.cursor}`; const [data, _textStatus, resp] = await api.requestPromise(url, { includeAllArgs: true, }); responses.push(data); const links = parseLinkHeader(resp?.getResponseHeader('Link') ?? ''); next =; } // Each response returns an array of segments const segments = responses.flatMap(_ => _); // Each segment includes an array of attachments const attachments = segments.flatMap(_ => _); return attachments; }, [api, orgSlug, projectSlug, replayId]); const fetchErrors = useCallback( async (replayRecord: ReplayRecord) => { if (!replayRecord.errorIds.length) { return []; } // Clone the `finishedAt` time and bump it up one second because finishedAt // has the `ms` portion truncated, while replays-events-meta operates on // timestamps with `ms` attached. So finishedAt could be at time `12:00:00.000Z` // while the event is saved with `12:00:00.450Z`. const finishedAtClone = new Date(replayRecord.finishedAt); finishedAtClone.setSeconds(finishedAtClone.getSeconds() + 1); const chunks = chunk(replayRecord.errorIds, ERRORS_PER_PAGE); const responses = await Promise.allSettled( => api.requestPromise(`/organizations/${orgSlug}/replays-events-meta/`, { query: { start: replayRecord.startedAt.toISOString(), end: finishedAtClone.toISOString(), query: `id:[${String(errorIds)}]`, }, }) ) ); return responses.flatMap(resp => resp.status === 'fulfilled' ? : [] ); }, [api, orgSlug] ); const fetchReplayAndErrors = useCallback(async (): Promise<[ReplayRecord, any]> => { const fetchedRecord = await fetchReplay(); const mappedRecord = mapResponseToReplayRecord(fetchedRecord); setState(prev => ({ ...prev, replayRecord: mappedRecord, })); const fetchedErrors = await fetchErrors(mappedRecord); return [mappedRecord, fetchedErrors]; }, [fetchReplay, fetchErrors]); const loadEvents = useCallback(async () => { setState(INITIAL_STATE); try { const [replayAndErrors, attachments] = await Promise.all([ fetchReplayAndErrors(), fetchAllAttachments(), ]); const [replayRecord, errors] = replayAndErrors; setState(prev => ({ ...prev, attachments, errors, fetchError: undefined, fetching: false, replayRecord, })); } catch (error) { Sentry.captureException(error); setState({ ...INITIAL_STATE, fetchError: error, fetching: false, }); } }, [fetchReplayAndErrors, fetchAllAttachments]); useEffect(() => { loadEvents(); }, [loadEvents]); const replay = useMemo(() => { return ReplayReader.factory({ attachments: state.attachments, errors: state.errors, replayRecord: state.replayRecord, }); }, [state.attachments, state.errors, state.replayRecord]); return { fetchError: state.fetchError, fetching: state.fetching, onRetry: loadEvents, replay, replayRecord: state.replayRecord, }; } export default useReplayData;