import {Fragment, ReactNode} from 'react'; import FeatureBadge from 'sentry/components/featureBadge'; import ExternalLink from 'sentry/components/links/externalLink'; import {Tooltip} from 'sentry/components/tooltip'; import { IconCursorArrow, IconFire, IconFix, IconInfo, IconInput, IconKeyDown, IconLocation, IconSort, IconTerminal, IconUser, IconWarning, } from 'sentry/icons'; import {t, tct} from 'sentry/locale'; import {TabKey} from 'sentry/utils/replays/hooks/useActiveReplayTab'; import type { BreadcrumbFrame, ErrorFrame, LargestContentfulPaintFrame, MultiClickFrame, MutationFrame, NavFrame, ReplayFrame, SlowClickFrame, } from 'sentry/utils/replays/types'; import { getFrameOpOrCategory, isDeadClick, isDeadRageClick, isRageClick, } from 'sentry/utils/replays/types'; import type {Color} from 'sentry/utils/theme'; import stripOrigin from 'sentry/utils/url/stripOrigin'; interface Details { color: Color; description: ReactNode; icon: ReactNode; tabKey: TabKey; title: ReactNode; } const MAPPER_FOR_FRAME: Record Details> = { 'replay.init': (frame: BreadcrumbFrame) => ({ color: 'gray300', description: stripOrigin(frame.message ?? ''), tabKey: TabKey.CONSOLE, title: 'Replay Start', icon: , }), navigation: (frame: NavFrame) => ({ color: 'green300', description: stripOrigin((frame as NavFrame), tabKey: TabKey.NETWORK, title: 'Navigation', icon: , }), issue: (frame: ErrorFrame) => ({ color: 'red300', description: frame.message, tabKey: TabKey.ERRORS, title: defaultTitle(frame), icon: , }), 'ui.slowClickDetected': (frame: SlowClickFrame) => { const node =; if (isDeadClick(frame)) { return { color: isDeadRageClick(frame) ? 'red300' : 'yellow300', description: tct( 'Click on [selector] did not cause a visible effect within [timeout] ms', { selector: stringifyNodeAttributes(node), timeout: Math.round(, } ), icon: , title: isDeadRageClick(frame) ? 'Rage Click' : 'Dead Click', tabKey: TabKey.BREADCRUMBS, }; } return { color: 'yellow300', description: tct( 'Click on [selector] took [duration] ms to have a visible effect', { selector: stringifyNodeAttributes(node), duration: Math.round(, } ), icon: , title: 'Slow Click', tabKey: TabKey.BREADCRUMBS, }; }, 'ui.multiClick': (frame: MultiClickFrame) => { if (isRageClick(frame)) { return { color: 'red300', description: tct('Rage clicked [clickCount] times on [selector]', { clickCount:, selector: stringifyNodeAttributes(, }), tabKey: TabKey.BREADCRUMBS, title: 'Rage Click', icon: , }; } return { color: 'yellow300', description: tct('[clickCount] clicks on [selector]', { clickCount:, selector: stringifyNodeAttributes(, }), tabKey: TabKey.BREADCRUMBS, title: 'Multi Click', icon: , }; }, 'replay.mutations': (frame: MutationFrame) => ({ color: 'yellow300', description: ? tct( 'A large number of mutations was detected [count]. Replay is now stopped to prevent poor performance for your customer. [link]', { count:, link: ( {t('Learn more.')} ), } ) : tct( 'A large number of mutations was detected [count]. This can slow down the Replay SDK and impact your customers. [link]', { count:, link: ( {t('Learn more.')