import { screen, userEvent, waitForElementToBeRemoved, within, } from 'sentry-test/reactTestingLibrary'; import {textWithMarkupMatcher} from 'sentry-test/utils'; import {SamplingInnerName, SamplingRuleType} from 'sentry/types/sampling'; import { distributedTracesConditions, individualTransactionsConditions, } from 'sentry/views/settings/project/sampling/modal/utils'; import { getInnerNameLabel, LEGACY_BROWSER_LIST, } from 'sentry/views/settings/project/sampling/utils'; import {openSamplingRuleModal, renderComponent} from './utils'; describe('Sampling - Modal', function () { beforeEach(function () { MockApiClient.addMockResponse({ url: '/projects/org-slug/project-slug/', method: 'GET', body: TestStubs.Project(), }); MockApiClient.addMockResponse({ url: '/projects/org-slug/project-slug/tags/', body: TestStubs.Tags, }); MockApiClient.addMockResponse({ url: '/organizations/org-slug/tags/release/values/', method: 'GET', body: [{value: '1.2.3'}], }); }); afterEach(function () { MockApiClient.clearMockResponses(); }); it('saves distributed traces rule', async function () { const rule = { condition: { inner: [{name: 'trace.release', op: 'glob', value: ['1.2.3']}], op: 'and', }, id: 0, sampleRate: 0.2, type: 'trace', }; const saveMock = MockApiClient.addMockResponse({ url: '/projects/org-slug/project-slug/', method: 'PUT', body: TestStubs.Project({ dynamicSampling: { rules: [rule], next_id: 41, }, }), }); renderComponent({ruleType: SamplingRuleType.TRACE}); // Open Modal await openSamplingRuleModal(screen.getByText('Add Rule')); const dialog = screen.getByRole('dialog'); // Modal description expect( screen.getByText( textWithMarkupMatcher( 'Using a Trace ID, select all Transactions distributed across multiple projects/services which match your conditions. However, if you only want to select Transactions from within this project, we recommend you add a Individual Transaction rule instead.' ) ) ).toBeInTheDocument(); expect(screen.getByRole('link', {name: 'Individual Transaction'})).toHaveAttribute( 'href', `${SamplingRuleType.TRANSACTION}/` ); // Empty conditions message expect(screen.getByText('No conditions added')).toBeInTheDocument(); expect( screen.getByText( textWithMarkupMatcher( "if you don't want to add (+) a condition, simply, add a sample rate below" ) ) ).toBeInTheDocument(); // Click on 'Add condition''Add Condition')); // Autocomplete expect(screen.getByText(/filter conditions/i)).toBeInTheDocument(); // Distributed Traces Options distributedTracesConditions.forEach(condition => { expect(within(dialog).getByText(getInnerNameLabel(condition))).toBeInTheDocument(); }); expect( within(dialog).queryByText( getInnerNameLabel(SamplingInnerName.EVENT_LEGACY_BROWSER) ) ).not.toBeInTheDocument(); // Click on the condition option'Release')[0]); // Release field is empty expect(screen.queryByTestId('multivalue')).not.toBeInTheDocument(); // Type into release field userEvent.paste(screen.getByLabelText('Search or add a release'), '1.2.3'); // Autocomplete suggests options expect(screen.getByTestId('1.2.3')).toHaveTextContent('1.2.3'); // Click on the suggested option'1.2.3')); // Button is still disabled expect(screen.getByLabelText('Save Rule')).toBeDisabled(); // Fill sample rate field userEvent.paste(screen.getByPlaceholderText('\u0025'), '20'); // Save button is now enabled expect(screen.getByLabelText('Save Rule')).toBeEnabled(); // Click on save button'Save Rule')); // Close Modal'Close Modal')); await waitForElementToBeRemoved(() => screen.queryByText('Add Distributed Trace Rule') ); expect(saveMock).