import pick from 'lodash/pick'; import {createStore} from 'reflux'; import {mergeGroups} from 'sentry/actionCreators/group'; import { addErrorMessage, addLoadingMessage, addSuccessMessage, } from 'sentry/actionCreators/indicator'; import {Client} from 'sentry/api'; import type {Event} from 'sentry/types/event'; import type {Group} from 'sentry/types/group'; import type {Organization} from 'sentry/types/organization'; import type {Project} from 'sentry/types/project'; import toArray from 'sentry/utils/array/toArray'; import type {StrictStoreDefinition} from './types'; // Between 0-100 const MIN_SCORE = 0.6; // @param score: {[key: string]: number} const checkBelowThreshold = (scores = {}) => { const scoreKeys = Object.keys(scores); // @ts-expect-error TS(7053): Element implicitly has an 'any' type because expre... Remove this comment to see the full error message return ! => scores[key]).find(score => score >= MIN_SCORE); }; type State = { // "Compare" button state enableFingerprintCompare: boolean; error: boolean; filteredSimilarItems: SimilarItem[]; loading: boolean; mergeDisabled: boolean; mergeList: string[]; mergeState: Map>; // List of fingerprints that belong to issue mergedItems: Fingerprint[]; mergedLinks: string; similarItems: SimilarItem[]; similarLinks: string; // Disabled state of "Unmerge" button in "Merged" tab (for Issues) unmergeDisabled: boolean; // If "Collapse All" was just used, this will be true unmergeLastCollapsed: boolean; // Map of {[fingerprint]: Array} that is selected to be unmerged unmergeList: Map; // Map of state for each fingerprint (i.e. "collapsed") unmergeState: Readonly< Map> >; }; type ScoreMap = Record; type ApiFingerprint = { id: string; latestEvent: Event; childId?: string; childLabel?: string; eventCount?: number; label?: string; lastSeen?: string; parentId?: string; parentLabel?: string; state?: string; }; type ChildFingerprint = { childId: string; childLabel?: string; eventCount?: number; lastSeen?: string; latestEvent?: Event; }; export type Fingerprint = { children: ChildFingerprint[]; eventCount: number; id: string; latestEvent: Event; label?: string; lastSeen?: string; parentId?: string; parentLabel?: string; state?: string; }; export type SimilarItem = { isBelowThreshold: boolean; issue: Group; aggregate?: { exception: number; message: number; shouldBeGrouped?: string; }; score?: Record; scoresByInterface?: { exception: Array<[string, number | null]>; message: Array<[string, any | null]>; shouldBeGrouped?: Array<[string, string | null]>; }; }; type ResponseProcessors = { merged: (item: ApiFingerprint[]) => Fingerprint[]; similar: (data: [Group, ScoreMap]) => { aggregate: Record; isBelowThreshold: boolean; issue: Group; score: ScoreMap; scoresByInterface: Record>; }; }; type DataKey = keyof ResponseProcessors; type ResultsAsArrayDataMerged = Parameters[0]; type ResultsAsArrayDataSimilar = Array[0]>; type ResultsAsArray = Array<{ data: ResultsAsArrayDataMerged | ResultsAsArrayDataSimilar; dataKey: DataKey; links: string | null; }>; type IdState = { busy?: boolean; checked?: boolean; collapsed?: boolean; }; type UnmergeResponse = Pick< State, | 'unmergeDisabled' | 'unmergeState' | 'unmergeList' | 'enableFingerprintCompare' | 'unmergeLastCollapsed' >; interface GroupingStoreDefinition extends StrictStoreDefinition { api: Client; getInitialState(): State; init(): void; isAllUnmergedSelected(): boolean; onFetch( toFetchArray: Array<{ dataKey: DataKey; endpoint: string; queryParams?: Record; }> ): Promise; onMerge(props: { projectId: Project['id']; params?: { groupId: Group['id']; orgId: Organization['id']; }; query?: string; }): undefined | Promise; onToggleCollapseFingerprint(fingerprint: string): void; onToggleCollapseFingerprints(): void; onToggleMerge(id: string): void; onToggleUnmerge(props: [string, string] | string): void; onUnmerge(props: { groupId: Group['id']; orgSlug: Organization['slug']; errorMessage?: string; loadingMessage?: string; successMessage?: string; }): Promise; /** * Updates mergeState */ setStateForId( stateProperty: 'mergeState' | 'unmergeState', idOrIds: string[] | string, newState: IdState ): void; triggerFetchState(): Readonly< Pick< State, | 'similarItems' | 'filteredSimilarItems' | 'mergedItems' | 'mergedLinks' | 'similarLinks' | 'mergeState' | 'unmergeState' | 'loading' | 'error' > >; triggerMergeState(): Readonly< Pick >; triggerUnmergeState(): Readonly; } const storeConfig: GroupingStoreDefinition = { // This will be populated on init state: {} as State, api: new Client(), init() { // XXX: Do not use `this.listenTo` in this store. We avoid usage of reflux // listeners due to their leaky nature in tests. this.state = this.getInitialState(); }, getInitialState() { return { // List of fingerprints that belong to issue mergedItems: [], // Map of {[fingerprint]: Array} that is selected to be unmerged unmergeList: new Map(), // Map of state for each fingerprint (i.e. "collapsed") unmergeState: new Map(), // Disabled state of "Unmerge" button in "Merged" tab (for Issues) unmergeDisabled: true, // If "Collapse All" was just used, this will be true unmergeLastCollapsed: false, // "Compare" button state enableFingerprintCompare: false, similarItems: [], filteredSimilarItems: [], similarLinks: '', mergeState: new Map(), mergeList: [], mergedLinks: '', mergeDisabled: false, loading: true, error: false, }; }, setStateForId(stateProperty, idOrIds, newState) { const ids = toArray(idOrIds); const newMap = new Map(this.state[stateProperty]); ids.forEach(id => { const state = newMap.get(id) ?? {}; const mergedState = {...state, ...newState}; newMap.set(id, mergedState); }); this.state = {...this.state, [stateProperty]: newMap}; }, isAllUnmergedSelected() { const lockedItems = (Array.from(this.state.unmergeState.values()) as IdState[]).filter( ({busy}) => busy ) || []; return ( this.state.unmergeList.size === this.state.mergedItems.filter(({latestEvent}) => !!latestEvent).length - lockedItems.length ); }, // Fetches data onFetch(toFetchArray) { // Reset state and trigger update this.init(); this.triggerFetchState(); const promises = ({endpoint, queryParams, dataKey}) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this.api.request(endpoint, { method: 'GET', data: queryParams, success: (data, _, resp) => { resolve({ dataKey, data, links: resp ? resp.getResponseHeader('Link') : null, }); }, error: err => { const error = err.responseJSON?.detail || true; reject(error); }, }); }) ); const responseProcessors: ResponseProcessors = { merged: items => { const newItemsMap: Record = {}; const newItems: Fingerprint[] = []; items.forEach(item => { if (!newItemsMap[]) { const newItem = { eventCount: 0, children: [], // lastSeen and latestEvent properties are correct // since the server returns items in // descending order of lastSeen ...item, }; // Check for locked items this.setStateForId('unmergeState',, { busy: item.state === 'locked', }); newItemsMap[] = newItem; newItems.push(newItem); } const newItem = newItemsMap[]!; const {childId, childLabel, eventCount, lastSeen, latestEvent} = item; if (eventCount) { newItem.eventCount += eventCount; } if (childId) { newItem.children.push({ childId, childLabel, lastSeen, latestEvent, eventCount, }); } }); return newItems; }, similar: ([issue, scoreMap]) => { // Check which similarity endpoint is being used const hasSimilarityEmbeddingsFeature = toFetchArray[0]?.endpoint.includes( 'similar-issues-embeddings' ); // Hide items with a low scores const isBelowThreshold = hasSimilarityEmbeddingsFeature ? false : checkBelowThreshold(scoreMap); // List of scores indexed by interface (i.e., exception and