import React from 'react'; import {InjectedRouter} from 'react-router'; import {initializeOrg} from 'sentry-test/initializeOrg'; import {render, screen, userEvent, within} from 'sentry-test/reactTestingLibrary'; import ThreadsV2 from 'sentry/components/events/interfaces/threadsV2'; import {displayOptions} from 'sentry/components/events/traceEventDataSection'; import {EventOrGroupType, Organization} from 'sentry/types'; import {EntryType, Event} from 'sentry/types/event'; import {OrganizationContext} from 'sentry/views/organizationContext'; import {RouteContext} from 'sentry/views/routeContext'; function TestComponent({ organization, router, children, }: { children: React.ReactNode; organization: Organization; router: InjectedRouter; }) { return ( {children} ); } describe('ThreadsV2', function () { const {project, organization, router} = initializeOrg(); const org = {...organization, features: ['native-stack-trace-v2']}; describe('non native platform', function () { describe('other platform', function () { const event: Event = { id: '020eb33f6ce64ed6adc60f8993535816', groupID: '68', eventID: '020eb33f6ce64ed6adc60f8993535816', projectID: '2', size: 3481, entries: [ { data: { values: [ { type: 'ZeroDivisionError', value: 'divided by 0', mechanism: null, threadId: null, module: '', stacktrace: { frames: [ { filename: 'puma (3.12.6) lib/puma/thread_pool.rb', absPath: 'puma (3.12.6) lib/puma/thread_pool.rb', module: null, package: null, platform: null, instructionAddr: null, symbolAddr: null, function: 'block in spawn_thread', rawFunction: null, symbol: null, context: [], lineNo: 135, colNo: null, inApp: false, trust: null, errors: null, vars: null, }, { filename: 'puma (3.12.6) lib/puma/server.rb', absPath: 'puma (3.12.6) lib/puma/server.rb', module: null, package: null, platform: null, instructionAddr: null, symbolAddr: null, function: 'block in run', rawFunction: null, symbol: null, context: [], lineNo: 334, colNo: null, inApp: false, trust: null, errors: null, vars: null, }, { filename: 'sentry/controllers/welcome_controller.rb', absPath: 'sentry/controllers/welcome_controller.rb', module: null, package: null, platform: null, instructionAddr: null, symbolAddr: null, function: 'index', rawFunction: null, symbol: null, context: [ [2, ' before_action :set_sentry_context\n'], [3, '\n'], [4, ' def index\n'], [5, ' 1 / 0\n'], [6, ' end\n'], [7, '\n'], [8, ' def view_error\n'], ], lineNo: 5, colNo: null, inApp: true, trust: null, errors: null, vars: null, minGroupingLevel: 1, }, { filename: 'sentry/controllers/welcome_controller.rb', absPath: 'sentry/controllers/welcome_controller.rb', module: null, package: null, platform: null, instructionAddr: null, symbolAddr: null, function: '/', rawFunction: null, symbol: null, context: [ [2, ' before_action :set_sentry_context\n'], [3, '\n'], [4, ' def index\n'], [5, ' 1 / 0\n'], [6, ' end\n'], [7, '\n'], [8, ' def view_error\n'], ], lineNo: 5, colNo: null, inApp: true, trust: null, errors: null, vars: null, minGroupingLevel: 0, }, ], framesOmitted: null, registers: null, hasSystemFrames: true, }, rawStacktrace: null, frames: null, }, ], hasSystemFrames: true, excOmitted: null, }, type: EntryType.EXCEPTION, }, { data: { values: [ { id: 13920, current: true, crashed: true, name: 'puma 002', stacktrace: null, rawStacktrace: null, }, ], }, type: EntryType.THREADS, }, ], dist: null, message: '', title: 'ZeroDivisionError: divided by 0', location: 'sentry/controllers/welcome_controller.rb', user: null, contexts: {}, sdk: null, context: {}, packages: {}, type: EventOrGroupType.ERROR, metadata: { display_title_with_tree_label: