// THIS IS AN AUTOGENERATED FILE. DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE DIRECTLY. // generated using scripts/extract-ios-device-names.ts as part of build step. // the purpose of the script is to extract only the iOS information that Sentry cares about // and discard the rest of the JSON so we do not end up bloating bundle size. const iOSDeviceMapping: Record<string, string> = { 'iPod1,1': 'iPod touch', 'iPod2,1': 'iPod touch (2nd generation)', 'iPod3,1': 'iPod touch (3rd generation)', 'iPod4,1': 'iPod touch (4th generation)', 'iPod5,1': 'iPod touch (5th generation)', 'iPod7,1': 'iPod touch (6th generation)', 'iPod9,1': 'iPod touch (7th generation)', 'iPhone1,1': 'iPhone', 'iPhone1,2': 'iPhone 3G', 'iPhone2,1': 'iPhone 3GS', 'iPhone3,1': 'iPhone 4', 'iPhone3,2': 'iPhone 4', 'iPhone3,3': 'iPhone 4', 'iPhone4,1': 'iPhone 4S', 'iPhone5,1': 'iPhone 5', 'iPhone5,2': 'iPhone 5', 'iPhone5,3': 'iPhone 5c', 'iPhone5,4': 'iPhone 5c', 'iPhone6,1': 'iPhone 5s', 'iPhone6,2': 'iPhone 5s', 'iPhone8,4': 'iPhone SE (1st generation)', 'iPhone7,2': 'iPhone 6', 'iPhone7,1': 'iPhone 6 Plus', 'iPhone8,1': 'iPhone 6s', 'iPhone8,2': 'iPhone 6s Plus', 'iPhone9,1': 'iPhone 7', 'iPhone9,3': 'iPhone 7', 'iPhone9,2': 'iPhone 7 Plus', 'iPhone9,4': 'iPhone 7 Plus', 'iPhone10,1': 'iPhone 8', 'iPhone10,4': 'iPhone 8', 'iPhone10,2': 'iPhone 8 Plus', 'iPhone10,5': 'iPhone 8 Plus', 'iPhone10,3': 'iPhone X', 'iPhone10,6': 'iPhone X', 'iPhone11,8': 'iPhone XR', 'iPhone11,2': 'iPhone XS', 'iPhone11,6': 'iPhone XS Max', 'iPhone11,4': 'iPhone XS Max', 'iPhone12,1': 'iPhone 11', 'iPhone12,3': 'iPhone 11 Pro', 'iPhone12,5': 'iPhone 11 Pro Max', 'iPhone12,8': 'iPhone SE (2nd generation)', 'iPhone13,1': 'iPhone 12 mini', 'iPhone13,2': 'iPhone 12', 'iPhone13,3': 'iPhone 12 Pro', 'iPhone13,4': 'iPhone 12 Pro Max', 'iPhone14,4': 'iPhone 13 mini', 'iPhone14,5': 'iPhone 13', 'iPhone14,2': 'iPhone 13 Pro', 'iPhone14,3': 'iPhone 13 Pro Max', 'iPhone14,6': 'iPhone SE (3rd generation)', 'iPhone14,7': 'iPhone 14', 'iPhone14,8': 'iPhone 14 Plus', 'iPhone15,2': 'iPhone 14 Pro', 'iPhone15,3': 'iPhone 14 Pro Max', 'iPad6,7': 'iPad Pro (12.9-inch)', 'iPad6,8': 'iPad Pro (12.9-inch)', 'iPad6,3': 'iPad Pro (9.7-inch)', 'iPad6,4': 'iPad Pro (9.7-inch)', 'iPad7,1': 'iPad Pro (12.9-inch, 2nd generation)', 'iPad7,2': 'iPad Pro (12.9-inch, 2nd generation)', 'iPad7,3': 'iPad Pro (10.5-inch)', 'iPad7,4': 'iPad Pro (10.5-inch)', 'iPad8,1': 'iPad Pro (11-inch)', 'iPad8,2': 'iPad Pro (11-inch)', 'iPad8,3': 'iPad Pro (11-inch)', 'iPad8,4': 'iPad Pro (11-inch)', 'iPad8,5': 'iPad Pro (12.9-inch) (3rd generation)', 'iPad8,6': 'iPad Pro (12.9-inch) (3rd generation)', 'iPad8,7': 'iPad Pro (12.9-inch) (3rd generation)', 'iPad8,8': 'iPad Pro (12.9-inch) (3rd generation)', 'iPad8,9': 'iPad Pro (11-inch) (2nd generation)', 'iPad8,10': 'iPad Pro (11-inch) (2nd generation)', 'iPad8,11': 'iPad Pro (12.9-inch) (4th generation)', 'iPad8,12': 'iPad Pro (12.9-inch) (4th generation)', 'iPad13,4': 'iPad Pro (11-inch) (3rd generation)', 'iPad13,5': 'iPad Pro (11-inch) (3rd generation)', 'iPad13,6': 'iPad Pro (11-inch) (3rd generation)', 'iPad13,7': 'iPad Pro (11-inch) (3rd generation)', 'iPad13,8': 'iPad Pro (12.9-inch) (5th generation)', 'iPad13,9': 'iPad Pro (12.9-inch) (5th generation)', 'iPad13,10': 'iPad Pro (12.9-inch) (5th generation)', 'iPad13,11': 'iPad Pro (12.9-inch) (5th generation)', 'iPad2,5': 'iPad mini', 'iPad2,6': 'iPad mini', 'iPad2,7': 'iPad mini', 'iPad4,4': 'iPad mini 2', 'iPad4,5': 'iPad mini 2', 'iPad4,6': 'iPad mini 2', 