import {Fragment} from 'react'; import {browserHistory} from 'react-router'; import styled from '@emotion/styled'; import {Location} from 'history'; import {Client} from 'sentry/api'; import {Button} from 'sentry/components/button'; import {HeaderTitleLegend} from 'sentry/components/charts/styles'; import Count from 'sentry/components/count'; import DropdownLink from 'sentry/components/dropdownLink'; import Duration from 'sentry/components/duration'; import EmptyStateWarning from 'sentry/components/emptyStateWarning'; import {RadioLineItem} from 'sentry/components/forms/controls/radioGroup'; import IdBadge from 'sentry/components/idBadge'; import Link from 'sentry/components/links/link'; import LoadingIndicator from 'sentry/components/loadingIndicator'; import MenuItem from 'sentry/components/menuItem'; import Pagination, {CursorHandler} from 'sentry/components/pagination'; import {Panel} from 'sentry/components/panels'; import QuestionTooltip from 'sentry/components/questionTooltip'; import Radio from 'sentry/components/radio'; import {Tooltip} from 'sentry/components/tooltip'; import {IconArrow, IconEllipsis} from 'sentry/icons'; import {t} from 'sentry/locale'; import space from 'sentry/styles/space'; import {AvatarProject, Organization, Project} from 'sentry/types'; import trackAdvancedAnalyticsEvent from 'sentry/utils/analytics/trackAdvancedAnalyticsEvent'; import {formatPercentage, getDuration} from 'sentry/utils/formatters'; import TrendsDiscoverQuery from 'sentry/utils/performance/trends/trendsDiscoverQuery'; import {decodeScalar} from 'sentry/utils/queryString'; import {MutableSearch} from 'sentry/utils/tokenizeSearch'; import useApi from 'sentry/utils/useApi'; import withOrganization from 'sentry/utils/withOrganization'; import withProjects from 'sentry/utils/withProjects'; import { DisplayModes, transactionSummaryRouteWithQuery, } from 'sentry/views/performance/transactionSummary/utils'; import Chart from './chart'; import { NormalizedTrendsTransaction, TrendChangeType, TrendColumnField, TrendFunctionField, TrendsStats, TrendView, } from './types'; import { getCurrentTrendFunction, getCurrentTrendParameter, getSelectedQueryKey, getTrendProjectId, modifyTrendView, normalizeTrends, transformDeltaSpread, transformValueDelta, trendCursorNames, trendToColor, } from './utils'; type Props = { location: Location; organization: Organization; projects: Project[]; setError: (msg: string | undefined) => void; trendChangeType: TrendChangeType; trendView: TrendView; previousTrendColumn?: TrendColumnField; previousTrendFunction?: TrendFunctionField; }; type TrendsCursorQuery = { improvedCursor?: string; regressionCursor?: string; }; const makeTrendsCursorHandler = (trendChangeType: TrendChangeType): CursorHandler => (cursor, path, query) => { const cursorQuery = {} as TrendsCursorQuery; if (trendChangeType === TrendChangeType.IMPROVED) { cursorQuery.improvedCursor = cursor; } else if (trendChangeType === TrendChangeType.REGRESSION) { cursorQuery.regressionCursor = cursor; } const selectedQueryKey = getSelectedQueryKey(trendChangeType); delete query[selectedQueryKey]; browserHistory.push({ pathname: path, query: {...query, ...cursorQuery}, }); }; function getChartTitle(trendChangeType: TrendChangeType): string { switch (trendChangeType) { case TrendChangeType.IMPROVED: return t('Most Improved Transactions'); case TrendChangeType.REGRESSION: return t('Most Regressed Transactions'); default: throw new Error('No trend type passed'); } } function getSelectedTransaction( location: Location, trendChangeType: TrendChangeType, transactions?: NormalizedTrendsTransaction[] ): NormalizedTrendsTransaction | undefined { const queryKey = getSelectedQueryKey(trendChangeType); const selectedTransactionName = decodeScalar(location.query[queryKey]); if (!transactions) { return undefined; } const selectedTransaction = transactions.find( transaction => `${transaction.transaction}-${transaction.project}` === selectedTransactionName ); if (selectedTransaction) { return selectedTransaction; } return transactions.length > 0 ? transactions[0] : undefined; } function handleChangeSelected( location: Location, organization: Organization, trendChangeType: TrendChangeType ) { return function updateSelected(transaction?: NormalizedTrendsTransaction) { const selectedQueryKey = getSelectedQueryKey(trendChangeType); const query = { ...location.query, }; if (!transaction) { delete query[selectedQueryKey]; } else { query[selectedQueryKey] = transaction ? `${transaction.transaction}-${transaction.project}` : undefined; } browserHistory.push({ pathname: