import {useState} from 'react'; import styled from '@emotion/styled'; import partition from 'lodash/partition'; import {CompactSelect} from 'sentry/components/compactSelect'; import {t} from 'sentry/locale'; import {space} from 'sentry/styles/space'; import type {PlatformKey, ProjectKey} from 'sentry/types/project'; import {useApiQuery} from 'sentry/utils/queryClient'; import useOrganization from 'sentry/utils/useOrganization'; import type {QuickStartProps} from 'sentry/views/monitors/components/quickStartEntries'; import { CLICronQuickStart, CurlCronQuickStart, GoCronQuickStart, JavaCronQuickStart, JavaQuartzCronQuickStart, JavaSpringBootCronQuickStart, NodeJSCronQuickStart, PHPCronQuickStart, PHPLaravelCronQuickStart, PythonCeleryCronQuickStart, PythonCronQuickStart, RubyCronQuickStart, RubyRailsCronQuickStart, RubySidekiqCronQuickStart, } from 'sentry/views/monitors/components/quickStartEntries'; import type {Monitor} from '../types'; interface Props { monitor: Monitor; } interface OnboardingGuide { Guide: React.ComponentType; label: string; platforms?: Set; } const onboardingGuides: Record = { cli: { label: 'Sentry CLI', Guide: CLICronQuickStart, }, curl: { label: 'cURL', Guide: CurlCronQuickStart, }, python: { label: 'Python', Guide: PythonCronQuickStart, platforms: new Set([ 'python', 'python-django', 'python-flask', 'python-fastapi', 'python-starlette', 'python-sanic', 'python-bottle', 'python-pylons', 'python-pyramid', 'python-tornado', 'python-rq', ]), }, pythonCelery: { label: 'Celery', Guide: PythonCeleryCronQuickStart, platforms: new Set(['python-celery']), }, php: { label: 'PHP', Guide: PHPCronQuickStart, platforms: new Set(['php', 'php-monolog', 'php-symfony']), }, phpLaravel: { label: 'Laravel', Guide: PHPLaravelCronQuickStart, platforms: new Set(['php-laravel']), }, nodeJs: { label: 'Node', Guide: NodeJSCronQuickStart, platforms: new Set(['node']), }, go: { label: 'Go', Guide: GoCronQuickStart, platforms: new Set(['go']), }, java: { label: 'Java', Guide: JavaCronQuickStart, platforms: new Set(['java', 'java-log4j2', 'java-logback']), }, javaSpringBoot: { label: 'Spring', Guide: JavaSpringBootCronQuickStart, platforms: new Set(['java-spring-boot', 'java-spring']), }, javaQuartz: { label: 'Quartz', Guide: JavaQuartzCronQuickStart, platforms: new Set([ 'java', 'java-log4j2', 'java-logback', 'java-spring-boot', 'java-spring', ]), }, ruby: { label: 'Ruby', Guide: RubyCronQuickStart, platforms: new Set(['ruby']), }, rubyRails: { label: 'Rails', Guide: RubyRailsCronQuickStart, platforms: new Set(['ruby', 'ruby-rails']), }, rubySidekiq: { label: 'Sidekiq', Guide: RubySidekiqCronQuickStart, platforms: new Set(['ruby', 'ruby-rails']), }, }; /** * The platforms that are well supported for crons */ export const platformsWithGuides = Array.from( Object.values(onboardingGuides).reduce((combinedPlatforms, guide) => { guide.platforms?.forEach(platform => combinedPlatforms.add(platform)); return combinedPlatforms; }, new Set()) ); const guideToSelectOption = ({key, label}: any) => ({label, value: key}); export default function MonitorQuickStartGuide({monitor}: Props) { const org = useOrganization(); const {data: projectKeys} = useApiQuery( [`/projects/${org.slug}/${monitor.project.slug}/keys/`], {staleTime: Infinity} ); const guideList = Object.entries(onboardingGuides).map(([key, guide]) => ({, key, })); const [genericGuides, platformGuides] = partition( guideList, guide => guide.platforms === undefined ); const exampleOptions = [ {label: t('Platform Specfiic'), options:}, {label: t('Generic'), options:}, ]; const platformSpecific = platformGuides.filter(guide => guide.platforms?.has(monitor.project.platform ?? 'other') ); const defaultExample = platformSpecific.length > 0 ? platformSpecific[0]!.key : 'cli'; const [selectedGuide, setSelectedGuide] = useState(defaultExample); const {Guide} = onboardingGuides[selectedGuide]!; return ( setSelectedGuide(value)} /> ); } const Container = styled('div')` display: flex; flex-direction: column; gap: ${space(2)}; `;