import * as Sentry from '@sentry/react'; import MockDate from 'mockdate'; import {TransactionEventFixture} from 'sentry-fixture/event'; import {initializeOrg} from 'sentry-test/initializeOrg'; import { render, screen, userEvent, waitFor, within, } from 'sentry-test/reactTestingLibrary'; import {EntryType, type EventTransaction} from 'sentry/types/event'; import type {TraceFullDetailed} from 'sentry/utils/performance/quickTrace/types'; import {TraceView} from 'sentry/views/performance/newTraceDetails/index'; import { makeEventTransaction, makeSpan, makeTraceError, makeTransaction, } from 'sentry/views/performance/newTraceDetails/traceModels/traceTreeTestUtils'; import type {TracePreferencesState} from 'sentry/views/performance/newTraceDetails/traceState/tracePreferences'; import {DEFAULT_TRACE_VIEW_PREFERENCES} from 'sentry/views/performance/newTraceDetails/traceState/tracePreferences'; class MockResizeObserver { callback: ResizeObserverCallback; constructor(callback: ResizeObserverCallback) { this.callback = callback; } unobserve(_element: HTMLElement) { return; } observe(element: HTMLElement) { setTimeout(() => { this.callback( [ { target: element, // @ts-expect-error partial mock contentRect: {width: 1000, height: 24 * 20 - 1}, }, ], this ); }, 0); } disconnect() {} } type Arguments = F extends (...args: infer A) => any ? A : never; type ResponseType = Arguments[0]; function mockQueryString(queryString: string) { Object.defineProperty(window, 'location', { value: { search: queryString, }, }); } function mockTracePreferences(preferences: Partial) { const merged: TracePreferencesState = { ...DEFAULT_TRACE_VIEW_PREFERENCES, ...preferences, autogroup: { ...DEFAULT_TRACE_VIEW_PREFERENCES.autogroup, ...preferences.autogroup, }, drawer: { ...DEFAULT_TRACE_VIEW_PREFERENCES.drawer, ...preferences.drawer, }, list: { ...DEFAULT_TRACE_VIEW_PREFERENCES.list, ...preferences.list, }, }; localStorage.setItem('trace-view-preferences', JSON.stringify(merged)); } function mockTraceResponse(resp?: Partial) { MockApiClient.addMockResponse({ url: '/organizations/org-slug/events-trace/trace-id/', method: 'GET', asyncDelay: 1, ...(resp ?? {body: {}}), }); } function mockPerformanceSubscriptionDetailsResponse(resp?: Partial) { MockApiClient.addMockResponse({ url: '/subscriptions/org-slug/', method: 'GET', asyncDelay: 1, ...(resp ?? {body: {}}), }); } function mockTraceMetaResponse(resp?: Partial) { MockApiClient.addMockResponse({ url: '/organizations/org-slug/events-trace-meta/trace-id/', method: 'GET', asyncDelay: 1, ...(resp ?? { body: { errors: 0, performance_issues: 0, projects: 0, transactions: 0, transaction_child_count_map: [], }, }), }); } function mockTraceTagsResponse(resp?: Partial) { MockApiClient.addMockResponse({ url: '/organizations/org-slug/events-facets/', method: 'GET', asyncDelay: 1, ...(resp ?? {body: []}), }); } // function _mockTraceDetailsResponse(id: string, resp?: Partial) { // MockApiClient.addMockResponse({ // url: `/organizations/org-slug/events/project_slug:transaction-${id}`, // method: 'GET', // asyncDelay: 1, // ...(resp ?? {}), // }); // } function mockTransactionDetailsResponse(id: string, resp?: Partial) { MockApiClient.addMockResponse({ url: `/organizations/org-slug/events/project_slug:${id}/`, method: 'GET', asyncDelay: 1, ...(resp ?? {body: TransactionEventFixture()}), }); } function mockTraceRootEvent(id: string, resp?: Partial) { MockApiClient.addMockResponse({ url: `/organizations/org-slug/events/project_slug:${id}/`, method: 'GET', asyncDelay: 1, ...(resp ?? {body: TransactionEventFixture()}), }); } function mockTraceRootFacets(resp?: Partial) { MockApiClient.addMockResponse({ url: `/organizations/org-slug/events-facets/`, method: 'GET', asyncDelay: 1, body: {}, ...(resp ?? {}), }); } function mockTraceEventDetails(resp?: Partial) { MockApiClient.addMockResponse({ url: `/organizations/org-slug/events/`, method: 'GET', asyncDelay: 1, body: {}, ...(resp ?? {body: TransactionEventFixture()}), }); } function mockSpansResponse( id: string, resp?: Partial, body: Partial = {} ) { return MockApiClient.addMockResponse({ url: `/organizations/org-slug/events/project_slug:${id}/?averageColumn=span.self_time&averageColumn=span.duration`, method: 'GET', asyncDelay: 1, body, ...(resp ?? {}), }); } function mockTransactionSpansResponse( id: string, resp?: Partial, body: Partial = {} ) { return MockApiClient.addMockResponse({ url: `/organizations/org-slug/events/project_slug:${id}/`, method: 'GET', asyncDelay: 1, body, ...(resp ?? {}), }); } const {router} = initializeOrg({ router: { params: {orgId: 'org-slug', traceSlug: 'trace-id'}, }, }); function mockMetricsResponse() { MockApiClient.addMockResponse({ url: '/organizations/org-slug/metrics/query/', method: 'POST', body: { data: [], queries: [], }, }); } function mockEventsResponse() { MockApiClient.addMockResponse({ url: '/organizations/org-slug/events/', method: 'GET', body: { data: [], queries: [], }, }); } function getVirtualizedContainer(): HTMLElement { const virtualizedContainer = screen.queryByTestId('trace-virtualized-list'); if (!virtualizedContainer) { throw new Error('Virtualized container not found'); } return virtualizedContainer; } function getVirtualizedScrollContainer(): HTMLElement { const virtualizedScrollContainer = screen.queryByTestId( 'trace-virtualized-list-scroll-container' ); if (!virtualizedScrollContainer) { throw new Error('Virtualized scroll container not found'); } return virtualizedScrollContainer; } function getVirtualizedRows(container: HTMLElement) { return Array.from(container.querySelectorAll(VISIBLE_TRACE_ROW_SELECTOR)); } async function keyboardNavigationTestSetup() { mockPerformanceSubscriptionDetailsResponse(); const keyboard_navigation_transactions: TraceFullDetailed[] = []; for (let i = 0; i < 1e2; i++) { keyboard_navigation_transactions.push( makeTransaction({ span_id: i + '', event_id: i + '', transaction: 'transaction-name-' + i, 'transaction.op': 'transaction-op-' + i, project_slug: 