import { cloneElement, Fragment, isValidElement, useCallback, useEffect, useRef, useState, } from 'react'; import {browserHistory, RouteComponentProps} from 'react-router'; import styled from '@emotion/styled'; import * as Sentry from '@sentry/react'; import omit from 'lodash/omit'; import pick from 'lodash/pick'; import * as qs from 'query-string'; import LoadingError from 'sentry/components/loadingError'; import LoadingIndicator from 'sentry/components/loadingIndicator'; import PageFiltersContainer from 'sentry/components/organizations/pageFilters/container'; import MissingProjectMembership from 'sentry/components/projects/missingProjectMembership'; import SentryDocumentTitle from 'sentry/components/sentryDocumentTitle'; import {TabPanels, Tabs} from 'sentry/components/tabs'; import {t} from 'sentry/locale'; import GroupStore from 'sentry/stores/groupStore'; import {space} from 'sentry/styles/space'; import {Group, GroupStatus, IssueCategory, Organization, Project} from 'sentry/types'; import {Event} from 'sentry/types/event'; import {defined} from 'sentry/utils'; import {trackAnalytics} from 'sentry/utils/analytics'; import {getUtcDateString} from 'sentry/utils/dates'; import { getAnalyticsDataForEvent, getAnalyticsDataForGroup, getMessage, getTitle, } from 'sentry/utils/events'; import {getAnalyicsDataForProject} from 'sentry/utils/projects'; import { ApiQueryKey, setApiQueryData, useApiQuery, useQueryClient, } from 'sentry/utils/queryClient'; import recreateRoute from 'sentry/utils/recreateRoute'; import RequestError from 'sentry/utils/requestError/requestError'; import useDisableRouteAnalytics from 'sentry/utils/routeAnalytics/useDisableRouteAnalytics'; import useRouteAnalyticsEventNames from 'sentry/utils/routeAnalytics/useRouteAnalyticsEventNames'; import useRouteAnalyticsParams from 'sentry/utils/routeAnalytics/useRouteAnalyticsParams'; import useApi from 'sentry/utils/useApi'; import {useLocation} from 'sentry/utils/useLocation'; import useOrganization from 'sentry/utils/useOrganization'; import {useParams} from 'sentry/utils/useParams'; import useProjects from 'sentry/utils/useProjects'; import useRouter from 'sentry/utils/useRouter'; import {normalizeUrl} from 'sentry/utils/withDomainRequired'; import {ERROR_TYPES} from './constants'; import GroupHeader from './header'; import SampleEventAlert from './sampleEventAlert'; import {Tab, TabPaths} from './types'; import { getGroupDetailsQueryData, getGroupEventDetailsQueryData, getGroupReprocessingStatus, markEventSeen, ReprocessingStatus, useDefaultIssueEvent, useEnvironmentsFromUrl, useFetchIssueTagsForDetailsPage, } from './utils'; type Error = (typeof ERROR_TYPES)[keyof typeof ERROR_TYPES] | null; type RouterParams = {groupId: string; eventId?: string}; type RouteProps = RouteComponentProps; type GroupDetailsProps = { children: React.ReactNode; organization: Organization; projects: Project[]; }; type FetchGroupDetailsState = { error: boolean; errorType: Error; event: Event | null; eventError: boolean; group: Group | null; loadingEvent: boolean; loadingGroup: boolean; refetchData: () => void; refetchGroup: () => void; }; interface GroupDetailsContentProps extends GroupDetailsProps, FetchGroupDetailsState { group: Group; project: Project; } function getFetchDataRequestErrorType(status?: number | null): Error { if (!status) { return null; } if (status === 404) { return ERROR_TYPES.GROUP_NOT_FOUND; } if (status === 403) { return ERROR_TYPES.MISSING_MEMBERSHIP; } return null; } function getCurrentTab({router}: {router: RouteProps['router']}) { const currentRoute = router.routes[router.routes.length - 1]; // If we're in the tag details page ("/tags/:tagKey/") if (router.params.tagKey) { return Tab.TAGS; } return ( Object.values(Tab).find(tab => currentRoute.path === TabPaths[tab]) ?? Tab.DETAILS ); } function getCurrentRouteInfo({ group, event, organization, router, }: { event: Event | null; group: Group; organization: Organization; router: RouteProps['router']; }): { baseUrl: string; currentTab: Tab; } { const currentTab = getCurrentTab({router}); const baseUrl = normalizeUrl( `/organizations/${organization.slug}/issues/${}/${ router.params.eventId && event ? `events/${}/` : '' }` ); return {baseUrl, currentTab}; } function getReprocessingNewRoute({ group, event, organization, router, }: { event: Event | null; group: Group; organization: Organization; router: RouteProps['router']; }) { const {routes, params, location} = router; const {groupId} = params; const {currentTab, baseUrl} = getCurrentRouteInfo({group, event, organization, router}); const hasReprocessingV2Feature = organization.features?.includes('reprocessing-v2'); const {id: nextGroupId} = group; const reprocessingStatus = getGroupReprocessingStatus(group); if (groupId !== nextGroupId) { if (hasReprocessingV2Feature) { // Redirects to the Activities tab if ( reprocessingStatus === ReprocessingStatus.REPROCESSED_AND_HASNT_EVENT && currentTab !== Tab.ACTIVITY ) { return { pathname: `${baseUrl}${Tab.ACTIVITY}/`, query: {...params, groupId: nextGroupId}, }; } } return recreateRoute('', { routes, location, params: {...params, groupId: nextGroupId}, }); } if (hasReprocessingV2Feature) { if ( reprocessingStatus === ReprocessingStatus.REPROCESSING && currentTab !== Tab.DETAILS ) { return { pathname: baseUrl, query: params, }; } if ( reprocessingStatus === ReprocessingStatus.REPROCESSED_AND_HASNT_EVENT && currentTab !== Tab.ACTIVITY && currentTab !== Tab.USER_FEEDBACK ) { return { pathname: `${baseUrl}${Tab.ACTIVITY}/`, query: params, }; } } return undefined; } function useRefetchGroupForReprocessing({ refetchGroup, }: Pick) { const organization = useOrganization(); const hasReprocessingV2Feature = organization.features?.includes('reprocessing-v2'); useEffect(() => { let refetchInterval: number; if (hasReprocessingV2Feature) { refetchInterval = window.setInterval(refetchGroup, 30000); } return () => { window.clearInterval(refetchInterval); }; }, [hasReprocessingV2Feature, refetchGroup]); } function useEventApiQuery({ groupId, eventId, environments, }: { environments: string[]; groupId: string; eventId?: string; }) { const organization = useOrganization(); const location = useLocation<{query?: string}>(); const router = useRouter(); const hasMostHelpfulEventFeature = organization.features.includes( 'issue-details-most-helpful-event' ); const defaultIssueEvent = useDefaultIssueEvent(); const eventIdUrl = eventId ?? (hasMostHelpfulEventFeature ? defaultIssueEvent : 'latest'); const helpfulEventQuery = hasMostHelpfulEventFeature && typeof location.query.query === 'string' ? location.query.query : undefined; const endpointEventId = eventIdUrl === 'recommended' ? 'helpful' : eventIdUrl; const queryKey: ApiQueryKey = [ `/issues/${groupId}/events/${endpointEventId}/`, { query: getGroupEventDetailsQueryData({ environments, query: helpfulEventQuery, }), }, ]; const tab = getCurrentTab({router}); const isOnDetailsTab = tab === Tab.DETAILS; const isLatestOrHelpfulEvent = eventIdUrl === 'latest' || eventIdUrl === 'recommended'; const latestOrHelpfulEvent = useApiQuery(queryKey, { // Latest/helpful event will change over time, so only cache for 30 seconds staleTime: 30000, cacheTime: 30000, enabled: isOnDetailsTab && isLatestOrHelpfulEvent, retry: false, }); const otherEventQuery = useApiQuery(queryKey, { // Oldest/specific events will never change staleTime: Infinity, enabled: isOnDetailsTab && !isLatestOrHelpfulEvent, retry: false, }); useEffect(() => { if (latestOrHelpfulEvent.isError) { // If we get an error from the helpful event endpoint, it probably means // the query failed validation. We should remove the query to try again. if (hasMostHelpfulEventFeature) { browserHistory.replace({ ...window.location, query: omit(qs.parse(, 'query'), }); const scope = new Sentry.Scope(); scope.setExtras({ groupId, query: helpfulEventQuery, ...pick(latestOrHelpfulEvent.error, ['message', 'status', 'responseJSON']), }); scope.setFingerprint(['issue-details-helpful-event-request-failed']); Sentry.captureException( new Error('Issue Details: Helpful event request failed'), scope ); } } }, [ latestOrHelpfulEvent.isError, latestOrHelpfulEvent.error, hasMostHelpfulEventFeature, groupId, helpfulEventQuery, ]); return isLatestOrHelpfulEvent ? latestOrHelpfulEvent : otherEventQuery; } type FetchGroupQueryParameters = { environments: string[]; groupId: string; }; function makeFetchGroupQueryKey({ groupId, environments, }: FetchGroupQueryParameters): ApiQueryKey { return [`/issues/${groupId}/`, {query: getGroupDetailsQueryData({environments})}]; } /** * This is a temporary measure to ensure that the GroupStore and query cache * are both up to date while we are still using both in the issue details page. * Once we remove all references to GroupStore in the issue details page we * should remove this. */ function useSyncGroupStore(incomingEnvs: string[]) { const queryClient = useQueryClient(); const environmentsRef = useRef(incomingEnvs); environmentsRef.current = incomingEnvs; const unlisten = useRef(); if (unlisten.current === undefined) { unlisten.current = GroupStore.listen(() => { const [storeGroup] = GroupStore.getState(); const environments = environmentsRef.current; if (defined(storeGroup)) { setApiQueryData( queryClient, makeFetchGroupQueryKey({groupId:, environments}), storeGroup ); } }, undefined); } useEffect(() => { return () => unlisten.current?.(); }, []); } function useFetchGroupDetails(): FetchGroupDetailsState { const api = useApi(); const organization = useOrganization(); const router = useRouter(); const params = router.params; const [error, setError] = useState(false); const [errorType, setErrorType] = useState(null); const [event, setEvent] = useState(null); const [allProjectChanged, setAllProjectChanged] = useState(false); const environments = useEnvironmentsFromUrl(); const groupId = params.groupId; const { data: eventData, isLoading: loadingEvent, isError, refetch: refetchEvent, } = useEventApiQuery({ groupId, eventId: params.eventId, environments, }); const { data: groupData, isLoading: loadingGroup, isError: isGroupError, error: groupError, refetch: refetchGroupCall, } = useApiQuery(makeFetchGroupQueryKey({groupId, environments}), { staleTime: 30000, cacheTime: 30000, retry: false, }); const group = groupData ?? null; useEffect(() => { if (defined(group)) { GroupStore.loadInitialData([group]); } }, [groupId, group]); useSyncGroupStore(environments); useEffect(() => { if (eventData) { setEvent(eventData); } }, [eventData]); useEffect(() => { if (group && event) { const reprocessingNewRoute = getReprocessingNewRoute({ group, event, router, organization, }); if (reprocessingNewRoute) { browserHistory.push(reprocessingNewRoute); return; } } }, [group, event, router, organization]); useEffect(() => { const matchingProjectSlug = group?.project?.slug; if (!matchingProjectSlug) { return; } if (!group.hasSeen) { markEventSeen(api, organization.slug, matchingProjectSlug, params.groupId); } }, [ api, group?.hasSeen, group?.project?.id, group?.project?.slug, organization.slug, params.groupId, ]); const allProjectsFlag = router.location.query._allp; useEffect(() => { const locationQuery = qs.parse( || {}; // We use _allp as a temporary measure to know they came from the // issue list page with no project selected (all projects included in // filter). // // If it is not defined, we add the locked project id to the URL // (this is because if someone navigates directly to an issue on // single-project priveleges, then goes back - they were getting // assigned to the