import ExternalLink from 'sentry/components/links/externalLink'; import {DEPLOY_PREVIEW_CONFIG, EXPERIMENTAL_SPA} from 'sentry/constants'; import {t, tct} from 'sentry/locale'; import AlertStore from 'sentry/stores/alertStore'; export function displayDeployPreviewAlert() { if (!DEPLOY_PREVIEW_CONFIG) { return; } const {branch, commitSha, githubOrg, githubRepo} = DEPLOY_PREVIEW_CONFIG; const repoUrl = `${githubOrg}/${githubRepo}`; const commitLink = ( <ExternalLink href={`${repoUrl}/commit/${commitSha}`}> {t('%s@%s', `${githubOrg}/${githubRepo}`, commitSha.slice(0, 6))} </ExternalLink> ); const branchLink = ( <ExternalLink href={`${repoUrl}/tree/${branch}`}>{branch}</ExternalLink> ); AlertStore.addAlert({ id: 'deploy-preview', message: tct( 'You are viewing a frontend deploy preview of [commitLink] ([branchLink])', {commitLink, branchLink} ), type: 'warning', neverExpire: true, noDuplicates: true, }); } export function displayExperimentalSpaAlert() { if (!EXPERIMENTAL_SPA) { return; } AlertStore.addAlert({ id: 'develop-proxy', message: t( 'You are developing against production Sentry API, please BE CAREFUL, as your changes will affect production data.' ), type: 'warning', opaque: true, neverExpire: true, noDuplicates: true, }); }