import {Event} from 'sentry/types/event'; import {TraceFull} from 'sentry/utils/performance/quickTrace/types'; import { flattenRelevantPaths, parseQuickTrace, } from 'sentry/utils/performance/quickTrace/utils'; type Position = { generation: number; offset: number; }; function hexCharFor(x: number): string { x = x % 16; if (x < 10) { return String(x); } return String.fromCharCode('a'.charCodeAt(0) + x - 10); } function generateId(prefix: string, {generation, offset}: Position) { const s = `${hexCharFor(generation)}${hexCharFor(offset)}`; return `${prefix}:${Array(7).join(s)}`; } function generateEventId({generation, offset}: Position) { return generateId('e', {generation, offset}); } function generateSpanId({generation, offset}: Position) { return generateId('s', {generation, offset}); } function generateTransactionName({generation, offset}: Position) { return `transaction-${generation}-${offset}`; } function generateProjectSlug({generation, offset}: Position) { const c = hexCharFor(generation); return `project-${c.toUpperCase()}-${offset}`; } function computePosition(index: number) { index += 1; const generation = Math.floor(Math.log2(index)); const offset = index - 2 ** generation; return {generation, offset}; } function generateTransactionLite({ generation, offset, }: { generation: number; offset: number; }) { const position = {generation, offset}; const parentPosition = { generation: generation - 1, offset: Math.floor(offset / 2), }; return { event_id: generateEventId(position), generation, span_id: generateSpanId(position), transaction: generateTransactionName(position), 'transaction.duration': 0, project_id: generation, // just use generation as project id project_slug: generateProjectSlug(position), parent_event_id: generation <= 0 ? null : generateEventId(parentPosition), parent_span_id: generation <= 0 ? null : generateSpanId(parentPosition), performance_issues: [], errors: [], }; } function generateTransaction(opts: {depth: number; index: number}): TraceFull { const {index, depth = -1} = opts; const {generation, offset} = computePosition(index); return { ...generateTransactionLite({generation, offset}), errors: [], children: Array(depth <= 0 || generation >= depth - 1 ? 0 : 2) .fill(null) .map((_, i) => generateTransaction({ index: 2 * index + i + 1, depth, }) ), /** * These timestamps aren't used in tests here, just adding them to pass * the type checking. */ 'transaction.duration': 0, }; } function generateTrace(depth = 1): TraceFull { if (depth < 1) { throw new Error('Minimum depth is 1!'); } return generateTransaction({ depth, index: 0, }); } function generateEventSelector(position: Position, eventType: string): Event { return {id: generateEventId(position), type: eventType} as Event; } describe('Quick Trace Utils', function () { describe('flattenRelevantPaths', function () { it('flattens trace without the expected event', function () { const trace = generateTrace(1); const current = {id: 'you cant find me'} as Event; expect(() => flattenRelevantPaths(current, trace)).toThrow( 'No relevant path exists!' ); }); it('flattens a single transaction trace', function () { const trace = generateTrace(1); const current = generateEventSelector({generation: 0, offset: 0}, 'transaction'); const relevantPath = flattenRelevantPaths(current, trace); expect(relevantPath).toMatchObject([ generateTransactionLite({generation: 0, offset: 0}), ]); }); it('flattens trace from the leaf', function () { const trace = generateTrace(3); const current = generateEventSelector({generation: 2, offset: 3}, 'transaction'); const relevantPath = flattenRelevantPaths(current, trace); expect(relevantPath).toMatchObject([ generateTransactionLite({generation: 0, offset: 0}), generateTransactionLite({generation: 1, offset: 1}), generateTransactionLite({generation: 2, offset: 3}), ]); }); it('flattens trace from the middle', function () { const trace = generateTrace(3); const current = generateEventSelector({generation: 1, offset: 1}, 'transaction'); const relevantPath = flattenRelevantPaths(current, trace); expect(relevantPath).toMatchObject([ generateTransactionLite({generation: 0, offset: 0}), generateTransactionLite({generation: 1, offset: 1}), generateTransactionLite({generation: 2, offset: 2}), generateTransactionLite({generation: 2, offset: 3}), ]); }); it('flattens trace from the