false, filename: 'sentry/controllers/welcome_controller.rb', finest_tree_label: [ {filebase: 'welcome_controller.rb', function: '/'}, {filebase: 'welcome_controller.rb', function: 'index'}, ], function: '/', type: 'ZeroDivisionError', value: 'divided by 0', }, tags: [{key: 'level', value: 'error'}], platform: 'other', dateReceived: '2021-10-28T12:28:22.318469Z', errors: [], crashFile: null, culprit: 'sentry/controllers/welcome_controller.rb in /', dateCreated: '2021-10-28T12:28:22.318469Z', fingerprints: ['58f1f47bea5239ea25397888dc9253d1'], groupingConfig: { enhancements: 'eJybzDRxY25-UmZOqpWRgZGhroGJroHRBABbUQb_', id: 'mobile:2021-02-12', }, release: null, userReport: null, sdkUpdates: [], nextEventID: null, previousEventID: null, }; const props: React.ComponentProps = { data: event.entries[1].data as React.ComponentProps['data'], event, groupingCurrentLevel: 0, hasHierarchicalGrouping: true, projectId:, }; it('renders', function () { const {container} = render( , { organization: org, } ); // Title expect(screen.getByRole('heading', {name: 'Stack Trace'})).toBeInTheDocument(); // Actions expect( screen.getByRole('button', {name: 'Full Stack Trace'}) ).toBeInTheDocument(); expect(screen.getByRole('button', {name: 'Full Stack Trace'})).not.toHaveClass( 'active' ); expect(screen.getByRole('button', {name: 'Options'})).toBeInTheDocument(); // Stack Trace expect( screen.getByRole('heading', {name: 'ZeroDivisionError'}) ).toBeInTheDocument(); expect(screen.getByText('divided by 0')).toBeInTheDocument(); expect(screen.getByTestId('stack-trace-content-v2')).toBeInTheDocument(); expect(screen.queryAllByTestId('stack-trace-frame')).toHaveLength(3); expect(container).toSnapshot(); }); it('toggle full stack trace button', function () { render( , {organization: org} ); expect(screen.queryAllByTestId('stack-trace-frame')).toHaveLength(3); expect(screen.getByRole('button', {name: 'Full Stack Trace'})).not.toHaveClass( 'active' );'button', {name: 'Full Stack Trace'})); expect(screen.getByRole('button', {name: 'Full Stack Trace'})).toHaveClass( 'active' ); expect(screen.queryAllByTestId('stack-trace-frame')).toHaveLength(4); }); it('toggle sort by display option', function () { render( , {organization: org} ); expect( within(screen.getAllByTestId('stack-trace-frame')[0]).getByText( 'sentry/controllers/welcome_controller.rb' ) ).toBeInTheDocument(); // Sort by options expect(screen.getByText('Newest')).toBeInTheDocument(); expect(screen.queryByText('Oldest')).not.toBeInTheDocument(); // Switch to recent last'Newest'));'Oldest')); // Recent last is checked expect(screen.getByText('Oldest')).toBeInTheDocument(); expect(screen.queryByText('Newest')).not.toBeInTheDocument(); // Last frame is the first on the list expect( within(screen.getAllByTestId('stack-trace-frame')[0]).getByText( 'puma (3.12.6) lib/puma/server.rb' ) ).toBeInTheDocument(); // Click on recent first'Oldest'));'Newest')); // First frame is the first on the list expect( within(screen.getAllByTestId('stack-trace-frame')[0]).getByText( 'sentry/controllers/welcome_controller.rb' ) ).toBeInTheDocument(); }); it('check display options', async function () { render( , {organization: org} );'button', {name: 'Options'})); expect(await screen.findByText('Display')).toBeInTheDocument(); Object.entries(displayOptions).forEach(([key, value]) => { if (key === 'minified' || key === 'raw-stack-trace') { expect(screen.getByText(value)).toBeInTheDocument(); return; } expect(screen.queryByText(value)).not.toBeInTheDocument(); }); // Hover over the Minified option userEvent.hover(screen.getByText(displayOptions.minified)); // Minified