import { createContext, forwardRef, useContext, useLayoutEffect, useMemo, useRef, useState, } from 'react'; import {css} from '@emotion/react'; import styled from '@emotion/styled'; import _TextArea, {TextAreaProps} from 'sentry/components/forms/controls/textarea'; import _Input, {InputProps} from 'sentry/components/input'; import space from 'sentry/styles/space'; import {FormSize, Theme} from 'sentry/utils/theme'; interface InputContext { /** * Props passed to `Input` element (`size`, `disabled`), useful for styling * `InputLeadingItems` and `InputTrailingItems`. */ inputProps: Pick; /** * Width of the leading items wrap, to be added to `Input`'s padding. */ leadingWidth?: number; setInputProps?: (props: Pick) => void; setLeadingWidth?: (width: number) => void; setTrailingWidth?: (width: number) => void; /** * Width of the trailing items wrap, to be added to `Input`'s padding. */ trailingWidth?: number; } export const InputGroupContext = createContext({inputProps: {}}); /** * Wrapper for input group. To be used alongisde `Input`, `InputLeadingItems`, * and `InputTrailingItems`: * * * * * */ export function InputGroup({children, className}: React.HTMLAttributes) { const [leadingWidth, setLeadingWidth] = useState(); const [trailingWidth, setTrailingWidth] = useState(); const [inputProps, setInputProps] = useState>({}); const contextValue = useMemo( () => ({ inputProps, setInputProps, leadingWidth, setLeadingWidth, trailingWidth, setTrailingWidth, }), [inputProps, leadingWidth, trailingWidth] ); return ( {children} ); } export {InputProps}; export const Input = forwardRef( ({size, disabled, ...props}, ref) => { const {leadingWidth, trailingWidth, setInputProps} = useContext(InputGroupContext); useLayoutEffect(() => { setInputProps?.({size, disabled}); }, [size, disabled, setInputProps]); return ( ); } ); export {TextAreaProps}; export const TextArea = forwardRef( ({size, disabled, ...props}, ref) => { const {leadingWidth, trailingWidth, setInputProps} = useContext(InputGroupContext); useLayoutEffect(() => { setInputProps?.({size, disabled}); }, [size, disabled, setInputProps]); return ( ); } ); interface InputItemsProps { children?: React.ReactNode; /** * Whether to disable pointer events on the leading/trailing item wrap. This * should be set to true when none of the items inside the wrap are * interactive (e.g. a leading search icon). That way, mouse clicks will * fall through to the `Input` underneath and trigger a focus event. */ disablePointerEvents?: boolean; } /** * Container for leading input items (e.g. a search icon). To be wrapped * inside `InputGroup`: * * * * */ export function InputLeadingItems({children, disablePointerEvents}: InputItemsProps) { const ref = useRef(null); const { inputProps: {size = 'md', disabled}, setLeadingWidth, } = useContext(InputGroupContext); useLayoutEffect(() => { if (!ref.current) { return; } setLeadingWidth?.(ref.current.offsetWidth); }, [children, setLeadingWidth, size]); return ( {children} ); } /** * Container for trailing input items (e.g. a clear button). To be wrapped * inside `InputGroup`: * * * * */ export function InputTrailingItems({children, disablePointerEvents}: InputItemsProps) { const ref = useRef(null); const { inputProps: {size = 'md', disabled}, setTrailingWidth, } = useContext(InputGroupContext); useLayoutEffect(() => { if (!ref.current) { return; } setTrailingWidth?.(ref.current.offsetWidth); }, [children, setTrailingWidth, size]); return ( {children} ); } export const InputGroupWrap = styled('div')<{disabled?: boolean}>` position: relative; ${p => p.disabled && `color: ${p.theme.disabled};`}; `; const InputItemsWrap = styled('div')` display: grid; grid-auto-flow: column; align-items: center; gap: ${space(1)}; position: absolute; top: 50%; transform: translateY(-50%); `; interface InputStyleProps { leadingWidth?: number; size?: FormSize; trailingWidth?: number; } const getInputStyles = ({ leadingWidth, trailingWidth, size, theme, }: InputStyleProps & {theme: Theme}) => css` ${leadingWidth && ` padding-left: calc( ${theme.formPadding[size ?? 'md'].paddingLeft}px * 1.5 + ${leadingWidth}px ); `} ${trailingWidth && ` padding-right: calc( ${theme.formPadding[size ?? 'md'].paddingRight}px * 1.5 + ${trailingWidth}px ); `} `; const StyledInput = styled(_Input)` ${getInputStyles} `; const StyledTextArea = styled(_TextArea)` ${getInputStyles} `; const InputLeadingItemsWrap = styled(InputItemsWrap)<{ size: FormSize; disablePointerEvents?: boolean; }>` left: ${p => p.theme.formPadding[p.size].paddingLeft + 1}px; ${p => p.disablePointerEvents && `pointer-events: none;`} `; const InputTrailingItemsWrap = styled(InputItemsWrap)<{ size: FormSize; disablePointerEvents?: boolean; }>` right: ${p => p.theme.formPadding[p.size].paddingRight * 0.75 + 1}px; ${p => p.disablePointerEvents && `pointer-events: none;`} `;