import {ReplayRequestFrameFixture} from 'sentry-fixture/replay/replaySpanFrameData'; import {ReplayRecordFixture} from 'sentry-fixture/replayRecord'; import {render, screen} from 'sentry-test/reactTestingLibrary'; import {textWithMarkupMatcher} from 'sentry-test/utils'; import hydrateSpans from 'sentry/utils/replays/hydrateSpans'; import useProjectSdkNeedsUpdate from 'sentry/utils/useProjectSdkNeedsUpdate'; import {Output} from 'sentry/views/replays/detail/network/details/getOutputType'; jest.mock('sentry/utils/useProjectSdkNeedsUpdate'); import {Setup} from 'sentry/views/replays/detail/network/details/onboarding'; const [MOCK_ITEM] = hydrateSpans(ReplayRecordFixture(), [ ReplayRequestFrameFixture({ op: 'resource.fetch', startTimestamp: new Date(), endTimestamp: new Date(), description: '/api/0/issues/1234', }), ]); describe('Setup', () => { jest .mocked(useProjectSdkNeedsUpdate) .mockReturnValue({isError: false, isFetching: false, needsUpdate: false}); describe('Setup is not complete', () => { it('should render the full snippet when no setup is done yet', () => { render( ); expect( screen.getByText('Capture Request and Response Headers and Bodies') ).toBeInTheDocument(); const expectedSnippet = [ `Sentry.init({`, ` integrations: [`, ` Sentry.replayIntegration({`, ` networkDetailAllowUrls: ['/api/0/issues/1234'],`, ` networkRequestHeaders: ['X-Custom-Header'],`, ` networkResponseHeaders: ['X-Custom-Header'],`, ` }),`, ` ],`, `})`, ].join('\n'); const snippetElem = screen.getByText( `networkRequestHeaders: ['X-Custom-Header'],`, {exact: false} ); // Using toHaveTextContent would be nice here, but it loses the newlines. expect(snippetElem.innerHTML).toBe(expectedSnippet); }); }); describe('Url is skipped', () => { it('should render a note on the Details tab to allow this url', () => { render( ); expect( screen.getByText('Capture Request and Response Headers') ).toBeInTheDocument(); expect( screen.getByText( textWithMarkupMatcher( 'Add the following to your networkDetailAllowUrls list to start capturing data:' ) ) ).toBeInTheDocument(); }); it('should render a note on the Requst & Response tabs to allow this url and enable capturing bodies', () => { render( ); expect(screen.getByText('Capture Request and Response Bodies')).toBeInTheDocument(); expect( screen.getByText( textWithMarkupMatcher( 'Add the following to your networkDetailAllowUrls list to start capturing data:' ) ) ).toBeInTheDocument(); }); }); describe('Body is skipped', () => { it('should render a note on the Requst & Response tabs to enable capturing bodies', () => { render( ); expect(screen.getByText('Capture Request and Response Bodies')).toBeInTheDocument(); expect( screen.getByText( textWithMarkupMatcher( 'Enable networkCaptureBodies: true to capture both Request and Response bodies.' ) ) ).toBeInTheDocument(); }); }); describe('Showing the data', () => { it('should render a short message reminding you to configure custom headers', () => { render( ); expect( screen.getByText( textWithMarkupMatcher( 'You can capture additional headers by adding them to the networkRequestHeaders and networkResponseHeaders lists in your SDK config.' ) ) ).toBeInTheDocument(); }); }); });