option is disabled expect( await screen.findByText('Minified version not available') ).toBeInTheDocument(); }); }); }); describe('native platform', function () { describe('cocoa', function () { const event: Event = { id: 'bfe4379d82934b2b91d70b1167bcae8d', groupID: '24', eventID: 'bfe4379d82934b2b91d70b1167bcae8d', projectID: '2', size: 89101, entries: [ { data: { values: [ { stacktrace: { frames: [ { filename: null, absPath: null, module: null, package: '/private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/575F9D39-D486-4728-B035-84923A0BE206/', platform: null, instructionAddr: '0x1000adb08', symbolAddr: '0x1000ad5c4', function: '__44-[SentryBreadcrumbTracker swizzleSendAction]_block_invoke_2', rawFunction: null, symbol: null, context: [], lineNo: null, colNo: null, inApp: false, trust: null, errors: null, vars: null, }, { filename: null, absPath: null, module: null, package: '/System/Library/Frameworks/UIKit.framework/UIKit', platform: null, instructionAddr: '0x197885c54', symbolAddr: '0x197885bf4', function: '', rawFunction: null, symbol: null, context: [], lineNo: null, colNo: null, inApp: false, trust: null, errors: null, vars: null, }, { filename: null, absPath: null, module: null, package: '/System/Library/Frameworks/UIKit.framework/UIKit', platform: null, instructionAddr: '0x197885c54', symbolAddr: '0x197885bf4', function: '', rawFunction: null, symbol: null, context: [], lineNo: null, colNo: null, inApp: false, trust: null, errors: null, vars: null, }, { filename: null, absPath: null, module: null, package: '/var/containers/Bundle/Application/575F9D39-D486-4728-B035-84923A0BE206/', platform: null, instructionAddr: '0x10008c5ac', symbolAddr: '0x10008c500', function: 'ViewController.causeCrash', rawFunction: 'ViewController.causeCrash(Any) -> ()', symbol: null, context: [], lineNo: null, colNo: null, inApp: true, trust: null, errors: null, vars: null, }, { filename: null, absPath: null, module: null, package: '/private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/575F9D39-D486-4728-B035-84923A0BE206/', platform: null, instructionAddr: '0x1000b0bfc', symbolAddr: '0x1000b0be4', function: '-[SentryClient crash]', rawFunction: null, symbol: null, context: [], lineNo: null, colNo: null, inApp: false, trust: null, errors: null, vars: null, }, ], framesOmitted: null, hasSystemFrames: true, registers: { cpsr: '0x60000000', fp: '0x16fd79870', lr: '0x10008c5ac', pc: '0x1000b0bfc', sp: '0x16fd79810', x0: '0x1700eee80', x1: '0x10008e49c', x10: '0x1b7886ff0', x11: '0x59160100591680', x12: '0x0', x13: '0x591600', x14: '0x591700', x15: '0x5916c0', x16: '0x591601', x17: '0x1000b0be4', x18: '0x0', x19: '0x1740eb200', x2: '0x0', x20: '0x10fd08db0', x21: '0x10008e4de', x22: '0x10fe0a470', x23: '0x10fe0a470', x24: '0x174008ba0', x25: '0x0', x26: '0x19838eb61', x27: '0x1', x28: '0x170046c60', x29: '0x16fd79870', x3: '0x1740eb200', x4: '0x1740eb200', x5: '0x1740eb200', x6: '0x0', x7: '0x2', x8: '0x0', x9: '0x1b7886fec', }, }, threadId: 0, module: null, mechanism: null, rawStacktrace: null, value: 'Attempted to dereference null pointer.