import { breadcrumbFactory, // breadcrumbValuesFromEvents, // replayTimestamps, rrwebEventListFactory, // spanDataFromEvents, // spanEntryFactory, } from 'sentry/utils/replays/replayDataUtils'; describe('breadcrumbFactory', () => { function createSpan(extra: { op: string; data?: Record; description?: string; }) { return { startTimestamp: 1, endTimestamp: 2, data: {}, ...extra, }; } it('adds LCP as a breadcrumb', () => { const rawSpans = [ createSpan({ op: 'foo', data: {}, }), createSpan({ op: 'largest-contentful-paint', data: { nodeId: 2, }, }), ]; const results = breadcrumbFactory(0, TestStubs.Event(), [], [], rawSpans); expect(results).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` Array [ Object { "color": "gray300", "data": Object { "action": "replay-init", "label": "Start recording", "url": undefined, }, "description": "Default", "id": 0, "level": "info", "message": undefined, "timestamp": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z", "type": "init", }, Object { "category": "default", "color": "purple300", "data": Object { "action": "largest-contentful-paint", "label": "LCP", "nodeId": 2, }, "description": "Debug", "id": 1, "level": "info", "timestamp": "1970-01-01T00:00:01.000Z", "type": "debug", }, ] `); }); it('adds navigation as a breadcrumb', () => { const rawSpans = [ createSpan({ op: 'foo', data: {}, }), createSpan({ op: 'navigation.navigate', description: '', }), ]; const results = breadcrumbFactory(0, TestStubs.Event(), [], [], rawSpans); expect(results).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` Array [ Object { "action": "navigate", "category": "default", "color": "green300", "data": Object { "label": "Page load", "to": "", }, "description": "Navigation", "id": 0, "level": "info", "message": "", "timestamp": "1970-01-01T00:00:01.000Z", "type": "navigation", }, ] `); }); }); describe('rrwebEventListFactory', () => { it('returns a list of replay events for highlights', function () { const results = rrwebEventListFactory(0, 0, []); expect(results).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` Array [ Object { "data": Object { "tag": "replay-end", }, "timestamp": 0, "type": 5, }, ] `); }); it('merges and sorts rrweb-events and span data', function () { const startTimestampMS = 0; const endTimestampMS = 10_000; expect( rrwebEventListFactory(startTimestampMS, endTimestampMS, [ {type: 0, timestamp: 5_000, data: {}}, {type: 1, timestamp: 1_000, data: {}}, {type: 2, timestamp: 3_000, data: {}}, ]) ).toEqual([ {type: 1, timestamp: 0, data: {}}, {type: 2, timestamp: 3_000, data: {}}, {type: 0, timestamp: 5_000, data: {}}, {type: 5, timestamp: 10_000, data: {tag: 'replay-end'}}, ]); }); });