import {useEffect} from 'react'; import assign from 'lodash/assign'; import flatten from 'lodash/flatten'; import memoize from 'lodash/memoize'; import omit from 'lodash/omit'; import {fetchTagValues} from 'sentry/actionCreators/tags'; import SmartSearchBar from 'sentry/components/smartSearchBar'; import {NEGATION_OPERATOR, SEARCH_WILDCARD} from 'sentry/constants'; import {Organization, SavedSearchType, TagCollection} from 'sentry/types'; import {defined} from 'sentry/utils'; import {CustomMeasurementCollection} from 'sentry/utils/customMeasurements/customMeasurements'; import { Field, FIELD_TAGS, isAggregateField, isEquation, isMeasurement, SEMVER_TAGS, SPAN_OP_BREAKDOWN_FIELDS, TRACING_FIELDS, } from 'sentry/utils/discover/fields'; import {FieldKey, FieldKind} from 'sentry/utils/fields'; import Measurements from 'sentry/utils/measurements/measurements'; import useApi from 'sentry/utils/useApi'; import withTags from 'sentry/utils/withTags'; const SEARCH_SPECIAL_CHARS_REGEXP = new RegExp( `^${NEGATION_OPERATOR}|\\${SEARCH_WILDCARD}`, 'g' ); const getFunctionTags = (fields: Readonly) => Object.fromEntries( fields .filter( item => !Object.keys(FIELD_TAGS).includes(item.field) && !isEquation(item.field) ) .map(item => [ item.field, {key: item.field, name: item.field, kind: FieldKind.FUNCTION}, ]) ); const getFieldTags = () => Object.fromEntries( Object.keys(FIELD_TAGS).map(key => [ key, { ...FIELD_TAGS[key], kind: FieldKind.FIELD, }, ]) ); const getMeasurementTags = ( measurements: Parameters< React.ComponentProps['children'] >[0]['measurements'] ) => Object.fromEntries( Object.keys(measurements).map(key => [ key, { ...measurements[key], kind: FieldKind.MEASUREMENT, }, ]) ); const getSpanTags = () => { return Object.fromEntries( => [key, {key, name: key, kind: FieldKind.METRICS}]) ); }; const getSemverTags = () => Object.fromEntries( Object.keys(SEMVER_TAGS).map(key => [ key, { ...SEMVER_TAGS[key], kind: FieldKind.FIELD, }, ]) ); export type SearchBarProps = Omit, 'tags'> & { organization: Organization; tags: TagCollection; customMeasurements?: CustomMeasurementCollection; fields?: Readonly; includeSessionTagsValues?: boolean; /** * Used to define the max height of the menu in px. */ maxMenuHeight?: number; maxSearchItems?: React.ComponentProps['maxSearchItems']; omitTags?: string[]; projectIds?: number[] | Readonly; }; function SearchBar(props: SearchBarProps) { const { maxSearchItems, organization, tags, omitTags, fields, projectIds, includeSessionTagsValues, maxMenuHeight, customMeasurements, } = props; const api = useApi(); useEffect(() => { // Clear memoized data on mount to make tests more consistent. getEventFieldValues.cache.clear?.(); // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps }, [projectIds]); // Returns array of tag values that substring match `query`; invokes `callback` // with data when ready const getEventFieldValues = memoize( (tag, query, endpointParams): Promise => { const projectIdStrings = (projectIds as Readonly[])?.map(String); if (isAggregateField(tag.key) || isMeasurement(tag.key)) { // We can't really auto suggest values for aggregate fields // or measurements, so we simply don't return Promise.resolve([]); } return fetchTagValues( api, organization.slug, tag.key, query, projectIdStrings, endpointParams, // allows searching for tags on transactions as well true, // allows searching for tags on sessions as well includeSessionTagsValues ).then( results => flatten(results.filter(({name}) => defined(name)).map(({name}) => name)), () => { throw new Error('Unable to fetch event field values'); } ); }, ({key}, query) => `${key}-${query}` ); const getTagList = ( measurements: Parameters< React.ComponentProps['children'] >[0]['measurements'] ) => { const functionTags = getFunctionTags(fields ?? []); const fieldTags = getFieldTags(); const measurementsWithKind = getMeasurementTags(measurements); const spanTags = getSpanTags(); const semverTags = getSemverTags(); const orgHasPerformanceView = organization.features.includes('performance-view'); const combinedTags: TagCollection = orgHasPerformanceView ? Object.assign({}, measurementsWithKind, spanTags, fieldTags, functionTags) : omit(fieldTags, TRACING_FIELDS); const tagsWithKind = Object.fromEntries( Object.keys(tags).map(key => [ key, { ...tags[key], kind: FieldKind.TAG, }, ]) ); assign(combinedTags, tagsWithKind, fieldTags, semverTags); const sortedTagKeys = Object.keys(combinedTags); sortedTagKeys.sort((a, b) => { return a.toLowerCase().localeCompare(b.toLowerCase()); }); combinedTags.has = { key: FieldKey.HAS, name: 'Has property', values: sortedTagKeys, predefined: true, kind: FieldKind.FIELD, }; return omit(combinedTags, omitTags ?? []); }; return ( {({measurements}) => ( { // Prepare query string (e.g. strip special characters like negation operator) return query.replace(SEARCH_SPECIAL_CHARS_REGEXP, ''); }} maxSearchItems={maxSearchItems} excludeEnvironment maxMenuHeight={maxMenuHeight ?? 300} {...props} /> )} ); } export default withTags(SearchBar);