import * as Sentry from '@sentry/react'; import startCase from 'lodash/startCase'; import moment from 'moment-timezone'; import type {TooltipSubLabel} from 'sentry/components/charts/components/tooltip'; import type {DataCategoryInfo, IntervalPeriod} from 'sentry/types/core'; import {Outcome} from 'sentry/types/core'; import {getDateFromMoment} from './usageChart/utils'; import {getReasonGroupName} from './getReasonGroupName'; import type {UsageSeries, UsageStat} from './types'; import type {ChartStats} from './usageChart'; import {SeriesTypes} from './usageChart'; import {formatUsageWithUnits, getFormatUsageOptions} from './utils'; export function mapSeriesToChart({ orgStats, dataCategory, chartDateUtc, endpointQuery, chartDateInterval, }: { chartDateInterval: IntervalPeriod; chartDateUtc: boolean; dataCategory: DataCategoryInfo['plural']; endpointQuery: Record; orgStats?: UsageSeries; }): { cardStats: { accepted?: string; accepted_stored?: string; filtered?: string; invalid?: string; rateLimited?: string; total?: string; }; chartStats: ChartStats; chartSubLabels: TooltipSubLabel[]; dataError?: Error; } { const cardStats = { total: undefined, accepted: undefined, accepted_stored: undefined, filtered: undefined, invalid: undefined, rateLimited: undefined, }; const chartStats: ChartStats = { accepted: [], accepted_stored: [], filtered: [], rateLimited: [], invalid: [], clientDiscard: [], projected: [], }; let chartSubLabels: TooltipSubLabel[] = []; if (!orgStats) { return {cardStats, chartStats, chartSubLabels}; } try { const usageStats: UsageStat[] = => { const dateTime = moment(interval); return { date: getDateFromMoment(dateTime, chartDateInterval, chartDateUtc), total: 0, accepted: 0, accepted_stored: 0, filtered: 0, rateLimited: 0, invalid: 0, clientDiscard: 0, }; }); // Tally totals for card data const count = { total: 0, [Outcome.ACCEPTED]: 0, [Outcome.FILTERED]: 0, [Outcome.INVALID]: 0, [Outcome.RATE_LIMITED]: 0, // Combined with dropped later [Outcome.CLIENT_DISCARD]: 0, [Outcome.CARDINALITY_LIMITED]: 0, // Combined with dropped later [Outcome.ABUSE]: 0, // Combined with dropped later }; let countAcceptedStored = 0; orgStats.groups.forEach(group => { const {outcome, category} =; // For spans, we additionally query for `span_indexed` data // to get the `accepted_stored` count if (category !== 'span_indexed') { if (outcome !== Outcome.CLIENT_DISCARD) { += group.totals['sum(quantity)']!; } (count as any)[outcome!] += group.totals['sum(quantity)']!; } else { if (outcome === Outcome.ACCEPTED) { countAcceptedStored += group.totals['sum(quantity)']!; } } if (category === 'span_indexed' && outcome !== Outcome.ACCEPTED) { // we need `span_indexed` data for `accepted_stored` only return; } group.series['sum(quantity)']!.forEach((stat, i) => { const dataObject = {name: orgStats.intervals[i]!, value: stat}; const strigfiedReason = String( ?? ''); const reason = getReasonGroupName(outcome!, strigfiedReason); // Function to handle chart sub-label updates const updateChartSubLabels = ( parentLabel: SeriesTypes, label = startCase(reason.replace(/-|_/g, ' ')) ) => { const existingSubLabel = chartSubLabels.find( subLabel => subLabel.label === label && subLabel.parentLabel === parentLabel ); if (existingSubLabel) { // Check if the existing sub-label's data length matches the intervals length if ( === group.series['sum(quantity)']!.length) { // Update the value of the current interval[i]!.value += stat; } else { // Add a new data object if the length does not match; } } else { chartSubLabels.push({ parentLabel, label, data: [dataObject], }); } }; // Add accepted indexed spans as sub-label to accepted if (category === 'span_indexed') { if (outcome === Outcome.ACCEPTED) { usageStats[i]!.accepted_stored += stat; updateChartSubLabels(SeriesTypes.ACCEPTED, 'Stored'); return; } } switch (outcome) { case Outcome.FILTERED: usageStats[i]!.filtered += stat; updateChartSubLabels(SeriesTypes.FILTERED); break; case Outcome.ACCEPTED: usageStats[i]!.accepted += stat; break; case Outcome.CARDINALITY_LIMITED: case Outcome.RATE_LIMITED: case Outcome.ABUSE: usageStats[i]!.rateLimited += stat; updateChartSubLabels(SeriesTypes.RATE_LIMITED); break; case Outcome.CLIENT_DISCARD: usageStats[i]!.clientDiscard += stat; updateChartSubLabels(SeriesTypes.CLIENT_DISCARD); break; case Outcome.INVALID: usageStats[i]!.invalid += stat; updateChartSubLabels(SeriesTypes.INVALID); break; default: break; } }); }); // Combine rate limited counts count[Outcome.RATE_LIMITED] += count[Outcome.ABUSE] + count[Outcome.CARDINALITY_LIMITED]; const isSampled = dataCategory === 'spans' && countAcceptedStored > 0 && countAcceptedStored !== count[Outcome.ACCEPTED]; usageStats.forEach(stat => { = [ stat.accepted, stat.filtered, stat.rateLimited, stat.invalid, stat.clientDiscard, ].reduce((acc, val) => acc + val, 0); // Chart Data const chartData = [ { key: 'accepted', value: stat.accepted, }, ...(isSampled ? [{key: 'accepted_stored', value: stat.accepted_stored}] : []), {key: 'filtered', value: stat.filtered}, {key: 'rateLimited', value: stat.rateLimited}, {key: 'invalid', value: stat.invalid}, {key: 'clientDiscard', value: stat.clientDiscard}, ]; chartData.forEach(data => { ((chartStats as any)[data.key] as any[]).push({value: [, data.value]}); }); }); if (!isSampled) { chartSubLabels = chartSubLabels.filter( subLabel => subLabel.parentLabel !== SeriesTypes.ACCEPTED ); } return { cardStats: { total: formatUsageWithUnits(, dataCategory, getFormatUsageOptions(dataCategory) ), accepted: formatUsageWithUnits( count[Outcome.ACCEPTED], dataCategory, getFormatUsageOptions(dataCategory) ), accepted_stored: isSampled ? formatUsageWithUnits( countAcceptedStored, dataCategory, getFormatUsageOptions(dataCategory) ) : undefined, filtered: formatUsageWithUnits( count[Outcome.FILTERED], dataCategory, getFormatUsageOptions(dataCategory) ), invalid: formatUsageWithUnits( count[Outcome.INVALID], dataCategory, getFormatUsageOptions(dataCategory) ), rateLimited: formatUsageWithUnits( count[Outcome.RATE_LIMITED], dataCategory, getFormatUsageOptions(dataCategory) ), }, chartStats, chartSubLabels, }; } catch (err) { Sentry.withScope(scope => { scope.setContext('query', endpointQuery); scope.setContext('body', {...orgStats}); Sentry.captureException(err); }); return { cardStats, chartStats, chartSubLabels, dataError: new Error('Failed to parse stats data'), }; } }