'project_slug', }) ); mockTransactionDetailsResponse(`${i}`); } mockTraceResponse({ body: { transactions: keyboard_navigation_transactions, orphan_errors: [], }, }); mockTraceMetaResponse({ body: { errors: 0, performance_issues: 0, projects: 0, transactions: 0, transaction_child_count_map: => ({ '': t.event_id, count: 5, })), }, }); mockTraceRootFacets(); mockTraceRootEvent('0'); mockTraceEventDetails(); mockMetricsResponse(); mockEventsResponse(); const value = render(, {router}); const virtualizedContainer = getVirtualizedContainer(); const virtualizedScrollContainer = getVirtualizedScrollContainer(); // Awaits for the placeholder rendering rows to be removed try { await within(virtualizedContainer).findAllByText(/transaction-op-/i, undefined, { timeout: 5000, }); } catch (e) { printVirtualizedList(virtualizedContainer); throw e; } return {...value, virtualizedContainer, virtualizedScrollContainer}; } async function pageloadTestSetup() { mockPerformanceSubscriptionDetailsResponse(); const pageloadTransactions: TraceFullDetailed[] = []; for (let i = 0; i < 1e3; i++) { pageloadTransactions.push( makeTransaction({ span_id: i + '', event_id: i + '', transaction: 'transaction-name-' + i, 'transaction.op': 'transaction-op-' + i, project_slug: 'project_slug', }) ); mockTransactionDetailsResponse(`${i}`); } mockTraceResponse({ body: { transactions: pageloadTransactions, orphan_errors: [], }, }); mockTraceMetaResponse({ body: { errors: 0, performance_issues: 0, projects: 0, transactions: 0, transaction_child_count_map: => ({ '': t.event_id, count: 5, })), }, }); mockTraceRootFacets(); mockTraceRootEvent('0'); mockTraceEventDetails(); mockMetricsResponse(); mockEventsResponse(); const value = render(, {router}); const virtualizedContainer = getVirtualizedContainer(); const virtualizedScrollContainer = getVirtualizedScrollContainer(); // Awaits for the placeholder rendering rows to be removed try { await within(virtualizedContainer).findAllByText(/transaction-op-/i, undefined, { timeout: 5000, }); } catch (e) { printVirtualizedList(virtualizedContainer); throw e; } return {...value, virtualizedContainer, virtualizedScrollContainer}; } async function nestedTransactionsTestSetup() { mockPerformanceSubscriptionDetailsResponse(); const transactions: TraceFullDetailed[] = []; let txn = makeTransaction({ span_id: '0', event_id: '0', transaction: 'transaction-name-0', 'transaction.op': 'transaction-op-0', project_slug: 'project_slug', }); transactions.push(txn); for (let i = 0; i < 100; i++) { const next = makeTransaction({ span_id: i + '', event_id: i + '', transaction: 'transaction-name-' + i, 'transaction.op': 'transaction-op-' + i, project_slug: 'project_slug', }); txn.children.push(next); txn = next; transactions.push(next); mockTransactionDetailsResponse(`${i}`); } mockTraceResponse({ body: { transactions, orphan_errors: [], }, }); mockTraceMetaResponse(); mockTraceRootFacets(); mockTraceRootEvent('0'); mockTraceEventDetails(); mockMetricsResponse(); mockEventsResponse(); const value = render(, {router}); const virtualizedContainer = getVirtualizedContainer(); const virtualizedScrollContainer = getVirtualizedScrollContainer(); // Awaits for the placeholder rendering rows to be removed try { await within(virtualizedContainer).findAllByText(/transaction-op-/i, undefined, { timeout: 5000, }); } catch (e) { printVirtualizedList(virtualizedContainer); throw e; } return {...value, virtualizedContainer, virtualizedScrollContainer}; } async function searchTestSetup() { mockPerformanceSubscriptionDetailsResponse(); const transactions: TraceFullDetailed[] = []; for (let i = 0; i < 11; i++) { transactions.push( makeTransaction({ span_id: i + '', event_id: i + '', transaction: 'transaction-name' + i, 'transaction.op': 'transaction-op-' + i, project_slug: 'project_slug', }) ); mockTransactionDetailsResponse(`${i}`); } mockTraceResponse({ body: { transactions, orphan_errors: [], }, }); mockTraceMetaResponse({ body: { errors: 0, performance_issues: 0, projects: 0, transactions: 0, transaction_child_count_map: => ({ '': t.event_id, count: 5, })), }, }); mockTraceRootFacets(); mockTraceRootEvent('0'); mockTraceEventDetails(); mockMetricsResponse(); mockEventsResponse(); const value = render(, {router}); const virtualizedContainer = getVirtualizedContainer(); const virtualizedScrollContainer = getVirtualizedScrollContainer(); // Awaits for the placeholder rendering rows to be removed try { await within(virtualizedContainer).findAllByText(/transaction-op-/i, undefined, { timeout: 5000, }); } catch (e) { printVirtualizedList(virtualizedContainer); throw e; } return {...value, virtualizedContainer, virtualizedScrollContainer}; } async function simpleTestSetup() { mockPerformanceSubscriptionDetailsResponse(); const transactions: TraceFullDetailed[] = []; let parent: any; for (let i = 0; i < 1e3; i++) { const next = makeTransaction({ span_id: i + '', event_id: i + '', transaction: 'transaction-name' + i, 'transaction.op': 'transaction-op-' + i, project_slug: 'project_slug', }); if (parent) { parent.children.push(next); } else { transactions.push(next); } parent = next; mockTransactionDetailsResponse(`${i}`); } mockTraceResponse({ body: { transactions, orphan_errors: [], }, }); mockTraceMetaResponse({ body: { errors: 0, performance_issues: 0, projects: 0, transactions: 0, transaction_child_count_map: => ({ '': t.event_id, count: 5, })), }, }); mockTraceRootFacets(); mockTraceRootEvent('0'); mockTraceEventDetails(); mockMetricsResponse(); mockEventsResponse(); const value = render(, {router}); const virtualizedContainer = getVirtualizedContainer(); const virtualizedScrollContainer = getVirtualizedScrollContainer(); // Awaits for the placeholder rendering rows to be removed try { await within(virtualizedContainer).findAllByText(/transaction-op-/i, undefined, { timeout: 5000, }); } catch (e) { printVirtualizedList(virtualizedContainer); throw e; } return {...value, virtualizedContainer, virtualizedScrollContainer}; } async function completeTestSetup() { mockPerformanceSubscriptionDetailsResponse(); const