} ), } ), tabKey: TabKey.BREADCRUMBS, title: 'Replay', icon: , }), 'replay.hydrate-error': () => ({ color: 'red300', description: t( 'There was a conflict between the server rendered html and the first client render.' ), tabKey: TabKey.BREADCRUMBS, title: ( Hydration Error ), icon: , }), '': frame => ({ color: 'purple300', description: frame.message ?? '', tabKey: TabKey.BREADCRUMBS, title: 'User Click', icon: , }), 'ui.input': () => ({ color: 'purple300', description: 'User Action', tabKey: TabKey.BREADCRUMBS, title: 'User Input', icon: , }), 'ui.keyDown': () => ({ color: 'purple300', description: 'User Action', tabKey: TabKey.BREADCRUMBS, title: 'User KeyDown', icon: , }), 'ui.blur': () => ({ color: 'purple300', description: 'User Action', tabKey: TabKey.BREADCRUMBS, title: 'User Blur', icon: , }), 'ui.focus': () => ({ color: 'purple300', description: 'User Action', tabKey: TabKey.BREADCRUMBS, title: 'User Focus', icon: , }), console: frame => ({ color: 'gray300', description: frame.message ?? '', tabKey: TabKey.CONSOLE, title: 'Console', icon: , }), 'navigation.navigate': frame => ({ color: 'green300', description: stripOrigin(frame.description), tabKey: TabKey.NETWORK, title: 'Page Load', icon: , }), 'navigation.reload': frame => ({ color: 'green300', description: stripOrigin(frame.description), tabKey: TabKey.NETWORK, title: 'Reload', icon: , }), 'navigation.back_forward': frame => ({ color: 'green300', description: stripOrigin(frame.description), tabKey: TabKey.NETWORK, title: 'Navigate Back/Forward', icon: , }), 'navigation.push': frame => ({ color: 'green300', description: stripOrigin(frame.description), tabKey: TabKey.NETWORK, title: 'Navigation', icon: , }), 'largest-contentful-paint': (frame: LargestContentfulPaintFrame) => ({ color: 'gray300', description: typeof === 'number' ? ( `${Math.round(}ms` ) : ( ), tabKey: TabKey.NETWORK, title: 'LCP', icon: , }), memory: () => ({ color: 'gray300', description: undefined, tabKey: TabKey.MEMORY, title: 'Memory', icon: , }), paint: () => ({ color: 'gray300', description: undefined, tabKey: TabKey.NETWORK, title: 'Paint', icon: , }), 'resource.css': frame => ({ color: 'gray300', description: undefined, tabKey: TabKey.NETWORK, title: frame.description, icon: , }), 'resource.fetch': frame => ({ color: 'gray300', description: undefined, tabKey: TabKey.NETWORK, title: frame.description, icon: , }), 'resource.iframe': frame => ({ color: 'gray300', description: undefined, tabKey: TabKey.NETWORK, title: frame.description, icon: , }), 'resource.img': frame => ({ color: 'gray300', description: undefined, tabKey: TabKey.NETWORK, title: frame.description, icon: , }), '': frame => ({ color: 'gray300', description: undefined, tabKey: TabKey.NETWORK, title: frame.description, icon: , }), 'resource.other': frame => ({ color: 'gray300', description: undefined, tabKey: TabKey.NETWORK, title: frame.description, icon: , }), 'resource.script': frame => ({ color: 'gray300', description: undefined, tabKey: TabKey.NETWORK, title: frame.description, icon: , }), 'resource.xhr': frame => ({ color: 'gray300', description: undefined, tabKey: TabKey.NETWORK, title: frame.description, icon: , }), }; const MAPPER_DEFAULT = (frame): Details => ({ color: 'gray300', description: frame.message ?? '', tabKey: TabKey.CONSOLE, title: defaultTitle(frame), icon: , }); export default function getFrameDetails(frame: ReplayFrame): Details { const key = getFrameOpOrCategory(frame); const fn = MAPPER_FOR_FRAME[key] ?? MAPPER_DEFAULT; try { return fn(frame); } catch (error) { return MAPPER_DEFAULT(frame); } } function defaultTitle(frame: ReplayFrame) { if ('category' in frame) { const [type, action] = frame.category.split('.'); return `${type} ${action || ''}`.trim(); } if ('message' in frame) { return frame.message as string; // TODO(replay): Included for backwards compat } return frame.description ?? ''; } function stringifyNodeAttributes(node: SlowClickFrame['data']['node']) { const {tagName, attributes} = node ?? {}; const attributesEntries = Object.entries(attributes ?? {}); return `${tagName}${ attributesEntries.length ?[attr, val]) => `[${attr}="${val}"]`).join('') : '' }`; }