import {resolveJSSelfProfilingStack} from 'sentry/utils/profiling/jsSelfProfiling'; import {createFrameIndex} from 'sentry/utils/profiling/profile/utils'; const toStackNames = (stack: ReadonlyArray<JSSelfProfiling.Frame>): string[] => { return =>; }; describe('jsSelfProfiling', () => { describe('resolveJSSelfProfilingStack', () => { it('when thread is idle and sample has no associated stackId', () => { const trace: JSSelfProfiling.Trace = { frames: [], resources: [], samples: [{stackId: undefined, timestamp: 0}], stacks: [], }; expect(resolveJSSelfProfilingStack(trace, undefined, {})).toEqual([]); }); it('when stackId is set', () => { const trace: JSSelfProfiling.Trace = { frames: [ {name: 'foo', line: 0, column: 0}, {name: 'bar', line: 0, column: 0}, {name: 'baz', line: 0, column: 0}, {name: 'foobar', line: 0, column: 0}, {name: 'foobarbaz', line: 0, column: 0}, {name: 'foobarbazfoo', line: 0, column: 0}, ], resources: [], samples: [{stackId: 5, timestamp: 0}], stacks: [ {frameId: 0, parentId: undefined}, {frameId: 1, parentId: undefined}, {frameId: 2, parentId: undefined}, {frameId: 3, parentId: 2}, {frameId: 4, parentId: 3}, {frameId: 5, parentId: 4}, ], }; expect( toStackNames( resolveJSSelfProfilingStack(trace, 5, createFrameIndex(trace.frames)) ) ).toEqual(['baz', 'foobar', 'foobarbaz', 'foobarbazfoo']); }); it('when marker is present on the stack', () => { const trace: JSSelfProfiling.Trace = { frames: [ {name: 'foo', line: 0, column: 0}, {name: 'bar', line: 0, column: 0}, {name: 'baz', line: 0, column: 0}, {name: 'foobar', line: 0, column: 0}, {name: 'foobarbaz', line: 0, column: 0}, {name: 'foobarbazfoo', line: 0, column: 0}, ], resources: [], samples: [{stackId: 5, timestamp: 0, marker: 'gc'}], stacks: [ {frameId: 0, parentId: undefined}, {frameId: 1, parentId: undefined}, {frameId: 2, parentId: undefined}, {frameId: 3, parentId: 2}, {frameId: 4, parentId: 3}, {frameId: 5, parentId: 4}, ], }; // I'm not sure I like passing the marker, the reason it's like this is that we usually loop through the samples and have the marker as // we execute resolveJSSelfProfilingStack, but I'm not sure we should do that and instead augment the resolved stack outside of the loop. // The nice thing about it is that it centralizes the stack logic and makes it easier to test. expect( toStackNames( resolveJSSelfProfilingStack(trace, 5, createFrameIndex(trace.frames), 'gc') ) ).toEqual(['baz', 'foobar', 'foobarbaz', 'foobarbazfoo', 'Garbage Collection']); }); it('when stack is empty, but browser was performing other operations', () => { const trace: JSSelfProfiling.Trace = { frames: [], resources: [], samples: [{stackId: 0, timestamp: 0, marker: 'paint'}], stacks: [{frameId: 0, parentId: undefined}], }; expect( toStackNames( resolveJSSelfProfilingStack(trace, 0, createFrameIndex(trace.frames), 'paint') ) ).toEqual(['Paint']); }); }); });