from dataclasses import dataclass import jsonschema import orjson import pytest import yaml from flagpole import ContextBuilder, EvaluationContext, Feature, InvalidFeatureFlagConfiguration from flagpole.conditions import ConditionOperatorKind @dataclass class SimpleTestContextData: pass class TestParseFeatureConfig: def get_is_true_context_builder(self, is_true_value: bool): return ContextBuilder().add_context_transformer(lambda _data: dict(is_true=is_true_value)) def test_feature_with_empty_segments(self): feature = Feature.from_feature_config_json( "foobar", """ { "created_at": "2023-10-12T00:00:00.000Z", "owner": "test-owner", "segments": [] } """, ) assert == "foobar" assert feature.created_at == "2023-10-12T00:00:00.000Z" assert feature.owner == "test-owner" assert feature.segments == [] assert not feature.match(EvaluationContext(dict())) def test_feature_with_default_rollout(self): feature = Feature.from_feature_config_json( "foo", """ { "owner": "test-user", "created_at": "2023-10-12T00:00:00.000Z", "segments": [{ "name": "always_pass_segment", "conditions": [{ "name": "Always true", "property": "is_true", "operator": "equals", "value": true }] }] } """, ) context_builder = self.get_is_true_context_builder(is_true_value=True) assert feature.segments[0].rollout == 100 assert feature.match( def test_feature_with_rollout_zero(self): feature = Feature.from_feature_config_json( "foobar", """ { "created_at": "2023-10-12T00:00:00.000Z", "owner": "test-owner", "segments": [ { "name": "exclude", "rollout": 0, "conditions": [ { "property": "user_email", "operator": "equals", "value": "" } ] }, { "name": "friends", "rollout": 100, "conditions": [ { "property": "organization_slug", "operator": "in", "value": ["acme", "sentry"] } ] } ] } """, ) exclude_user = {"user_email": "", "organization_slug": "acme"} assert not feature.match(EvaluationContext(exclude_user)) match_user = {"user_email": "", "organization_slug": "acme"} assert feature.match(EvaluationContext(match_user)) def test_all_conditions_in_segment(self): feature = Feature.from_feature_config_json( "foobar", """ { "created_at": "2023-10-12T00:00:00.000Z", "owner": "test-owner", "segments": [ { "name": "multiple conditions", "rollout": 100, "conditions": [ { "property": "user_email", "operator": "equals", "value": "" }, { "property": "organization_slug", "operator": "in", "value": ["acme", "sentry"] } ] } ] } """, ) exclude_user = {"user_email": ""} assert not feature.match(EvaluationContext(exclude_user)) match_user = {"user_email": "", "organization_slug": "acme"} assert feature.match(EvaluationContext(match_user)) def test_valid_with_all_nesting(self): feature = Feature.from_feature_config_json( "foobar", """ { "created_at": "2023-10-12T00:00:00.000Z", "owner": "test-owner", "segments": [{ "name": "segment1", "rollout": 100, "conditions": [{ "property": "test_property", "operator": "in", "value": ["foobar"] }] }] } """, ) assert == "foobar" assert len(feature.segments) == 1 assert feature.segments[0].name == "segment1" assert feature.segments[0].rollout == 100 assert len(feature.segments[0].conditions) == 1 condition = feature.segments[0].conditions[0] assert == "test_property" assert condition.operator assert condition.operator == ConditionOperatorKind.IN assert condition.value == ["foobar"] assert feature.match(EvaluationContext(dict(test_property="foobar"))) assert not feature.match(EvaluationContext(dict(test_property="barfoo"))) def test_invalid_json(self): with pytest.raises(InvalidFeatureFlagConfiguration): Feature.from_feature_config_json("foobar", "{") def test_validate_invalid_schema(self): config = """ { "owner": "sentry", "created_at": "2024-05-14", "segments": [ { "name": "", "rollout": 1, "conditions": [] } ] } """ feature = Feature.from_feature_config_json("trash", config) with pytest.raises(jsonschema.ValidationError) as err: feature.validate() assert "is too short" in str(err) config = """ { "owner": "sentry", "created_at": "2024-05-14", "segments": [ { "name": "allowed orgs", "rollout": 1, "conditions": [ { "property": "organization_slug", "operator": "contains", "value": ["derp"] } ] } ] } """ feature = Feature.from_feature_config_json("trash", config) with pytest.raises(jsonschema.ValidationError) as err: feature.validate() assert "'contains'} is not valid" in str(err) def test_validate_valid(self): config = """ { "owner": "sentry", "created_at": "2024-05-14", "segments": [ { "name": "ga", "rollout": 100, "conditions": [] } ] } """ feature = Feature.from_feature_config_json("redpaint", config) assert feature.validate() def test_empty_string_name(self): with pytest.raises(InvalidFeatureFlagConfiguration) as exception: Feature.from_feature_config_json("", '{"segments":[]}') assert "Feature name is required" in str(exception) def test_missing_segments(self): with pytest.raises(InvalidFeatureFlagConfiguration) as exception: Feature.from_feature_config_json("foo", "{}") assert "Feature has no segments defined" in str(exception) def test_invalid_operator_condition(self): config = """ { "owner": "sentry", "segments": [ { "name": "derp", "conditions": [ {"property": "user_email", "operator": "trash", "value": 1} ] } ] } """ with pytest.raises(InvalidFeatureFlagConfiguration) as exception: Feature.from_feature_config_json("foo", config) assert "Provided config_dict is not a valid feature" in str(exception) def test_enabled_feature(self): feature = Feature.from_feature_config_json( "foo", """ { "owner": "test-user", "created_at": "2023-10-12T00:00:00.000Z", "segments": [{ "name": "always_pass_segment", "rollout": 100, "conditions": [{ "name": "Always true", "property": "is_true", "operator": "equals", "value": true }] }] } """, ) context_builder = self.get_is_true_context_builder(is_true_value=True) assert feature.match( def test_disabled_feature(self): feature = Feature.from_feature_config_json( "foo", """ { "owner": "test-user", "enabled": false, "created_at": "2023-12-12T00:00:00.000Z", "segments": [{ "name": "always_pass_segment", "rollout": 100, "conditions": [{ "name": "Always true", "property": "is_true", "operator": "equals", "value": true }] }] } """, ) context_builder = self.get_is_true_context_builder(is_true_value=True) assert not feature.match( def test_dump_yaml(self): feature = Feature.from_feature_config_json( "foo", """ { "owner": "test-user", "created_at": "2023-12-12T00:00:00.000Z", "segments": [{ "name": "always_pass_segment", "rollout": 100, "conditions": [{ "name": "Always true", "property": "is_true", "operator": "equals", "value": true }] }] } """, ) parsed_json = orjson.loads(feature.to_json_str()) parsed_yaml = dict(yaml.safe_load(feature.to_yaml_str())) assert "foo" in parsed_yaml assert parsed_yaml == parsed_json features_from_yaml = Feature.from_bulk_yaml(feature.to_yaml_str()) assert features_from_yaml == [feature]