import {Fragment} from 'react'; import {forceCheck} from 'react-lazyload'; import styled from '@emotion/styled'; import pick from 'lodash/pick'; import {fetchTagValues} from 'sentry/actionCreators/tags'; import type {Client} from 'sentry/api'; import {Alert} from 'sentry/components/alert'; import GuideAnchor from 'sentry/components/assistant/guideAnchor'; import DeprecatedAsyncComponent from 'sentry/components/deprecatedAsyncComponent'; import EmptyMessage from 'sentry/components/emptyMessage'; import FloatingFeedbackWidget from 'sentry/components/feedback/widget/floatingFeedbackWidget'; import * as Layout from 'sentry/components/layouts/thirds'; import ExternalLink from 'sentry/components/links/externalLink'; import LoadingIndicator from 'sentry/components/loadingIndicator'; import NoProjectMessage from 'sentry/components/noProjectMessage'; import {DatePageFilter} from 'sentry/components/organizations/datePageFilter'; import {EnvironmentPageFilter} from 'sentry/components/organizations/environmentPageFilter'; import PageFilterBar from 'sentry/components/organizations/pageFilterBar'; import PageFiltersContainer from 'sentry/components/organizations/pageFilters/container'; import {normalizeDateTimeParams} from 'sentry/components/organizations/pageFilters/parse'; import {ProjectPageFilter} from 'sentry/components/organizations/projectPageFilter'; import Pagination from 'sentry/components/pagination'; import Panel from 'sentry/components/panels/panel'; import {SearchQueryBuilder} from 'sentry/components/searchQueryBuilder'; import SentryDocumentTitle from 'sentry/components/sentryDocumentTitle'; import {getRelativeSummary} from 'sentry/components/timeRangeSelector/utils'; import {DEFAULT_STATS_PERIOD} from 'sentry/constants'; import {ALL_ACCESS_PROJECTS} from 'sentry/constants/pageFilters'; import {ReleasesSortOption} from 'sentry/constants/releases'; import {releaseHealth} from 'sentry/data/platformCategories'; import {IconSearch} from 'sentry/icons'; import {t} from 'sentry/locale'; import ProjectsStore from 'sentry/stores/projectsStore'; import {space} from 'sentry/styles/space'; import type {PageFilters} from 'sentry/types/core'; import type {Tag} from 'sentry/types/group'; import type {RouteComponentProps} from 'sentry/types/legacyReactRouter'; import type {Organization} from 'sentry/types/organization'; import type {AvatarProject, Project} from 'sentry/types/project'; import type {Release} from 'sentry/types/release'; import {ReleaseStatus} from 'sentry/types/release'; import {trackAnalytics} from 'sentry/utils/analytics'; import {SEMVER_TAGS} from 'sentry/utils/discover/fields'; import Projects from 'sentry/utils/projects'; import withApi from 'sentry/utils/withApi'; import withOrganization from 'sentry/utils/withOrganization'; import withPageFilters from 'sentry/utils/withPageFilters'; import withProjects from 'sentry/utils/withProjects'; import Header from '../components/header'; import ReleaseArchivedNotice from '../detail/overview/releaseArchivedNotice'; import {isMobileRelease} from '../utils'; import ReleaseCard from './releaseCard'; import ReleasesAdoptionChart from './releasesAdoptionChart'; import ReleasesDisplayOptions, {ReleasesDisplayOption} from './releasesDisplayOptions'; import ReleasesPromo from './releasesPromo'; import ReleasesRequest from './releasesRequest'; import ReleasesSortOptions from './releasesSortOptions'; import ReleasesStatusOptions, {ReleasesStatusOption} from './releasesStatusOptions'; type RouteParams = { orgId: string; }; type Props = RouteComponentProps & { api: Client; organization: Organization; projects: Project[]; selection: PageFilters; }; type State = { releases: Release[]; } & DeprecatedAsyncComponent['state']; class ReleasesList extends DeprecatedAsyncComponent { shouldReload = true; shouldRenderBadRequests = true; filterKeys = [ ...Object.values(SEMVER_TAGS), { key: 'release', name: 'release', }, ].reduce((acc, tag) => { acc[tag.key] = tag; return acc; }, {}); getEndpoints(): ReturnType { const {organization, location} = this.props; const {statsPeriod} = location.query; const activeSort = this.getSort(); const activeStatus = this.getStatus(); const query = { ...pick(location.query, ['project', 'environment', 'cursor', 'query', 'sort']), summaryStatsPeriod: statsPeriod, per_page: 20, flatten: activeSort === ReleasesSortOption.DATE ? 0 : 1, adoptionStages: 1, status: activeStatus === ReleasesStatusOption.ARCHIVED ? ReleaseStatus.ARCHIVED : ReleaseStatus.ACTIVE, }; const endpoints: ReturnType = [ [ 'releases', // stateKey `/organizations/${organization.slug}/releases/`, // endpoint {query}, // params {disableEntireQuery: true}, // options - prevent cursor from being passed into query ], ]; return endpoints; } componentDidUpdate(prevProps: Props, prevState: State) { super.componentDidUpdate(prevProps, prevState); if (prevState.releases !