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith( '/projects/org-slug/project-slug/', expect.objectContaining({ data: { dynamicSampling: { rules: [rule], }, }, }) ); expect(screen.getByText('Release')).toBeInTheDocument(); expect(screen.getByText('1.2.3')).toBeInTheDocument(); expect(screen.getByText('20%')).toBeInTheDocument(); }); it('saves individual transactions rule', async function () { const rule = { condition: { inner: [{name: 'event.release', op: 'glob', value: ['1.2.3']}], op: 'and', }, id: 0, sampleRate: 0.3, type: 'transaction', }; const saveMock = MockApiClient.addMockResponse({ url: '/projects/org-slug/project-slug/', method: 'PUT', body: TestStubs.Project({ dynamicSampling: { rules: [rule], next_id: 41, }, }), }); renderComponent({ruleType: SamplingRuleType.TRANSACTION}); // Open Modal await openSamplingRuleModal(screen.getByText('Add Rule')); const dialog = screen.getByRole('dialog'); // Modal description expect( screen.getByText( textWithMarkupMatcher( 'Select Transactions only within this project which match your conditions. However, If you want to select all Transactions distributed across multiple projects/services, we recommend you add a Distributed Trace rule instead.' ) ) ).toBeInTheDocument(); expect(screen.getByRole('link', {name: 'Distributed Trace'})).toHaveAttribute( 'href', `${SamplingRuleType.TRACE}/` ); // Empty conditions message expect(screen.getByText('No conditions added')).toBeInTheDocument(); expect( screen.getByText( textWithMarkupMatcher( "if you don't want to add (+) a condition, simply, add a sample rate below" ) ) ).toBeInTheDocument(); // Click on 'Add condition''Add Condition')); // Individual Transactions Options individualTransactionsConditions.forEach(condition => { expect(within(dialog).getByText(getInnerNameLabel(condition))).toBeInTheDocument(); }); // Click on the first condition option'Release')[0]); // Type into release field userEvent.paste(screen.getByLabelText('Search or add a release'), '1.2.3'); // Click on the suggested option'1.2.3')); // Fill sample rate field userEvent.paste(screen.getByPlaceholderText('\u0025'), '30'); // Click on save button'Save Rule')); // Close Modal'Close Modal')); await waitForElementToBeRemoved(() => screen.queryByText('Add Individual Transaction Rule') ); expect(saveMock).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith( '/projects/org-slug/project-slug/', expect.objectContaining({ data: { dynamicSampling: { rules: [rule], }, }, }) ); }); it('edits the rule', async function () { const newRule = { condition: { inner: [{name: 'trace.release', op: 'glob', value: ['1.2.3']}], op: 'and', }, id: 0, sampleRate: 0.6, type: 'trace', }; MockApiClient.addMockResponse({ url: '/projects/org-slug/project-slug/', method: 'GET', body: TestStubs.Project({ dynamicSampling: { rules: [ { sampleRate: 0.2, type: 'trace', condition: { op: 'and', inner: [ { op: 'glob', name: 'trace.release', value: ['1.2.2'], }, ], }, id: 40, }, ], next_id: 41, }, }), }); const saveMock = MockApiClient.addMockResponse({ url: '/projects/org-slug/project-slug/', method: 'PUT', body: TestStubs.Project({ dynamicSampling: { rules: [newRule], next_id: 42, }, }), }); renderComponent(); expect(screen.getByText('1.2.2')).toBeInTheDocument(); expect(screen.getByText('20%')).toBeInTheDocument(); await openSamplingRuleModal(screen.getByLabelText('Edit Rule')); // Empty conditions message is not displayed expect(screen.queryByText('No conditions added')).not.toBeInTheDocument(); // Type into realease field userEvent.clear(screen.getByLabelText('Search or add a release')); userEvent.paste(screen.getByLabelText('Search or add a release'), '1.2.3'); // Click on the suggested option screen.findByText(textWithMarkupMatcher('Add "1.2.3"'))); // Update sample rate field userEvent.clear(screen.getByPlaceholderText('\u0025')); userEvent.paste(screen.getByPlaceholderText('\u0025'), '60'); // Click on save button'Save Rule')); // Modal will close await waitForElementToBeRemoved(() => screen.queryByText('Edit Distributed Trace Rule') ); expect(saveMock).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith( '/projects/org-slug/project-slug/', expect.objectContaining({ data: { dynamicSampling: { rules: [newRule], }, }, }) ); // Old values expect(screen.queryByText('1.2.2')).not.toBeInTheDocument(); expect(screen.queryByText('20%')).not.toBeInTheDocument(); // New values expect(screen.getByText('1.2.3')).toBeInTheDocument(); expect(screen.getByText('60%')).toBeInTheDocument(); }); it('legacy browsers condition', async function () { const rule = { condition: { inner: [ { name: 'event.legacy_browser', op: 'custom', value: [ 'ie_pre_9', 'ie9', 'ie10', 'ie11', 'safari_pre_6', 'opera_pre_15', 