import type {JsonToken} from './constants'; import { ARR, ARR_VAL, ARR_VAL_COMPLETED, ARR_VAL_STR, OBJ, OBJ_KEY, OBJ_KEY_STR, OBJ_VAL, OBJ_VAL_COMPLETED, OBJ_VAL_STR, } from './constants'; const ALLOWED_PRIMITIVES = ['true', 'false', 'null']; /** * Complete an incomplete JSON string. * This will ensure that the last element always has a `"~~"` to indicate it was truncated. * For example, `[1,2,` will be completed to `[1,2,"~~"]` * and `{"aa":"b` will be completed to `{"aa":"b~~"}` */ export function completeJson(incompleteJson: string, stack: JsonToken[]): string { if (!stack.length) { return incompleteJson; } let json = incompleteJson; // Most checks are only needed for the last step in the stack const lastPos = stack.length - 1; const lastStep = stack[lastPos]!; json = _fixLastStep(json, lastStep); // Complete remaining steps - just add closing brackets for (let i = lastPos; i >= 0; i--) { const step = stack[i]; // eslint-disable-next-line default-case switch (step) { case OBJ: json = `${json}}`; break; case ARR: json = `${json}]`; break; } } return json; } function _fixLastStep(json: string, lastStep: JsonToken): string { switch (lastStep) { // Object cases case OBJ: return `${json}"~~":"~~"`; case OBJ_KEY: return `${json}:"~~"`; case OBJ_KEY_STR: return `${json}~~":"~~"`; case OBJ_VAL: return _maybeFixIncompleteObjValue(json); case OBJ_VAL_STR: return `${json}~~"`; case OBJ_VAL_COMPLETED: return `${json},"~~":"~~"`; // Array cases case ARR: return `${json}"~~"`; case ARR_VAL: return _maybeFixIncompleteArrValue(json); case ARR_VAL_STR: return `${json}~~"`; case ARR_VAL_COMPLETED: return `${json},"~~"`; default: return json; } } function _maybeFixIncompleteArrValue(json: string): string { const pos = _findLastArrayDelimiter(json); if (pos > -1) { const part = json.slice(pos + 1); if (ALLOWED_PRIMITIVES.includes(part.trim())) { return `${json},"~~"`; } // Everything else is replaced with `"~~"` return `${json.slice(0, pos + 1)}"~~"`; } // fallback, this shouldn't happen, to be save return json; } function _findLastArrayDelimiter(json: string): number { for (let i = json.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { const char = json[i]; if (char === ',' || char === '[') { return i; } } return -1; } function _maybeFixIncompleteObjValue(json: string): string { const startPos = json.lastIndexOf(':'); const part = json.slice(startPos + 1); if (ALLOWED_PRIMITIVES.includes(part.trim())) { return `${json},"~~":"~~"`; } // Everything else is replaced with `"~~"` // This also means we do not have incomplete numbers, e.g `[1` is replaced with `["~~"]` return `${json.slice(0, startPos + 1)}"~~"`; }