import {mat3} from 'gl-matrix'; import {Flamegraph} from '../flamegraph'; import {FlamegraphSearch} from '../flamegraph/flamegraphStateProvider/flamegraphSearch'; import {FlamegraphTheme} from '../flamegraph/flamegraphTheme'; import {FlamegraphFrame, getFlamegraphFrameSearchId} from '../flamegraphFrame'; import { computeHighlightedBounds, ELLIPSIS, findRangeBinarySearch, getContext, Rect, resizeCanvasToDisplaySize, trimTextCenter, } from '../gl/utils'; const TEST_STRING = 'Who knows if this changed, font-display: swap wont tell me'; class TextRenderer { canvas: HTMLCanvasElement; theme: FlamegraphTheme; flamegraph: Flamegraph; context: CanvasRenderingContext2D; textCache: Record; constructor(canvas: HTMLCanvasElement, flamegraph: Flamegraph, theme: FlamegraphTheme) { this.canvas = canvas; this.theme = theme; this.flamegraph = flamegraph; this.context = getContext(canvas, '2d'); this.textCache = {}; resizeCanvasToDisplaySize(canvas); } measureAndCacheText(text: string): TextMetrics { if (this.textCache[text]) { return this.textCache[text]; } this.textCache[text] = this.context.measureText(text); return this.textCache[text]; } maybeInvalidateCache(): void { if (this.textCache[TEST_STRING] === undefined) { this.measureAndCacheText(TEST_STRING); return; } const newMeasuredSize = this.context.measureText(TEST_STRING); if (newMeasuredSize !== this.textCache[TEST_STRING]) { this.textCache = {[TEST_STRING]: newMeasuredSize}; } } draw( configView: Rect, configViewToPhysicalSpace: mat3, flamegraphSearchResults: FlamegraphSearch['results'] ): void { this.maybeInvalidateCache(); const fontSize = this.theme.SIZES.BAR_FONT_SIZE * window.devicePixelRatio; this.context.font = `${fontSize}px ${this.theme.FONTS.FRAME_FONT}`; this.context.textBaseline = 'alphabetic'; const minWidth = this.measureAndCacheText(ELLIPSIS).width; const SIDE_PADDING = 2 * this.theme.SIZES.BAR_PADDING * window.devicePixelRatio; const HALF_SIDE_PADDING = SIDE_PADDING / 2; const BASELINE_OFFSET = (this.theme.SIZES.BAR_HEIGHT - this.theme.SIZES.BAR_FONT_SIZE / 2) * window.devicePixelRatio; const HIGHLIGHT_BACKGROUND_COLOR = `rgb(${this.theme.COLORS.HIGHLIGHTED_LABEL_COLOR.join( ', ' )})`; const TOP_BOUNDARY = - 1; const BOTTOM_BOUNDARY = configView.bottom + 1; const HAS_SEARCH_RESULTS = flamegraphSearchResults.size > 0; // We start by iterating over root frames, so we draw the call stacks top-down. // This allows us to do a couple optimizations that improve our best case performance. // 1. We can skip drawing the entire tree if the root frame is not visible // 2. We can skip drawing and const frames: FlamegraphFrame[] = [...this.flamegraph.root.children]; while (frames.length > 0) { const frame = frames.pop()!; // Check if our rect overlaps with the current viewport and skip it if (frame.end < configView.left || frame.start > configView.right) { continue; } // We pin the start and end of the frame, so scrolling around keeps text pinned to the left or right side of the viewport const pinnedStart = Math.max(frame.start, configView.left); const pinnedEnd = Math.min(frame.end, configView.right); // Transform frame to physical space coordinates. This does the same operation as // Rect.transformRect, but without allocating a new Rect object. const frameWidth = (pinnedEnd - pinnedStart) * configViewToPhysicalSpace[0] + configViewToPhysicalSpace[3]; // Since the text is not exactly aligned to the left/right bounds of the frame, we need to subtract the padding // from the total width, so that we can truncate the center of the text accurately. const paddedRectangleWidth = frameWidth - SIDE_PADDING; // Since children of a frame cannot be wider than the frame itself, we can exit early and discard the entire subtree if (paddedRectangleWidth <= minWidth) { continue; } if (frame.depth > BOTTOM_BOUNDARY) { continue; } for (let i = 0; i < frame.children.length; i++) { frames.push(frame.children[i]); } // If a frame is lower than the top, we can skip drawing its text, however // we can only do so after we have pushed it's children into the queue or else // those children will never be drawn and the entire sub-tree will be skipped. if (frame.depth < TOP_BOUNDARY) { continue; } // Transform frame to physical space coordinates. This does the same operation as // Rect.transformRect, but without allocating a new Rect object. const frameHeight = (pinnedEnd - pinnedStart) * configViewToPhysicalSpace[1] + configViewToPhysicalSpace[4]; const frameX = pinnedStart * configViewToPhysicalSpace[0] + frame.depth * configViewToPhysicalSpace[3] + configViewToPhysicalSpace[6]; const frameY = pinnedStart * configViewToPhysicalSpace[1] + frame.depth * configViewToPhysicalSpace[4] + configViewToPhysicalSpace[7]; // We want to draw the text in the vertical center of the frame, so we substract half the height of the text const y = frameY + BASELINE_OFFSET; // Offset x by 1x the padding const x = frameX + (frameWidth < 0 ? frameWidth : 0) + HALF_SIDE_PADDING; const trim = trimTextCenter(, findRangeBinarySearch( {low: 0, high: paddedRectangleWidth}, n => this.measureAndCacheText(, n)).width, paddedRectangleWidth )[0] ); if (HAS_SEARCH_RESULTS) { const frameId = getFlamegraphFrameSearchId(frame); const frameResults = flamegraphSearchResults.get(frameId); if (frameResults) { this.context.fillStyle = HIGHLIGHT_BACKGROUND_COLOR; const highlightedBounds = computeHighlightedBounds(frameResults.match, trim); const frontMatter = trim.text.slice(0, highlightedBounds[0]); const highlightWidth = this.measureAndCacheText( trim.text.substring(highlightedBounds[0], highlightedBounds[1]) ).width; this.context.fillRect( x + this.measureAndCacheText(frontMatter).width, frameY + (frameHeight < 0 ? frameHeight : 0) + fontSize / 2, highlightWidth, fontSize ); } } this.context.fillStyle = this.theme.COLORS.LABEL_FONT_COLOR; this.context.fillText(trim.text, x, y); } } } export {TextRenderer};