start = / 1e3; mockTraceResponse({ body: { transactions: [ makeTransaction({ event_id: '0', transaction: 'transaction-name-0', 'transaction.op': 'transaction-op-0', project_slug: 'project_slug', start_timestamp: start, timestamp: start + 2, children: [ makeTransaction({ event_id: '1', transaction: 'transaction-name-1', 'transaction.op': 'transaction-op-1', project_slug: 'project_slug', start_timestamp: start, timestamp: start + 2, }), ], }), makeTransaction({ event_id: '2', transaction: 'transaction-name-2', 'transaction.op': 'transaction-op-2', project_slug: 'project_slug', start_timestamp: start, timestamp: start + 2, }), makeTransaction({ event_id: '3', transaction: 'transaction-name-3', 'transaction.op': 'transaction-op-3', project_slug: 'project_slug', start_timestamp: start, timestamp: start + 2, }), ], orphan_errors: [ makeTraceError({ event_id: 'error0', issue: 'error-issue', project_id: 0, project_slug: 'project_slug', issue_id: 0, title: 'error-title', level: 'fatal', timestamp: start + 2, }), ], }, }); mockTraceMetaResponse({ body: { errors: 0, performance_issues: 0, projects: 0, transactions: 0, transaction_child_count_map: [ { '': '0', count: 2, }, { '': '1', count: 2, }, { '': '2', count: 2, }, { '': '3', count: 2, }, ], }, }); mockTraceRootFacets(); mockTraceRootEvent('0'); mockTraceEventDetails(); mockMetricsResponse(); mockEventsResponse(); MockApiClient.addMockResponse({ url: '/organizations/org-slug/events/project_slug:error0/', body: { tags: [], contexts: {}, entries: [], }, }); const transactionWithSpans = makeEventTransaction({ entries: [ { type: EntryType.SPANS, data: [ makeSpan({ span_id: 'span0', op: 'http', description: 'request', start_timestamp: start, timestamp: start + 0.1, }), // Parent autogroup chain makeSpan({ op: 'db', description: 'redis', parent_span_id: 'span0', span_id: 'redis0', start_timestamp: start + 0.1, timestamp: start + 0.2, }), makeSpan({ op: 'db', description: 'redis', parent_span_id: 'redis0', span_id: 'redis1', start_timestamp: start + 0.2, timestamp: start + 0.3, }), // Sibling autogroup chain makeSpan({ op: 'http', description: 'request', parent_span_id: 'span0', span_id: 'http0', start_timestamp: start + 0.3, timestamp: start + 0.4, }), makeSpan({ op: 'http', description: 'request', parent_span_id: 'span0', span_id: 'http1', start_timestamp: start + 0.4, timestamp: start + 0.5, }), makeSpan({ op: 'http', description: 'request', parent_span_id: 'span0', span_id: 'http2', start_timestamp: start + 0.5, timestamp: start + 0.6, }), makeSpan({ op: 'http', description: 'request', parent_span_id: 'span0', span_id: 'http3', start_timestamp: start + 0.6, timestamp: start + 0.7, }), makeSpan({ op: 'http', description: 'request', parent_span_id: 'span0', span_id: 'http4', start_timestamp: start + 0.7, timestamp: start + 0.8, }), // No instrumentation gap makeSpan({ op: 'queue', description: 'process', parent_span_id: 'span0', span_id: 'queueprocess0', start_timestamp: start + 0.8, timestamp: start + 0.9, }), makeSpan({ op: 'queue', description: 'process', parent_span_id: 'span0', span_id: 'queueprocess1', start_timestamp: start + 1.1, timestamp: start + 1.2, }), ], }, ], }); const transactionWithoutSpans = makeEventTransaction({}); mockTransactionSpansResponse('1', {}, transactionWithSpans); mockSpansResponse('1', {}, transactionWithSpans); // Mock empty response for txn without spans mockTransactionSpansResponse('0', {}, transactionWithoutSpans); mockSpansResponse('0', {}, transactionWithoutSpans); const value = render(, {router}); const virtualizedContainer = getVirtualizedContainer(); const virtualizedScrollContainer = getVirtualizedScrollContainer(); // Awaits for the placeholder rendering rows to be removed try { await within(virtualizedContainer).findAllByText(/transaction-op-/i, undefined, { timeout: 5000, }); } catch (e) { printVirtualizedList(virtualizedContainer); throw e; } return {...value, virtualizedContainer, virtualizedScrollContainer}; } const DRAWER_TABS_TEST_ID = 'trace-drawer-tab'; const DRAWER_TABS_PIN_BUTTON_TEST_ID = 'trace-drawer-tab-pin-button'; const VISIBLE_TRACE_ROW_SELECTOR = '.TraceRow:not(.Hidden)'; const ACTIVE_SEARCH_HIGHLIGHT_ROW = '.TraceRow.SearchResult.Highlight:not(.Hidden)'; const searchToResolve = async (): Promise => { await screen.findByTestId('trace-search-success'); }; function printVirtualizedList(container: HTMLElement) { const stdout: string[] = []; const scrollContainer = screen.queryByTestId( 'trace-virtualized-list-scroll-container' )!; const rows = Array.from(container.querySelectorAll(VISIBLE_TRACE_ROW_SELECTOR)); const searchResultIterator = screen.queryByTestId('trace-search-result-iterator'); const searchInput = screen.queryByPlaceholderText( 'Search in trace' ) as HTMLInputElement; const loading = screen.queryByTestId('trace-search-loading'); const success = screen.queryByTestId('trace-search-success'); stdout.push( 'Debug Information: ' + 'Rows=' + rows.length + ' ' + 'Search Query:' + (searchInput?.value || '') + ' ' + (searchResultIterator?.textContent || '') + ' ' + 'Search Status:' + (loading ? 'loading' : success ? 'success' : '') + ' ' + 'Scroll=' + 'top:' + scrollContainer.scrollTop + ' ' + 'left:' + scrollContainer.scrollLeft + ' ' ); for (const r of [...rows]) { const count = (r.querySelector('.TraceChildrenCount') as HTMLElement)?.textContent; const op = (r.querySelector('.TraceOperation') as HTMLElement)?.textContent; const desc = (r.querySelector('.TraceDescription') as HTMLElement)?.textContent; let t = (count ?? '') + ' ' + (op ?? '') + ' — ' + (desc ?? ''); if (r.classList.contains('SearchResult')) { t = t + ' search'; } if (r.classList.contains('Highlight')) { t = t + ' highlight'; } if (document.activeElement === r) { t = t + ' ⬅ focused '; } const leftColumn = r.querySelector('.TraceLeftColumnInner') as HTMLElement; const left = Math.round(parseInt(, 10) / 10); stdout.push(' '.repeat(left) + t); } // This is a debug fn, we need it to log // eslint-disable-next-line console.log(stdout.join('\n')); } // @ts-expect-error ignore this line // eslint-disable-next-line function printTabs() { const tabs = screen.queryAllByTestId(DRAWER_TABS_TEST_ID); const stdout: string[] = []; for (const tab of tabs) { let text = tab.textContent ?? 