import type Alert from 'sentry/components/alert'; import type {Field} from 'sentry/components/forms/types'; import type {PlatformKey} from 'sentry/data/platformCategories'; import type { DISABLED as DISABLED_STATUS, INSTALLED, NOT_INSTALLED, PENDING, } from 'sentry/views/organizationIntegrations/constants'; import type {Avatar, Choice, Choices, ObjectStatus, Scope} from './core'; import type {BaseRelease} from './release'; import type {User} from './user'; export type PermissionValue = 'no-access' | 'read' | 'write' | 'admin'; export type Permissions = { Event: PermissionValue; Member: PermissionValue; Organization: PermissionValue; Project: PermissionValue; Release: PermissionValue; Team: PermissionValue; }; export type PermissionResource = keyof Permissions; export type ExternalActorMapping = { externalName: string; id: string; sentryName: string; teamId?: string; userId?: string; }; export type ExternalActorSuggestion = { externalName: string; teamId?: string; userId?: string; }; export type ExternalActorMappingOrSuggestion = | ExternalActorMapping | ExternalActorSuggestion; export type ExternalUser = { externalName: string; id: string; integrationId: string; memberId: string; provider: string; }; export type ExternalTeam = { externalName: string; id: string; integrationId: string; provider: string; teamId: string; }; /** * Repositories, pull requests, and commits */ export enum RepositoryStatus { ACTIVE = 'active', DISABLED = 'disabled', HIDDEN = 'hidden', PENDING_DELETION = 'pending_deletion', DELETION_IN_PROGRESS = 'deletion_in_progress', } export type Repository = { dateCreated: string; externalSlug: string; id: string; integrationId: string; name: string; provider: {id: string; name: string}; status: RepositoryStatus; url: string; }; export type Commit = { dateCreated: string; id: string; message: string | null; releases: BaseRelease[]; author?: User; pullRequest?: PullRequest | null; repository?: Repository; }; export type Committer = { author: User; commits: Commit[]; }; export type CommitAuthor = { email?: string; name?: string; }; export type CommitFile = { author: CommitAuthor; commitMessage: string; filename: string; id: string; orgId: number; repoName: string; type: string; }; export type PullRequest = { externalUrl: string; id: string; repository: Repository; title: string; }; /** * Sentry Apps */ export type SentryAppStatus = 'unpublished' | 'published' | 'internal'; export type SentryAppSchemaIssueLink = { create: { required_fields: any[]; uri: string; optional_fields?: any[]; }; link: { required_fields: any[]; uri: string; optional_fields?: any[]; }; type: 'issue-link'; }; export type SentryAppSchemaStacktraceLink = { type: 'stacktrace-link'; uri: string; url: string; params?: Array; }; export type StacktraceLinkResult = { integrations: Integration[]; attemptedUrl?: string; config?: RepositoryProjectPathConfigWithIntegration; error?: StacktraceErrorMessage; sourceUrl?: string; }; export type StacktraceErrorMessage = | 'file_not_found' | 'stack_root_mismatch' | 'integration_link_forbidden'; export type SentryAppSchemaElement = | SentryAppSchemaIssueLink | SentryAppSchemaStacktraceLink; export type SentryApp = { author: string; events: WebhookEvent[]; featureData: IntegrationFeature[]; isAlertable: boolean; name: string; overview: string | null; // possible null params popularity: number | null; redirectUrl: string | null; schema: { elements?: SentryAppSchemaElement[]; }; scopes: Scope[]; slug: string; status: SentryAppStatus; uuid: string; verifyInstall: boolean; webhookUrl: string | null; avatars?: Avatar[]; clientId?: string; clientSecret?: string; // optional params below datePublished?: string; owner?: { id: number; slug: string; }; }; // Minimal Sentry App representation for use with avatars export type AvatarSentryApp = { name: string; slug: string; uuid: string; avatars?: Avatar[]; }; export type SentryAppInstallation = { app: { slug: string; uuid: string; }; organization: { slug: string; }; status: 'installed' | 'pending'; uuid: string; code?: string; }; export type SentryAppComponent = { schema: SentryAppSchemaStacktraceLink; sentryApp: { avatars: Avatar[]; name: string; slug: string; uuid: string; }; type: 'issue-link' | 'alert-rule-action' | 'issue-media' | 'stacktrace-link'; uuid: string; error?: boolean; }; export type SentryAppWebhookRequest = { date: string; eventType: string; responseCode: number; sentryAppSlug: string; webhookUrl: string; errorUrl?: string; organization?: { name: string; slug: string; }; }; /** * Organization Integrations */ export type IntegrationType = 'document' | 'plugin' | 'first_party' | 'sentry_app'; export type IntegrationFeature = { description: string; featureGate: string; featureId: number; }; export type IntegrationInstallationStatus = | typeof INSTALLED | typeof NOT_INSTALLED | typeof PENDING | typeof DISABLED_STATUS; type IntegrationDialog = { actionText: string; body: string; }; export type DocIntegration = { author: string; description: string; isDraft: boolean; name: string; popularity: number; slug: string; url: string; avatar?: Avatar; features?: IntegrationFeature[]; resources?: Array<{title: string; url: string}>; }; type IntegrationAspects = { alerts?: Array< React.ComponentProps & {text: string; icon?: string | React.ReactNode} >; configure_integration?: { title: string; }; disable_dialog?: IntegrationDialog; externalInstall?: { buttonText: