import {t} from 'sentry/locale'; import {EventGroupComponent, EventGroupInfo, EventGroupVariant} from 'sentry/types'; function renderGroupingInfo(groupingInfo: EventGroupInfo): string[] { return Object.values(groupingInfo).map(renderGroupVariant).flat(); } function renderGroupVariant(variant: EventGroupVariant): string[] { const title = [t('Type: %s', variant.type)]; if (variant.hash) { title.push(t('Hash: %s', variant.hash)); } if (variant.description) { title.push(t('Description: %s', variant.description)); } const rv = [title.join('\n')]; if (variant.component) { rv.push(renderComponent(variant.component).join('\n')); } return rv; } function renderComponent(component: EventGroupComponent): string[] { if (!component.contributes) { return []; } const {name, id, hint} = component; const name_or_id = name || id; const title = name_or_id && hint ? `${name_or_id} (${hint})` : name_or_id; const rv = title ? [title] : []; if (component.values) { for (const value of component.values) { if (typeof value === 'string') { rv.push(` ${value}`); continue; } for (const line of renderComponent(value)) { rv.push(` ${line}`); } } } return rv; } export default renderGroupingInfo;