import styled from '@emotion/styled'; import { getMappedThreadState, ThreadStates, } from 'sentry/components/events/interfaces/threads/threadSelector/threadStates'; import {getCurrentThread} from 'sentry/components/events/interfaces/utils'; import ExternalLink from 'sentry/components/links/externalLink'; import {t, tct} from 'sentry/locale'; import type {EntryException, Event, Frame, Lock, Thread} from 'sentry/types'; import {EntryType} from 'sentry/types'; import {defined} from 'sentry/utils'; type SuspectFrame = { module: string | RegExp; resources: React.ReactNode; exceptionMessage?: string; functions?: (string | RegExp)[]; offendingThreadStates?: ThreadStates[]; }; const CULPRIT_FRAMES: SuspectFrame[] = [ { module: '', functions: [ 'read', 'write', 'fstat', 'fsync', 'fdatasync', 'access', 'open', 'chmod', ], offendingThreadStates: [ ThreadStates.WAITING, ThreadStates.TIMED_WAITING, ThreadStates.RUNNABLE, ], resources: t( 'File I/O operations, such as reading from or writing to files on disk, can be time-consuming, especially if the file size is large or the storage medium is slow. Move File I/O off the main thread to avoid this ANR.' ), }, { module: 'android.database.sqlite.SQLiteConnection', functions: [ 'nativeOpen', 'nativeExecute', /nativeExecuteFor[a-zA-Z]+/, /nativeBind[a-zA-Z]+/, /nativeGet[a-zA-Z]+/, 'nativePrepareStatement', ], offendingThreadStates: [ ThreadStates.WAITING, ThreadStates.TIMED_WAITING, ThreadStates.RUNNABLE, ], resources: t( 'Database operations, such as querying, inserting, updating, or deleting data, can involve disk I/O, processing, and potentially long-running operations. Move database operations off the main thread to avoid this ANR.' ), }, { module: '$EditorImpl', functions: ['commit'], offendingThreadStates: [ ThreadStates.WAITING, ThreadStates.TIMED_WAITING, ThreadStates.RUNNABLE, ], resources: t( "If you have a particularly large or complex SharedPreferences file or if you're performing multiple simultaneous commits in quick succession, this can lead to ANR. Switch to SharedPreferences.apply or move commit to a background thread to avoid this ANR." ), }, { module: /^android\.app\.SharedPreferencesImpl\$EditorImpl\$[0-9]/, functions: ['run'], offendingThreadStates: [ ThreadStates.WAITING, ThreadStates.TIMED_WAITING, ThreadStates.RUNNABLE, ], resources: t( 'SharedPreferences.apply will save data on background thread only if it happens before the activity/service finishes. Switch to SharedPreferences.commit and move commit to a background thread.' ), }, { module: '', functions: ['callApplicationOnCreate'], offendingThreadStates: [ ThreadStates.WAITING, ThreadStates.TIMED_WAITING, ThreadStates.RUNNABLE, ], resources: tct( 'The app is initializing too many things on the main thread during app launch. To avoid this ANR, optimize cold/warm app starts by offloading operations off the main thread and [link:lazily initializing] components.', { link: ( ), } ), }, { module: 'android.content.res.AssetManager', functions: [ 'nativeOpenAsset', 'nativeOpenAssetFd', 'nativeOpenNonAsset', 'nativeOpenNonAssetFd', ], offendingThreadStates: [ ThreadStates.WAITING, ThreadStates.TIMED_WAITING, ThreadStates.RUNNABLE, ], resources: t( 'If the AssetManager operation involves reading or loading a large asset file on the main thread, this can lead to ANR. Move loading heavy assets off the main thread to avoid this ANR.' ), }, { module: 'android.content.res.AssetManager', functions: [/^nativeGetResource[a-zA-Z]+/], offendingThreadStates: [ ThreadStates.WAITING, ThreadStates.TIMED_WAITING, ThreadStates.RUNNABLE, ], resources: t( "If you're reading a particularly large raw file (for example, a video file) on the main thread, this can lead to ANR. Look for heavy resources in the '/res' or '/res/raw; folders to avoid this ANR." ), }, { module: 'android.view.LayoutInflater', functions: ['inflate'], offendingThreadStates: [ ThreadStates.WAITING, ThreadStates.TIMED_WAITING, ThreadStates.RUNNABLE, ], resources: tct( 'The app is