import {Release} from '@sentry/release-parser'; import round from 'lodash/round'; import type moment from 'moment'; import {t, tn} from 'sentry/locale'; import type {CommitAuthor, User} from 'sentry/types'; import {RATE_UNIT_LABELS, RateUnit} from 'sentry/utils/discover/fields'; export function userDisplayName(user: User | CommitAuthor, includeEmail = true): string { let displayName = String(user?.name ?? t('Unknown author')).trim(); if (displayName.length <= 0) { displayName = t('Unknown author'); } const email = String(user?.email ?? '').trim(); if (email.length > 0 && email !== displayName && includeEmail) { displayName += ' (' + email + ')'; } return displayName; } export const isSemverRelease = (rawVersion: string): boolean => { try { const parsedVersion = new Release(rawVersion); return !!parsedVersion.versionParsed; } catch { return false; } }; export const formatVersion = (rawVersion: string, withPackage = false) => { try { const parsedVersion = new Release(rawVersion); const versionToDisplay = parsedVersion.describe(); if (versionToDisplay.length) { return `${versionToDisplay}${ withPackage && parsedVersion.package ? `, ${parsedVersion.package}` : '' }`; } return rawVersion; } catch { return rawVersion; } }; function roundWithFixed( value: number, fixedDigits: number ): {label: string; result: number} { const label = value.toFixed(fixedDigits); const result = fixedDigits <= 0 ? Math.round(value) : value; return {label, result}; } // in milliseconds export const MONTH = 2629800000; export const WEEK = 604800000; export const DAY = 86400000; export const HOUR = 3600000; export const MINUTE = 60000; export const SECOND = 1000; export const MILLISECOND = 1; export const MICROSECOND = 0.001; export const NANOSECOND = 0.000001; /** * Returns a human redable duration rounded to the largest unit. * * e.g. 2 days, or 3 months, or 25 seoconds * * Use `getExactDuration` for exact durations */ const DURATION_LABELS = { mo: t('mo'), w: t('w'), wk: t('wk'), week: t('week'), weeks: t('weeks'), d: t('d'), day: t('day'), days: t('days'), h: t('h'), hr: t('hr'), hour: t('hour'), hours: t('hours'), m: t('m'), min: t('min'), minute: t('minute'), minutes: t('minutes'), s: t('s'), sec: t('sec'), secs: t('secs'), second: t('second'), seconds: t('seconds'), ms: t('ms'), millisecond: t('millisecond'), milliseconds: t('milliseconds'), }; export function getDuration( seconds: number, fixedDigits: number = 0, abbreviation: boolean = false, extraShort: boolean = false, absolute: boolean = false ): string { const absValue = Math.abs(seconds * 1000); // value in milliseconds const msValue = absolute ? absValue : seconds * 1000; if (absValue >= MONTH && !extraShort) { const {label, result} = roundWithFixed(msValue / MONTH, fixedDigits); return `${label}${ abbreviation ? : ` ${tn('month', 'months', result)}` }`; } if (absValue >= WEEK) { const {label, result} = roundWithFixed(msValue / WEEK, fixedDigits); if (extraShort) { return `${label}${DURATION_LABELS.w}`; } if (abbreviation) { return `${label}${DURATION_LABELS.wk}`; } return `${label} ${tn('week', 'weeks', result)}`; } if (absValue >= DAY) { const {label, result} = roundWithFixed(msValue / DAY, fixedDigits); if (extraShort || abbreviation) { return `${label}${DURATION_LABELS.d}`; } return `${label} ${tn('day', 'days', result)}`; } if (absValue >= HOUR) { const {label, result} = roundWithFixed(msValue / HOUR, fixedDigits); if (extraShort) { return `${label}${DURATION_LABELS.h}`; } if (abbreviation) { return `${label}${}`; } return `${label} ${tn('hour', 'hours', result)}`; } if (absValue >= MINUTE) { const {label, result} = roundWithFixed(msValue / MINUTE, fixedDigits); if (extraShort) { return `${label}${DURATION_LABELS.m}`; } if (abbreviation) { return `${label}${DURATION_LABELS.min}`; } return `${label} ${tn('minute', 'minutes', result)}`; } if (absValue >= SECOND) { const {label, result} = roundWithFixed(msValue / SECOND, fixedDigits); if (extraShort || abbreviation) { return `${label}${DURATION_LABELS.s}`; } return `${label} ${tn('second', 'seconds', result)}`; } const {label, result} = roundWithFixed(msValue, fixedDigits); if (extraShort || abbreviation) { return `${label}${}`; } return `${label} ${tn('millisecond', 'milliseconds', result)}`; } const SUFFIX_ABBR = { years: t('yr'), weeks: t('wk'), days: t('d'), hours: t('hr'), minutes: t('min'), seconds: t('s'), milliseconds: t('ms'), }; /** * Returns a human readable exact duration. * 'precision' arg will truncate the results to the specified suffix * * e.g. 1 hour 25 minutes 15 seconds */ export function getExactDuration( seconds: number, abbreviation: boolean = false, precision: keyof typeof SUFFIX_ABBR = 'milliseconds' ) { const minSuffix = ` ${precision}`; const convertDuration = (secs: number, abbr: boolean): string => { // value in milliseconds const msValue = round(secs * 1000); const value = round(Math.abs(secs * 1000)); const divideBy = (time: number) => { return { quotient: msValue < 0 ? Math.ceil(msValue / time) : Math.floor(msValue / time), remainder: msValue % time, }; }; if (value >= WEEK || (value && minSuffix === ' weeks')) { const {quotient, remainder} = divideBy(WEEK); const suffix = abbr ? t('wk') : ` ${tn('week', 'weeks', quotient)}`; return `${quotient}${suffix} ${ minSuffix === suffix ? '' : convertDuration(remainder / 1000, abbr) }`; } if (value >= DAY || (value && minSuffix === ' days')) { const {quotient, remainder} = divideBy(DAY); const suffix = abbr ? t('d') : ` ${tn('day', 'days', quotient)}`; return `${quotient}${suffix} ${ minSuffix === suffix ? '' : convertDuration(remainder / 1000, abbr) }`; } if (value >= HOUR || (value && minSuffix === ' hours')) { const {quotient, remainder} = divideBy(HOUR); const suffix = abbr ? t('hr') : ` ${tn('hour', 'hours', quotient)}`; return `${quotient}${suffix} ${ minSuffix === suffix ? '' : convertDuration(remainder / 1000, abbr) }`; } if (value >= MINUTE || (value && minSuffix === ' minutes')) { const {quotient, remainder} = divideBy(MINUTE); const suffix = abbr ? t('min') : ` ${tn('minute', 'minutes', quotient)}`; return `${quotient}${suffix} ${ minSuffix === suffix ? '' : convertDuration(remainder / 1000, abbr) }`; } if (value >= SECOND || (value && minSuffix === ' seconds')) { const {quotient, remainder} = divideBy(SECOND); const suffix = abbr ? t('s') : ` ${tn('second', 'seconds', quotient)}`; return `${quotient}${suffix} ${ minSuffix === suffix ? '' : convertDuration(remainder / 1000, abbr) }`; } if (value === 0) { return ''; } const suffix = abbr ? t('ms') : ` ${tn('millisecond', 'milliseconds', value)}`; return `${msValue}${suffix}`; }; const result = convertDuration(seconds, abbreviation).trim(); if (result.length) { return result; } return `0${abbreviation ? SUFFIX_ABBR[precision] : minSuffix}`; } export const SEC_IN_WK = 604800; export const SEC_IN_DAY = 86400; export const SEC_IN_HR = 3600; export const SEC_IN_MIN = 60; type Level = [lvlSfx: moment.unitOfTime.DurationConstructor, denominator: number]; type ParsedLargestSuffix = [val: number, suffix: moment.unitOfTime.DurationConstructor]; /** * Given a length of time in seconds, provide me the largest divisible suffix and value for that time period. * eg. 60 -> [1, 'minutes'] * eg. 7200 -> [2, 'hours'] * eg. 7260 -> [121, 'minutes'] * * @param seconds * @param maxSuffix determines the largest suffix we should pin the response to */ export function parseLargestSuffix( seconds: number, maxSuffix: string = 'days' ): ParsedLargestSuffix { const levels: Level[] = [ ['minutes', SEC_IN_MIN], ['hours', SEC_IN_HR], ['days', SEC_IN_DAY], ['weeks', SEC_IN_WK], ]; let val = seconds; let suffix: moment.unitOfTime.DurationConstructor = 'seconds'; if (val === 0) { return [val, suffix]; } for (const [lvlSfx, denominator] of levels) { if (seconds % denominator) { break; } val = seconds / denominator; suffix = lvlSfx; if (lvlSfx === maxSuffix) { break; } } return [val, suffix]; } export function formatSecondsToClock( seconds: number, {padAll}: {padAll: boolean} = {padAll: true} ) { if (seconds === 0 || isNaN(seconds)) { return padAll ? '00:00' : '0:00'; } const divideBy = (msValue: number, time: number) => { return { quotient: msValue < 0 ? Math.ceil(msValue / time) : Math.floor(msValue / time), remainder: msValue % time, }; }; // value in milliseconds const absMSValue = round(Math.abs(seconds * 1000)); const {quotient: hours, remainder: rMins} = divideBy(absMSValue, HOUR); const {quotient: minutes, remainder: rSeconds} = divideBy(rMins, MINUTE); const {quotient: secs, remainder: milliseconds} = divideBy(rSeconds, SECOND); const fill = (num: number) => (num < 10 ? `0${num}` : String(num)); const parts = hours ? [padAll ? fill(hours) : hours, fill(minutes), fill(secs)] : [padAll ? fill(minutes) : minutes, fill(secs)]; const ms = `000${milliseconds}`.slice(-3); return milliseconds ? `${parts.join(':')}.${ms}` : parts.join(':'); } export function parseClockToSeconds(clock: string) { const [rest, milliseconds] = clock.split('.'); const parts = rest.split(':'); let seconds = 0; const progression = [MONTH, WEEK, DAY, HOUR, MINUTE, SECOND].slice(parts.length * -1); for (let i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) { const num = Number(parts[i]) || 0; const time = progression[i] / 1000; seconds += num * time; } const ms = Number(milliseconds) || 0; return seconds + ms / 1000; } export function formatFloat(number: number, places: number) { const multi = Math.pow(10, places); return parseInt((number * multi).toString(), 10) / multi; } /** * Format a value between 0 and 1 as a percentage */ export function formatPercentage( value: number, places: number = 2, options: { minimumValue?: number; } = {} ) { if (value === 0) { return '0%'; } const minimumValue = options.minimumValue ?? 0; if (Math.abs(value) <= minimumValue) { return `<${minimumValue * 100}%`; } return ( round(value * 100, places).toLocaleString(undefined, { maximumFractionDigits: places, }) + '%' ); } const numberFormatSteps = [ [1_000_000_000, 'b'], [1_000_000, 'm'], [1_000, 'k'], ] as const; /** * Formats a number with an abbreviation e.g. 1000 -> 1k. * * @param number the number to format * @param maximumSignificantDigits the number of significant digits to include * @param includeDecimals when true, formatted number will always include non trailing zero decimal places */ export function formatAbbreviatedNumber( number: number | string, maximumSignificantDigits?: number, includeDecimals?: boolean ): string { number = Number(number); const prefix = number < 0 ? '-' : ''; const numAbsValue = Math.abs(number); for (const step of numberFormatSteps) { const [suffixNum, suffix] = step; const shortValue = Math.floor(numAbsValue / suffixNum); const fitsBound = numAbsValue % suffixNum === 0; if (shortValue <= 0) { continue; } const useShortValue = !includeDecimals && (shortValue > 10 || fitsBound); if (useShortValue) { if (maximumSignificantDigits === undefined) { return `${prefix}${shortValue}${suffix}`; } const formattedNumber = parseFloat( shortValue.toPrecision(maximumSignificantDigits) ).toString(); return `${prefix}${formattedNumber}${suffix}`; } const formattedNumber = formatFloat( numAbsValue / suffixNum, maximumSignificantDigits || 1 ).toLocaleString(undefined, { maximumSignificantDigits, }); return `${prefix}${formattedNumber}${suffix}`; } return number.toLocaleString(undefined, {maximumSignificantDigits}); } /** * Formats a number with an abbreviation and rounds to 2 * decimal digits without forcing trailing zeros. * e. g. 1000 -> 1k, 1234 -> 1.23k */ export function formatAbbreviatedNumberWithDynamicPrecision( value: number | string ): string { const number = Number(value); if (number === 0) { return '0'; } const log10 = Math.log10(Math.abs(number)); // numbers less than 1 will have a negative log10 const numOfDigits = log10 < 0 ? 