string; noticeText: string; url: string; }; removal_dialog?: IntegrationDialog; }; interface BaseIntegrationProvider { canAdd: boolean; canDisable: boolean; features: string[]; key: string; name: string; slug: string; } export interface IntegrationProvider extends BaseIntegrationProvider { metadata: { aspects: IntegrationAspects; author: string; description: string; features: IntegrationFeature[]; issue_url: string; noun: string; source_url: string; }; setupDialog: {height: number; url: string; width: number}; } export interface OrganizationIntegrationProvider extends BaseIntegrationProvider { aspects: IntegrationAspects; } export interface Integration { accountType: string; domainName: string; gracePeriodEnd: string; icon: string; id: string; name: string; organizationIntegrationStatus: ObjectStatus; provider: OrganizationIntegrationProvider; status: ObjectStatus; dynamicDisplayInformation?: { configure_integration?: { instructions: string[]; }; integration_detail?: { uninstallationUrl?: string; }; }; scopes?: string[]; } type ConfigData = { installationType?: string; }; export type OrganizationIntegration = { accountType: string | null; configData: ConfigData | null; configOrganization: Field[]; domainName: string | null; externalId: string; gracePeriodEnd: string; icon: string | null; id: string; name: string; organizationId: string; organizationIntegrationStatus: ObjectStatus; provider: OrganizationIntegrationProvider; status: ObjectStatus; }; // we include the configOrganization when we need it export interface IntegrationWithConfig extends Integration { configData: ConfigData; configOrganization: Field[]; } /** * Integration & External issue links */ export type IntegrationExternalIssue = { description: string; displayName: string; id: string; key: string; title: string; url: string; }; export interface GroupIntegration extends Integration { externalIssues: IntegrationExternalIssue[]; } export type PlatformExternalIssue = { displayName: string; id: string; issueId: string; serviceType: string; webUrl: string; }; /** * The issue config form fields we get are basically the form fields we use in * the UI but with some extra information. Some fields marked optional in the * form field are guaranteed to exist so we can mark them as required here */ export type IssueConfigField = Field & { name: string; choices?: Choices; default?: string | number | Choice; multiple?: boolean; url?: string; }; export type IntegrationIssueConfig = { domainName: string; icon: string[]; name: string; provider: IntegrationProvider; status: ObjectStatus; createIssueConfig?: IssueConfigField[]; linkIssueConfig?: IssueConfigField[]; }; /** * Project Plugins */ export type PluginNoProject = { assets: Array<{url: string}>; canDisable: boolean; // TODO(ts) contexts: any[]; doc: string; featureDescriptions: IntegrationFeature[]; features: string[]; hasConfiguration: boolean; id: string; isDeprecated: boolean; isHidden: boolean; isTestable: boolean; metadata: any; name: string; shortName: string; slug: string; // TODO(ts) status: string; type: string; altIsSentryApp?: boolean; author?: {name: string; url: string}; deprecationDate?: string; description?: string; firstPartyAlternative?: string; resourceLinks?: Array<{title: string; url: string}>; version?: string; }; export type Plugin = PluginNoProject & { enabled: boolean; }; export type PluginProjectItem = { configured: boolean; enabled: boolean; projectId: string; projectName: string; projectPlatform: PlatformKey; projectSlug: string; }; export type PluginWithProjectList = PluginNoProject & { projectList: PluginProjectItem[]; }; export type AppOrProviderOrPlugin = | SentryApp | IntegrationProvider | PluginWithProjectList | DocIntegration; /** * Webhooks and servicehooks */ export type WebhookEvent = 'issue' | 'error' | 'comment'; export type ServiceHook = { dateCreated: string; events: string[]; id: string; secret: string; status: string; url: string; }; /** * Codeowners and repository path mappings. */ export type CodeOwner = { codeMappingId: string; dateCreated: string; dateUpdated: string; errors: { missing_external_teams: string[]; missing_external_users: string[]; missing_user_emails: string[]; teams_without_access: string[]; users_without_access: string[]; }; id: string; provider: 'github' | 'gitlab'; raw: string; codeMapping?: RepositoryProjectPathConfig; ownershipSyntax?: string; }; export type CodeownersFile = { filepath: string; html_url: string; raw: string; }; export type FilesByRepository = { [repoName: string]: { authors?: {[email: string]: CommitAuthor}; types?: Set; }; }; interface BaseRepositoryProjectPathConfig { id: string; projectId: string; projectSlug: string; repoId: string; repoName: string; sourceRoot: string; stackRoot: string; defaultBranch?: string; } export interface RepositoryProjectPathConfig extends BaseRepositoryProjectPathConfig { integrationId: string | null; provider: BaseIntegrationProvider | null; } export interface RepositoryProjectPathConfigWithIntegration extends BaseRepositoryProjectPathConfig { integrationId: string; provider: BaseIntegrationProvider; } export type ServerlessFunction = { enabled: boolean; name: string; outOfDate: boolean; runtime: string; version: number; }; export type SentryFunction = { author: string; code: string; name: string; slug: string; env_variables?: Array<{ name: string; value: string; }>; events?: string[]; overview?: string; };