dist: xenial language: python python: 2.7 branches: only: - master cache: yarn: true directories: - "${HOME}/virtualenv/python$(python -c 'import platform; print(platform.python_version())')" - '$VOLTA_HOME' - node_modules - '${HOME}/google-cloud-sdk' addons: apt: update: true packages: - libxmlsec1-dev - libmaxminddb-dev chrome: stable env: global: - NODE_ENV=development - PIP_DISABLE_PIP_VERSION_CHECK=on - PIP_QUIET=1 - SENTRY_LIGHT_BUILD=1 - SENTRY_SKIP_BACKEND_VALIDATION=1 - MIGRATIONS_TEST_MIGRATE=0 - VOLTA_VERSION=0.8.1 - VOLTA_HOME="${HOME}/.volta" - PATH="${HOME}/.volta/bin:${PATH}" - NODE_OPTIONS=--max-old-space-size=4096 - PYTEST_SENTRY_DSN=https://6fd5cfea2d4d46b182ad214ac7810508@sentry.io/2423079 - SENTRY_KAFKA_HOSTS=localhost:9092 - SENTRY_ZOOKEEPER_HOSTS=localhost:2181 - PYTEST_ADDOPTS="--reruns 5" base_install: &base_install |- pip install --no-cache-dir "pip>=20.0.2" docker run \ --name sentry_zookeeper \ -d --network host \ -e ZOOKEEPER_CLIENT_PORT=2181 \ confluentinc/cp-zookeeper:4.1.0 docker run \ --name sentry_kafka \ -d --network host \ -e KAFKA_ZOOKEEPER_CONNECT= \ -e KAFKA_LISTENERS=INTERNAL://,EXTERNAL:// \ -e KAFKA_ADVERTISED_LISTENERS=INTERNAL://,EXTERNAL:// \ -e KAFKA_LISTENER_SECURITY_PROTOCOL_MAP=INTERNAL:PLAINTEXT,EXTERNAL:PLAINTEXT \ -e KAFKA_INTER_BROKER_LISTENER_NAME=INTERNAL \ -e KAFKA_OFFSETS_TOPIC_REPLICATION_FACTOR=1 \ confluentinc/cp-kafka:5.1.2 [ "$TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST" != "false" ] || export PYTEST_SENTRY_ALWAYS_REPORT=1 install_volta: &install_volta |- command -v volta && return 0 wget --quiet "https://github.com/volta-cli/volta/releases/download/v$VOLTA_VERSION/volta-$VOLTA_VERSION-linux-openssl-1.0.tar.gz" tar -xzf "volta-$VOLTA_VERSION-linux-openssl-1.0.tar.gz" -C "${HOME}/bin" # Running `volta -v` triggers setting up the shims in VOLTA_HOME (otherwise node won't work) volta -v install_node_dependencies: &install_node_dependencies |- # Running `node -v` and `yarn -v` triggers Volta to install the versions set in the project. # There might be a more readable `volta install` in the future that would replace this magic. # Tracking: https://github.com/volta-cli/volta/issues/653#issuecomment-628909923 node -v yarn -v yarn install --frozen-lockfile start_snuba: &start_snuba |- docker run \ --name sentry_clickhouse \ -d --network host \ --ulimit nofile=262144:262144 \ yandex/clickhouse-server: \ docker run \ --name sentry_snuba \ -d --network host \ -e SNUBA_SETTINGS=test \ -e CLICKHOUSE_HOST= \ -e CLICKHOUSE_PORT=9000 \ getsentry/snuba docker exec sentry_snuba snuba migrations migrate --force script: - make travis-test-$TEST_SUITE after_failure: - dmesg | tail -n 100 after_script: - | coverage_files=$(ls .artifacts/*coverage.xml || true) if [[ -n "$coverage_files" || -f .artifacts/coverage/cobertura-coverage.xml ]]; then pip install -U codecov codecov -e TEST_SUITE fi - *install_volta - volta install @zeus-ci/cli - zeus upload -t "text/xml+xunit" .artifacts/*junit.xml - zeus upload -t "text/xml+coverage" .artifacts/*coverage.xml - zeus upload -t "text/xml+coverage" .artifacts/coverage/cobertura-coverage.xml - zeus upload -t "text/html+pytest" .artifacts/*pytest.html - zeus upload -t "text/plain+pycodestyle" .artifacts/*pycodestyle.log - zeus upload -t "text/xml+checkstyle" .artifacts/*checkstyle.xml - zeus upload -t "application/webpack-stats+json" .artifacts/*webpack-stats.json base_postgres: &postgres_default python: 2.7 services: - memcached - redis-server - postgresql before_install: - *base_install - *start_snuba - docker ps -a install: - python setup.py install_egg_info - pip install -U -e ".[dev]" - sentry init before_script: - psql -c 'create database sentry;' -U postgres base_acceptance: &acceptance_default python: 2.7 services: - docker - memcached - redis-server - postgresql before_install: - *base_install - *install_volta - *start_snuba - docker ps -a install: - *install_node_dependencies - python setup.py install_egg_info - pip install -U -e ".[dev]" - sentry init - | CHROME_MAJOR_VERSION="$(dpkg -s google-chrome-stable | sed -nr 's/Version: ([0-9]+).