first project). // // If it is defined, we do not so that our back button will bring us // to the issue list page with no project selected instead of the // locked project. if ( locationQuery.project === undefined && !allProjectsFlag && !allProjectChanged && group? ) { locationQuery.project = group?; browserHistory.replace({...window.location, query: locationQuery}); } if (allProjectsFlag && !allProjectChanged) { delete locationQuery.project; // We delete _allp from the URL to keep the hack a bit cleaner, but // this is not an ideal solution and will ultimately be replaced with // something smarter. delete locationQuery._allp; browserHistory.replace({...window.location, query: locationQuery}); setAllProjectChanged(true); } }, [allProjectsFlag, group?, allProjectChanged]); const handleError = useCallback((e: RequestError) => { Sentry.captureException(e); setErrorType(getFetchDataRequestErrorType(e?.status)); setError(true); }, []); useEffect(() => { if (isGroupError) { handleError(groupError); } }, [isGroupError, groupError, handleError]); const refetchGroup = useCallback(() => { if (group?.status !== GroupStatus.REPROCESSING || loadingGroup || loadingEvent) { return; } refetchGroupCall(); }, [group, loadingGroup, loadingEvent, refetchGroupCall]); const refetchData = useCallback(() => { // Set initial state setError(false); setErrorType(null); refetchEvent(); refetchGroup(); }, [refetchGroup, refetchEvent]); // Refetch when group is stale useEffect(() => { if (group) { if ((group as Group & {stale?: boolean}).stale) { refetchGroup(); return; } } }, [refetchGroup, group]); useRefetchGroupForReprocessing({refetchGroup}); useEffect(() => { return () => { GroupStore.reset(); }; }, []); return { loadingGroup, loadingEvent, group, event, errorType, error, eventError: isError, refetchData, refetchGroup, }; } function useLoadedEventType() { const organization = useOrganization(); const params = useParams<{eventId?: string}>(); const defaultIssueEvent = useDefaultIssueEvent(); const hasMostHelpfulEventFeature = organization.features.includes( 'issue-details-most-helpful-event' ); switch (params.eventId) { case undefined: return hasMostHelpfulEventFeature ? defaultIssueEvent : 'latest'; case 'latest': case 'oldest': return params.eventId; default: return 'event_id'; } } function useTrackView({ group, event, project, tab, }: { event: Event | null; group: Group | null; tab: Tab; project?: Project; }) { const location = useLocation(); const {alert_date, alert_rule_id, alert_type, ref_fallback, stream_index, query} = location.query; const groupEventType = useLoadedEventType(); useRouteAnalyticsEventNames('issue_details.viewed', 'Issue Details: Viewed'); useRouteAnalyticsParams({ ...getAnalyticsDataForGroup(group), ...getAnalyticsDataForEvent(event), ...getAnalyicsDataForProject(project), tab, stream_index: typeof stream_index === 'string' ? Number(stream_index) : undefined, query: typeof query === 'string' ? query : undefined, // Alert properties track if the user came from email/slack alerts alert_date: typeof alert_date === 'string' ? getUtcDateString(Number(alert_date)) : undefined, alert_rule_id: typeof alert_rule_id === 'string' ? alert_rule_id : undefined, alert_type: typeof alert_type === 'string' ? alert_type : undefined, ref_fallback, group_event_type: groupEventType, // Will be updated by StacktraceLink if there is a stacktrace link stacktrace_link_viewed: false, // Will be updated by IssueQuickTrace if there is a trace trace_status: 'none', // Will be updated in GroupDetailsHeader if there are replays group_has_replay: false, }); useDisableRouteAnalytics(!group || !event || !project); } const trackTabChanged = ({ organization, project, group, event, tab, }: { event: Event | null; group: Group; organization: Organization; project: Project; tab: Tab; }) => { if (!project || !group) { return; } trackAnalytics('issue_details.tab_changed', { organization, project_id: parseInt(, 10), tab, ...getAnalyticsDataForGroup(group), }); if (group.issueCategory !