import Alert from 'sentry/components/alert'; import ExternalLink from 'sentry/components/links/externalLink'; import {StepType} from 'sentry/components/onboarding/gettingStartedDoc/step'; import type { Docs, DocsParams, OnboardingConfig, } from 'sentry/components/onboarding/gettingStartedDoc/types'; import { getCrashReportModalConfigDescription, getCrashReportModalIntroduction, getCrashReportPHPInstallStep, } from 'sentry/components/onboarding/gettingStartedDoc/utils/feedbackOnboarding'; import replayOnboardingJsLoader from 'sentry/gettingStartedDocs/javascript/jsLoader/jsLoader'; import {t, tct} from 'sentry/locale'; type Params = DocsParams; const onboarding: OnboardingConfig = { introduction: () => (
'Symfony is supported via the [code:sentry-symfony] package as a native bundle.',
{code: }
code: 'composer require sentry/sentry-symfony',
? [
description: t('Install the Excimer extension via PECL:'),
language: 'bash',
code: 'pecl install excimer',
description: tct(
"The Excimer PHP extension supports PHP 7.2 and up. Excimer requires Linux or macOS and doesn't support Windows. For additional ways to install Excimer, see [sentryPhpDocumentationLink: Sentry documentation].",
sentryPhpDocumentationLink: (
language: 'shell',
code: `
###> sentry/sentry-symfony ###
###< sentry/sentry-symfony ###
...(params.isPerformanceSelected || params.isProfilingSelected
? [
description: tct(
'Add further configuration options to your [code:config/packages/sentry.yaml] file:',
language: 'yaml',
code: `when@prod:
dsn: '%env(SENTRY_DSN)%'${
? `
# Specify a fixed sample rate
traces_sample_rate: 1.0`
: ''
? `
# Set a sampling rate for profiling - this is relative to traces_sample_rate
profiles_sample_rate: 1.0`
: ''
: []),
description: (
nextSteps: () => [],
const crashReportOnboarding: OnboardingConfig = {
introduction: () => getCrashReportModalIntroduction(),
install: (params: Params) => getCrashReportPHPInstallStep(params),
configure: () => [
type: StepType.CONFIGURE,
description: getCrashReportModalConfigDescription({
link: '',
verify: () => [],
nextSteps: () => [],
const docs: Docs = {
export default docs;