'empty tab??'; if (tab.hasAttribute('aria-selected')) { text = 'active' + text; } stdout.push(text); } // This is a debug fn, we need it to log // eslint-disable-next-line console.log(stdout.join(' | ')); } async function assertHighlightedRowAtIndex( virtualizedContainer: HTMLElement, index: number ) { await waitFor(() => { expect(virtualizedContainer.querySelectorAll('.TraceRow.Highlight')).toHaveLength(1); }); await waitFor(() => { const highlighted_row = virtualizedContainer.querySelector( ACTIVE_SEARCH_HIGHLIGHT_ROW ); const r = Array.from( virtualizedContainer.querySelectorAll(VISIBLE_TRACE_ROW_SELECTOR) ); expect(r.indexOf(highlighted_row!)).toBe(index); }); } describe('trace view', () => { beforeEach(() => { globalThis.ResizeObserver = MockResizeObserver as any; mockQueryString(''); MockDate.reset(); }); afterEach(() => { mockQueryString(''); // @ts-expect-error clear mock globalThis.ResizeObserver = undefined; }); it('renders loading state', async () => { mockPerformanceSubscriptionDetailsResponse(); mockTraceResponse(); mockTraceMetaResponse(); mockTraceTagsResponse(); mockEventsResponse(); render(, {router}); expect(await screen.findByText(/assembling the trace/i)).toBeInTheDocument(); }); it('renders error state if trace fails to load', async () => { mockPerformanceSubscriptionDetailsResponse(); mockTraceResponse({statusCode: 404}); mockTraceMetaResponse({statusCode: 404}); mockTraceTagsResponse({statusCode: 404}); mockEventsResponse(); render(, {router}); expect(await screen.findByText(/we failed to load your trace/i)).toBeInTheDocument(); }); it('renders error state if meta fails to load', async () => { mockPerformanceSubscriptionDetailsResponse(); mockTraceResponse({ statusCode: 200, body: { transactions: [makeTransaction()], orphan_errors: [], }, }); mockTraceMetaResponse({statusCode: 404}); mockTraceTagsResponse({statusCode: 404}); mockEventsResponse(); render(, {router}); expect(await screen.findByText(/we failed to load your trace/i)).toBeInTheDocument(); }); it('renders empty state', async () => { mockPerformanceSubscriptionDetailsResponse(); mockTraceResponse({ body: { transactions: [], orphan_errors: [], }, }); mockTraceMetaResponse(); mockTraceTagsResponse(); mockEventsResponse(); render(, {router}); expect( await screen.findByText(/trace does not contain any data/i) ).toBeInTheDocument(); }); describe('pageload', () => { it('scrolls to trace root', async () => { mockQueryString('?node=trace-root'); const {virtualizedContainer} = await completeTestSetup(); await waitFor(() => { const rows = getVirtualizedRows(virtualizedContainer); expect(rows[0]).toHaveFocus(); }); }); it('scrolls to transaction', async () => { mockQueryString('?node=txn-1'); const {virtualizedContainer} = await completeTestSetup(); await waitFor(() => { const rows = getVirtualizedRows(virtualizedContainer); expect(rows[2]).toHaveFocus(); }); }); it('scrolls to span that is a child of transaction', async () => { mockQueryString('?node=span-span0&node=txn-1'); const {virtualizedContainer} = await completeTestSetup(); await within(virtualizedContainer).findAllByText(/Autogrouped/i); // We need to await a tick because the row is not focused until the next tick const rows = getVirtualizedRows(virtualizedContainer); await waitFor(() => { expect(rows[3]).toHaveFocus(); }); expect(rows[3]!.textContent?.includes('http — request')).toBe(true); }); it('scrolls to parent autogroup node', async () => { mockQueryString('?node=ag-redis0&node=txn-1'); const {virtualizedContainer} = await completeTestSetup(); await within(virtualizedContainer).findAllByText(/Autogrouped/i); // We need to await a tick because the row is not focused until the next tick const rows = getVirtualizedRows(virtualizedContainer); await waitFor(() => { expect(rows[4]).toHaveFocus(); }); expect(rows[4]!.textContent?.includes('Autogrouped')).toBe(true); }); it('scrolls to child of parent autogroup node', async () => { mockQueryString('?node=span-redis0&node=txn-1'); const {virtualizedContainer} = await completeTestSetup(); await within(virtualizedContainer).findAllByText(/Autogrouped/i); // We need to await a tick because the row is not focused until the next tick const rows = getVirtualizedRows(virtualizedContainer); await waitFor(() => { expect(rows[5]).toHaveFocus(); }); expect(rows[5]!.textContent?.includes('db — redis')).toBe(true); }); it('scrolls to sibling autogroup node', async () => { mockQueryString('?node=ag-http0&node=txn-1'); const {virtualizedContainer} = await completeTestSetup(); await within(virtualizedContainer).findAllByText(/Autogrouped/i); // We need to await a tick because the row is not focused until the next tick const rows = getVirtualizedRows(virtualizedContainer); await waitFor(() => { expect(rows[5]).toHaveFocus(); }); expect(rows[5]!.textContent?.includes('5Autogrouped')).toBe(true); }); it('scrolls to child of sibling autogroup node', async () => { mockQueryString('?node=span-http0&node=txn-1'); const {virtualizedContainer} = await completeTestSetup(); await within(virtualizedContainer).findAllByText(/Autogrouped/i); // We need to await a tick because the row is not focused until the next tick const rows = getVirtualizedRows(virtualizedContainer); await waitFor(() => { expect(rows[6]).toHaveFocus(); }); expect(rows[6]!.textContent?.includes('http — request')).toBe(true); }); it('scrolls to missing instrumentation node', async () => { mockQueryString('?node=ms-queueprocess0&node=txn-1'); const {virtualizedContainer} = await completeTestSetup(); await within(virtualizedContainer).findAllByText(/Autogrouped/i); // We need to await a tick because the row is not focused until the next ticks const rows = getVirtualizedRows(virtualizedContainer); await waitFor(() => { expect(rows[7]).toHaveFocus(); }); expect(rows[7]!.textContent?.includes('No