import {OrganizationFixture} from 'sentry-fixture/organization'; import {PageFiltersFixture} from 'sentry-fixture/pageFilters'; import {ProjectFixture} from 'sentry-fixture/project'; import {UserFixture} from 'sentry-fixture/user'; import {WidgetFixture} from 'sentry-fixture/widget'; import {initializeOrg} from 'sentry-test/initializeOrg'; import {render, screen, userEvent} from 'sentry-test/reactTestingLibrary'; import type {Client} from 'sentry/api'; import type {EventViewOptions} from 'sentry/utils/discover/eventView'; import EventView from 'sentry/utils/discover/eventView'; import {DiscoverDatasets} from 'sentry/utils/discover/types'; import {ErrorsConfig} from 'sentry/views/dashboards/datasetConfig/errors'; describe('ErrorsConfig', function () { describe('getCustomFieldRenderer', function () { const {organization, router} = initializeOrg(); const baseEventViewOptions: EventViewOptions = { start: undefined, end: undefined, createdBy: UserFixture(), display: undefined, fields: [], sorts: [], query: '', project: [], environment: [], yAxis: 'count()', id: undefined, name: undefined, statsPeriod: '14d', team: [], topEvents: undefined, }; it('links trace ids to performance', async function () { const customFieldRenderer = ErrorsConfig.getCustomFieldRenderer!('trace', {}); render( customFieldRenderer!( {trace: 'abcd'}, { organization, location: router.location, eventView: new EventView({ ...baseEventViewOptions, fields: [{field: 'trace'}], }), } ) as React.ReactElement, {router} ); await screen.findByText('abcd')); expect(router.push).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ pathname: '/organizations/org-slug/performance/trace/abcd/', query: { pageEnd: undefined, pageStart: undefined, statsPeriod: '14d', }, }); }); it('links event ids to event details', async function () { const project = ProjectFixture(); const customFieldRenderer = ErrorsConfig.getCustomFieldRenderer!('id', {}); render( customFieldRenderer!( {id: 'defg', '': project.slug}, { organization, location: router.location, eventView: new EventView({ ...baseEventViewOptions, fields: [{field: 'id'}], project: [parseInt(, 10)], }), } ) as React.ReactElement, {router} ); await screen.findByText('defg')); expect(router.push).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ pathname: `/organizations/org-slug/discover/${project.slug}:defg/`, query: { display: undefined, environment: undefined, field: 'id', id: undefined, interval: undefined, name: undefined, project:, query: '', sort: undefined, topEvents: undefined, widths: undefined, yAxis: 'count()', pageEnd: undefined, pageStart: undefined, statsPeriod: '14d', }, }); }); }); describe('getEventsRequest', function () { let api!: Client; let organization!: ReturnType; let mockEventsRequest!: jest.Mock; beforeEach(function () { MockApiClient.clearMockResponses(); api = new MockApiClient(); organization = OrganizationFixture(); mockEventsRequest = MockApiClient.addMockResponse({ url: '/organizations/org-slug/events/', body: { data: [], }, }); }); it('makes a request to the errors dataset', function () { const pageFilters = PageFiltersFixture(); const widget = WidgetFixture(); ErrorsConfig.getTableRequest!( api, widget, { fields: ['count()'], aggregates: ['count()'], columns: [], conditions: '', name: '', orderby: '', }, organization, pageFilters ); expect(mockEventsRequest).toHaveBeenCalledWith( '/organizations/org-slug/events/', expect.objectContaining({ query: expect.objectContaining({ dataset: DiscoverDatasets.ERRORS, }), }) ); }); }); describe('getSeriesRequest', function () { let api!: Client; let organization!: ReturnType; let mockEventsRequest!: jest.Mock; beforeEach(function () { MockApiClient.clearMockResponses(); api = new MockApiClient(); organization = OrganizationFixture(); mockEventsRequest = MockApiClient.addMockResponse({ url: '/organizations/org-slug/events-stats/', body: { data: [], }, }); }); it('makes a request to the errors dataset', function () { const pageFilters = PageFiltersFixture(); const widget = WidgetFixture({ queries: [ { fields: ['count()'], aggregates: ['count()'], columns: [], conditions: '', name: '', orderby: '', }, ], }); ErrorsConfig.getSeriesRequest!(api, widget, 0, organization, pageFilters); expect(mockEventsRequest).toHaveBeenCalledWith( '/organizations/org-slug/events-stats/', expect.objectContaining({ query: expect.objectContaining({ dataset: DiscoverDatasets.ERRORS, }), }) ); }); }); });