import type {ResolutionStatus} from 'sentry/types'; type RuleViewed = { alert_type: 'issue' | 'metric'; project_id: string; }; type IssueDetailsWithAlert = { group_id: number; project_id: number; /** The time that the alert was initially fired. */ alert_date?: string; /** Id of the rule that triggered the alert */ alert_rule_id?: string; /** The type of alert notification - email/slack */ alert_type?: string; }; export type TeamInsightsEventParameters = { 'alert_builder.filter': {query: string; session_id?: string}; 'alert_details.viewed': {alert_id: number}; 'alert_rule_details.viewed': {alert: string; has_chartcuterie: string; rule_id: number}; 'alert_rules.viewed': {sort: string}; 'alert_stream.viewed': {}; 'alert_wizard.option_selected': {alert_type: string}; 'alert_wizard.option_viewed': {alert_type: string}; 'edit_alert_rule.add_row': { name: string; project_id: string; type: string; }; 'edit_alert_rule.viewed': RuleViewed; 'issue_alert_rule_details.edit_clicked': {rule_id: number}; 'issue_alert_rule_details.viewed': {rule_id: number}; 'issue_details.action_clicked': IssueDetailsWithAlert & { action_type: | 'deleted' | 'mark_reviewed' | 'bookmarked' | 'subscribed' | 'shared' | 'discarded' | 'open_in_discover' | 'assign' | ResolutionStatus; }; 'issue_details.event_json_clicked': {group_id: number}; 'issue_details.event_navigation_clicked': {button: string; project_id: number}; 'issue_details.viewed': IssueDetailsWithAlert; 'new_alert_rule.viewed': RuleViewed & { duplicate_rule: string; session_id: string; wizard_v3: string; }; 'project_creation_page.created': { issue_alert: 'Default' | 'Custom' | 'No Rule'; metric_alerts: string; project_id: string; rule_id: string; }; 'project_creation_page.viewed': {}; 'team_insights.viewed': {}; }; export type TeamInsightsEventKey = keyof TeamInsightsEventParameters; export const workflowEventMap: Record = { 'alert_builder.filter': 'Alert Builder: Filter', 'alert_details.viewed': 'Alert Details: Viewed', 'alert_rule_details.viewed': 'Alert Rule Details: Viewed', 'alert_rules.viewed': 'Alert Rules: Viewed', 'alert_stream.viewed': 'Alert Stream: Viewed', 'alert_wizard.option_selected': 'Alert Wizard: Option Selected', 'alert_wizard.option_viewed': 'Alert Wizard: Option Viewed', 'edit_alert_rule.add_row': 'Edit Alert Rule: Add Row', 'edit_alert_rule.viewed': 'Edit Alert Rule: Viewed', 'issue_alert_rule_details.edit_clicked': 'Issue Alert Rule Details: Edit Clicked', 'issue_alert_rule_details.viewed': 'Issue Alert Rule Details: Viewed', 'issue_details.action_clicked': 'Issue Details: Action Clicked', 'issue_details.event_json_clicked': 'Issue Details: Event JSON Clicked', 'issue_details.event_navigation_clicked': 'Issue Details: Event Navigation Clicked', 'issue_details.viewed': 'Issue Details: Viewed', 'new_alert_rule.viewed': 'New Alert Rule: Viewed', 'team_insights.viewed': 'Team Insights: Viewed', 'project_creation_page.viewed': 'Project Create: Creation page viewed', 'project_creation_page.created': 'Project Create: Project Created', };