import type {RefObject} from 'react'; import {useEffect, useMemo, useRef, useState} from 'react'; import {useTheme} from '@emotion/react'; import styled from '@emotion/styled'; import type {LineSeriesOption} from 'echarts'; import * as echarts from 'echarts/core'; import type { MarkLineOption, TooltipFormatterCallback, TopLevelFormatterParams, XAXisOption, YAXisOption, } from 'echarts/types/dist/shared'; import max from 'lodash/max'; import min from 'lodash/min'; import type {AreaChartProps} from 'sentry/components/charts/areaChart'; import {AreaChart} from 'sentry/components/charts/areaChart'; import {BarChart} from 'sentry/components/charts/barChart'; import BaseChart from 'sentry/components/charts/baseChart'; import ChartZoom from 'sentry/components/charts/chartZoom'; import type {FormatterOptions} from 'sentry/components/charts/components/tooltip'; import {getFormatter} from 'sentry/components/charts/components/tooltip'; import ErrorPanel from 'sentry/components/charts/errorPanel'; import LineSeries from 'sentry/components/charts/series/lineSeries'; import ScatterSeries from 'sentry/components/charts/series/scatterSeries'; import TransitionChart from 'sentry/components/charts/transitionChart'; import TransparentLoadingMask from 'sentry/components/charts/transparentLoadingMask'; import {isChartHovered} from 'sentry/components/charts/utils'; import LoadingIndicator from 'sentry/components/loadingIndicator'; import { createIngestionSeries, getIngestionDelayBucketCount, } from 'sentry/components/metrics/chart/chart'; import type {Series as MetricSeries} from 'sentry/components/metrics/chart/types'; import {IconWarning} from 'sentry/icons'; import type { EChartClickHandler, EChartDataZoomHandler, EChartEventHandler, EChartHighlightHandler, EChartMouseOutHandler, EChartMouseOverHandler, ReactEchartsRef, Series, } from 'sentry/types/echarts'; import { axisLabelFormatter, getDurationUnit, tooltipFormatter, } from 'sentry/utils/discover/charts'; import type {AggregationOutputType, RateUnit} from 'sentry/utils/discover/fields'; import {aggregateOutputType} from 'sentry/utils/discover/fields'; import {MetricDisplayType} from 'sentry/utils/metrics/types'; import usePageFilters from 'sentry/utils/usePageFilters'; import useRouter from 'sentry/utils/useRouter'; const STARFISH_CHART_GROUP = 'starfish_chart_group'; export enum ChartType { BAR = 0, LINE = 1, AREA = 2, } type Props = { data: Series[]; loading: boolean; type: ChartType; aggregateOutputFormat?: AggregationOutputType; chartColors?: string[]; chartGroup?: string; dataMax?: number; definedAxisTicks?: number; disableXAxis?: boolean; durationUnit?: number; error?: Error | null; forwardedRef?: RefObject<ReactEchartsRef>; grid?: AreaChartProps['grid']; height?: number; hideYAxis?: boolean; hideYAxisSplitLine?: boolean; legendFormatter?: (name: string) => string; log?: boolean; markLine?: MarkLineOption; onClick?: EChartClickHandler; onDataZoom?: EChartDataZoomHandler; onHighlight?: EChartHighlightHandler; onLegendSelectChanged?: EChartEventHandler<{ name: string; selected: Record<string, boolean>; type: 'legendselectchanged'; }>; onMouseOut?: EChartMouseOutHandler; onMouseOver?: EChartMouseOverHandler; previousData?: Series[]; rateUnit?: RateUnit; scatterPlot?: Series[]; showLegend?: boolean; stacked?: boolean; throughput?: {count: number; interval: string}[]; tooltipFormatterOptions?: FormatterOptions; }; function Chart({ data, dataMax, previousData, loading, height, grid, disableXAxis, definedAxisTicks, durationUnit, rateUnit, chartColors, type, stacked, log, hideYAxisSplitLine, showLegend, scatterPlot, throughput, aggregateOutputFormat, onClick, onMouseOver, onMouseOut, onHighlight, forwardedRef, chartGroup, tooltipFormatterOptions = {}, error, onLegendSelectChanged, onDataZoom, /** * Setting a default formatter for some reason causes `>` to * render correctly instead of rendering as `>` in the legend. */ legendFormatter = name => name, }: Props) { const router = useRouter(); const theme = useTheme(); const pageFilters = usePageFilters(); const {start, end, period, utc} = pageFilters.selection.datetime; const defaultRef = useRef<ReactEchartsRef>(null); const chartRef = forwardedRef || defaultRef; const echartsInstance = chartRef?.current?.getEchartsInstance?.(); if (echartsInstance && ! { = chartGroup ?? STARFISH_CHART_GROUP; } const colors = chartColors ?? theme.charts.getColorPalette(4); const durationOnly = aggregateOutputFormat === 'duration' || data.every(value => aggregateOutputType(value.seriesName) === 'duration'); const percentOnly = aggregateOutputFormat === 'percentage' || data.every(value => aggregateOutputType(value.seriesName) === 'percentage'); if (!dataMax) { dataMax = durationOnly ? computeAxisMax( [, ...