import type {Scope, TimeseriesValue} from './core'; import type {SDKUpdatesSuggestion} from './event'; import type {Plugin} from './integrations'; import type {Organization, Team} from './organization'; import type {Deploy} from './release'; import type {DynamicSamplingBias} from './sampling'; // Minimal project representation for use with avatars. export type AvatarProject = { slug: string; id?: string | number; platform?: PlatformKey; }; export type Project = { access: Scope[]; allowedDomains: string[]; dateCreated: string; digestsMaxDelay: number; digestsMinDelay: number; dynamicSamplingBiases: DynamicSamplingBias[] | null; environments: string[]; eventProcessing: { symbolicationDegraded: boolean; }; extrapolateMetrics: boolean; features: string[]; firstEvent: string | null; firstTransactionEvent: boolean; groupingAutoUpdate: boolean; groupingConfig: string; hasAccess: boolean; hasCustomMetrics: boolean; hasFeedbacks: boolean; hasInsightsAppStart: boolean; hasInsightsAssets: boolean; hasInsightsCaches: boolean; hasInsightsDb: boolean; hasInsightsHttp: boolean; hasInsightsLlmMonitoring: boolean; hasInsightsQueues: boolean; hasInsightsScreenLoad: boolean; hasInsightsVitals: boolean; hasMinifiedStackTrace: boolean; hasMonitors: boolean; hasNewFeedbacks: boolean; hasProfiles: boolean; hasReplays: boolean; hasSessions: boolean; id: string; isBookmarked: boolean; isInternal: boolean; isMember: boolean; name: string; organization: Organization; plugins: Plugin[]; processingIssues: number; relayCustomMetricCardinalityLimit: number | null; relayPiiConfig: string; resolveAge: number; safeFields: string[]; scrapeJavaScript: boolean; scrubIPAddresses: boolean; sensitiveFields: string[]; subjectTemplate: string; team: Team; teams: Team[]; verifySSL: boolean; builtinSymbolSources?: string[]; defaultEnvironment?: string; hasUserReports?: boolean; highlightContext?: Record; highlightPreset?: { context: Record; tags: string[]; }; highlightTags?: string[]; latestDeploys?: Record> | null; latestRelease?: {version: string} | null; options?: Record; securityToken?: string; securityTokenHeader?: string; sessionStats?: { currentCrashFreeRate: number | null; hasHealthData: boolean; previousCrashFreeRate: number | null; }; stats?: TimeseriesValue[]; subjectPrefix?: string; symbolSources?: string; transactionStats?: TimeseriesValue[]; } & AvatarProject; export type MinimalProject = Pick; // Response from project_keys endpoints. export type ProjectKey = { browserSdk: { choices: [key: string, value: string][]; }; browserSdkVersion: ProjectKey['browserSdk']['choices'][number][0]; dateCreated: string; dsn: { cdn: string; crons: string; csp: string; minidump: string; public: string; secret: string; security: string; unreal: string; }; dynamicSdkLoaderOptions: { hasDebug: boolean; hasPerformance: boolean; hasReplay: boolean; }; id: string; isActive: boolean; label: string; name: string; projectId: number; public: string; rateLimit: { count: number; window: number; } | null; secret: string; useCase?: string; }; export type ProjectSdkUpdates = { projectId: string; sdkName: string; sdkVersion: string; suggestions: SDKUpdatesSuggestion[]; }; export type Environment = { displayName: string; id: string; name: string; // XXX: Provided by the backend but unused due to `getUrlRoutingName()` // urlRoutingName: string; }; export interface TeamWithProjects extends Team { projects: Project[]; } /** * The type of all platform keys. * Also includes platforms that cannot be created in the UI anymore. */ export type PlatformKey = | 'android' | 'apple' | 'apple-ios' | 'apple-macos' | 'bun' | 'c' | 'capacitor' | 'cfml' | 'cocoa' | 'cocoa-objc' | 'cocoa-swift' | 'cordova' | 'csharp' | 'csharp-aspnetcore' | 'dart' | 'dart-flutter' | 'deno' | 'django' | 'dotnet' | 'dotnet-aspnet' | 'dotnet-aspnetcore' | 'dotnet-awslambda' | 'dotnet-gcpfunctions' | 'dotnet-google-cloud-functions' | 'dotnet-maui' | 'dotnet-uwp' | 'dotnet-winforms' | 'dotnet-wpf' | 'dotnet-xamarin' | 'electron' | 'elixir' | 'flutter' | 'go' | 'go-echo' | 'go-fasthttp' | 'go-fiber' | 'go-gin' | 'go-http' | 'go-iris' | 'go-martini' | 'go-negroni' | 'groovy' | 'ionic' | 'java' | 'java-android' | 'java-appengine' | 'java-log4j' | 'java-log4j2' | 'java-logback' | 'java-logging' | 'java-spring' | 'java-spring-boot' | 'javascript' | 'javascript-angular' | 'javascript-angularjs' | 'javascript-astro' | 'javascript-backbone' | 'javascript-browser' | 'javascript-capacitor' | 'javascript-cordova' | 'javascript-electron' | 'javascript-ember' | 'javascript-gatsby' | 'javascript-nextjs' | 'javascript-react' | 'javascript-remix' | 'javascript-solid' | 'javascript-svelte' | 'javascript-sveltekit' | 'javascript-vue' | 'kotlin' | 'minidump' | 'native' | 'native-crashpad' | 'native-breakpad' | 'native-minidump' | 'native-qt' | 'nintendo-switch' | 'node' | 'node-awslambda' | 'node-azurefunctions' | 'node-connect' | 'node-express' | 'node-fastify' | 'node-gcpfunctions' | 'node-hapi' | 'node-koa' | 'node-nestjs' | 'node-nodeawslambda' | 'node-nodegcpfunctions' | 'objc' | 'other' | 'perl' | 'php' | 'PHP' | 'php-laravel' | 'php-monolog' | 'php-symfony' | 'php-symfony2' | 'powershell' | 'python' | 'python-aiohttp' | 'python-asgi' | 'python-awslambda' | 'python-azurefunctions' | 'python-bottle' | 'python-celery' | 'python-chalice' | 'python-django' | 'python-falcon' | 'python-fastapi' | 'python-flask' | 'python-gcpfunctions' | 'python-pylons' | 'python-pymongo' | 'python-pyramid' | 'python-pythonawslambda' | 'python-pythonazurefunctions' | 'python-pythongcpfunctions' | 'python-pythonserverless' | 'python-quart' | 'python-rq' | 'python-sanic' | 'python-serverless' | 'python-starlette' | 'python-tornado' | 'python-tryton' | 'python-wsgi' | 'rails' | 'react' | 'react-native' | 'ruby' | 'ruby-rack' | 'ruby-rails' | 'rust' | 'swift' | 'switt' | 'unity' | 'unreal'; export type PlatformIntegration = { id: PlatformKey; language: string; link: string | null; name: string; type: string; };