\nOriginated at or in a subcall of ViewController.causeCrash(Any) -> ()', type: 'EXC_BAD_ACCESS', }, ], hasSystemFrames: true, excOmitted: null, }, type: EntryType.EXCEPTION, }, { data: { values: [ { id: 0, current: false, crashed: true, name: null, stacktrace: { frames: [ { filename: null, absPath: null, module: null, package: '/System/Library/Frameworks/UIKit.framework/UIKit', platform: null, instructionAddr: '0x197885c54', symbolAddr: '0x197885bf4', function: '', rawFunction: null, symbol: null, context: [], lineNo: null, colNo: null, inApp: false, trust: null, errors: null, vars: null, }, { filename: null, absPath: null, module: null, package: '/System/Library/Frameworks/UIKit.framework/UIKit', platform: null, instructionAddr: '0x197885c54', symbolAddr: '0x197885bf4', function: '', rawFunction: null, symbol: null, context: [], lineNo: null, colNo: null, inApp: false, trust: null, errors: null, vars: null, }, { filename: null, absPath: null, module: null, package: '/var/containers/Bundle/Application/575F9D39-D486-4728-B035-84923A0BE206/', platform: null, instructionAddr: '0x10008c630', symbolAddr: '0x10008c5e8', function: 'ViewController.causeCrash', rawFunction: '@objc ViewController.causeCrash(Any) -> ()', symbol: null, context: [], lineNo: null, colNo: null, inApp: true, trust: null, errors: null, vars: null, }, { filename: null, absPath: null, module: null, package: '/var/containers/Bundle/Application/575F9D39-D486-4728-B035-84923A0BE206/', platform: null, instructionAddr: '0x10008c5ac', symbolAddr: '0x10008c500', function: 'ViewController.causeCrash', rawFunction: 'ViewController.causeCrash(Any) -> ()', symbol: null, context: [], lineNo: null, colNo: null, inApp: true, trust: null, errors: null, vars: null, }, { filename: null, absPath: null, module: null, package: '/private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/575F9D39-D486-4728-B035-84923A0BE206/', platform: null, instructionAddr: '0x1000b0bfc', symbolAddr: '0x1000b0be4', function: '-[SentryClient crash]', rawFunction: null, symbol: null, context: [], lineNo: null, colNo: null, inApp: false, trust: null, errors: null, vars: null, }, ], framesOmitted: null, registers: { cpsr: '0x60000000', fp: '0x16fd79870', lr: '0x10008c5ac', pc: '0x1000b0bfc', sp: '0x16fd79810', x0: '0x1700eee80', x1: '0x10008e49c', x10: '0x1b7886ff0', x11: '0x59160100591680', x12: '0x0', x13: '0x591600', x14: '0x591700', x15: '0x5916c0', x16: '0x591601', x17: '0x1000b0be4', x18: '0x0', x19: '0x1740eb200', x2: '0x0', x20: '0x10fd08db0', x21: '0x10008e4de', x22: '0x10fe0a470', x23: '0x10fe0a470', x24: '0x174008ba0', x25: '0x0', x26: '0x19838eb61', x27: '0x1', x28: '0x170046c60', x29: '0x16fd79870', x3: '0x1740eb200', x4: '0x1740eb200', x5: '0x1740eb200', x6: '0x0', x7: '0x2', x8: '0x0', x9: '0x1b7886fec', }, hasSystemFrames: true, }, rawStacktrace: null, }, { id: 1, current: false, crashed: false, name: null, stacktrace: { frames: [ { filename: null, absPath: null, module: null, package: '/usr/lib/system/libsystem_pthread.dylib', platform: null, instructionAddr: '0x1907df1a4', symbolAddr: '0x1907decb8', function: '_pthread_wqthread', rawFunction: null, symbol: null, context: [], lineNo: null, colNo: null, inApp: false, trust: null, errors: null, vars: null, }, { filename: null, absPath: null, module: null, package: '/usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib', platform: null, instructionAddr: '0x190719a88', symbolAddr: '0x190719a80', function: '__workq_kernreturn', rawFunction: null, symbol: null, context: [], lineNo: null, colNo: null, inApp: false, trust: null, errors: null, vars: null, }, ], framesOmitted: null, registers: { cpsr: '0x0', fp: '0x16dfcaf70', lr: '0x1907df1a4', pc: '0x190719a88', sp: '0x16dfcaef0', x0: '0x4', x1: '0x0', x10: '0x1', x11: '0x0', x12: '0x30000400000d03', x13: '0x0', x14: '0x1740e9edc', x15: '0xfffffff100000000', x16: '0x170', x17: '0x191619c10', x18: '0x0', x19: '0x16dfcb000', x2: '0x0', x20: '0x19', x21: '0x270019', x22: '0x0', x23: '0xd03', x24: '0x1b788d000', x25: '0x1b788d000', x26: '0x0', x27: '0x80000000', x28: '0x800010ff', x29: '0x16dfcaf70', x3: '0x0', x4: '0x80010ff', x5: '0x0', x6: '0x0', x7: '0x0', x8: '0x2', x9: '0x17409b4ec', }, hasSystemFrames: false, }, rawStacktrace: null, }, ], }, type: EntryType.THREADS, }, { data: { images: [ { code_file: '/var/containers/Bundle/Application/575F9D39-D486-4728-B035-84923A0BE206/', debug_id: '6b77ffb6-5aba-3b5f-9171-434f9660f738', image_addr: '0x100084000', image_size: 49152, image_vmaddr: '0x100000000', type: 'macho', candidates: [], features: { has_debug_info: false, has_sources: false, has_symbols: false, has_unwind_info: false, }, }, { code_file: '/System/Library/Frameworks/UIKit.framework/UIKit', debug_id: '314063bd-f85f-321d-88d6-e24a0de464a2', image_addr: '0x197841000', image_size: 14315520, image_vmaddr: '0x187769000', type: 'macho', candidates: [], features: { has_debug_info: false, has_sources: false, has_symbols: false, has_unwind_info: false, }, }, { code_file: '/private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/575F9D39-D486-4728-B035-84923A0BE206/', debug_id: '141a9203-b953-3cd6-b9fd-7ba60191a36d', image_addr: '0x1000a4000', image_size: 163840, image_vmaddr: '0x0', type: 'macho', candidates: [], features: { has_debug_info: false, has_sources: false, has_symbols: false, has_unwind_info: false, }, }, { code_file: '/private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/575F9D39-D486-4728-B035-84923A0BE206/', debug_id: '141a9203-b953-3cd6-b9fd-7ba60191a36d', image_addr: '0x1000a4000', image_size: 163840, image_vmaddr: '0x0', type: 'macho', candidates: [], features: { has_debug_info: false, has_sources: false, has_symbols: false, has_unwind_info: false, }, }, ], }, type: EntryType.DEBUGMETA, }, ], dist: '1', message: '', title: 'ViewController.causeCrash | main', location: null, user: { id: '1234', email: '', username: null, ip_address: '', name: null, data: null, }, type: EventOrGroupType.ERROR, metadata: { display_title_with_tree_label: true, finest_tree_label: [ { function: 'ViewController.causeCrash', }, { function: 'main', }, ], function: 'ViewController.causeCrash', value: 'Attempted to dereference null pointer.\nOriginated at or in a subcall of ViewController.causeCrash(Any) -> ()', }, platform: 'cocoa', dateReceived: '2021-11-02T07:33:38.831104Z', errors: [ { type: 'invalid_data', message: 'Discarded invalid value', data: { name: 'threads.values.9.stacktrace.frames', reason: 'expected a non-empty value', }, }, ], crashFile: null, culprit: '', dateCreated: '2021-11-02T07:33:38.831104Z', fingerprints: ['852f6cf1ed76d284b95e7d62275088ca'], groupingConfig: { enhancements: 'eJybzDRxY25-UmZOqpWRgZGhroGJroHRBABbUQb_', id: 'mobile:2021-02-12', }, tags: [], contexts: {}, userReport: null, sdkUpdates: [], nextEventID: null, previousEventID: null, }; const props: React.ComponentProps = { data: event.entries[1].data as React.ComponentProps['data'], event, groupingCurrentLevel: 0, hasHierarchicalGrouping: true, projectId:, }; it('renders', function () { const {container} = render( , {organization: org} ); // Title expect(screen.getByTestId('thread-selector')).toBeInTheDocument(); // Actions expect( screen.getByRole('button', {name: 'Full Stack Trace'}) ).toBeInTheDocument(); expect(screen.getByRole('button', {name: 'Full Stack Trace'})).not.toHaveClass( 'active' ); expect(screen.getByRole('button', {name: 'Options'})).toBeInTheDocument(); // Stack Trace expect(screen.getByRole('heading', {name: 'EXC_BAD_ACCESS'})).toBeInTheDocument(); expect( screen.getByText( 'Attempted to dereference null pointer. Originated at or in a subcall of ViewController.causeCrash(Any) -> ()' ) ).toBeInTheDocument(); expect(screen.getByTestId('stack-trace')).toBeInTheDocument(); expect(screen.queryAllByTestId('stack-trace-frame')).toHaveLength(3); expect(container).toSnapshot(); }); it('toggle