*/\1/p')" wget -N "https://chromedriver.storage.googleapis.com/$(curl https://chromedriver.storage.googleapis.com/LATEST_RELEASE_${CHROME_MAJOR_VERSION})/chromedriver_linux64.zip" -P ~/ - unzip ~/chromedriver_linux64.zip -d ~/ - rm ~/chromedriver_linux64.zip - install -m755 ~/chromedriver -C "${HOME}/bin" before_script: - psql -c 'create database sentry;' -U postgres # each job in the matrix inherits `env/global` and uses everything above, # but custom `services`, `before_install`, `install`, and `before_script` directives # may be defined to define and setup individual job environments with more precision. matrix: fast_finish: true include: - language: generic name: 'Linter (Javascript)' env: TEST_SUITE=lint-js before_install: # Under a "generic" language environment, this will make travis pyenv error because there # is no pyenv python installed. - rm .python-version - *install_volta install: - *install_node_dependencies - python: 3.7 name: 'pre-commit hooks (includes python linting + format check)' install: - SENTRY_NO_VIRTUALENV_CREATION=1 make setup-git script: # Run pre-commit to lint and format check files that were changed (but not deleted) compared to master. # XXX: there is a very small chance that it'll expand to exceed Linux's limits # `getconf ARG_MAX` - max # bytes of args + environ for exec() - pre-commit run --files $(git diff --diff-filter=d --name-only master) - <<: *postgres_default name: 'Backend with migrations [Postgres] (1/2)' env: TEST_SUITE=postgres DB=postgres TOTAL_TEST_GROUPS=2 TEST_GROUP=0 MIGRATIONS_TEST_MIGRATE=1 - <<: *postgres_default name: 'Backend with migrations [Postgres] (2/2)' env: TEST_SUITE=postgres DB=postgres TOTAL_TEST_GROUPS=2 TEST_GROUP=1 MIGRATIONS_TEST_MIGRATE=1 - <<: *acceptance_default name: 'Acceptance (1/3)' env: TEST_SUITE=acceptance USE_SNUBA=1 TOTAL_TEST_GROUPS=3 TEST_GROUP=0 - <<: *acceptance_default name: 'Acceptance (2/3)' env: TEST_SUITE=acceptance USE_SNUBA=1 TOTAL_TEST_GROUPS=3 TEST_GROUP=1 - <<: *acceptance_default name: 'Acceptance (3/3)' env: TEST_SUITE=acceptance USE_SNUBA=1 TOTAL_TEST_GROUPS=3 TEST_GROUP=2 - <<: *acceptance_default name: 'Plugins' env: TEST_SUITE=plugins DB=postgres - python: 2.7 name: 'Frontend [test]' env: TEST_SUITE=js before_install: - *install_volta install: - *install_node_dependencies - python: 2.7 name: 'Frontend [build]' env: TEST_SUITE=js-build before_install: - *install_volta install: - *install_node_dependencies - python: 2.7 name: 'Command Line' env: TEST_SUITE=cli services: - postgresql - redis-server install: - python setup.py install_egg_info - pip install -U -e ".[dev]" - sentry init before_script: - psql -c 'create database sentry;' -U postgres - <<: *postgres_default name: 'Symbolicator Integration' env: TEST_SUITE=symbolicator before_install: - *base_install - *start_snuba - docker run -d -v $PWD/config/symbolicator/:/etc/symbolicator --network host --name symbolicator us.gcr.io/sentryio/symbolicator:latest run -c /etc/symbolicator/config.yml - docker ps -a - <<: *postgres_default name: 'Sentry-Relay integration tests' env: TEST_SUITE=relay-integration DB=postgres services: - docker - memcached - redis-server - postgresql before_install: - *base_install - *start_snuba - docker pull us.gcr.io/sentryio/relay:latest # pull relay we'll run and kill it for each test - docker ps -a - python: 2.7 name: 'Snuba Integration with migrations' env: TEST_SUITE=snuba USE_SNUBA=1 MIGRATIONS_TEST_MIGRATE=1 services: - docker - memcached - redis-server - postgresql before_install: - *base_install - *start_snuba - docker ps -a install: - python setup.py install_egg_info - pip install -U -e ".[dev]" - sentry init before_script: - psql -c 'create database sentry;' -U postgres # Deploy 'storybook' (component & style guide) - name: 'Storybook Deploy' language: generic env: STORYBOOK_BUILD=1 before_install: # travis pyenv will attempt to use .python-version, but the appropriate python version won't be installed. # since we don't need python here, we have to remove this. - rm .python-version - *install_volta install: - *install_node_dependencies script: yarn run storybook-build after_success: .travis/deploy-storybook.sh after_failure: skip notifications: webhooks: urls: - https://zeus.ci/hooks/fa079cf6-8e6b-11e7-9155-0a580a28081c/public/provider/travis/webhook # This is to capture travis metrics # Repo for this webhook is https://github.com/getsentry/sentry-development-metrics # Hosted on GCP - https://product-eng-webhooks-vmrqv3f7nq-uw.a.run.app/metrics/travis/webhook on_success: always on_failure: always on_start: always on_cancel: always on_error: always