Instrumentation')).toBe(true); }); it('scrolls to trace error node', async () => { mockQueryString('?node=error-error0&node=txn-1'); const {virtualizedContainer} = await completeTestSetup(); await within(virtualizedContainer).findAllByText(/Autogrouped/i); // We need to await a tick because the row is not focused until the next ticks const rows = getVirtualizedRows(virtualizedContainer); await waitFor(() => { expect(rows[11]).toHaveFocus(); }); expect(rows[11]!.textContent?.includes('error-title')).toBe(true); }); it('scrolls to event id query param', async () => { mockQueryString('?eventId=1'); const {virtualizedContainer} = await completeTestSetup(); await waitFor(() => { const rows = getVirtualizedRows(virtualizedContainer); expect(rows[2]).toHaveFocus(); }); }); it('supports expanded node path', async () => { mockQueryString('?node=span-span0&node=txn-1&span-0&node=txn-0'); const {virtualizedContainer} = await completeTestSetup(); await within(virtualizedContainer).findAllByText(/Autogrouped/i); const rows = getVirtualizedRows(virtualizedContainer); await waitFor(() => { expect(rows[3]).toHaveFocus(); }); expect(rows[3]!.textContent?.includes('http — request')).toBe(true); }); it.each([ '?eventId=doesnotexist', '?node=txn-doesnotexist', // Invalid path '?node=span-does-notexist', ])('logs if path is not found: %s', async path => { mockQueryString(path); const sentryScopeMock = { setFingerprint: jest.fn(), captureMessage: jest.fn(), } as any; jest.spyOn(Sentry, 'withScope').mockImplementation((f: any) => f(sentryScopeMock)); await pageloadTestSetup(); await waitFor(() => { expect(sentryScopeMock.captureMessage).toHaveBeenCalledWith( 'Failed to scroll to node in trace tree' ); }); }); it('does not autogroup if user preference is disabled', async () => { mockTracePreferences({autogroup: {parent: false, sibling: false}}); mockQueryString('?node=span-span0&node=txn-1'); const {virtualizedContainer} = await completeTestSetup(); await within(virtualizedContainer).findAllByText(/process/i); expect(screen.queryByText(/Autogrouped/i)).not.toBeInTheDocument(); }); it('does not inject missing instrumentation if user preference is disabled', async () => { mockTracePreferences({missing_instrumentation: false}); mockQueryString('?node=span-span0&node=txn-1'); const {virtualizedContainer} = await completeTestSetup(); await within(virtualizedContainer).findAllByText(/process/i); expect(screen.queryByText(/Missing instrumentation/i)).not.toBeInTheDocument(); }); describe('preferences', () => { it('toggles autogrouping', async () => { mockTracePreferences({autogroup: {parent: true, sibling: true}}); mockQueryString('?node=span-span0&node=txn-1'); const {virtualizedContainer} = await completeTestSetup(); await within(virtualizedContainer).findAllByText(/Autogrouped/i); const preferencesDropdownTrigger = screen.getByLabelText('Trace Preferences'); await; expect(await screen.findByText('Autogrouping')).toBeInTheDocument(); // Toggle autogrouping off const autogroupingOption = await screen.findByText('Autogrouping'); await; await waitFor(() => { expect(screen.queryByText('Autogrouped')).not.toBeInTheDocument(); }); // Toggle autogrouping back on await screen.findByText('Autogrouping')); expect(await screen.findAllByText('Autogrouped')).toHaveLength(2); }); it('toggles missing instrumentation', async () => { mockTracePreferences({missing_instrumentation: true}); mockQueryString('?node=span-span0&node=txn-1'); const {virtualizedContainer} = await completeTestSetup(); await within(virtualizedContainer).findAllByText(/No Instrumentation/i); const preferencesDropdownTrigger = screen.getByLabelText('Trace Preferences'); await; expect(await screen.findAllByText('No Instrumentation')).toHaveLength(2); // Toggle autogrouping off const autogroupingOption = await screen.findByTestId('no-instrumentation'); await; await waitFor(async () => { expect(await screen.findAllByText('No Instrumentation')).toHaveLength(1); }); // Toggle autogrouping back on await; await waitFor(async () => { expect(await screen.findAllByText('No Instrumentation')).toHaveLength(2); }); }); }); }); describe('keyboard navigation', () => { it('arrow down', async () => { const {virtualizedContainer} = await keyboardNavigationTestSetup(); const rows = getVirtualizedRows(virtualizedContainer); await[0]!); await waitFor(() => expect(rows[0]).toHaveFocus()); await userEvent.keyboard('{arrowdown}'); await waitFor(() => expect(rows[1]).toHaveFocus()); }); it('arrow up', async () => { const {virtualizedContainer} = await keyboardNavigationTestSetup(); const rows = getVirtualizedRows(virtualizedContainer); await[1]!); await waitFor(() => expect(rows[1]).toHaveFocus()); await userEvent.keyboard('{arrowup}'); await waitFor(() => expect(rows[0]).toHaveFocus()); }); it('arrow right expands row and fetches data', async () => { const {virtualizedContainer} = await keyboardNavigationTestSetup(); const rows = getVirtualizedRows(virtualizedContainer); mockSpansResponse( '0', {}, { entries: [ {type: EntryType.SPANS, data: [makeSpan({span_id: '0', op: 'special-span'})]}, ], } ); await[1]!); await waitFor(() => expect(rows[1]).toHaveFocus()); await userEvent.keyboard('{arrowright}'); await waitFor(() => { expect(screen.getByText('special-span')).toBeInTheDocument(); }); }); it('arrow left collapses row', async () => { const {virtualizedContainer} = await keyboardNavigationTestSetup(); const rows = getVirtualizedRows(virtualizedContainer); mockSpansResponse( '0', {}, { entries: [ {type: EntryType.SPANS, data: [makeSpan({span_id: '0', op: 'special-span'})]}, ], } ); await[1]!); await waitFor(() => expect(rows[1]).toHaveFocus()); await userEvent.keyboard('{arrowright}'); expect(await screen.findByText('special-span')).toBeInTheDocument(); await userEvent.keyboard('{arrowleft}'); await waitFor(() => { expect(screen.queryByText('special-span')).not.toBeInTheDocument(); }); }); it('arrow left does not collapse trace root row', async () => { const {virtualizedContainer} = await