== this.state.releases) { /** * Manually trigger checking for elements in viewport. * Helpful when LazyLoad components enter the viewport without resize or scroll events, * * * HealthStatsCharts are being rendered only when they are scrolled into viewport. * This is how we re-check them without scrolling once releases change as this view * uses shouldReload=true and there is no reloading happening. */ forceCheck(); } } getQuery() { const {query} = this.props.location.query; return typeof query === 'string' ? query : undefined; } getSort(): ReleasesSortOption { const {environments} = this.props.selection; const {sort} = this.props.location.query; // Require 1 environment for date adopted if (sort === ReleasesSortOption.ADOPTION && environments.length !== 1) { return ReleasesSortOption.DATE; } const sortExists = Object.values(ReleasesSortOption).includes(sort); if (sortExists) { return sort; } return ReleasesSortOption.DATE; } getDisplay(): ReleasesDisplayOption { const {display} = this.props.location.query; switch (display) { case ReleasesDisplayOption.USERS: return ReleasesDisplayOption.USERS; default: return ReleasesDisplayOption.SESSIONS; } } getStatus(): ReleasesStatusOption { const {status} = this.props.location.query; switch (status) { case ReleasesStatusOption.ARCHIVED: return ReleasesStatusOption.ARCHIVED; default: return ReleasesStatusOption.ACTIVE; } } getSelectedProject(): Project | undefined { const {selection, projects} = this.props; // Return the first project when 'All Projects' is displayed. // This ensures the onboarding panel is shown correctly, for example. if (selection.projects.length === 0) { return projects[0]; } const selectedProjectId = selection.projects && selection.projects.length === 1 && selection.projects[0]; return projects?.find(p => === `${selectedProjectId}`); } getSelectedProjectSlugs(): string[] { const {selection, projects} = this.props; const projIdSet = new Set(selection.projects); return projects.reduce((result: string[], proj) => { if (projIdSet.has(Number( { result.push(proj.slug); } return result; }, []); } get projectHasSessions() { return this.getSelectedProject()?.hasSessions ?? null; } handleSearch = (query: string) => { const {location, router} = this.props; router.push({ ...location, query: {...location.query, cursor: undefined, query}, }); }; handleSortBy = (sort: string) => { const {location, router} = this.props; router.push({ ...location, query: {...location.query, cursor: undefined, sort}, }); }; handleDisplay = (display: string) => { const {location, router} = this.props; let sort = location.query.sort; if ( sort === ReleasesSortOption.USERS_24_HOURS && display === ReleasesDisplayOption.SESSIONS ) { sort = ReleasesSortOption.SESSIONS_24_HOURS; } else if ( sort === ReleasesSortOption.SESSIONS_24_HOURS && display === ReleasesDisplayOption.USERS ) { sort = ReleasesSortOption.USERS_24_HOURS; } else if ( sort === ReleasesSortOption.CRASH_FREE_USERS && display === ReleasesDisplayOption.SESSIONS ) { sort = ReleasesSortOption.CRASH_FREE_SESSIONS; } else if ( sort === ReleasesSortOption.CRASH_FREE_SESSIONS && display === ReleasesDisplayOption.USERS ) { sort = ReleasesSortOption.CRASH_FREE_USERS; } router.push({ ...location, query: {...location.query, cursor: undefined, display, sort}, }); }; handleStatus = (status: string) => { const {location, router} = this.props; router.push({ ...location, query: {...location.query, cursor: undefined, status}, }); }; trackAddReleaseHealth = () => { const {organization, selection} = this.props; if ( && selection.projects[0]) { trackAnalytics('releases_list.click_add_release_health', { organization, project_id: selection.projects[0], }); } }; tagValueLoader = (key: string, search: string) => { const {location, organization} = this.props; const {project: projectId} = location.query; return fetchTagValues({ api: this.api, orgSlug: organization.slug, tagKey: key, search, projectIds: projectId ? [projectId] : undefined, endpointParams: normalizeDateTimeParams(location.query), }); }; getTagValues = async (tag: Tag, currentQuery: string): Promise => { const values = await this.tagValueLoader(tag.key, currentQuery); return{value}) => value); }; shouldShowLoadingIndicator() { const {loading, releases, reloading} = this.state; return (loading && !reloading) || (loading && !releases?.length); } renderLoading() { return this.renderBody(); } renderError() { return this.renderBody(); } get shouldShowQuickstart() { const {releases} = this.state; const selectedProject = this.getSelectedProject(); const hasReleasesSetup = selectedProject?.features.includes('releases'); return !releases?.length && !hasReleasesSetup && selectedProject; } renderEmptyMessage() { const {location} = this.props; const {statsPeriod, start, end} = location.query; const searchQuery = this.getQuery(); const activeSort = this.getSort(); const activeStatus = this.getStatus(); const selectedPeriod = !!start && !!end ? t('time range') : getRelativeSummary(statsPeriod || DEFAULT_STATS_PERIOD).toLowerCase(); if (searchQuery?.length) { return ( } size="large">{`${t( 'There are no releases that match' )}: '${searchQuery}'.