location.pathname, query, }); trackAdvancedAnalyticsEvent('performance_views.trends.widget_interaction', { organization, widget_type: trendChangeType, }); }; } enum FilterSymbols { GREATER_THAN_EQUALS = '>=', LESS_THAN_EQUALS = '<=', } function handleFilterTransaction(location: Location, transaction: string) { const queryString = decodeScalar(location.query.query); const conditions = new MutableSearch(queryString ?? ''); conditions.addFilterValues('!transaction', [transaction]); const query = conditions.formatString(); browserHistory.push({ pathname: location.pathname, query: { ...location.query, query: String(query).trim(), }, }); } function handleFilterDuration( location: Location, organization: Organization, value: number, symbol: FilterSymbols, trendChangeType: TrendChangeType, projects: Project[], projectIds: Readonly ) { const durationTag = getCurrentTrendParameter(location, projects, projectIds).column; const queryString = decodeScalar(location.query.query); const conditions = new MutableSearch(queryString ?? ''); const existingValues = conditions.getFilterValues(durationTag); const alternateSymbol = symbol === FilterSymbols.GREATER_THAN_EQUALS ? '>' : '<'; if (existingValues) { existingValues.forEach(existingValue => { if (existingValue.startsWith(symbol) || existingValue.startsWith(alternateSymbol)) { conditions.removeFilterValue(durationTag, existingValue); } }); } conditions.addFilterValues(durationTag, [`${symbol}${value}`]); const query = conditions.formatString(); browserHistory.push({ pathname: location.pathname, query: { ...location.query, query: String(query).trim(), }, }); trackAdvancedAnalyticsEvent('performance_views.trends.change_duration', { organization, widget_type: getChartTitle(trendChangeType), value: `${symbol}${value}`, }); } function ChangedTransactions(props: Props) { const { location, trendChangeType, previousTrendFunction, previousTrendColumn, organization, projects, setError, } = props; const api = useApi(); const trendView = props.trendView.clone(); const chartTitle = getChartTitle(trendChangeType); modifyTrendView(trendView, location, trendChangeType, projects); const onCursor = makeTrendsCursorHandler(trendChangeType); const cursor = decodeScalar(location.query[trendCursorNames[trendChangeType]]); const paginationAnalyticsEvent = (direction: string) => { trackAdvancedAnalyticsEvent('performance_views.trends.widget_pagination', { organization, direction, widget_type: getChartTitle(trendChangeType), }); }; return ( setError(error?.message)} > {({isLoading, trendsData, pageLinks}) => { const trendFunction = getCurrentTrendFunction(location); const trendParameter = getCurrentTrendParameter( location, projects, trendView.project ); const events = normalizeTrends( (trendsData && && || [] ); const selectedTransaction = getSelectedTransaction( location, trendChangeType, events ); const statsData = trendsData?.stats || {}; const transactionsList = events && events.slice ? events.slice(0, 5) : []; const currentTrendFunction = isLoading && previousTrendFunction ? previousTrendFunction : trendFunction.field; const currentTrendColumn = isLoading && previousTrendColumn ? previousTrendColumn : trendParameter.column; const titleTooltipContent = t( 'This compares the baseline (%s) of the past with the present.', trendFunction.legendLabel ); return ( {chartTitle} {isLoading ? ( ) : ( {transactionsList.length ? ( {, index) => ( ))} ) : ( {t('No results')} )} )} ); }} ); } type TrendsListItemProps = { api: Client; currentTrendColumn: string; currentTrendFunction: string; handleSelectTransaction: (transaction: NormalizedTrendsTransaction) => void; index: number; location: Location; organization: Organization; projects: Project[]; statsData: TrendsStats; transaction: NormalizedTrendsTransaction; transactions: NormalizedTrendsTransaction[]; trendChangeType: TrendChangeType; trendView: TrendView; }; function TrendsListItem(props: TrendsListItemProps) { const { transaction, transactions, trendChangeType, currentTrendFunction, currentTrendColumn, index, location, organization, projects, handleSelectTransaction, trendView, } = props; const color = trendToColor[trendChangeType].default; const selectedTransaction = getSelectedTransaction( location, trendChangeType, transactions ); const isSelected = selectedTransaction === transaction; const project = projects.find( ({slug}) => slug === transaction.project ) as AvatarProject; const currentPeriodValue = transaction.aggregate_range_2; const previousPeriodValue = transaction.aggregate_range_1; const absolutePercentChange = formatPercentage( Math.abs(transaction.trend_percentage - 1), 0 ); const previousDuration = getDuration( previousPeriodValue / 1000, previousPeriodValue < 1000 && previousPeriodValue > 10 ? 