import type {RouteObject} from 'react-router-dom'; import * as constants from 'sentry/constants'; import {buildRoutes} from 'sentry/routes'; import {buildReactRouter6Routes} from 'sentry/utils/reactRouter6Compat/router'; import normalizeUrl from 'sentry/utils/url/normalizeUrl'; // Setup a module mock so that we can replace // USING_CUSTOMER_DOMAIN with a getter. jest.mock('sentry/constants', () => { const originalModule = jest.requireActual('sentry/constants'); return { __esModule: true, ...originalModule, get USING_CUSTOMER_DOMAIN() { return false; }, }; }); type RouteMetadata = { leadingPath: string; route: RouteObject; }; function extractRoutes(rootRoute: RouteObject[]): Set { const routes = new Set(); // A queue of routes we need to visit const visitQueue: RouteMetadata[] = [{leadingPath: '', route: rootRoute[0]!}]; while (visitQueue.length > 0) { const current = visitQueue.pop(); if (!current) { break; } const leading = current.leadingPath; const currentPath = `${leading}${current.route.path ?? ''}`.replace('//', '/'); if (current.route.children) { for (const childRoute of current.route.children ?? []) { visitQueue.push({ leadingPath: currentPath, route: childRoute, }); } } if ( current.route.element && ( current.route.element as React.ReactElement ).type.displayName?.endsWith('Redirect') ) { // Redirect routes are not relevant to us. continue; } // We are on a terminal route in the tree. Add to the map of route components. // We are less interested in container route components. if (current.route.element) { routes.add(currentPath); } } return routes; } describe('buildRoutes()', function () { // Until customer-domains is enabled for single-tenant, self-hosted and path // based slug routes are removed we need to ensure // that each orgId route also has slugless path. test('orgId routes also have domain routes', function () { const spy = jest.spyOn(constants, 'USING_CUSTOMER_DOMAIN', 'get'); // Get routes for with customer domains off. spy.mockReturnValue(false); const routes = extractRoutes(buildReactRouter6Routes(buildRoutes())); // Get routes with customer domains on. spy.mockReturnValue(true); const domainRoutes = extractRoutes(buildReactRouter6Routes(buildRoutes())); // All routes that exist under orgId path slugs should // have a sibling under customer-domains. const mismatch: Array<{domain: string; slug: string}> = []; for (const path of routes) { // Normalize the URLs so that we know the path we're looking for. const domainPath = normalizeUrl(path, {forceCustomerDomain: true}); // Path is not different under customer domains. if (domainPath === path) { continue; } if (!domainRoutes.has(domainPath)) { mismatch.push({slug: path, domain: domainPath}); } } if (mismatch.length > 0) { const routelist = mismatch .map(item => `- slug: ${item.slug}\n domain: ${item.domain}`) .join('\n'); throw new Error( `Unable to find matching URLs for the following ${mismatch.length} routes:\n\n` + routelist + '\n\nEach route with the :orgId parameter is expected to have corresponding domain based route as well. ' + 'If you need help with this drop by #proj-hybrid-cloud.' ); } }); });