`} ); } if (activeSort === ReleasesSortOption.USERS_24_HOURS) { return ( } size="large"> {t( 'There are no releases with active user data (users in the last 24 hours).' )} ); } if (activeSort === ReleasesSortOption.SESSIONS_24_HOURS) { return ( } size="large"> {t( 'There are no releases with active session data (sessions in the last 24 hours).' )} ); } if ( activeSort === ReleasesSortOption.BUILD || activeSort === ReleasesSortOption.SEMVER ) { return ( } size="large"> {t('There are no releases with semantic versioning.')} ); } if (activeSort !== ReleasesSortOption.DATE) { return ( } size="large"> {`${t('There are no releases with data in the')} ${selectedPeriod}.`} ); } if (activeStatus === ReleasesStatusOption.ARCHIVED) { return ( } size="large"> {t('There are no archived releases.')} ); } return ( } size="large"> {`${t('There are no releases with data in the')} ${selectedPeriod}.`} ); } renderHealthCta() { const {organization} = this.props; const {releases} = this.state; const selectedProject = this.getSelectedProject(); if (!selectedProject || this.projectHasSessions !== false || !releases?.length) { return null; } return ( {({projects, initiallyLoaded, fetchError}) => { const project: AvatarProject | undefined = projects?.length === 1 ? : undefined; const projectCanHaveReleases = project?.platform && releaseHealth.includes(project.platform); if (!initiallyLoaded || fetchError || !projectCanHaveReleases) { return null; } return (
{t( 'To track user adoption, crash rates, session data and more, add Release Health to your current setup.' )}
{t('Add Release Health')}
); }}
); } renderInnerBody( activeDisplay: ReleasesDisplayOption, showReleaseAdoptionStages: boolean ) { const {location, selection, organization, router} = this.props; const {releases, reloading, releasesPageLinks} = this.state; const selectedProject = this.getSelectedProject(); const hasReleasesSetup = selectedProject?.features.includes('releases'); if (this.shouldShowLoadingIndicator()) { return ; } if (!releases?.length && hasReleasesSetup) { return this.renderEmptyMessage(); } if (this.shouldShowQuickstart) { return ; } return ( version)} organization={organization} selection={selection} location={location} display={[this.getDisplay()]} releasesReloading={reloading} healthStatsPeriod={location.query.healthStatsPeriod} > {({isHealthLoading, getHealthData}) => { const singleProjectSelected = selection.projects?.length === 1 && selection.projects[0] !== ALL_ACCESS_PROJECTS; // TODO: project specific chart should live on the project details page. const isMobileProject = selectedProject?.platform && isMobileRelease(selectedProject.platform); return ( {singleProjectSelected && this.projectHasSessions && isMobileProject && ( )} {, index) => ( ))} ); }} ); } renderBody() { const {organization, selection} = this.props; const {releases, reloading, error} = this.state; const activeSort = this.getSort(); const activeStatus = this.getStatus(); const activeDisplay = this.getDisplay(); const hasAnyMobileProject = selection.projects .map(id => `${id}`) .map(ProjectsStore.getById) .some(project => project?.platform && isMobileRelease(project.platform)); const showReleaseAdoptionStages = hasAnyMobileProject && selection.environments.length === 1; return (
{this.renderHealthCta()} {this.shouldShowQuickstart ? null : ( )} {!reloading && activeStatus === ReleasesStatusOption.ARCHIVED && !!releases?.length && } {error ? super.renderError() : this.renderInnerBody(activeDisplay, showReleaseAdoptionStages)} ); } } const AlertText = styled('div')` display: flex; align-items: flex-start; justify-content: flex-start; gap: ${space(2)}; > *:nth-child(1) { flex: 1; } flex-direction: column; @media (min-width: ${p => p.theme.breakpoints.medium}) { flex-direction: row; } `; const ReleasesPageFilterBar = styled(PageFilterBar)` margin-bottom: ${space(2)}; `; const SortAndFilterWrapper = styled('div')` display: grid; grid-template-columns: 1fr repeat(3, max-content); gap: ${space(2)}; margin-bottom: ${space(2)}; @media (max-width: ${p => p.theme.breakpoints.medium}) { grid-template-columns: repeat(3, 1fr); & > div { width: auto; } } @media (max-width: ${p => p.theme.breakpoints.small}) { grid-template-columns: minmax(0, 1fr); } `; const StyledSearchQueryBuilder = styled(SearchQueryBuilder)` @media (max-width: ${p => p.theme.breakpoints.medium}) { grid-column: 1 / -1; } `; export default withApi(withProjects(withOrganization(withPageFilters(ReleasesList))));