potentially inflating a heavy, deeply-nested layout. [link:Optimize view hierarchy], use view stubs, use include/merge tags for reusing inflated views to avoid this ANR.', { link: ( ), } ), }, ]; function satisfiesModuleCondition(frame: Frame, suspect: SuspectFrame) { if (suspect.module === null || suspect.module === undefined) { return true; } const matchFuction = suspect.module; return typeof matchFuction === 'string' ? frame.module?.startsWith(matchFuction) : frame.module && matchFuction.test(frame.module); } function satisfiesFunctionCondition(frame: Frame, suspect: SuspectFrame) { if ( suspect.functions === undefined || suspect.functions === null || suspect.functions.length === 0 ) { return true; } if (frame.function === null || frame.function === undefined) { return false; } for (let index = 0; index < suspect.functions.length; index++) { const matchFuction = suspect.functions[index]; const match = typeof matchFuction === 'string' ? frame.function === matchFuction : matchFuction.test(frame.function); if (match) { return true; } } return false; } function satisfiesOffendingThreadCondition( threadState: string | undefined | null, offendingThreadStates?: ThreadStates[] ) { if (offendingThreadStates === undefined || offendingThreadStates.length === 0) { return true; } const mappedState = getMappedThreadState(threadState); if (mappedState === undefined) { return false; } return offendingThreadStates.includes(mappedState); } export function analyzeFramesForRootCause(event: Event): { culprit: string | Lock; resources: React.ReactNode; } | null { const exception = event.entries.find(entry => entry.type === EntryType.EXCEPTION) as | EntryException | undefined; if (exception === undefined) { return null; } const exceptionFrames =[0]?.stacktrace?.frames; if (exceptionFrames === undefined) { return null; } const currentThread = getCurrentThread(event); // iterating the frames in reverse order, because the topmost frames most like the root cause for (let index = exceptionFrames.length - 1; index >= 0; index--) { const frame = exceptionFrames[index]; const rootCause = analyzeFrameForRootCause(frame, currentThread); if (defined(rootCause)) { return rootCause; } } return null; } function lockRootCauseCulprit(lock: Lock): { culprit: string | Lock; resources: React.ReactNode; } { const address = lock.address; const obj = `${lock.package_name}.${lock.class_name}`; const tid = lock.thread_id; return { culprit: lock, resources: tct( 'The main thread is blocked/waiting, trying to acquire lock [address] ([obj]) [heldByThread]', { address: {address}, obj: {obj}, heldByThread: tid ? 'held by the suspect frame of this thread.' : '.', } ), }; } export function analyzeFrameForRootCause( frame: Frame, currentThread?: Thread, lockAddress?: string ): { culprit: string | Lock; resources: React.ReactNode; } | null { if (defined(lockAddress) && frame.lock?.address === lockAddress) { // if we are provided with a lockAddress, we just have to analyze if the frame's lock // address is equal to the one provided to mark the frame as suspect return lockRootCauseCulprit(frame.lock); } if ( defined(frame.lock) && currentThread?.current && satisfiesOffendingThreadCondition(currentThread?.state, [ ThreadStates.WAITING, ThreadStates.TIMED_WAITING, ThreadStates.BLOCKED, ]) ) { // if the current (main) thread contains a lock and not in a RUNNABLE state, we return early // with the lock being the culprit return lockRootCauseCulprit(frame.lock); } // otherwise, we analyze for common patterns for (const possibleCulprit of CULPRIT_FRAMES) { if ( satisfiesModuleCondition(frame, possibleCulprit) && satisfiesFunctionCondition(frame, possibleCulprit) && satisfiesOffendingThreadCondition( currentThread?.state, possibleCulprit.offendingThreadStates ) ) { return { culprit: typeof possibleCulprit.module === 'string' ? possibleCulprit.module : possibleCulprit.module.toString(), resources: possibleCulprit.resources, }; } } return null; } const Bold = styled('span')` font-weight: bold; `;