(scatterPlot?.[0]?.data?.length ? scatterPlot : [])], stacked ) : percentOnly ? computeMax([, ...(scatterPlot?.[0]?.data?.length ? scatterPlot : [])]) : undefined; // Fix an issue where max == 1 for duration charts would look funky cause we round if (dataMax === 1 && durationOnly) { dataMax += 1; } } let transformedThroughput: LineSeriesOption[] | undefined = undefined; const additionalAxis: YAXisOption[] = []; if (throughput && throughput.length > 1) { transformedThroughput = [ LineSeries({ name: 'Throughput', data:{interval, count}) => [interval, count]), yAxisIndex: 1, lineStyle: {type: 'dashed', width: 1, opacity: 0.5}, animation: false, animationThreshold: 1, animationDuration: 0, }), ]; additionalAxis.push({ minInterval: durationUnit ?? getDurationUnit(data), splitNumber: definedAxisTicks, max: dataMax, type: 'value', axisLabel: { color: theme.chartLabel, formatter(value: number) { return axisLabelFormatter(value, 'number', true); }, }, splitLine: hideYAxisSplitLine ? {show: false} : undefined, }); } let series: Series[] =, index) => ({ ...values, yAxisIndex: 0, xAxisIndex: 0, id: values.seriesName, color: colors[index], })); let incompleteSeries: Series[] = []; const bucketSize = new Date(series[0]?.data[1]?.name).getTime() - new Date(series[0]?.data[0]?.name).getTime(); const lastBucketTimestamp = new Date( series[0]?.data?.[series[0]?.data?.length - 1]?.name ).getTime(); const ingestionBuckets = useMemo(() => { if (isNaN(bucketSize) || isNaN(lastBucketTimestamp)) { return 1; } return getIngestionDelayBucketCount(bucketSize, lastBucketTimestamp); }, [bucketSize, lastBucketTimestamp]); // TODO: Support area and bar charts if (type === ChartType.LINE || type === ChartType.AREA) { const metricChartType = type === ChartType.AREA ? MetricDisplayType.AREA : MetricDisplayType.LINE; const seriesToShow = => createIngestionSeries(serie as MetricSeries, ingestionBuckets, metricChartType) ); [series, incompleteSeries] = seriesToShow.reduce( (acc, serie, index) => { const [trimmed, incomplete] = acc; const {markLine: _, ...incompleteSerie} = serie[1] ?? {}; return [ [...trimmed, {...serie[0], color: colors[index]}], [ ...incomplete, ...(Object.keys(incompleteSerie).length > 0 ? [incompleteSerie] : []), ], ]; }, [[], []] as [MetricSeries[], MetricSeries[]] ); } const yAxes = [ { minInterval: durationUnit ?? getDurationUnit(data), splitNumber: definedAxisTicks, max: dataMax, type: log ? 'log' : 'value', axisLabel: { color: theme.chartLabel, formatter(value: number) { return axisLabelFormatter( value, aggregateOutputFormat ?? aggregateOutputType(data[0].seriesName), undefined, durationUnit ?? getDurationUnit(data), rateUnit ); }, }, splitLine: hideYAxisSplitLine ? {show: false} : undefined, }, ...additionalAxis, ]; const xAxis: XAXisOption = disableXAxis ? { show: false, axisLabel: {show: true, margin: 0}, axisLine: {show: false}, } : {}; const formatter: TooltipFormatterCallback<TopLevelFormatterParams> = ( params, asyncTicket ) => { // Only show the tooltip if the current chart is hovered // as chart groups trigger the tooltip for all charts in the group when one is hoverered if (!isChartHovered(chartRef?.current)) { return ''; } let deDupedParams = params; if (Array.isArray(params)) { const uniqueSeries = new Set<string>(); deDupedParams = params.filter(param => { // Filter null values from tooltip if (param.value[1] === null) { return false; } if (uniqueSeries.has(param.seriesName)) { return false; } uniqueSeries.add(param.seriesName); return true; }); } // Return undefined to use default formatter return getFormatter({ isGroupedByDate: true, showTimeInTooltip: true, utc: utc ?? false, valueFormatter: (value, seriesName) => { return tooltipFormatter( value, aggregateOutputFormat ?? aggregateOutputType(seriesName) ); }, ...tooltipFormatterOptions, })(deDupedParams, asyncTicket); }; const areaChartProps = { seriesOptions: { showSymbol: false, }, grid, yAxes, utc, legend: showLegend ? {top: 0, right: 10, formatter: legendFormatter} : undefined, isGroupedByDate: true, showTimeInTooltip: true, tooltip: { formatter, trigger: 'axis', axisPointer: { type: 'cross', label: {show: false}, }, valueFormatter: (value, seriesName) => { return tooltipFormatter( value, aggregateOutputFormat ?? aggregateOutputType(data?.length ? data[0].seriesName : seriesName) ); }, nameFormatter(value: string) { return value === 'epm()' ? 