message) // Note: for v2, the interface is always "similarity". When v2 is // rolled out we can get rid of this grouping entirely. const scoresByInterface = Object.keys(scoreMap) .map(scoreKey => [scoreKey, scoreMap[scoreKey]]) .reduce((acc, [scoreKey, score]) => { // v1 layout: ':...' const [interfaceName] = String(scoreKey).split(':') as [string]; // @ts-expect-error TS(7053): Element implicitly has an 'any' type because expre... Remove this comment to see the full error message if (!acc[interfaceName]) { // @ts-expect-error TS(7053): Element implicitly has an 'any' type because expre... Remove this comment to see the full error message acc[interfaceName] = []; } // @ts-expect-error TS(7053): Element implicitly has an 'any' type because expre... Remove this comment to see the full error message acc[interfaceName].push([scoreKey, score]); return acc; }, {}); // Aggregate score by interface const aggregate = Object.keys(scoresByInterface) // @ts-expect-error TS(7053): Element implicitly has an 'any' type because expre... Remove this comment to see the full error message .map(interfaceName => [interfaceName, scoresByInterface[interfaceName]]) .reduce((acc, [interfaceName, allScores]) => { // `null` scores means feature was not present in both issues, do not // include in aggregate // @ts-expect-error TS(7031): Binding element 'score' implicitly has an 'any' ty... Remove this comment to see the full error message const scores = allScores.filter(([, score]) => score !== null); const avg = scores.reduce((sum: any, [, score]: any) => sum + score, 0) / scores.length; // @ts-expect-error TS(7053): Element implicitly has an 'any' type because expre... Remove this comment to see the full error message acc[interfaceName] = hasSimilarityEmbeddingsFeature ? scores[0][1] : avg; return acc; }, {}); return { issue, score: scoreMap, scoresByInterface, aggregate, isBelowThreshold, }; }, }; return Promise.all(promises).then( resultsArray => { (resultsArray as ResultsAsArray).forEach(({dataKey, data, links}) => { const items = dataKey === 'similar' ? (data as ResultsAsArrayDataSimilar).map(responseProcessors[dataKey]) : responseProcessors[dataKey](data as ResultsAsArrayDataMerged); this.state = { ...this.state, // Types here are pretty rough [`${dataKey}Items`]: items, [`${dataKey}Links`]: links, }; }); this.state = {...this.state, loading: false, error: false}; this.triggerFetchState(); }, () => { this.state = {...this.state, loading: false, error: true}; this.triggerFetchState(); } ); }, // Toggle merge checkbox onToggleMerge(id) { let checked = false; // Don't do anything if item is busy const state = this.state.mergeState.has(id) ? this.state.mergeState.get(id) : undefined; if (state?.busy === true) { return; } if (this.state.mergeList.includes(id)) { this.state = { ...this.state, mergeList: this.state.mergeList.filter(item => item !== id), }; } else { this.state = {...this.state, mergeList: [...this.state.mergeList, id]}; checked = true; } this.setStateForId('mergeState', id, {checked}); this.triggerMergeState(); }, // Toggle unmerge check box onToggleUnmerge([fingerprint, eventId]) { let checked = false; // Uncheck an item to unmerge const state = this.state.unmergeState.get(fingerprint); if (state?.busy === true) { return; } const newUnmergeList = new Map(this.state.unmergeList); if (newUnmergeList.has(fingerprint)) { newUnmergeList.delete(fingerprint); } else { newUnmergeList.set(fingerprint, eventId); checked = true; } this.state = {...this.state, unmergeList: newUnmergeList}; // Update "checked" state for row this.setStateForId('unmergeState', fingerprint!, {checked}); // Unmerge should be disabled if 0 or all items are selected, or if there's // only one item to select const unmergeDisabled = this.state.mergedItems.length === 1 || this.state.unmergeList.size === 