1 : Math.floor(log10) + 1; const maxStep = numberFormatSteps[0][0]; // if the number is larger than the largest step, we determine the number of digits // by dividing the number by the largest step, otherwise the number of formatted // digits is the number of digits in the number modulo 3 (the number of zeroes between steps) const numOfFormattedDigits = number > maxStep ? Math.floor(Math.log10(number / maxStep)) : Math.max(numOfDigits % 3 === 0 ? 3 : numOfDigits % 3, 0); const maximumSignificantDigits = numOfFormattedDigits + 2; return formatAbbreviatedNumber(value, maximumSignificantDigits, true); } /** * Rounds to specified number of decimal digits (defaults to 2) without forcing trailing zeros * Will preserve significant decimals for very small numbers * e.g. 0.0001234 -> 0.00012 * @param value number to format */ export function formatNumberWithDynamicDecimalPoints( value: number, maxFractionDigits = 2 ): string { if ([0, Infinity, -Infinity, NaN].includes(value)) { return value.toLocaleString(); } const exponent = Math.floor(Math.log10(Math.abs(value))); const maximumFractionDigits = exponent >= 0 ? maxFractionDigits : Math.abs(exponent) + 1; const numberFormat = { maximumFractionDigits, minimumFractionDigits: 0, }; return value.toLocaleString(undefined, numberFormat); } export function formatRate( value: number, unit: RateUnit = RateUnit.PER_SECOND, options: { minimumValue?: number; significantDigits?: number; } = {} ) { // NOTE: `Intl` doesn't support unitless-per-unit formats (i.e., // `"-per-minute"` is not valid) so we have to concatenate the unit manually, since our rates are usually just "/min" or "/s". // Because of this, the unit is not internationalized. // 0 is special! if (value === 0) { return `${0}${RATE_UNIT_LABELS[unit]}`; } const minimumValue = options.minimumValue ?? 0; const significantDigits = options.significantDigits ?? 3; const numberFormatOptions: ConstructorParameters[1] = { notation: 'compact', compactDisplay: 'short', minimumSignificantDigits: significantDigits, maximumSignificantDigits: significantDigits, }; if (value <= minimumValue) { return `<${minimumValue}${RATE_UNIT_LABELS[unit]}`; } return `${value.toLocaleString(undefined, numberFormatOptions)}${ RATE_UNIT_LABELS[unit] }`; } export function formatSpanOperation( operation?: string, length: 'short' | 'long' = 'short' ) { if (length === 'long') { return getLongSpanOperationDescription(operation); } return getShortSpanOperationDescription(operation); } function getLongSpanOperationDescription(operation?: string) { if (operation?.startsWith('http')) { return t('URL request'); } if (operation === 'db.redis') { return t('cache query'); } if (operation?.startsWith('db')) { return t('database query'); } if (operation?.startsWith('task')) { return t('application task'); } if (operation?.startsWith('serialize')) { return t('serializer'); } if (operation?.startsWith('middleware')) { return t('middleware'); } if (operation === 'resource') { return t('resource'); } if (operation === 'resource.script') { return t('JavaScript file'); } if (operation === 'resource.css') { return t('stylesheet'); } if (operation === 'resource.img') { return t('image'); } return t('span'); } function getShortSpanOperationDescription(operation?: string) { if (operation?.startsWith('http')) { return t('request'); } if (operation?.startsWith('db')) { return t('query'); } if (operation?.startsWith('task')) { return t('task'); } if (operation?.startsWith('serialize')) { return t('serializer'); } if (operation?.startsWith('middleware')) { return t('middleware'); } if (operation?.startsWith('resource')) { return t('resource'); } return t('span'); }