System Warnings =============== Deprecated Settings ------------------- Beginning with Sentry 8.0 configuration settings have started migrating from the original ```` over into a new format ``config.yml``. We refer to the new format as ``SENTRY_OPTIONS``. For example, ``SENTRY_OPTIONS["system.admin-email"]`` means, put ``system.admin-email`` into ``config.yml``. In Sentry 8.3, we have begun deprecating some settings from the old ```` and will soon be only accepting the new values from the new ``config.yml`` file. Historically, ``SENTRY_CONF`` or ``--config`` was pointed directly to your ````, such as:: $ SENTRY_CONF=/etc/sentry/ sentry start Now, ``SENTRY_CONF`` should be pointed to the parent directory that contains both the python file and the yaml file. ``sentry init`` will generate the right structure needed for the future.:: $ SENTRY_CONF=/etc/sentry sentry run web The following will be a simple mapping of old (````) keys to new (``config.yml``). Old settings should be completely removed. General ~~~~~~~ .. describe:: SENTRY_ADMIN_EMAIL :: system.admin-email: '' .. describe:: SENTRY_URL_PREFIX :: system.url-prefix: '' .. describe:: SENTRY_SYSTEM_MAX_EVENTS_PER_MINUTE :: system.rate-limit: 10 .. describe:: SECRET_KEY :: system.secret-key: 'abc123' Mail ~~~~ .. describe:: EMAIL_BACKEND :: mail.backend: 'smtp' .. describe:: EMAIL_HOST :: 'localhost' .. describe:: EMAIL_PORT :: mail.port: 25 .. describe:: EMAIL_HOST_USER :: mail.username: 'sentry' .. describe:: EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD :: mail.password: 'nobodywillguessthisone' .. describe:: EMAIL_USE_TLS :: mail.use-tls: true .. describe:: SERVER_EMAIL :: mail.from: '' .. describe:: EMAIL_SUBJECT_PREFIX :: mail.subject-prefix: '[Sentry] ' .. describe:: SENTRY_ENABLE_EMAIL_REPLIES :: mail.enable-replies: true .. describe:: SENTRY_SMTP_HOSTNAME :: mail.reply-hostname: '' .. describe:: MAILGUN_API_KEY :: mail.mailgun-api-key: 'abc123' Redis ~~~~~ .. describe:: SENTRY_REDIS_OPTIONS :: redis.clusters: default: # cluster name; `default` replaces `SENTRY_REDIS_OPTIONS` hosts: # options are passed as keyword arguments to `rb.Cluster` 0: host: port: 6379 1: host: port: 6379