0 : 2 ); const currentDuration = getDuration( currentPeriodValue / 1000, currentPeriodValue < 1000 && currentPeriodValue > 10 ? 0 : 2 ); const percentChangeExplanation = t( 'Over this period, the %s for %s has %s %s from %s to %s', currentTrendFunction, currentTrendColumn, trendChangeType === TrendChangeType.IMPROVED ? t('decreased') : t('increased'), absolutePercentChange, previousDuration, currentDuration ); const longestPeriodValue = trendChangeType === TrendChangeType.IMPROVED ? previousPeriodValue : currentPeriodValue; const longestDuration = trendChangeType === TrendChangeType.IMPROVED ? previousDuration : currentDuration; return ( {t('Total Events')} } disableForVisualTest // Disabled tooltip in snapshots because of overlap order issues. > handleSelectTransaction(transaction)} /> {trendChangeType === TrendChangeType.REGRESSION ? '+' : ''} {formatPercentage(transaction.trend_percentage - 1, 0)} } aria-label={t('Actions')} /> } > handleFilterDuration( location, organization, longestPeriodValue, FilterSymbols.LESS_THAN_EQUALS, trendChangeType, projects, trendView.project ) } > {t('Show \u2264 %s', longestDuration)} handleFilterDuration( location, organization, longestPeriodValue, FilterSymbols.GREATER_THAN_EQUALS, trendChangeType, projects, trendView.project ) } > {t('Show \u2265 %s', longestDuration)} handleFilterTransaction(location, transaction.transaction)} > {t('Hide from list')} {project && ( )} ); } export const CompareDurations = ({ transaction, }: { transaction: TrendsListItemProps['transaction']; }) => { const {fromSeconds, toSeconds, showDigits} = transformDeltaSpread( transaction.aggregate_range_1, transaction.aggregate_range_2 ); return ( ); }; const ValueDelta = ({transaction, trendChangeType}: TrendsListItemProps) => { const {seconds, fixedDigits, changeLabel} = transformValueDelta( transaction.trend_difference, trendChangeType ); return ( {changeLabel} ); }; type TransactionSummaryLinkProps = TrendsListItemProps & {}; const TransactionSummaryLink = (props: TransactionSummaryLinkProps) => { const { organization, trendView: eventView, transaction, projects, currentTrendFunction, currentTrendColumn, } = props; const summaryView = eventView.clone(); const projectID = getTrendProjectId(transaction, projects); const target = transactionSummaryRouteWithQuery({ orgSlug: organization.slug, transaction: String(transaction.transaction), query: summaryView.generateQueryStringObject(), projectID, display: DisplayModes.TREND, trendFunction: currentTrendFunction, trendColumn: currentTrendColumn, }); return ( {transaction.transaction} ); }; const TransactionsListContainer = styled('div')` display: flex; flex-direction: column; `; const TrendsTransactionPanel = styled(Panel)` margin: 0; flex-grow: 1; `; const ChartContainer = styled('div')` padding: ${space(3)}; `; const StyledHeaderTitleLegend = styled(HeaderTitleLegend)` border-radius: ${p => p.theme.borderRadius}; margin: ${space(2)} ${space(3)}; `; const StyledButton = styled(Button)` vertical-align: middle; `; const MenuAction = styled('div')<{['data-test-id']?: string}>` white-space: nowrap; color: ${p => p.theme.textColor}; `; MenuAction.defaultProps = { 'data-test-id': 'menu-action', }; const StyledEmptyStateWarning = styled(EmptyStateWarning)` min-height: 300px; justify-content: center; `; const ListItemContainer = styled('div')` display: grid; grid-template-columns: 24px auto 100px 30px; grid-template-rows: repeat(2, auto); grid-column-gap: ${space(1)}; border-top: 1px solid ${p => p.theme.border}; padding: ${space(1)} ${space(2)}; `; const ItemRadioContainer = styled('div')` grid-row: 1/3; input { cursor: pointer; } input:checked::after { background-color: ${p => p.color}; } `; const ItemTransactionName = styled(Link)` font-size: ${p => p.theme.fontSizeMedium}; margin-right: ${space(1)}; ${p => p.theme.overflowEllipsis}; `; const ItemTransactionDurationChange = styled('div')` display: flex; align-items: center; font-size: ${p => p.theme.fontSizeSmall}; `; const DurationChange = styled('span')` color: ${p => p.theme.gray300}; margin: 0 ${space(1)}; `; const ItemTransactionPercentage = styled('div')` text-align: right; font-size: ${p => p.theme.fontSizeMedium}; `; const ItemTransactionStatus = styled('div')` color: ${p => p.color}; text-align: right; font-size: ${p => p.theme.fontSizeSmall}; `; const TooltipContent = styled('div')` display: flex; flex-direction: column; align-items: center; `; const StyledIconArrow = styled(IconArrow)` margin: 0 ${space(1)}; `; export default withProjects(withOrganization(ChangedTransactions));