0 || this.isAllUnmergedSelected(); const enableFingerprintCompare = this.state.unmergeList.size === 2; this.state = {...this.state, unmergeDisabled, enableFingerprintCompare}; this.triggerUnmergeState(); }, onUnmerge({groupId, loadingMessage, orgSlug, successMessage, errorMessage}) { const grouphashIds = Array.from(this.state.unmergeList.keys()) as string[]; return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { if (this.isAllUnmergedSelected()) { reject(new Error('Not allowed to unmerge ALL events')); return; } // Disable unmerge button this.state = {...this.state, unmergeDisabled: true}; // Disable rows this.setStateForId('unmergeState', grouphashIds, {checked: false, busy: true}); this.triggerUnmergeState(); addLoadingMessage(loadingMessage); this.api.request(`/organizations/${orgSlug}/issues/${groupId}/hashes/`, { method: 'PUT', query: { id: grouphashIds, }, success: () => { addSuccessMessage(successMessage); // Busy rows after successful Unmerge this.setStateForId('unmergeState', grouphashIds, {checked: false, busy: true}); this.state.unmergeList.clear(); }, error: error => { errorMessage = error?.responseJSON?.detail || errorMessage; addErrorMessage(errorMessage); this.setStateForId('unmergeState', grouphashIds, {checked: true, busy: false}); }, complete: () => { this.state = {...this.state, unmergeDisabled: false}; resolve(this.triggerUnmergeState()); }, }); }); }, // For cross-project views, we need to pass projectId instead of // depending on router params (since we will only have orgId in that case) onMerge({params, query, projectId}) { if (!params) { return undefined; } const ids = this.state.mergeList; this.state = {...this.state, mergeDisabled: true}; this.setStateForId('mergeState', ids, {busy: true}); this.triggerMergeState(); const promise = new Promise(resolve => { // Disable merge button const {orgId, groupId} = params; mergeGroups( this.api, { orgId, projectId, itemIds: [...ids, groupId], query, }, { success: data => { if (data?.merge?.parent) { this.trigger({ mergedParent: data.merge.parent, }); } // Hide rows after successful merge this.setStateForId('mergeState', ids, {checked: false, busy: true}); this.state = {...this.state, mergeList: []}; }, error: () => { this.setStateForId('mergeState', ids, {checked: true, busy: false}); }, complete: () => { this.state = {...this.state, mergeDisabled: false}; resolve(this.triggerMergeState()); }, } ); }); return promise; }, // Toggle collapsed state of all fingerprints onToggleCollapseFingerprints() { this.setStateForId( 'unmergeState',{id}) => id), { collapsed: !this.state.unmergeLastCollapsed, } ); this.state = { ...this.state, unmergeLastCollapsed: !this.state.unmergeLastCollapsed, }; this.trigger({ unmergeLastCollapsed: this.state.unmergeLastCollapsed, unmergeState: this.state.unmergeState, }); }, onToggleCollapseFingerprint(fingerprint) { const collapsed = this.state.unmergeState.get(fingerprint)?.collapsed; this.setStateForId('unmergeState', fingerprint, {collapsed: !collapsed}); this.trigger({unmergeState: this.state.unmergeState}); }, triggerFetchState() { this.state = { ...this.state, similarItems: this.state.similarItems.filter( ({isBelowThreshold}) => !isBelowThreshold ), filteredSimilarItems: this.state.similarItems.filter( ({isBelowThreshold}) => isBelowThreshold ), }; this.trigger(this.state); return this.state; }, triggerUnmergeState() { const state = pick(this.state, [ 'unmergeDisabled', 'unmergeState', 'unmergeList', 'enableFingerprintCompare', 'unmergeLastCollapsed', ]); this.trigger(state); return state; }, triggerMergeState() { const state = pick(this.state, ['mergeDisabled', 'mergeState', 'mergeList']); this.trigger(state); return state; }, getState(): State { return this.state; }, }; const GroupingStore = createStore(storeConfig); export default GroupingStore;