'tpm()' : value; }, }, } as Omit<AreaChartProps, 'series'>; function getChart() { if (error) { return ( <ErrorPanel height={`${height}px`} data-test-id="chart-error-panel"> <IconWarning color="gray300" size="lg" /> </ErrorPanel> ); } return ( <ChartZoom router={router} saveOnZoom period={period} start={start} end={end} utc={utc} onDataZoom={onDataZoom} > {zoomRenderProps => { if (type === ChartType.LINE) { return ( <BaseChart {...zoomRenderProps} ref={chartRef} height={height} previousPeriod={previousData} additionalSeries={transformedThroughput} xAxis={xAxis} yAxes={areaChartProps.yAxes} tooltip={areaChartProps.tooltip} colors={colors} grid={grid} legend={ showLegend ? {top: 0, right: 10, formatter: legendFormatter} : undefined } onClick={onClick} onMouseOut={onMouseOut} onMouseOver={onMouseOver} onHighlight={onHighlight} series={[{seriesName, data: seriesData, ...options}) => LineSeries({ ...options, name: seriesName, data: seriesData?.map(({value, name}) => [name, value]), animation: false, animationThreshold: 1, animationDuration: 0, }) ), ...(scatterPlot ?? []).map( ({seriesName, data: seriesData, ...options}) => ScatterSeries({ ...options, name: seriesName, data: seriesData?.map(({value, name}) => [name, value]), animation: false, }) ),{seriesName, data: seriesData, ...options}) => LineSeries({ ...options, name: seriesName, data: seriesData?.map(({value, name}) => [name, value]), animation: false, animationThreshold: 1, animationDuration: 0, }) ), ]} /> ); } if (type === ChartType.BAR) { return ( <BarChart height={height} series={series} xAxis={{ type: 'category', axisTick: {show: true}, truncate: Infinity, // Show axis labels axisLabel: { interval: 0, // Show _all_ axis labels }, }} yAxis={{ minInterval: durationUnit ?? getDurationUnit(data), splitNumber: definedAxisTicks, max: dataMax, axisLabel: { color: theme.chartLabel, formatter(value: number) { return axisLabelFormatter( value, aggregateOutputFormat ?? aggregateOutputType(data[0].seriesName), undefined, durationUnit ?? getDurationUnit(data), rateUnit ); }, }, }} tooltip={{ valueFormatter: (value, seriesName) => { return tooltipFormatter( value, aggregateOutputFormat ?? aggregateOutputType( data?.length ? data[0].seriesName : seriesName ) ); }, }} colors={colors} grid={grid} legend={ showLegend ? {top: 0, right: 10, formatter: legendFormatter} : undefined } onClick={onClick} /> ); } return ( <AreaChart forwardedRef={chartRef} height={height} {...zoomRenderProps} series={[...series, ...incompleteSeries]} previousPeriod={previousData} additionalSeries={transformedThroughput} xAxis={xAxis} stacked={stacked} colors={colors} onClick={onClick} {...areaChartProps} onLegendSelectChanged={onLegendSelectChanged} /> ); }} </ChartZoom> ); } return ( <TransitionChart loading={loading} reloading={loading} height={height ? `${height}px` : undefined} > <LoadingScreen loading={loading} /> {getChart()} </TransitionChart> ); } export default Chart; function computeMax(data: Series[]) { const valuesDict = => => point.value)); return max( as number; } // adapted from export function computeAxisMax(data: Series[], stacked?: boolean) { // assumes min is 0 let maxValue = 0; if (data.length > 1 && stacked) { for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { maxValue += max(data[i] => point.value)) as number; } } else { maxValue = computeMax(data); } if (maxValue <= 1) { return 1; } const power = Math.log10(maxValue); const magnitude = min([max([10 ** (power - Math.floor(power)), 0]), 10]) as number; let scale: number; if (magnitude <= 2.5) { scale = 0.2; } else if (magnitude <= 5) { scale = 0.5; } else if (magnitude <= 7.5) { scale = 1.0; } else { scale = 2.0; } const step = 10 ** Math.floor(power) * scale; return Math.ceil(Math.ceil(maxValue / step) * step); } export function useSynchronizeCharts(deps: boolean[] = []) { const [synchronized, setSynchronized] = useState<boolean>(false); useEffect(() => { if (deps.every(Boolean)) { echarts?.connect?.(STARFISH_CHART_GROUP); setSynchronized(true); } }, [deps, synchronized]); } const StyledTransparentLoadingMask = styled(props => ( <TransparentLoadingMask {...props} maskBackgroundColor="transparent" /> ))` display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; `; export function LoadingScreen({loading}: {loading: boolean}) { if (!loading) { return null; } return ( <StyledTransparentLoadingMask visible={loading}> <LoadingIndicator mini /> </StyledTransparentLoadingMask> ); }