'iPad4,7': 'iPad mini 3', 'iPad4,8': 'iPad mini 3', 'iPad4,9': 'iPad mini 3', 'iPad5,1': 'iPad mini 4', 'iPad5,2': 'iPad mini 4', 'iPad11,1': 'iPad mini (5th generation)', 'iPad11,2': 'iPad mini (5th generation)', 'iPad14,1': 'iPad mini (6th generation)', 'iPad14,2': 'iPad mini (6th generation)', 'iPad4,1': 'iPad Air', 'iPad4,2': 'iPad Air', 'iPad4,3': 'iPad Air', 'iPad5,3': 'iPad Air 2', 'iPad5,4': 'iPad Air 2', 'iPad11,3': 'iPad Air (3rd generation)', 'iPad11,4': 'iPad Air (3rd generation)', 'iPad13,1': 'iPad Air (4th generation)', 'iPad13,2': 'iPad Air (4th generation)', 'iPad13,16': 'iPad Air (5th generation)', 'iPad13,17': 'iPad Air (5th generation)', 'iPad1,1': 'iPad', 'iPad2,1': 'iPad 2', 'iPad2,2': 'iPad 2', 'iPad2,3': 'iPad 2', 'iPad2,4': 'iPad 2', 'iPad3,1': 'iPad (3rd generation)', 'iPad3,2': 'iPad (3rd generation)', 'iPad3,3': 'iPad (3rd generation)', 'iPad3,4': 'iPad (4th generation)', 'iPad3,5': 'iPad (4th generation)', 'iPad3,6': 'iPad (4th generation)', 'iPad6,11': 'iPad (5th generation)', 'iPad6,12': 'iPad (5th generation)', 'iPad7,5': 'iPad (6th generation)', 'iPad7,6': 'iPad (6th generation)', 'iPad7,11': 'iPad (7th generation)', 'iPad7,12': 'iPad (7th generation)', 'iPad11,6': 'iPad (8th generation)', 'iPad11,7': 'iPad (8th generation)', 'iPad12,1': 'iPad (9th generation)', 'iPad12,2': 'iPad (9th generation)', 'AudioAccessory1,1': 'HomePod', 'AudioAccessory1,2': 'HomePod', 'AudioAccessory5,1': 'HomePod mini', 'Watch1,1': 'Apple Watch (1st generation)', 'Watch1,2': 'Apple Watch (1st generation)', 'Watch2,6': 'Apple Watch Series 1', 'Watch2,7': 'Apple Watch Series 1', 'Watch2,3': 'Apple Watch Series 2', 'Watch2,4': 'Apple Watch Series 2', 'Watch3,1': 'Apple Watch Series 3', 'Watch3,2': 'Apple Watch Series 3', 'Watch3,3': 'Apple Watch Series 3', 'Watch3,4': 'Apple Watch Series 3', 'Watch4,1': 'Apple Watch Series 4', 'Watch4,2': 'Apple Watch Series 4', 'Watch4,3': 'Apple Watch Series 4', 'Watch4,4': 'Apple Watch Series 4', 'Watch5,1': 'Apple Watch Series 5', 'Watch5,2': 'Apple Watch Series 5', 'Watch5,3': 'Apple Watch Series 5', 'Watch5,4': 'Apple Watch Series 5', 'Watch5,9': 'Apple Watch SE', 'Watch5,10': 'Apple Watch SE', 'Watch5,11': 'Apple Watch SE', 'Watch5,12': 'Apple Watch SE', 'Watch6,1': 'Apple Watch Series 6', 'Watch6,2': 'Apple Watch Series 6', 'Watch6,3': 'Apple Watch Series 6', 'Watch6,4': 'Apple Watch Series 6', 'Watch6,6': 'Apple Watch Series 7', 'Watch6,7': 'Apple Watch Series 7', 'Watch6,8': 'Apple Watch Series 7', 'Watch6,9': 'Apple Watch Series 7', 'Watch6,10': 'Apple Watch SE (2nd generation)', 'Watch6,11': 'Apple Watch SE (2nd generation)', 'Watch6,12': 'Apple Watch SE (2nd generation)', 'Watch6,13': 'Apple Watch SE (2nd generation)', 'Watch6,14': 'Apple Watch Series 8', 'Watch6,15': 'Apple Watch Series 8', 'Watch6,16': 'Apple Watch Series 8', 'Watch6,17': 'Apple Watch Series 8', 'Watch6,18': 'Apple Watch Ultra', 'AppleTV1,1': 'Apple TV (1st generation)', 'AppleTV2,1': 'Apple TV (2nd generation)', 'AppleTV3,1': 'Apple TV (3rd generation)', 'AppleTV3,2': 'Apple TV (3rd generation)', 'AppleTV5,3': 'Apple TV (4th generation)', 'AppleTV6,2': 'Apple TV 4K', 'AppleTV11,1': 'Apple TV 4K (2nd generation)', 'AirTag1,1': 'AirTag', 'AirPods1,1': 'AirPods (1st generation)', 'AirPods2,1,AirPods2,1': 'AirPods (2nd generation)', 'AirPods1,3,Audio2,1': 'AirPods (3rd generation)', 'AirPods2,2,AirPodsPro1,1,iProd8,1': 'AirPods Pro', 'AirPodsPro1,2': 'AirPods Pro (2nd generation)', 'AirPodsMax1,1,iProd8,6': 'AirPods Max', }; export {iOSDeviceMapping};