root', function () { const trace = generateTrace(3); const current = generateEventSelector({generation: 0, offset: 0}, 'transaction'); const relevantPath = flattenRelevantPaths(current, trace); expect(relevantPath).toMatchObject([ generateTransactionLite({generation: 0, offset: 0}), generateTransactionLite({generation: 1, offset: 0}), generateTransactionLite({generation: 1, offset: 1}), generateTransactionLite({generation: 2, offset: 0}), generateTransactionLite({generation: 2, offset: 1}), generateTransactionLite({generation: 2, offset: 2}), generateTransactionLite({generation: 2, offset: 3}), ]); }); }); describe('parseQuickTrace', function () { const organization = TestStubs.Organization(); it('parses empty trace', function () { const current = generateEventSelector({generation: 0, offset: 0}, 'transaction'); expect(() => parseQuickTrace({type: 'empty', trace: []}, current, organization) ).toThrow('Current event not in trace navigator'); }); describe('partial trace', function () { it('parses correctly without the expected event', function () { const relevantPath = [generateTransactionLite({generation: 0, offset: 0})]; const current = generateEventSelector({generation: 1, offset: 0}, 'transaction'); expect(() => parseQuickTrace({type: 'partial', trace: relevantPath}, current, organization) ).toThrow('Current event not in trace navigator'); }); it('parses only the current event', function () { const relevantPath = [generateTransactionLite({generation: 0, offset: 0})]; const current = generateEventSelector({generation: 0, offset: 0}, 'transaction'); const parsedQuickTrace = parseQuickTrace( {type: 'partial', trace: relevantPath}, current, organization ); expect(parsedQuickTrace).toEqual({ root: null, ancestors: null, parent: null, current: generateTransactionLite({generation: 0, offset: 0}), children: [], descendants: null, }); }); it('parses current with only parent', function () { const relevantPath = [ generateTransactionLite({generation: 0, offset: 0}), generateTransactionLite({generation: 1, offset: 0}), ]; const current = generateEventSelector({generation: 1, offset: 0}, 'transaction'); const parsedQuickTrace = parseQuickTrace( {type: 'partial', trace: relevantPath}, current, organization ); expect(parsedQuickTrace).toEqual({ root: null, ancestors: null, parent: generateTransactionLite({generation: 0, offset: 0}), current: generateTransactionLite({generation: 1, offset: 0}), children: [], descendants: null, }); }); it('parses current with only root', function () { const relevantPath = [ generateTransactionLite({generation: 0, offset: 0}), generateTransactionLite({generation: 2, offset: 0}), ]; const current = generateEventSelector({generation: 2, offset: 0}, 'transaction'); const parsedQuickTrace = parseQuickTrace( {type: 'partial', trace: relevantPath}, current, organization ); expect(parsedQuickTrace).toEqual({ root: generateTransactionLite({generation: 0, offset: 0}), ancestors: null, parent: null, current: generateTransactionLite({generation: 2, offset: 0}), children: [], descendants: null, }); }); it('parses current with only children', function () { const relevantPath = [ generateTransactionLite({generation: 0, offset: 0}), generateTransactionLite({generation: 1, offset: 0}), generateTransactionLite({generation: 1, offset: 1}), ]; const current = generateEventSelector({generation: 0, offset: 0}, 'transaction'); const parsedQuickTrace = parseQuickTrace( {type: 'partial', trace: relevantPath}, current, organization ); expect(parsedQuickTrace).toEqual({ root: null, ancestors: null, parent: null, current: generateTransactionLite({generation: 0, offset: 0}), children: [ generateTransactionLite({generation: 1, offset: 0}), generateTransactionLite({generation: 1, offset: 1}), ], descendants: null, }); }); it('parses current with parent and children', function () { const relevantPath = [ generateTransactionLite({generation: 0, offset: 0}), generateTransactionLite({generation: 1, offset: 1}), generateTransactionLite({generation: 2, offset: 2}), ]; const current = generateEventSelector({generation: 1, offset: 1}, 'transaction'); const parsedQuickTrace = parseQuickTrace( {type: 'partial', trace: relevantPath}, current, organization ); expect(parsedQuickTrace).toEqual({ root: null, ancestors: null, parent: generateTransactionLite({generation: 0, offset: 0}), current: generateTransactionLite({generation: 1, offset: 1}), children: [generateTransactionLite({generation: 2, offset: 2})], descendants: null, }); }); it('parses current with root and children', function () { const relevantPath = [ generateTransactionLite({generation: 0, offset: 0}), generateTransactionLite({generation: 2, offset: 2}), generateTransactionLite({generation: 3, offset: 4}), generateTransactionLite({generation: 3, offset: 5}), ]; const current = generateEventSelector({generation: 2, offset: 2}, 'transaction'); const parsedQuickTrace = parseQuickTrace( {type: 'partial', trace: relevantPath}, current, organization ); expect(parsedQuickTrace).toEqual({ root: generateTransactionLite({generation: 0, offset: 0}), ancestors: null, parent: null, current: generateTransactionLite({generation: 2, offset: 2}), children: [ generateTransactionLite({generation: 3, offset: 4}), generateTransactionLite({generation: 3, offset: 5}), ], descendants: null, }); }); }); describe('full trace', function () { it('parses the full trace', function () { const trace = generateTrace(6); const current = generateEventSelector({generation: 3, offset: 0}, 'transaction'); const relevantPath = flattenRelevantPaths(current, trace); const parsedQuickTrace = parseQuickTrace( {type: 'full', trace: relevantPath}, current, organization ); expect(parsedQuickTrace).toMatchObject({ root: generateTransactionLite({generation: 0, offset: 0}), ancestors: [generateTransactionLite({generation: 1, offset: 0})], parent: generateTransactionLite({generation: 2, offset: 0}), current: generateTransactionLite({generation: 3, offset: 0}), children: [ generateTransactionLite({generation: 4, offset: 0}), generateTransactionLite({generation: 4, offset: 1}), ], descendants: [ generateTransactionLite({generation: 5, offset: 0}), generateTransactionLite({generation: 5, offset: 1}), generateTransactionLite({generation: 5, offset: 2}), generateTransactionLite({generation: 5, offset: 3}), ], }); }); it('parses full trace without ancestors', function () { const trace = generateTrace(5); const current = generateEventSelector({generation: 2, offset: 0}, 'transaction'); const relevantPath = flattenRelevantPaths(current, trace); const parsedQuickTrace = parseQuickTrace( {type: 'full', trace: relevantPath}, current, organization ); expect(parsedQuickTrace).toMatchObject({ root: generateTransactionLite({generation: 0, offset: 0}), ancestors: [], parent: generateTransactionLite({generation: 1, offset: 0}), current: generateTransactionLite({generation: 2, offset: 0}), children: [ generateTransactionLite({generation: 3, offset: 0}), generateTransactionLite({generation: 3, offset: 1}), ], descendants: [ generateTransactionLite({generation: 4, offset: 0}), generateTransactionLite({generation: 4, offset: 1}), generateTransactionLite({generation: 4, offset: 2}), generateTransactionLite({generation: 4, offset: 3}), ], }); }); it('parses full trace without descendants', function () { const trace = generateTrace(5); const current = generateEventSelector({generation: 3, offset: 0}, 'transaction'); const relevantPath = flattenRelevantPaths(current, trace); const parsedQuickTrace = parseQuickTrace( {type: 'full', trace: relevantPath}, current, organization ); expect(parsedQuickTrace).toMatchObject({ root: generateTransactionLite({generation: 0, offset: 0}), ancestors: [generateTransactionLite({generation: 1, offset: 0})], parent: generateTransactionLite({generation: 2, offset: 0}), current: generateTransactionLite({generation: 3, offset: 0}), children: [ generateTransactionLite({generation: 4, offset: 0}), generateTransactionLite({generation: 4, offset: 1}), ], descendants: [], }); }); it('parses full trace without children descendants', function () { const trace = generateTrace(4); const current = generateEventSelector({generation: 3, offset: 0}, 'transaction'); const relevantPath = flattenRelevantPaths(current, trace); const parsedQuickTrace = parseQuickTrace( {type: 'full', trace: relevantPath}, current, organization ); expect(parsedQuickTrace).toMatchObject({ root: generateTransactionLite({generation: 0, offset: 0}), ancestors: [generateTransactionLite({generation: 1, offset: 0})], parent: generateTransactionLite({generation: 2, offset: 0}), current: generateTransactionLite({generation: 3, offset: 0}), children: [], descendants: [], }); }); }); }); });