'opera_mini_pre_8', 'android_pre_4', ], }, ], op: 'and', }, id: 0, sampleRate: 0.2, type: 'transaction', }; const saveMock = MockApiClient.addMockResponse({ url: '/projects/org-slug/project-slug/', method: 'PUT', body: TestStubs.Project({ dynamicSampling: { rules: [rule], next_id: 43, }, }), }); renderComponent({ruleType: SamplingRuleType.TRANSACTION}); // Open Modal await openSamplingRuleModal(screen.getByText('Add Rule')); // Click on 'Add condition''Add Condition')); // Select Legacy Browser'Legacy Browser')); // Legacy Browsers expect(screen.getByText('All browsers')).toBeInTheDocument(); const legacyBrowsers = Object.keys(LEGACY_BROWSER_LIST); for (const legacyBrowser of legacyBrowsers) { const {icon, title} = LEGACY_BROWSER_LIST[legacyBrowser]; expect(screen.getByText(title)).toBeInTheDocument(); expect(screen.getAllByTestId(`icon-${icon}`)[0]).toBeInTheDocument(); } expect(screen.getAllByTestId('icon-internet-explorer')).toHaveLength(4); expect(screen.getAllByTestId('icon-opera')).toHaveLength(2); expect(screen.getByTestId('icon-safari')).toBeInTheDocument(); expect(screen.getByTestId('icon-android')).toBeInTheDocument(); const switchButtons = screen.getAllByTestId('switch'); expect(switchButtons).toHaveLength(legacyBrowsers.length + 1); // All browsers are unchecked for (const switchButton of switchButtons) { expect(switchButton).not.toBeChecked(); } // Click on the switch of 'All browsers' option[0]); // All browsers are now checked for (const switchButton of switchButtons) { expect(switchButton).toBeChecked(); } // Fill sample rate field userEvent.paste(screen.getByPlaceholderText('\u0025'), '20'); // Click on save button'Save Rule')); // Close Modal'Close Modal')); await waitForElementToBeRemoved(() => screen.queryByText('Add Individual Transaction Rule') ); expect(saveMock).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith( '/projects/org-slug/project-slug/', expect.objectContaining({ data: { dynamicSampling: { rules: [rule], }, }, }) ); // Transaction rules panel is updated expect(screen.getByText('Legacy Browser')).toBeInTheDocument(); for (const legacyBrowser of legacyBrowsers) { const {title} = LEGACY_BROWSER_LIST[legacyBrowser]; expect(screen.getByText(title)).toBeInTheDocument(); } }); it('custom tag condition', async function () { const rule = { condition: { inner: [{name: 'event.tags.user', op: 'glob', value: ['david']}], op: 'and', }, id: 0, sampleRate: 0.15, type: 'transaction', }; MockApiClient.addMockResponse({ url: '/organizations/org-slug/tags/user/values/', method: 'GET', body: [{value: 'david'}], }); const saveMock = MockApiClient.addMockResponse({ url: '/projects/org-slug/project-slug/', method: 'PUT', body: TestStubs.Project({ dynamicSampling: { rules: [rule], next_id: 43, }, }), }); renderComponent({ruleType: SamplingRuleType.TRANSACTION}); // Open Modal await openSamplingRuleModal(screen.getByText('Add Rule')); // Click on 'Add condition''Add Condition')); // Select Custom Tag'Add Custom Tag')); // Type into tag field userEvent.paste(screen.getByLabelText('Search or add a tag'), 'user'); // Click on the suggested option'user')); // Type into tag value field userEvent.paste(screen.getByLabelText('Search or add tag values'), 'david'); // Click on the suggested option'david')); // Fill sample rate field userEvent.paste(screen.getByPlaceholderText('\u0025'), '15'); // Click on 'Add condition''Add Condition')); // Custom tag condition is added to the conditions dropdown expect(screen.getByText('user - Custom')).toBeInTheDocument(); // Click on save button'Save Rule')); // Close Modal'Close Modal')); await waitForElementToBeRemoved(() => screen.queryByText('Add Individual Transaction Rule') ); expect(saveMock).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith( '/projects/org-slug/project-slug/', expect.objectContaining({ data: { dynamicSampling: { rules: [rule], }, }, }) ); }); it('invalid custom tag condition', async function () { MockApiClient.addMockResponse({ url: '/organizations/org-slug/tags/sentry.key/values/', method: 'GET', body: [], }); renderComponent({ruleType: SamplingRuleType.TRANSACTION}); // Open Modal await openSamplingRuleModal(screen.getByText('Add Rule')); // Click on 'Add condition''Add Condition')); // Select Custom Tag'Add Custom Tag')); // Type invalid value into tag field userEvent.paste(screen.getByLabelText('Search or add a tag'), 'sentry.