import {RawSpanType} from 'sentry/components/events/interfaces/spans/types'; import {EventOrGroupType, EventTransaction} from 'sentry/types'; // Empty transaction to use as a default value with duration of 1 second const EmptyEventTransaction: EventTransaction = { id: '', projectID: '', user: {}, contexts: {}, entries: [], errors: [], dateCreated: '', startTimestamp:, endTimestamp: + 1000, title: '', type: EventOrGroupType.TRANSACTION, culprit: '', dist: null, eventID: '', fingerprints: [], dateReceived: new Date().toISOString(), message: '', metadata: {}, size: 0, tags: [], occurrence: null, location: '', crashFile: null, }; function sortByStartTimeAndDuration(a: RawSpanType, b: RawSpanType) { if (a.start_timestamp < b.start_timestamp) { return -1; } // if the start times are the same, we want to sort by end time if (a.start_timestamp === b.start_timestamp) { if (a.timestamp < b.timestamp) { return 1; // a is a child of b } return -1; // b is a child of a } return 1; } export class SpanTreeNode { parent?: SpanTreeNode | null = null; span: RawSpanType; children: SpanTreeNode[] = []; constructor(span: RawSpanType, parent?: SpanTreeNode | null) { this.span = span; this.parent = parent; } static Root(partial: Partial = {}): SpanTreeNode { return new SpanTreeNode( { description: 'root', op: 'root', start_timestamp: 0, exclusive_time: 0, timestamp: Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER, parent_span_id: '', data: {}, span_id: '', trace_id: '', hash: '', ...partial, }, null ); } contains(span: RawSpanType) { return ( this.span.start_timestamp <= span.start_timestamp && this.span.timestamp >= span.timestamp ); } } class SpanTree { root: SpanTreeNode; orphanedSpans: RawSpanType[] = []; constructor(transaction: EventTransaction, spans: RawSpanType[]) { this.root = SpanTreeNode.Root({ description: transaction.title, start_timestamp: transaction.startTimestamp, timestamp: transaction.endTimestamp, exclusive_time: transaction.contexts?.trace?.exclusive_time ?? undefined, span_id: transaction.contexts?.trace?.span_id ?? undefined, parent_span_id: undefined, op: 'transaction', }); this.buildCollapsedSpanTree(spans); } static Empty = new SpanTree(EmptyEventTransaction, []); isEmpty(): boolean { return this === SpanTree.Empty; } buildCollapsedSpanTree(spans: RawSpanType[]) { const spansSortedByStartTime = [...spans].sort(sortByStartTimeAndDuration); for (let i = 0; i < spansSortedByStartTime.length; i++) { const span = spansSortedByStartTime[i]; let parent = this.root; while (parent.contains(span)) { let nextParent: SpanTreeNode | null = null; for (let j = 0; j < parent.children.length; j++) { const child = parent.children[j]; if (child.contains(span)) { nextParent = child; break; } } if (nextParent === null) { break; } parent = nextParent; } if (parent.span.span_id === span.parent_span_id) { parent.children.push(new SpanTreeNode(span, parent)); continue; } this.orphanedSpans.push(span); } } } export {SpanTree};