import {Fragment} from 'react'; import ExternalLink from 'sentry/components/links/externalLink'; import {Layout, LayoutProps} from 'sentry/components/onboarding/gettingStartedDoc/layout'; import {ModuleProps} from 'sentry/components/onboarding/gettingStartedDoc/sdkDocumentation'; import {StepType} from 'sentry/components/onboarding/gettingStartedDoc/step'; import {t, tct} from 'sentry/locale'; // Configuration Start const introduction = (

{tct( 'Symfony is supported via the [code:sentry-symfony] package as a native bundle.', {code: } )}

); export const steps = ({ dsn, }: Partial> = {}): LayoutProps['steps'] => [ { type: StepType.INSTALL, configurations: [ { language: 'bash', description: (

{tct('Install the [code:sentry/sentry-symfony] bundle:', {code: })}

), code: 'composer require sentry/sentry-symfony', }, { language: 'yaml', description: (

{tct( 'Due to a bug in all versions below "6.0" of the [sensioFrameworkExtraBundleCode:SensioFrameworkExtraBundle] bundle, you will likely receive an error during the execution of the command above related to the missing [nyholmPsr7FactoryPsr17FactoryCode:NyholmPsr7FactoryPsr17Factory] class. To workaround the issue, if you are not using the PSR-7 bridge, please change the configuration of that bundle as follows:', { sensioFrameworkExtraBundleCode: , nyholmPsr7FactoryPsr17FactoryCode: , } )}

), code: ` sensio_framework_extra: psr_message: enabled: false `, additionalInfo: (

{tct( 'For more details about the issue see [link:].', { link: ( ), } )}

), }, ], }, { type: StepType.CONFIGURE, configurations: [ { description: (

{tct('Add your DSN to [code:config/packages/sentry.yaml]:', {code: })}

), language: 'php', code: ` sentry: dsn: "%env(${dsn})%" `, }, { description:

{tct('And in your [code:.env] file:', {code: })}

, language: 'plain', code: ` ###> sentry/sentry-symfony ### SENTRY_DSN="${dsn}" ###< sentry/sentry-symfony ### `, }, ], }, { type: StepType.VERIFY, description: (

{tct( 'To test that both logger error and exception are correctly sent to [], you can create the following controller:', { sentryLink: , } )}

), configurations: [ { language: 'php', code: ` logger = $logger; } /** * @Route(name="sentry_test", path="/_sentry-test") */ public function testLog() { // the following code will test if monolog integration logs to sentry $this->logger->error('My custom logged error.'); // the following code will test if an uncaught exception logs to sentry throw new \\RuntimeException('Example exception.'); } } `, }, ], additionalInfo: (

{tct( "After you visit the [code:/_sentry-test page], you can view and resolve the recorded error by logging into [] and opening your project. Clicking on the error's title will open a page where you can see detailed information and mark it as resolved.", {sentryLink: , code: } )}

), }, { title: t('Performance monitoring'), description: ( {t('Performance monitoring integrations to support tracing')}

{t( 'The process of logging the events that took place during a request, often across multiple services are enabled by default. To use them, update to the latest version of the SDK.' )}

{tct( 'These integrations hook into critical paths of the framework and of the vendors. As a result, there may be a performance penalty. To disable tracing, please see the [integrationDocumentationLink:Integrations documentation].', { integrationDocumentationLink: ( ), } )}

), configurations: [ { description: (

{tct( "If you [strong:are not] using Symfony Flex, you'll also need to enable the bundle in [code:config/bundles.php]:", { code: , strong: , } )}

), language: 'php', code: ` ['all' => true], ]; `, }, ], }, { title: t('Monolog Integration'), configurations: [ { description: (

{tct( 'If you are using [monologLink:Monolog] to report events instead of the typical error listener approach, you need this additional configuration to log the errors correctly:', { monologLink: , } )}

), language: 'yaml', code: ` sentry: register_error_listener: false # Disables the ErrorListener to avoid duplicated log in sentry register_error_handler: false # Disables the ErrorListener, ExceptionListener and FatalErrorListener integrations of the base PHP SDK monolog: handlers: sentry: type: sentry level: !php/const Monolog\\Logger::ERROR hub_id: Sentry\\State\\HubInterface `, }, { description: (

{tct( 'f you are using a version of [monologBundleLink:MonologBundle] prior to [code:3.7], you need to configure the handler as a service instead:', { monologBundleLink: ( ), code: , } )}

), language: 'yaml', code: ` monolog: handlers: sentry: type: service id: Sentry\\Monolog\\Handler services: Sentry\\Monolog\\Handler: arguments: $hub: '@Sentry\\State\\HubInterface' $level: !php/const Monolog\\Logger::ERROR `, }, { description: (

{tct( 'Additionally, you can register the [code:PsrLogMessageProcessor] to resolve PSR-3 placeholders in reported messages:', { code: , } )}

), language: 'yaml', code: ` services: Monolog\\Processor\\PsrLogMessageProcessor: tags: { name: monolog.processor, handler: sentry } `, }, ], }, ]; // Configuration End export function GettingStartedWithSymfony({dsn, ...props}: ModuleProps) { return ; } export default GettingStartedWithSymfony;