import round from 'lodash/round'; import AsyncComponent from 'sentry/components/asyncComponent'; import { getDiffInMinutes, shouldFetchPreviousPeriod, } from 'sentry/components/charts/utils'; import {normalizeDateTimeParams} from 'sentry/components/organizations/pageFilters/parse'; import ScoreCard from 'sentry/components/scoreCard'; import {DEFAULT_STATS_PERIOD} from 'sentry/constants'; import {IconArrow} from 'sentry/icons'; import {t} from 'sentry/locale'; import { Organization, PageFilters, SessionApiResponse, SessionFieldWithOperation, } from 'sentry/types'; import {defined, percent} from 'sentry/utils'; import {formatAbbreviatedNumber} from 'sentry/utils/formatters'; import {getPeriod} from 'sentry/utils/getPeriod'; import {displayCrashFreePercent, getCrashFreePercent} from 'sentry/views/releases/utils'; import { getSessionTermDescription, SessionTerm, } from 'sentry/views/releases/utils/sessionTerm'; import MissingReleasesButtons from '../missingFeatureButtons/missingReleasesButtons'; type Props = AsyncComponent['props'] & { field: SessionFieldWithOperation.SESSIONS | SessionFieldWithOperation.USERS; hasSessions: boolean | null; isProjectStabilized: boolean; organization: Organization; selection: PageFilters; query?: string; }; type State = AsyncComponent['state'] & { currentSessions: SessionApiResponse | null; previousSessions: SessionApiResponse | null; }; class ProjectStabilityScoreCard extends AsyncComponent<Props, State> { shouldRenderBadRequests = true; getDefaultState() { return { ...super.getDefaultState(), currentSessions: null, previousSessions: null, }; } getEndpoints() { const {organization, selection, isProjectStabilized, hasSessions, query, field} = this.props; if (!isProjectStabilized || !hasSessions) { return []; } const {projects, environments: environment, datetime} = selection; const {period} = datetime; const commonQuery = { environment, project: projects[0], groupBy: 'session.status', interval: getDiffInMinutes(datetime) > 24 * 60 ? '1d' : '1h', query, field, }; // Unfortunately we can't do something like statsPeriod=28d&interval=14d to get scores for this and previous interval with the single request // const endpoints: ReturnType<AsyncComponent['getEndpoints']> = [ [ 'currentSessions', `/organizations/${organization.slug}/sessions/`, { query: { ...commonQuery, ...normalizeDateTimeParams(datetime), }, }, ], ]; if ( shouldFetchPreviousPeriod({ start: datetime.start, end: datetime.end, period: datetime.period, }) ) { const doubledPeriod = getPeriod( {period, start: undefined, end: undefined}, {shouldDoublePeriod: true} ).statsPeriod; endpoints.push([ 'previousSessions', `/organizations/${organization.slug}/sessions/`, { query: { ...commonQuery, statsPeriodStart: doubledPeriod, statsPeriodEnd: period ?? DEFAULT_STATS_PERIOD, }, }, ]); } return endpoints; } get cardTitle() { return this.props.field === SessionFieldWithOperation.SESSIONS ? t('Crash Free Sessions') : t('Crash Free Users'); } get cardHelp() { return getSessionTermDescription( this.props.field === SessionFieldWithOperation.SESSIONS ? SessionTerm.CRASH_FREE_SESSIONS : SessionTerm.CRASH_FREE_USERS, null ); } get score() { const {currentSessions} = this.state; return this.calculateCrashFree(currentSessions); } get trend() { const {previousSessions} = this.state; const previousScore = this.calculateCrashFree(previousSessions); if (!defined(this.score) || !defined(previousScore)) { return undefined; } return round(this.score - previousScore, 3); } get trendStatus(): React.ComponentProps<typeof ScoreCard>['trendStatus'] { if (!this.trend) { return undefined; } return this.trend > 0 ? 'good' : 'bad'; } componentDidUpdate(prevProps: Props) { const {selection, isProjectStabilized, hasSessions, query} = this.props; if ( prevProps.selection !== selection || prevProps.hasSessions !== hasSessions || prevProps.isProjectStabilized !== isProjectStabilized || prevProps.query !== query ) { this.remountComponent(); } } calculateCrashFree(data?: SessionApiResponse | null) { const {field} = this.props; if (!data) { return undefined; } const totalSessions = data.groups.reduce( (acc, group) => acc + group.totals[field], 0 ); const crashedSessions = data.groups.find( group =>['session.status'] === 'crashed' )?.totals[field]; if (totalSessions === 0 || !defined(totalSessions) || !defined(crashedSessions)) { return undefined; } const crashedSessionsPercent = percent(crashedSessions, totalSessions); return getCrashFreePercent(100 - crashedSessionsPercent); } renderLoading() { return this.renderBody(); } renderMissingFeatureCard() { const {organization} = this.props; return ( <ScoreCard title={this.cardTitle} help={this.cardHelp} score={<MissingReleasesButtons organization={organization} health />} /> ); } renderScore() { const {loading} = this.state; if (loading || !defined(this.score)) { return '\u2014'; } return displayCrashFreePercent(this.score); } renderTrend() { const {loading} = this.state; if (loading || !defined(this.score) || !defined(this.trend)) { return null; } return ( <div> {this.trend >= 0 ? ( <IconArrow direction="up" size="xs" /> ) : ( <IconArrow direction="down" size="xs" /> )} {`${formatAbbreviatedNumber(Math.abs(this.trend))}\u0025`} </div> ); } renderBody() { const {hasSessions} = this.props; if (hasSessions === false) { return this.renderMissingFeatureCard(); } return ( <ScoreCard title={this.cardTitle} help={this.cardHelp} score={this.renderScore()} trend={this.renderTrend()} trendStatus={this.trendStatus} /> ); } } export default ProjectStabilityScoreCard;