from __future__ import annotations import os.path import shutil import subprocess import sys import tempfile import pytest def _fill_init_pyi(tmpdir: str, path: str) -> str: os.makedirs(os.path.join(tmpdir, path)) for part in path.split(os.sep): tmpdir = os.path.join(tmpdir, part) open(os.path.join(tmpdir, "__init__.pyi"), "a").close() return tmpdir def call_mypy(src: str, *, plugins: list[str] | None = None) -> tuple[int, str]: if plugins is None: plugins = ["tools.mypy_helpers.plugin"] with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir: cfg = os.path.join(tmpdir, "mypy.toml") with open(cfg, "w") as f: f.write(f"[tool.mypy]\nplugins = {plugins!r}\n") # we stub several files in order to test our plugin # the tests cannot depend on sentry being importable (it isn't!) here = os.path.dirname(__file__) # stubs for lazy_service_wrapper utils_dir = _fill_init_pyi(tmpdir, "sentry/utils") sentry_src = os.path.join(here, "../../../src/sentry/utils/") shutil.copy(sentry_src, utils_dir) with open(os.path.join(utils_dir, "__init__.pyi"), "w") as f: f.write("from typing import Any\ndef __getattr__(k: str) -> Any: ...\n") # stubs for auth types auth_dir = _fill_init_pyi(tmpdir, "sentry/auth/services/auth") with open(os.path.join(auth_dir, "model.pyi"), "w") as f: f.write("class AuthenticatedToken: ...") ret = ( *(sys.executable, "-m", "mypy"), *("--config", cfg), *("-c", src), "--show-traceback", # we only stub out limited parts of the sentry source tree "--ignore-missing-imports", ), env={**os.environ, "MYPYPATH": tmpdir}, capture_output=True, encoding="UTF-8", ) assert not ret.stderr return ret.returncode, ret.stdout def test_invalid_get_connection_call(): code = """ from django.db.transaction import get_connection with get_connection() as cursor: cursor.execute("SELECT 1") """ expected = """\ :4: error: Missing positional argument "using" in call to "get_connection" [call-arg] Found 1 error in 1 file (checked 1 source file) """ ret, out = call_mypy(code) assert ret assert out == expected def test_ok_get_connection(): code = """ from django.db.transaction import get_connection with get_connection("default") as cursor: cursor.execute("SELECT 1") """ ret, out = call_mypy(code) assert ret == 0 def test_invalid_transaction_atomic(): code = """ from django.db import transaction with transaction.atomic(): value = 10 / 2 """ expected = """\ :4: error: All overload variants of "atomic" require at least one argument [call-overload] :4: note: Possible overload variants: :4: note: def [_C: Callable[..., Any]] atomic(using: _C) -> _C :4: note: def atomic(using: str, savepoint: bool = ..., durable: bool = ...) -> Atomic Found 1 error in 1 file (checked 1 source file) """ ret, out = call_mypy(code) assert ret assert out == expected def test_ok_transaction_atomic(): code = """ from django.db import transaction with transaction.atomic("default"): value = 10 / 2 """ ret, _ = call_mypy(code) assert ret == 0 def test_ok_transaction_on_commit(): code = """ from django.db import transaction def completed(): pass transaction.on_commit(completed, "default") """ ret, _ = call_mypy(code) assert ret == 0 def test_invalid_transaction_on_commit(): code = """ from django.db import transaction def completed(): pass transaction.on_commit(completed) """ expected = """\ :7: error: Missing positional argument "using" in call to "on_commit" [call-arg] Found 1 error in 1 file (checked 1 source file) """ ret, out = call_mypy(code) assert ret assert out == expected def test_invalid_transaction_set_rollback(): code = """ from django.db import transaction transaction.set_rollback(True) """ expected = """\ :4: error: Missing positional argument "using" in call to "set_rollback" [call-arg] Found 1 error in 1 file (checked 1 source file) """ ret, out = call_mypy(code) assert ret assert out == expected def test_ok_transaction_set_rollback(): code = """ from django.db import transaction transaction.set_rollback(True, "default") """ ret, _ = call_mypy(code) assert ret == 0 @pytest.mark.parametrize( "attr", ( pytest.param("access", id="access from sentry.api.base"), pytest.param("auth", id="auth from sentry.middleware.auth"), pytest.param("csp_nonce", id="csp_nonce from csp.middleware"), pytest.param("is_sudo", id="is_sudo from sudo.middleware"), pytest.param("subdomain", id="subdomain from sentry.middleware.subdomain"), pytest.param("superuser", id="superuser from sentry.middleware.superuser"), ), ) def test_added_http_request_attribute(attr: str) -> None: src = f"""\ from django.http.request import HttpRequest x: HttpRequest x.{attr} """ ret, out = call_mypy(src, plugins=[]) assert ret ret, out = call_mypy(src) assert ret == 0, (ret, out) def test_adjusted_drf_request_auth() -> None: src = """\ from rest_framework.request import Request x: Request reveal_type(x.auth) """ expected_no_plugins = """\ :3: note: Revealed type is "Union[rest_framework.authtoken.models.Token, Any]" Success: no issues found in 1 source file """ expected_plugins = """\ :3: note: Revealed type is "Union[, None]" Success: no issues found in 1 source file """ ret, out = call_mypy(src, plugins=[]) assert ret == 0 assert out == expected_no_plugins ret, out = call_mypy(src) assert ret == 0 assert out == expected_plugins def test_lazy_service_wrapper() -> None: src = """\ from typing import assert_type, Literal from sentry.utils.lazy_service_wrapper import LazyServiceWrapper, Service, _EmptyType class MyService(Service): X = "hello world" def f(self) -> int: return 5 backend = LazyServiceWrapper(MyService, "some.path", {}) # should proxy attributes properly assert_type(backend.X, str) assert_type(backend.f(), int) # should represent self types properly assert_type(backend._backend, str) assert_type(backend._wrapped, _EmptyType | MyService) """ expected = """\ :12: error: Expression is of type "Any", not "str" [assert-type] :13: error: Expression is of type "Any", not "int" [assert-type] Found 2 errors in 1 file (checked 1 source file) """ ret, out = call_mypy(src, plugins=[]) assert ret assert out == expected ret, out = call_mypy(src) assert ret == 0