keyboardNavigationTestSetup(); const rows = getVirtualizedRows(virtualizedContainer); await[0]!); await waitFor(() => expect(rows[0]).toHaveFocus()); await userEvent.keyboard('{arrowleft}'); expect(await screen.findByText('transaction-name-1')).toBeInTheDocument(); }); it('arrow left on transaction row still renders transaction children', async () => { const {virtualizedContainer} = await nestedTransactionsTestSetup(); const rows = getVirtualizedRows(virtualizedContainer); await[1]!); await waitFor(() => expect(rows[1]).toHaveFocus()); await userEvent.keyboard('{arrowleft}'); expect(await screen.findByText('transaction-name-2')).toBeInTheDocument(); }); it('roving updates the element in the drawer', async () => { const {virtualizedContainer} = await keyboardNavigationTestSetup(); const rows = getVirtualizedRows(virtualizedContainer); mockSpansResponse( '0', {}, { entries: [ {type: EntryType.SPANS, data: [makeSpan({span_id: '0', op: 'special-span'})]}, ], } ); await[1]!); await waitFor(() => expect(rows[1]).toHaveFocus()); expect(await screen.findByTestId('trace-drawer-title')).toHaveTextContent( 'transaction-op-0' ); await userEvent.keyboard('{arrowright}'); expect(await screen.findByText('special-span')).toBeInTheDocument(); await userEvent.keyboard('{arrowdown}'); await waitFor(() => { const updatedRows = virtualizedContainer.querySelectorAll( VISIBLE_TRACE_ROW_SELECTOR ); expect(updatedRows[2]).toHaveFocus(); }); expect(await screen.findByTestId('trace-drawer-title')).toHaveTextContent( 'special-span' ); }); it('arrowup on first node jumps to end', async () => { const {virtualizedContainer} = await keyboardNavigationTestSetup(); let rows = getVirtualizedRows(virtualizedContainer); await[0]!); await waitFor(() => expect(rows[0]).toHaveFocus()); await userEvent.keyboard('{arrowup}'); expect( await within(virtualizedContainer).findByText(/transaction-op-99/i) ).toBeInTheDocument(); await waitFor(() => { rows = getVirtualizedRows(virtualizedContainer); expect(rows[rows.length - 1]).toHaveFocus(); }); }); it('arrowdown on last node jumps to start', async () => { const {virtualizedContainer} = await keyboardNavigationTestSetup(); let rows = getVirtualizedRows(virtualizedContainer); await[0]!); await waitFor(() => expect(rows[0]).toHaveFocus()); await userEvent.keyboard('{arrowup}'); await waitFor(() => { rows = getVirtualizedRows(virtualizedContainer); expect(rows[rows.length - 1]).toHaveFocus(); }); expect( await within(virtualizedContainer).findByText(/transaction-op-99/i) ).toBeInTheDocument(); await userEvent.keyboard('{arrowdown}'); await waitFor(() => { rows = getVirtualizedRows(virtualizedContainer); expect(rows[0]).toHaveFocus(); }); expect( await within(virtualizedContainer).findByText(/transaction-op-0/i) ).toBeInTheDocument(); }); it('tab scrolls to next node', async () => { const {virtualizedContainer} = await keyboardNavigationTestSetup(); let rows = getVirtualizedRows(virtualizedContainer); await[0]!); await waitFor(() => expect(rows[0]).toHaveFocus()); await userEvent.keyboard('{tab}'); await waitFor(() => { rows = getVirtualizedRows(virtualizedContainer); expect(rows[1]).toHaveFocus(); }); }); it('shift+tab scrolls to previous node', async () => { const {virtualizedContainer} = await keyboardNavigationTestSetup(); let rows = getVirtualizedRows(virtualizedContainer); await[1]!); await waitFor(() => { rows = getVirtualizedRows(virtualizedContainer); expect(rows[1]).toHaveFocus(); }); await userEvent.keyboard('{Shift>}{tab}{/Shift}'); await waitFor(() => { rows = getVirtualizedRows(virtualizedContainer); expect(rows[0]).toHaveFocus(); }); }); it('arrowdown+shift scrolls to the end of the list', async () => { const {container, virtualizedContainer} = await keyboardNavigationTestSetup(); let rows = container.querySelectorAll(VISIBLE_TRACE_ROW_SELECTOR); await[0]!); await waitFor(() => { rows = container.querySelectorAll(VISIBLE_TRACE_ROW_SELECTOR); expect(rows[0]).toHaveFocus(); }); await userEvent.keyboard('{Shift>}{arrowdown}{/Shift}'); expect( await within(virtualizedContainer).findByText(/transaction-op-99/i) ).toBeInTheDocument(); await waitFor(() => { rows = container.querySelectorAll(VISIBLE_TRACE_ROW_SELECTOR); expect(rows[rows.length - 1]).toHaveFocus(); }); }); it('arrowup+shift scrolls to the start of the list', async () => { const {virtualizedContainer} = await keyboardNavigationTestSetup(); let rows = getVirtualizedRows(virtualizedContainer); await[1]!); await waitFor(() => { rows = getVirtualizedRows(virtualizedContainer); expect(rows[1]).toHaveFocus(); }); await userEvent.keyboard('{Shift>}{arrowdown}{/Shift}'); expect( await within(virtualizedContainer).findByText(/transaction-op-99/i) ).toBeInTheDocument(); await waitFor(() => { rows = getVirtualizedRows(virtualizedContainer); expect(rows[rows.length - 1]).toHaveFocus(); }); await userEvent.keyboard('{Shift>}{arrowup}{/Shift}'); expect( await within(virtualizedContainer).findByText(/transaction-op-0/i) ).toBeInTheDocument(); await waitFor(() => { rows = getVirtualizedRows(virtualizedContainer); expect(rows[0]).toHaveFocus(); }); }); }); describe('search', () => { it('triggers search on load but does not steal focus from node param', async () => { mockQueryString('?search=transaction-op-99&node=txn-0'); const {virtualizedContainer} = await pageloadTestSetup(); const searchInput = await screen.findByPlaceholderText('Search in trace'); expect(searchInput).toHaveValue('transaction-op-99'); await waitFor(() => { expect(screen.queryByTestId('trace-search-result-iterator')).toHaveTextContent( '-/1' ); }); const rows = getVirtualizedRows(virtualizedContainer); expect(rows[1]).toHaveFocus(); }); it('if search on load does not match anything, it does not steal focus or highlight first result', async () => { mockQueryString('?search=dead&node=txn-5'); const {container} = await pageloadTestSetup(); const searchInput = await screen.findByPlaceholderText('Search in trace'); expect(searchInput).toHaveValue('dead'); await