full stack trace button', function () { render( , {organization: org} ); expect(screen.queryAllByTestId('stack-trace-frame')).toHaveLength(3); expect(screen.getByRole('button', {name: 'Full Stack Trace'})).not.toHaveClass( 'active' );'button', {name: 'Full Stack Trace'})); expect(screen.getByRole('button', {name: 'Full Stack Trace'})).toHaveClass( 'active' ); expect(screen.queryAllByTestId('stack-trace-frame')).toHaveLength(4); }); it('toggle sort by option', function () { render( , {organization: org} ); expect( within(screen.getAllByTestId('stack-trace-frame')[0]).getByText( '-[SentryClient crash]' ) ).toBeInTheDocument();'button', {name: 'Newest'})); // Sort by options expect(screen.getAllByText('Newest')).toHaveLength(2); expect(screen.getByText('Oldest')).toBeInTheDocument(); // Recent first is checked by default expect( within(screen.getByTestId('recent-first')).getByTestId('icon-check-mark') ).toBeInTheDocument(); // Click on recent last'Oldest')); // Recent last is enabled expect(screen.queryByText('Newest')).not.toBeInTheDocument(); expect(screen.getByText('Oldest')).toBeInTheDocument(); // Last frame is the first on the list expect( within(screen.getAllByTestId('stack-trace-frame')[0]).getByText('UIKit') ).toBeInTheDocument(); // Switch back to recent first'button', {name: 'Oldest'}));'Newest')); // First frame is the first on the list expect( within(screen.getAllByTestId('stack-trace-frame')[0]).getByText( '-[SentryClient crash]' ) ).toBeInTheDocument(); }); it('check display options', async function () { render( , {organization: org} );'button', {name: 'Options'})); expect(await screen.findByText('Display')).toBeInTheDocument(); Object.values(displayOptions).forEach(value => { expect(screen.getByText(value)).toBeInTheDocument(); }); // Hover over absolute file paths option userEvent.hover(screen.getByText(displayOptions['absolute-file-paths'])); // Absolute file paths option is disabled expect( await screen.findByText('Absolute file paths not available') ).toBeInTheDocument(); // Hover over Minified option userEvent.hover(screen.getByText(displayOptions.minified)); // Minified option is disabled expect( await screen.findByText('Unsymbolicated version not available') ).toBeInTheDocument(); // Function name is not verbose expect( within(screen.getAllByTestId('stack-trace-frame')[1]).getByText( 'ViewController.causeCrash' ) ).toBeInTheDocument(); // Click on verbose function name option['verbose-function-names'])); // Function name is now verbose expect( within(screen.getAllByTestId('stack-trace-frame')[1]).getByText( 'ViewController.causeCrash(Any) -> ()' ) ).toBeInTheDocument(); // Address is not absolute expect( within(screen.getAllByTestId('stack-trace-frame')[1]).getByText('+0x085ac') ).toBeInTheDocument(); // Click on absolute file paths option['absolute-addresses'])); // Address is now absolute expect( within(screen.getAllByTestId('stack-trace-frame')[1]).getByText('0x10008c5ac') ).toBeInTheDocument(); // Click on raw stack trace option['raw-stack-trace'])); // Download button is displayed expect(screen.getByRole('button', {name: 'Download'})).toBeInTheDocument(); // Full stack trace toggler is not displayed expect( screen.queryByRole('button', {name: 'Full Stack Trace'}) ).not.toBeInTheDocument(); // Raw content is displayed expect(screen.queryByRole('list', {name: 'Stack trace'})).not.toBeInTheDocument(); // Raw content and the Raw stack trace option expect(screen.getAllByTestId('raw-stack-trace')).toHaveLength(2); }); }); }); });