*'); // Dropdown display 'no options' because the tag is invalid expect(await screen.findByText('No options')).toBeInTheDocument(); // Type valid value into tag field userEvent.type(screen.getByLabelText('Search or add a tag'), '{backspace}key'); // Click on the suggested option'sentry.key')); // Type invalid value into tag value field userEvent.paste(screen.getByLabelText('Search or add tag values'), 'invalid\\nvalue'); // Dropdown display 'no options' because the tag value is invalid expect(await screen.findByText('No options')).toBeInTheDocument(); // Clears tag value field userEvent.clear(screen.getByLabelText('Search or add tag values')); // Type valid value into tag value field userEvent.paste(screen.getByLabelText('Search or add tag values'), 'valid'); // Click on the suggested option'valid')); }); it('does not let you save without permissions', async function () { renderComponent({ orgOptions: { features: ['filters-and-sampling'], access: [], }, }); // Open Modal await openSamplingRuleModal(screen.getByText('Add Rule')); // Click on 'Add condition''Add Condition')); // Click on the condition option'Release')[0]); // Type into release field userEvent.paste(screen.getByLabelText('Search or add a release'), '1.2.3'); // Click on the suggested option'1.2.3')); // Fill sample rate field userEvent.paste(screen.getByPlaceholderText('\u0025'), '20'); // Button is still disabled expect(screen.getByLabelText('Save Rule')).toBeDisabled(); // Close Modal'Close Modal')); await waitForElementToBeRemoved(() => screen.queryByText('Add Distributed Trace Rule') ); }); it('does not let you save a distributed trace rule without a condition, if a trace rule without a condition already exists', async function () { MockApiClient.addMockResponse({ url: '/projects/org-slug/project-slug/', method: 'GET', body: TestStubs.Project({ dynamicSampling: { rules: [ { sampleRate: 0.2, type: 'trace', condition: { op: 'and', inner: [ { op: 'glob', name: 'trace.release', value: ['1.2.2'], }, ], }, id: 40, }, { sampleRate: 0.5, type: 'trace', condition: { op: 'and', inner: [], }, id: 41, }, ], next_id: 42, }, }), }); renderComponent(); // Open Modal await openSamplingRuleModal(screen.getByText('Add Rule')); // Empty conditions message expect(screen.getByText('No conditions added')).toBeInTheDocument(); // A hint about an existing 'sample all' rule is displayed expect( screen.getByText( 'A rule with no conditions already exists. You can edit that existing rule or add a condition to this rule' ) ).toBeInTheDocument(); // Adds a sample rate userEvent.paste(screen.getByPlaceholderText('\u0025'), '5'); // Button is still disabled expect(screen.getByLabelText('Save Rule')).toBeDisabled(); }); it('does not let you save a individual transaction rule without a condition, if a transaction rule without a condition already exists', async function () { MockApiClient.addMockResponse({ url: '/projects/org-slug/project-slug/', method: 'GET', body: TestStubs.Project({ dynamicSampling: { rules: [ { condition: { inner: [{name: 'event.release', op: 'glob', value: ['1.2.3']}], op: 'and', }, id: 0, sampleRate: 0.3, type: 'transaction', }, { condition: { inner: [], op: 'and', }, id: 1, sampleRate: 0.2, type: 'transaction', }, ], next_id: 2, }, }), }); renderComponent({ruleType: SamplingRuleType.TRANSACTION}); // Open Modal await openSamplingRuleModal(screen.getByText('Add Rule')); // Empty conditions message expect(screen.getByText('No conditions added')).toBeInTheDocument(); // A hint about an existing 'sample all' rule is displayed expect( screen.getByText( 'A rule with no conditions already exists. You can edit that existing rule or add a condition to this rule' ) ).toBeInTheDocument(); // Adds a sample rate userEvent.paste(screen.getByPlaceholderText('\u0025'), '5'); // Button is still disabled expect(screen.getByLabelText('Save Rule')).toBeDisabled(); }); });