waitFor(() => { expect(screen.getByTestId('trace-search-result-iterator')).toHaveTextContent( 'no results' ); }); await waitFor(() => { const rows = container.querySelectorAll(VISIBLE_TRACE_ROW_SELECTOR); expect(rows[6]).toHaveFocus(); }); }); it('searches in transaction', async () => { const {container} = await searchTestSetup(); const searchInput = await screen.findByPlaceholderText('Search in trace'); await userEvent.type(searchInput, 'transaction-op'); expect(searchInput).toHaveValue('transaction-op'); await searchToResolve(); await assertHighlightedRowAtIndex(container, 1); }); it('supports roving with arrowup and arrowdown', async () => { const {container} = await searchTestSetup(); const searchInput = await screen.findByPlaceholderText('Search in trace'); await userEvent.type(searchInput, 'transaction-op'); expect(searchInput).toHaveValue('transaction-op'); await searchToResolve(); for (const action of [ // starting at the top, jump bottom with shift+arrowdown ['{Shift>}{arrowdown}{/Shift}', 11], // move to row above with arrowup ['{arrowup}', 10], // and jump back to top with shift+arrowup ['{Shift>}{arrowup}{/Shift}', 1], // and jump to next row with arrowdown ['{arrowdown}', 2], ] as const) { await userEvent.keyboard(action[0]); await assertHighlightedRowAtIndex(container, action[1]); } }); it('search roving updates the element in the drawer', async () => { await searchTestSetup(); const searchInput = await screen.findByPlaceholderText('Search in trace'); await userEvent.type(searchInput, 'transaction-op'); expect(searchInput).toHaveValue('transaction-op'); // Wait for the search results to resolve await searchToResolve(); expect(await screen.findByTestId('trace-drawer-title')).toHaveTextContent( 'transaction-op-0' ); // assert that focus on search input is never lost expect(searchInput).toHaveFocus(); await userEvent.keyboard('{arrowdown}'); await waitFor(() => { expect(screen.getByTestId('trace-drawer-title')).toHaveTextContent( 'transaction-op-1' ); }); }); it('highlighted node narrows down on the first result', async () => { const {container} = await searchTestSetup(); const searchInput = await screen.findByPlaceholderText('Search in trace'); await userEvent.type(searchInput, 'transaction-op-1'); expect(searchInput).toHaveValue('transaction-op-1'); await searchToResolve(); await assertHighlightedRowAtIndex(container, 2); await userEvent.clear(searchInput); await userEvent.type(searchInput, 'transaction-op-5'); await searchToResolve(); await assertHighlightedRowAtIndex(container, 6); }); it('highlighted is persisted on node while it is part of the search results', async () => { const {container} = await searchTestSetup(); const searchInput = await screen.findByPlaceholderText('Search in trace'); await userEvent.type(searchInput, 'trans'); expect(searchInput).toHaveValue('trans'); // Wait for the search results to resolve await searchToResolve(); await userEvent.keyboard('{arrowdown}'); await searchToResolve(); await assertHighlightedRowAtIndex(container, 2); await userEvent.type(searchInput, 'act'); expect(searchInput).toHaveValue('transact'); await searchToResolve(); // Highlighting is persisted on the row await assertHighlightedRowAtIndex(container, 2); await userEvent.clear(searchInput); await userEvent.type(searchInput, 'this wont match anything'); expect(searchInput).toHaveValue('this wont match anything'); await searchToResolve(); // When there is no match, the highlighting is removed expect(container.querySelectorAll('.TraceRow.Highlight')).toHaveLength(0); }); it('auto highlights the first result when search begins', async () => { const {container} = await searchTestSetup(); const searchInput = await screen.findByPlaceholderText('Search in trace'); // Nothing is highlighted expect(container.querySelectorAll('.TraceRow.Highlight')).toHaveLength(0); await userEvent.type(searchInput, 't'); expect(searchInput).toHaveValue('t'); // Wait for the search results to resolve await searchToResolve(); await assertHighlightedRowAtIndex(container, 1); }); it('clicking a row that is also a search result updates the result index', async () => { const {container, virtualizedContainer} = await searchTestSetup(); const searchInput = await screen.findByPlaceholderText('Search in trace'); await userEvent.type(searchInput, 'transaction-op-1'); expect(searchInput).toHaveValue('transaction-op-1'); await searchToResolve(); await assertHighlightedRowAtIndex(container, 2); const rows = getVirtualizedRows(virtualizedContainer); // By default, we highlight the first result expect(await screen.findByTestId('trace-search-result-iterator')).toHaveTextContent( '1/2' ); // Click on a random row in the list that is not a search result await[5]!); await waitFor(() => { expect(screen.queryByTestId('trace-search-result-iterator')).toHaveTextContent( '-/2' ); }); // Click on a the row in the list that is a search result await[2]!); await waitFor(() => { expect(screen.queryByTestId('trace-search-result-iterator')).toHaveTextContent( '1/2' ); }); }); it('during search, expanding a row retriggers search', async () => { mockPerformanceSubscriptionDetailsResponse(); mockTraceRootFacets(); mockTraceRootEvent('0'); mockTraceEventDetails(); mockMetricsResponse(); mockEventsResponse(); mockTraceResponse({ body: { transactions: [ makeTransaction({ span_id: '0', event_id: '0', transaction: 'transaction-name-0', 'transaction.op': 'transaction-op-0', project_slug: 'project_slug', }), makeTransaction({ span_id: '1', event_id: '1', transaction: 'transaction-name-1', 'transaction.op': 'transaction-op-1', project_slug: 'project_slug', }), makeTransaction({ span_id: '2', event_id: '2', transaction: 'transaction-name-2', 'transaction.op': 'transaction-op-2', project_slug: 'project_slug', }), makeTransaction({ span_id: '3', event_id: '3', transaction: 'transaction-name-3', 'transaction.op': 'transaction-op-3', project_slug: 'project_slug', }), ], orphan_errors: [], }, }); mockTraceMetaResponse({ body: { errors: 0, performance_issues: 0, projects: 0, transactions: 