== IssueCategory.ERROR) { return; } const analyticsData = event ? event.tags .filter(({key}) => ['device', 'os', 'browser'].includes(key)) .reduce((acc, {key, value}) => { acc[key] = value; return acc; }, {}) : {}; trackAnalytics('', { organization, tab, platform: project.platform, ...analyticsData, }); }; function GroupDetailsContentError({ errorType, onRetry, }: { errorType: Error; onRetry: () => void; }) { const organization = useOrganization(); const location = useLocation(); const projectId = location.query.project; const {projects} = useProjects(); const project = projects.find(proj => === projectId); switch (errorType) { case ERROR_TYPES.GROUP_NOT_FOUND: return ( ); case ERROR_TYPES.MISSING_MEMBERSHIP: return ; default: return ; } } function GroupDetailsContent({ children, group, project, loadingEvent, eventError, event, refetchData, }: GroupDetailsContentProps) { const organization = useOrganization(); const router = useRouter(); const {currentTab, baseUrl} = getCurrentRouteInfo({group, event, router, organization}); const groupReprocessingStatus = getGroupReprocessingStatus(group); const environments = useEnvironmentsFromUrl(); useTrackView({group, event, project, tab: currentTab}); const childProps = { environments, group, project, event, loadingEvent, eventError, groupReprocessingStatus, onRetry: refetchData, baseUrl, }; return ( trackTabChanged({tab, group, project, event, organization})} > {isValidElement(children) ? cloneElement(children, childProps) : children} ); } function GroupDetailsPageContent(props: GroupDetailsProps & FetchGroupDetailsState) { const projectSlug =; const { projects, initiallyLoaded: projectsLoaded, fetchError: errorFetchingProjects, } = useProjects({slugs: projectSlug ? [projectSlug] : []}); const project = projects.find(({slug}) => slug === projectSlug); const projectWithFallback = project ?? projects[0]; useEffect(() => { if ( && projectsLoaded && !project) { Sentry.withScope(scope => { const projectIds = =>; scope.setContext('missingProject', { projectId:, availableProjects: projectIds, }); scope.setFingerprint(['group-details-project-not-found']); Sentry.captureException(new Error('Project not found')); }); } }, [, project, projects, projectsLoaded]); if (props.error) { return ( ); } if (errorFetchingProjects) { return ; } if (projectSlug && !errorFetchingProjects && projectsLoaded && !projectWithFallback) { return ( ); } if (!projectsLoaded || !projectWithFallback || ! { return ; } return ( ); } function GroupDetails(props: GroupDetailsProps) { const organization = useOrganization(); const router = useRouter(); const {group, ...fetchGroupDetailsProps} = useFetchGroupDetails(); const environments = useEnvironmentsFromUrl(); const {data} = useFetchIssueTagsForDetailsPage( { groupId: router.params.groupId, environment: environments, }, // Don't want this query to take precedence over the main requests {enabled: defined(group)} ); const isSampleError = data?.some(tag => tag.key === 'sample_event') ?? false; const getGroupDetailsTitle = () => { const defaultTitle = 'Sentry'; if (!group) { return defaultTitle; } const {title} = getTitle(group, organization?.features); const message = getMessage(group); const eventDetails = `${organization.slug} — ${group.project.slug}`; if (title && message) { return `${title}: ${message} — ${eventDetails}`; } return `${title || message || defaultTitle} — ${eventDetails}`; }; return ( {isSampleError && group && ( )} ); } export default Sentry.withProfiler(GroupDetails); const StyledLoadingError = styled(LoadingError)` margin: ${space(2)}; `; const GroupTabPanels = styled(TabPanels)` flex-grow: 1; display: flex; flex-direction: column; justify-content: stretch; `;