steps: - name: '' args: [ '--cache=true', '--build-arg', 'SOURCE_COMMIT=$COMMIT_SHA', '$PROJECT_ID/sentry-builder:$COMMIT_SHA', '-f', './docker/builder.dockerfile' ] timeout: 180s - name: '$PROJECT_ID/sentry-builder:$COMMIT_SHA' env: [ 'SOURCE_COMMIT=$COMMIT_SHA' ] timeout: 360s - name: '' args: [ '--cache=true', '--build-arg', 'SOURCE_COMMIT=$COMMIT_SHA', '$PROJECT_ID/sentry:$COMMIT_SHA', '-f', './docker/Dockerfile' ] timeout: 300s # Smoke tests - name: '$PROJECT_ID/docker-compose' entrypoint: 'bash' env: - '$PROJECT_ID/sentry:$COMMIT_SHA' - 'SENTRY_TEST_HOST=http://nginx' - 'CI=1' args: - '-e' - '-c' - | mkdir onpremise && cd onpremise curl -L "" | tar xzf - --strip-components=1 # The following trick is from with great gratuity echo '{"version": "3.4", "networks":{"default":{"external":{"name":"cloudbuild"}}}}' > docker-compose.override.yml ./ ./ || docker-compose logs nginx web relay timeout: 300s - name: '' secretEnv: ['DOCKER_PASSWORD'] entrypoint: 'bash' args: - '-e' - '-c' - | # Only push to Docker Hub from master [ "$BRANCH_NAME" != "master" ] && exit 0 # Need to pull the image first due to Kaniko docker pull$PROJECT_ID/sentry:$COMMIT_SHA echo "$$DOCKER_PASSWORD" | docker login --username=sentrybuilder --password-stdin docker tag$PROJECT_ID/sentry:$COMMIT_SHA getsentry/sentry:$SHORT_SHA docker push getsentry/sentry:$SHORT_SHA docker tag$PROJECT_ID/sentry:$COMMIT_SHA getsentry/sentry:$COMMIT_SHA docker push getsentry/sentry:$COMMIT_SHA docker tag$PROJECT_ID/sentry:$COMMIT_SHA getsentry/sentry:latest docker push getsentry/sentry:latest - name: 'node:12' secretEnv: ['ZEUS_HOOK_BASE'] entrypoint: 'bash' args: - '-e' - '-c' - | # Only push to Zeus from releases/* [[ ! "$BRANCH_NAME" =~ ^releases/ ]] && exit 0 npx -p "@zeus-ci/cli" zeus job update --build $BUILD_ID --job 1 --ref $COMMIT_SHA --build-label GCB --job-label "OSS Packages" --status passed npx -p "@zeus-ci/cli" zeus upload --build $BUILD_ID --job 1 --type "application/x-pywheel+zip" dist/*.whl timeout: 2400s options: # We need more memory for Webpack builds & e2e onpremise tests machineType: 'N1_HIGHCPU_8' secrets: - kmsKeyName: projects/sentryio/locations/global/keyRings/service-credentials/cryptoKeys/cloudbuild secretEnv: # This is a personal access token for the sentrybuilder account, encrypted using the # short guide at DOCKER_PASSWORD: | CiQAE8gN7y3OMxn+a1kofmK4Bi8jQZtdRFj2lYYwaZHVeIIBUzMSTQA9tvn8XCv2vqj6u8CHoeSP TVW9pLvSCorKoeNtOp0eb+6V1yNJW/+JC07DNO1KLbTbodbuza6jKJHU5xeAJ4kGQI78UY5Vu1Gp QcMK ZEUS_HOOK_BASE: | CiQAE8gN75WxSPytiv8kAp3cOp3RJHMqnfwH2bPDLJnwRxjQUJYSpAEAPbb5/GE1N8kUiC2YLh2n IinZi+rM5umfESVC5lhzDkDqBiGLEvAKtAHOvnbVbdm/Ui5KytpUUGb+QRajw9MFGZlavUz81wyu QDOpuajIhRNhhTZsJIhvFDkpQQykSgM2A7uKSQtQTLI9+njyB4F+SQEgaB6SvC7gMCqhSqYH+qJB r1OJiKninNgwred/uJU0ZcVnNERNZ/hOyC1p/lXS7LHooA==