0, transaction_child_count_map: [ { '': '0', count: 5, }, { '': '1', count: 5, }, { '': '2', count: 5, }, { '': '3', count: 5, }, ], }, }); const spansRequest = mockSpansResponse( '0', {}, { entries: [ { type: EntryType.SPANS, data: [ makeSpan({span_id: '0', description: 'span-description', op: 'op-0'}), ], }, ], } ); const {container} = render(, {router}); // Awaits for the placeholder rendering rows to be removed await within(container).findByText(/transaction-op-0/i); const searchInput = await screen.findByPlaceholderText('Search in trace'); await userEvent.type(searchInput, 'op-0'); expect(searchInput).toHaveValue('op-0'); await searchToResolve(); await waitFor(() => { expect(screen.queryByTestId('trace-search-result-iterator')).toHaveTextContent( '1/1' ); }); const open = await screen.findAllByRole('button', {name: '+'}); await[0]!); await waitFor(() => { expect(screen.queryByTestId('trace-search-result-iterator')).toHaveTextContent( '1/1' ); }); expect(await screen.findByText('span-description')).toBeInTheDocument(); expect(spansRequest).toHaveBeenCalled(); await waitFor(() => { expect(screen.queryByTestId('trace-search-result-iterator')).toHaveTextContent( '1/2' ); }); }); it('during search, highlighting is persisted on the row', async () => { const {container} = await searchTestSetup(); const searchInput = await screen.findByPlaceholderText('Search in trace'); await userEvent.type(searchInput, 'transaction-op'); expect(searchInput).toHaveValue('transaction-op'); await searchToResolve(); await assertHighlightedRowAtIndex(container, 1); // User moves down the list using keyboard navigation for (let i = 1; i < 6; i++) { await userEvent.keyboard('{arrowDown}'); await assertHighlightedRowAtIndex(container, 1 + i); } // User clicks on an entry in the list, then proceeds to search await waitFor(() => { expect(screen.getByTestId('trace-search-result-iterator')).toHaveTextContent( '6/11' ); }); // And then continues the query - the highlighting is preserved as long as the // row is part of the search results await assertHighlightedRowAtIndex(container, 6); await userEvent.type(searchInput, '-5'); expect(searchInput).toHaveValue('transaction-op-5'); await searchToResolve(); await assertHighlightedRowAtIndex(container, 6); await userEvent.clear(searchInput); await userEvent.type(searchInput, 'transaction-op-none'); await searchToResolve(); // eslint-disable-next-line testing-library/no-container expect(container.querySelectorAll('.TraceRow.Highlight')).toHaveLength(0); }); }); describe('tabbing', () => { it('clicking on a node spawns a new tab when none is selected', async () => { const {virtualizedContainer} = await simpleTestSetup(); const rows = getVirtualizedRows(virtualizedContainer); expect(screen.queryAllByTestId(DRAWER_TABS_TEST_ID)).toHaveLength(1); await[5]!); await waitFor(() => { expect(screen.queryAllByTestId(DRAWER_TABS_TEST_ID)).toHaveLength(2); }); }); it('clicking on a node replaces the previously selected tab', async () => { const {virtualizedContainer} = await simpleTestSetup(); const rows = getVirtualizedRows(virtualizedContainer); expect(screen.queryAllByTestId(DRAWER_TABS_TEST_ID)).toHaveLength(1); await[5]!); await waitFor(() => { expect(screen.queryAllByTestId(DRAWER_TABS_TEST_ID)).toHaveLength(2); }); expect( screen .getAllByTestId(DRAWER_TABS_TEST_ID)[1]! .textContent?.includes('transaction-op-4') ).toBeTruthy(); await[7]!); await waitFor(() => { expect(screen.queryAllByTestId(DRAWER_TABS_TEST_ID)).toHaveLength(2); }); await waitFor(() => { expect( screen .getAllByTestId(DRAWER_TABS_TEST_ID)[1]! .textContent?.includes('transaction-op-6') ).toBeTruthy(); }); }); it('pinning a tab and clicking on a new node spawns a new tab', async () => { const {virtualizedContainer} = await simpleTestSetup(); const rows = getVirtualizedRows(virtualizedContainer); expect(screen.queryAllByTestId(DRAWER_TABS_TEST_ID)).toHaveLength(1); await[5]!); await waitFor(() => { expect(screen.queryAllByTestId(DRAWER_TABS_TEST_ID)).toHaveLength(2); }); await screen.findByTestId(DRAWER_TABS_PIN_BUTTON_TEST_ID)); await[7]!); await waitFor(() => { expect(screen.queryAllByTestId(DRAWER_TABS_TEST_ID)).toHaveLength(3); }); expect( screen .getAllByTestId(DRAWER_TABS_TEST_ID)[1]! .textContent?.includes('transaction-op-4') ).toBeTruthy(); expect( screen .getAllByTestId(DRAWER_TABS_TEST_ID)[2]! .textContent?.includes('transaction-op-6') ).toBeTruthy(); }); it('unpinning a tab removes it', async () => { const {virtualizedContainer} = await simpleTestSetup(); const rows = getVirtualizedRows(virtualizedContainer); expect(screen.queryAllByTestId(DRAWER_TABS_TEST_ID)).toHaveLength(1); await[5]!); await waitFor(() => { expect(screen.queryAllByTestId(DRAWER_TABS_TEST_ID)).toHaveLength(2); }); await screen.findByTestId(DRAWER_TABS_PIN_BUTTON_TEST_ID)); await[7]!); await waitFor(() => { expect(screen.queryAllByTestId(DRAWER_TABS_TEST_ID)).toHaveLength(3); }); const tabButtons = screen.queryAllByTestId(DRAWER_TABS_PIN_BUTTON_TEST_ID); expect(tabButtons).toHaveLength(2); await[0]!); await waitFor(() => { expect(screen.queryAllByTestId(DRAWER_TABS_TEST_ID)).toHaveLength(2); }); }); it('clicking a node that is already open in a tab switches to that tab and persists the previous node', async () => { const {virtualizedContainer} = await simpleTestSetup(); const rows = getVirtualizedRows(virtualizedContainer); expect(screen.queryAllByTestId(DRAWER_TABS_TEST_ID)).toHaveLength(1); await[5]!); await waitFor(() => { expect(screen.queryAllByTestId(DRAWER_TABS_TEST_ID)).toHaveLength(2); }); await screen.findByTestId(DRAWER_TABS_PIN_BUTTON_TEST_ID)); await[7]!); await waitFor(() => { expect(screen.queryAllByTestId(DRAWER_TABS_TEST_ID)).toHaveLength(3); }); expect(screen.queryAllByTestId(DRAWER_TABS_TEST_ID)[2]).toHaveAttribute( 'aria-selected', 'true' ); await[5]!); await waitFor(() => { expect(screen.queryAllByTestId(DRAWER_TABS_TEST_ID)[1]).toHaveAttribute( 'aria-selected', 'true' ); }); expect(screen.queryAllByTestId(DRAWER_TABS_TEST_ID)).toHaveLength(3); }); }); });