import { makeSpan, makeTraceError, makeTracePerformanceIssue, makeTransaction, } from 'sentry/views/performance/newTraceDetails/traceModels/traceTreeTestUtils'; import type {TraceTree} from '../traceModels/traceTree'; import {TraceTreeNode} from './traceTreeNode'; const metadata: TraceTree.Metadata = { event_id: '1', project_slug: 'node', }; describe('TraceTreeNode', () => { it('infers space from timestamp and start_timestamp', () => { const node = new TraceTreeNode(null, makeTraceError({timestamp: 1}), metadata); expect([1 * 1e3, 0]); }); it('infers start_timestamp and timestamp when not provided', () => { const node = new TraceTreeNode( null, makeSpan({start_timestamp: 1, timestamp: 3}), metadata ); expect([1 * 1e3, 2 * 1e3]); }); it('stores performance issue on node', () => { const issue = makeTracePerformanceIssue({issue_short_id: 'issue1'}); const node = new TraceTreeNode( null, makeTransaction({ start_timestamp: 1, timestamp: 3, performance_issues: [issue], }), metadata ); expect(node.performance_issues.has(issue)).toBe(true); }); it('stores error on node', () => { const issue = makeTraceError(); const node = new TraceTreeNode( null, makeTransaction({ start_timestamp: 1, timestamp: 3, errors: [issue], }), metadata ); expect(node.errors.has(issue)).toBe(true); }); it('a trace error is stored on node', () => { const node = new TraceTreeNode(null, makeTraceError(), metadata); expect(node.errors.size).toBe(1); }); it('stores profile on node', () => { const node = new TraceTreeNode( null, makeTransaction({ start_timestamp: 1, timestamp: 3, profile_id: 'profile', }), metadata ); const profile = node.profiles[0] as {profile_id: string}; expect(profile.profile_id).toBe('profile'); }); it('stores profiler_id on node', () => { const node = new TraceTreeNode( null, makeTransaction({ start_timestamp: 1, timestamp: 3, profiler_id: 'profile', }), metadata ); const profile = node.profiles[0] as {profiler_id: string}; expect(profile.profiler_id).toBe('profile'); }); it('stores parent reference', () => { const parent = new TraceTreeNode(null, makeTransaction(), metadata); const child = new TraceTreeNode(parent, makeTransaction(), metadata); expect(child.parent).toBe(parent); }); describe('maxSeverity', () => { it('fatal > info', () => { const node = new TraceTreeNode( null, makeTransaction({ errors: [makeTraceError({level: 'fatal'})], performance_issues: [makeTracePerformanceIssue({level: 'info'})], }), metadata ); expect(node.maxIssueSeverity).toBe('fatal'); }); }); describe('expanding and collapsing', () => { it('default is expanded', () => { const node = new TraceTreeNode(null, makeTransaction(), metadata); expect(node.expanded).toBe(true); }); it('android tcp connections are not expanded by default', () => { const node = new TraceTreeNode( null, makeSpan({op: 'http.client', origin: 'auto.http.okhttp'}), metadata ); expect(node.expanded).toBe(false); }); }); });